Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 870: The girl in the next class

The title of the song is "Childhood", but there is no more suitable name for the theme of this event.

Everyone moved in their hearts and stared at the big screen with wide-open eyes.

At this time, the first set of pictures appeared on the big screen. It was a school with a sense of the times. On the playground of the campus, the little students with red scarves chased and frolicked. The smiles on their faces were very pure and brilliant, even though they were just In the picture, everyone seems to be able to hear the joyful laughter of the children.

The swing on the side of the playground was swung high by the children.

Outside the school, there is a beautiful pond with luxuriant banyan branches, which shows that it is summer.

Along with the picture on the big screen, a prelude to the song came out from the speaker.

The on-site equipment is professional top-level equipment, so the sound effect is very good.

The prelude is relaxed, cheerful, simple, and has a sense of rhythm. It does not use complicated instrumental chorus, but has a strong penetrating power, and the sound strikes in the hearts of everyone.

With the prelude, many people became more and more excited, and wanted to cheer loudly, but they held it back.

Because now everyone can basically be sure that that person is the person they most look forward to, Li Fan.

This kind of prelude, this kind of appeal, is exactly one of the greatest charms of Li Fan's music works.

With the pictures on the big screen, everyone seems to have returned to that easy, simple, happy, and carefree childhood.

Many people are following the rhythmic music, shaking their fingers lightly, already enjoying it.

"On the banyan tree by the pond,

Zhiye is calling summer.

On the swing by the playground,

Only the butterfly stopped on it.


From the singing, a strong sense of picture, accompanied by catchy melody, instantly filled everyone's mind.

At this time, even without looking at the picture on the big screen, everyone can clearly see that there is a very beautiful pond in front of them, and there is a big banyan tree beside the pond.

I could also hear the cries of "knowledge" coming from the big banyan tree.

In the school, class should have already started, and the noisy playground just now has no classmates.

The swing on the side of the playground no longer swings high, only a beautiful butterfly is still resting on it.

Everything can be seen and heard, it's so clear, and the strong sense of picture makes everyone's thoughts follow the song to sway far away, sway into the distant ages.

"Teacher's chalk on the blackboard,

Still desperately twittering and writing non-stop.

Waiting for the end of get out of class, waiting for the end of school,

Waiting for the childhood of the game.


Before everyone's eyes, without exception, there was another picture of the teacher tweeting on the blackboard with chalk.

That was their teacher in elementary school. The face of the teacher was blurred, but the figure of the teacher in the classroom has never been forgotten.

At a certain moment, everyone seemed to feel that the face of the teacher, who was already blurred, seemed to become clear again.

Although it was only such a short moment, it was really clear.

Waiting for the end of get out of class, waiting for school, waiting for games, everyone has this kind of waiting in their childhood.

And feel that the waiting time is too long.

But now, everyone wants to wait again, but time can't go back.

The thoughts passed, and everyone's hearts felt sorrow and sorrow again.

"We have everything in the welfare agency,

There is no half a dime in the pocket.

Zhuge Qingyun and Locked Ground Armor,

Who on earth grabbed that sword?

The girl in the next class,

Why haven't you passed my window yet?

Snacks in the mouth and TV in the eyes,

The childhood of first love in my heart.


(There are two places in the lyrics of this passage. Li Fan made changes. "Zuge Shilang and the Devil Party" was changed to "Zhuge Qingyun and Locked Armor", and the following "caricature in hand" was changed to "in eyes TV".

Because there were no cartoons in this world at that time, so naturally there was no "Zuge Shiro" and "Devil Party".

And "Zhuge Qingyun" and "Locked Armor" were the pros and cons of a very influential TV series in this world at that time, and they happened to be fighting for a sword. )

It's still a catchy melody, and it's still a strong and true picture.

Everyone's thoughts followed the singing and came to the welfare agency again.

Welfare agency, a title with a sense of age.

Now, there is no welfare agency anymore, and children nowadays don’t even know what a “welfare agency” is?

But for the students at the scene, the "welfare club" is a place that will last forever in memory.

Welfare clubs sell everything, but what makes children most greedy is undoubtedly the bag after bag of snacks.

However, children often don't even have half a dime in their pockets, so they can only watch the snacks on the counter and keep their saliva.

This line of lyrics instantly brought everyone back to that distant era, to the welfare agency that belonged to that era.

Thinking of myself at that time, I really wanted to buy a snack, but I didn't have half a dime in my pocket. I stood at the door of the welfare agency, reluctant to leave for a long time.

The corners of everyone's lips couldn't help but a slight smile appeared.

At that time, I should be thinking, "If one day, I had a lot of money and I could buy a lot of snacks, how good would it be?"

Now, everyone can buy a lot of snacks with their money. However, there is no welfare agency anymore, and there is no wish at that time.

Zhuge Qingyun and Shudijia, it was a very classic TV series, and the black and white TV set was used at that time.

At that time, I was ignorant, not very clear.

However, they like to watch it very much, knowing that Zhuge Qingyun is a good person, and the Chain Armor is a bad person, they all want a sword.

In the end, Zhuge Qingshan got the sword and used it to kill the chain armor.

After all, the evil is overwhelming.

For this TV series, everyone's impression is very vague. But at that time, the feelings of watching this TV series, everyone's impression is still deep.

"Why the girl in the next class hasn't passed my window yet?"

This line of lyrics made the hearts of everyone on the scene throb.

It's the same whether it's a boy or a girl.

Although the lyrics are "the girl in the next class", it can be replaced with "the boy in the next class".

Whether it is a boy or a girl, the heart that throbs when young will have it.

Everyone on the scene once owned it.

At that time, I didn't know what "love" was, let alone how to fall in love? But there is a she (him) who I like in my heart.

It has nothing to do with love, just pure liking.

And that she (he) is often in the next class.
