Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 780: Guess the prize

The Lantern Lantern Festival kicked off, with various lanterns fascinating, dragon dances, lion dances and other performances are also very exciting, but tourists are most interested in the puzzle lanterns with puzzles written on them.

Guess the puzzles, which are very open and interesting, are already interesting enough. Not to mention that after guessing the correct answer, there are huge and attractive prizes.

The number of puzzle lights is very large, the various prizes are random, and the value of the prize has nothing to do with the difficulty of the puzzle.

Maybe a very simple puzzle, the corresponding prize is very expensive. It may also be a very difficult puzzle, but the corresponding prizes are very low.

The puzzle lamp is divided into multiple areas, and there are several staff members in each area.

After the tourists have guessed the answer, they can directly tell the staff. If the answer is correct, the staff will give the prize behind the puzzle lamp to the tourists, and at the same time extinguish the puzzle lamp.

After the riddle guessing activity officially started, there were a large number of tourists and crowds in every riddle area.

The eyes of all the tourists are on a mystery lamp, constantly sweeping around, thinking hard about the answer.

There are whisperers, frowning contemplatives, and others discussing and guessing with each other.

"In an exam, a pair of the same table handed in exactly the same exam papers, but the teacher thought they definitely did not cheat. Why?" A young man with glasses muttered this question in a low voice.

Suddenly, the glasses man's eyes lit up, and he thought of the answer. Pointing to a mystery lamp, he said to the nearest staff member: "I know the answer. Those two people handed in a blank paper."

The man with glasses just finished speaking, and after a few people around him froze for a while, he suddenly realized, and at the same time he made a sound of annoyance.

Obviously, they were also thinking about this question, but they were taken first by the man with glasses.

When the staff heard the answer from the man with glasses, he smiled and said, "Congratulations to this gentleman, the answer is correct."

After speaking, remove the prize behind the corresponding puzzle lamp and turn off the puzzle lamp at the same time. Then he handed the prize to the young man and said: "Mr.'s prize is a red envelope in cash, congratulations."

The man in glasses took the red envelope excitedly and said "thank you".

The people around were also a little excited when they saw that the man with glasses got a cash red envelope. One of them said, "Hey! Brother, can you open the red envelope and see how much it has?"

"Yes, brother, open everyone and take a look." Several people said.

The man in glasses looked even more excited when everyone was looking at him enthusiastically, and said generously, "Sure, there is no problem, I will open it now."

After speaking, he opened the red envelope in public and took out the money inside, his eyes suddenly burst.

There was a sound of "holding scorpion" around, and there was a pile of red one hundred yuan bills in the hands of the man with glasses.

Someone swallowed their saliva and said excitedly: "Quick, count quickly, how many are there in total?"

The man with glasses is also very excited. This Nima's first question comes with a big bag. This luck is the rhythm to be sent tonight!

"I count." The man with glasses said as he began to count the money, and more people around were staring at the hand of the man with glasses counting money.

"A total of twelve, 1,200 yuan." The man with glasses said excitedly.

"Grab the fuck! A big bag worth more than one thousand yuan will be made as soon as you come, you kid will send it tonight!"

"Hold it! Isn't it? The first cash red envelope I saw was 1200. I have good luck, or is it bad?"


The big red envelope of 1200 cash immediately set off a small climax in the surrounding atmosphere.

The people who were already excited enough seemed to be even more excited, and they were thinking about the answer with all their energy.

Everyone wants such a big cash red envelope. Although there are not too many big red envelopes above 1,000 yuan, it is estimated that they are not too few. Maybe they will be the next one to get a 1,000 yuan big package.

Of course, there are other prizes that are more attractive than cash red envelopes, such as the fairy seal fragments, or the opportunity to take photos with the guardian beasts.

In another area of ​​the mystery lamp, a girl with a good figure and a good-looking face was full of excitement at this time, and the eyes of the people around her looking at her were full of envy.

The girl just answered a question correctly, and the prize she got was an opportunity to take a photo with the guardian beast, and she could choose any kind of guardian beast.

The guardian beasts have rarely seen their faces now, including the tiger's head. So far, many tourists have never seen a guardian beast with their own eyes, and they are very longing and looking forward to seeing the guardian beast.

If you can take a photo with a kind of guardian animal, whether it is among tourists or on the Internet, it is a very popular and face-conscious thing, enough to make people enviable.

Of course, the limelight and face are secondary. The most important thing is the group photo itself, which is the legendary guardian beast, and everyone wants to take a photo with it.

Someone asked the girl, which kind of beast do you want to choose? The girl thought for a while, and replied that she chose Xiaotian.

After listening to them, they nodded and discussed each other.

"I heard that Xiaotian is a giant eagle-like beast. It is white all over, very handsome and beautiful! It's a pity that I haven't seen it."

"Yes, that's true. Come to the farm since then, and you will always see it. Because they will show up occasionally."

"Hey! Isn't it a good opportunity tonight? With so many lamp fans, everyone try to guess, maybe just like the girl just now, got the opportunity to take a photo with the beast."

"Haha! That's right, everyone works hard together."


Tourists are more and more interested in guessing puzzles. As time goes by, more and more puzzles are guessed.

However, not everyone is so lucky, some cash red envelopes only have a few dollars, or dozens of dollars.

There are also some low-amount consumer coupons in some.

Of course, in contrast, these unsatisfactory prizes did not affect the interest of tourists in the slightest.

Li Fan and Su Qing shuttled in the crowd, Su Qing seemed very excited, looking around, looking like ordinary tourists.

Li Fan smiled faintly, following Su Qing, this time the Lantern Festival was very successful, and he was very happy in his heart.

The two walked into a puzzle area, where many puzzle lights were already turned off.

In one place, the surrounding mystery lights were all extinguished, only one was still lit alone, and there were more than a dozen people around, seeming to be discussing.

"Is the puzzle of the mystery lamp difficult?" Li Fan couldn't help but have a hint of interest.

"Qingqing, let's go over there and take a look." Li Fan said.

"Yeah." Su Qing agreed, and followed Li Fan to the lonely mystery lamp.

Li Fan saw a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. It turned out to be this question.

This is a riddle question, the title is like this.

"January after month, half of the two months.

Mountain after mountain, all three mountains hang upside down.

There are arable fields above and long flowing rivers below.

There are six people in one room, and the two are not reunited. "

The answer is to type a word.

Su Qing was also looking at the puzzle, and after reading it, she said, "This problem is so difficult, no wonder it's still lit alone."

"Is it difficult?" Li Fan smiled faintly. On the surface, this question seemed difficult, but the answer was a very simple word.