Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 955: "The Day of Living with a Stewardess"

Li Fan and several people went into the restaurant to eat. During the meal, Rao Qianqian and the women finally calmed down.

After eating, several people returned to the studio.

Liang Yuan dispatched some people from the magazine to assist Rao Qianqian and others in the preparation work.

After Li Fan arranged everything, he left the studio and went back to Sansheng Village.

With the assistance and care of Liang Yuan and Gu Wei, Li Fan can safely return to the village.


In the next few days, Li Fan took the time to publish the second pure love novel that will be serialized on Weibo.

The preparations in the studio are also proceeding smoothly.

On the Internet, discussions about Gu Yong's pure love's works have always been very hot.

Naturally, most of them are female readers, and most of them are fans of romance novels in the past.

Of course, they are also now. They like Gu Yong's pure love novels, but it doesn't mean that they don't like the traditional romance novels before.

They still like to read those excellent traditional romance novels.

However, as the romantic novelists expected, when they read novels in physical magazines, they did not feel as convenient as reading novels on Weibo.

They also thought that if these good-looking romance novels could also be serialized on Weibo, it would be great.

But they also knew that Gu Yong was the only author who dared to serialize novels on Weibo.

At least it looks like Gu Yong is the only one.

Therefore, they just thought about it, and did not expect other writers of romance novels to be able to serialize works on Weibo.

In addition to these fans of traditional romance novels, Pure Love Novels also has other reader groups.

For example, some martial arts fans did not read romance novels before, but after watching "The First Intimate Contact" for various reasons, they liked such works.

Since then, since they are fans of martial arts, they are fans of pure love novels.

Of course, the identity of a "wuxia fan" comes first.

In addition, there are many book fans in other fields who have become pure fans.

It is worth mentioning here that there are some fans who did not read non-fiction in any novel before. For various reasons, after watching "The First Intimate Contact", they have become fans of pure love novels.

The reason may be seen in their comments.

"Haha! A lot of people are waiting, Gu Yong's second pure love novel. Is there anyone like me who didn't read any novels before, but now he likes pure love novels?"

"Hey! I'm just that, no matter what novel I read before, I dozed off as soon as I read it, and I couldn't get in. But a few days ago, I was curious about what it was like to serialize a novel on Weibo? So I clicked on "No. "An Intimate Encounter", I originally thought I would not be able to enter, but after a glance, I couldn’t stop it. You say it’s weird? Is it because of the serialization on Weibo?"

"No, I think it should be the book "The First Intimate Contact", which is very different from other books. What I am talking about is not the same as him in type, but the feeling in terms of words and sentences. Not the same. Generally speaking, it just feels easy to read, not bothering you."

"It's not bad, it seems like this, I don't even doze off when I look at it. Hehe!"

"It turns out that reading novels is quite interesting. Sometimes it feels better than TV series. No wonder there are so many people who like to read novels. They didn't experience their fun before. Now, I finally experience it."

"Haha! It seems that there are quite a few people in the same way. Just don't know if Gu Yong's next Pure Love work is not in this style?"

"Since they are all pure love works, they should be of the same style? Last time Gu Yong said that one week later, the second work will be released. It's been a few days, and it should be released soon."

"Before the release, Gu Yong should give a preview first. Now that the preview hasn't been released yet, I guess I will have to wait a few days."


Just as the book fans just talked about, the discussion about pure love novels on the Internet nowadays, in addition to recollecting "The First Intimate Contact", is the expectation of Gu Yong's second pure love work.

Everyone is discussing the second Pure Love work. What will it look like?

Is it still a story about "online dating"?

Will the heroine still be so pitiful and likable?


Everyone is discussing everything, guessing everything, and saying that no matter what Gu Yong writes, they will like it.

Except for one thing, that is, don't write the heroine to death.

Everyone finally accepted the death of Qing Wu Feiyang, but they didn't want to see the heroine die again.

But think about it, there should be almost no possibility of writing the heroine to death.

It should be impossible for Gu Yong to do it. The heroine was written to death in two consecutive works, right?

Therefore, after the death of Qing Wu Feiyang, those who kept saying that they no longer watch Gu Yong's works were also selective at this time, forgetting what they said at the time.

Everyone is only looking forward to it. Gu Yong hastened to announce the preview of the second work, at least let everyone know the name first, so as to solve the greedy problem.

The second work will be released a week later. It's been three or four days, so it's time for a preview, Uncle Gu Yong.

The hearts of the fans are very restless and wild, and full of longing.


Three Holy Village.

Li Fan seemed to feel the restlessness and desire in the hearts of the fans, sitting in front of the computer, ready to update Weibo.

Today on the 30th, it is almost time to release the new book preview.

After thinking about it, Li Fan logged into Gu Yong’s Weibo and updated a Weibo, "Hello everyone, my second pure love novel "Days with a Stewardess" will be officially published on Weibo from August 2nd. It will be serialized on the blog, and everyone is welcome to read it by then!"

After updating Weibo, Li Fan smiled happily, waiting for the reaction of the fans.

Without it, just because of this book title. The title of this book is more imaginative than the previous "The First Intimate Contact".

I don’t know, fans who are restless, wild and full of desire, will they become more restless, wild, and eager after seeing the title of the book?

Li Fan is looking forward to it.


A residential area.

Qin Yulin is in the Romance Pavilion, chatting with a group of fans of romantic novels about Gu Yongxin's works of pure love.

Everyone is looking forward to it, and Qin Yulin is naturally the same.

"Ding Dong"

While chatting, a clear reminder sounded into Qin Yulin's ears.

Qin Yulin was overjoyed. This was specially set by her, and Gu Yong's Weibo had a reminder sound when it was updated.

"Gu Yong updated Weibo? Is it news about new works?"

Thinking like this in his heart, Qin Yulin operated the computer mouse with his right hand and entered Gu Yong's Weibo page. The left hand took a sip of water from the water glass.

This is her habit. She likes to drink a sip of water before focusing on a certain thing.

Only this time, she regretted her habitual action very much.

Because, when she saw Gu Yong's latest Weibo content, her pupils suddenly dilated, followed by a "poof", and the water that had just been drunk in her mouth before she had time to swallow was sprayed on the computer screen.
