Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 580: Singapore and Malaysia

  Chapter 580 Xinma

   Squeak! squeak! squeak!

The big flowered horse is walking in the knee-deep snow. As a horse cultivated in the space, the big flowered horse is much more courageous than the horses outside. Ordinary horses have a kind of resistance to the knee-deep snow, but this There are no stallions, and there is no need for too much urging from Xi Jianheng. Jian Heng only needs to yell a few times before striding forward, moving forward step by step firmly and powerfully.

   It took about forty minutes. Jian Heng came to the outskirts of the ranch with one horse and one man. This place was already close to the foot of the mountain. Jian Heng reined in the horse, turned around and took the big horse into the space.

As soon as he entered the space, he handed over the big pinto horse to the guard warriors of the temple, and he went to Selina and Blakely, stayed with the two women for a while, and the three of them went to the valley below the mountain together, where there were captive Nearly four or five thousand of the newest pasture horses.

The body of this batch of ranch horses is not much taller than the current ones, but the structure of the whole body is much more reasonable than the current ranch horses, because there are also many nobles running large ranches in the space, and their needs for ranch horses are different from those of the outside world. It's the same, and with the transformation and cultivation of decades and hundreds of years, the horses in the space are naturally better than before.

  Think about how long has it been since the founding of the United States? How many years can quarter horses last to death, not to mention that the demand for pasture horses in the space is much stronger than that outside.

  Jian Heng went around and quickly picked out the best horses in this valley, picked out more than a hundred horses, and planned to take these horses as his own.

Jianheng has arrangements for these horses. Now that more and more students are coming to the ranch, the demand for horses is also increasing. Moreover, the horses cultivated in the space have human nature, and it is very rare for Yi to train them to resist the rein and throw them away. Human phenomena, these Muzhengs are very important to Jian Heng, because everyone who comes is very precious, not to mention falling to death or injuring one, it is quite troublesome.

In addition to these more than a thousand good horses, seven or eight hundred bad horses were picked out, all of which were crooked and bad dates picked out from the horse herd. These horses were going to be thrown out as a cover-up, and Jian Heng couldn't bear to throw them away. A second horse, even the worst horse, is a good ranch horse for the nearby pastures.

After finishing everything, Jian Heng stayed with the two women for a while. Now the two women's stomachs are very big. For ordinary women in the space, it is almost October pregnancy, but for the two goddesses , it will take decades or hundreds of years, almost according to the date when the woman outside is pregnant, so it is really hard for the two of them to have a child once. It will take decades from pregnancy to childbirth. Fortunately, pregnancy For them, there were not as many reactions as the women outside. If it weren't for these two women who could swallow Jian Heng alive, even so, Jian Heng still stayed with the two women for a few days.

  The conversion of the dual space is better. After staying in the space for a few days, only ten minutes of the earth time have passed.

With a slight wave of his hand, Jian Heng moved the hundreds of horses he had picked to his pasture, then ran outside the pasture and moved seven or eight hundred bad horses to the fence of the pasture. Like, these bad horses got into the mountains again, walked a few kilometers, stepped on a big hoof print, and then turned back to their pasture.

  Back home, Damai and Wheat were still videoing with Sun Xiuying and Ning Ning. Jian Heng greeted him, then turned around and went back to the house, took a shower, fell on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

   Today's Jian Heng was tired, waiting for Tianmai and Maimai to come back after chatting for a day, trying to pull him up for a massage. Jian Heng didn't even open his eyes. In the end, Damai and Maimai had no choice but to take a shower, lie back on the bed and sleep.

   Jian Heng seemed to be asleep here, but suddenly he heard the sound of someone knocking on the window.

  He raised his head and listened, and as expected, someone outside the window kept knocking on the window, calling incessantly: "Boss, boss?"

   "What's the matter?"

   Without waiting for Jian Heng's answer, Mai Mai stuck his head out from Jian Heng's back, put his chin on Jian Heng's arm and asked.

   "Wheat, a herd of horses is running in the pasture!"

   Now Jian Heng heard clearly, it was Toby standing outside the window, and now he was announcing the good news to himself with an extremely excited voice.

  Wheat said a little unhappy: "Is there anything strange about two or three wild horses?"

Because the pasture has been changed, although it is not the current weather, it is easy to find a kind of pasture with wide leaves and thick leaves growing vigorously under the snow, although it is not the current weather. The leaves turn yellow when they don't see the sun, but as long as these pastures are exposed to the air, within a day, the yellow and yellow leaves will turn dark green and become fresh pastures that livestock love to eat.

The only bad thing is that these pastures can't be exposed to the air for too long, at most three days, these pastures will be covered with snow again, because it really can't resist the minus twenty degrees here. The temperature, the leaves will still freeze to death.

   It was originally discovered by Daniel Qianlong, and soon the entire herd of cattle in the pasture knew it. They would automatically pierce the snow and expose these thick-leaved pastures to the air.

Because of the grazing, from time to time there will be some wild horses and wild deer coming to eat and drink. The cowboys on the ranch must drive these things out, and sometimes the cattle on the ranch will drive these invaders by themselves Uninvited guests to eat and drink.

Because of this, the people in the ranch, including the ranchers in the nearby ranch, are no longer surprised by the fact that some wild horses come into Jian Heng's ranch from time to time, and they are very interested in the pasture in Jian Heng's ranch. .

  Wheat answered lazily.

Toby said outside: "It's not one or two horses, not a small herd, it's a large herd. There are nearly a thousand horses. We ordered a small number of horses and we already have more than two hundred horses. In the end, it may exceed a thousand horses." !"


  Hearing a thousand horses, Mai Mai's eyes widened instantly: "What did you say?"

"I said that there were almost a thousand horses that came into the ranch this time." Toby said outside, "Some of them are very good horses. Wait, wait a hundred horses that's pretty cool."

  Hearing what Toby said, Mai Mai quickly shook Jian Heng: "Get up, get up, slob!"

   "Stop pushing, can I fall asleep with your loud voice, I heard it all".

  Jian Heng was a little dazed when he heard it now, and thought: What's the matter, all these horses ran into the pasture?

  Balley also woke up at this time, and immediately sat up from the bed, saying hello: "Don't sleep, let's go, go and have a look!"

  The other two had nothing to say, they turned over from the bed, everyone got dressed, got on the snowmobile and then led by Toby, a group of people walked directly to the place where the horses gathered.

  When we arrived at the place, the sky had already brightened. As soon as the sky lit up, the snowy land covered with silver was as bright as day, and everything was really bright.

  Jian Heng looked around, good guy, not only the thousands of horses he got out, but also wild horses mixed in with the horse herd. With a cursory glance at Jian Heng's side, he saw about a dozen wild horses.

   Seeing such a situation, Jian Heng guessed without asking, that these wild horses were mixed with the horse herd and wanted to earn a living in this winter of lack of food.

   More than a thousand horses stood in front of everyone. Jian Heng had seen it before, but Barley and Wheat had never been in such a large herd of horses in their pasture.

   After being stunned for a while, Mai Mai asked, "Quickly check, is there any mark!"

  The rules here, if there is a mark, it is the horse of another family. If there is no mark, it is considered as your own. Of course, the premise is that you have to keep the horse and brand it.

  Huang Xiaodong said cheerfully and loudly: "No, except for less than fifty horses, there is no branding!"

  Wheat heard it and immediately said: "Drive those fifty horses out for me, other people's horses will come to our pasture to graze!"

At this time, every piece of pasture is precious. No matter how good the silage is, no matter how good the ingredients are, there is no gift from nature that is suitable for the growth of horses. Now Jianheng Ranch almost does not need to feed silage. The only trouble is the work of the cowboys. There are more children, and the herd must be driven in and out every day.

  Huang Xiaodong smiled and said, "I've been driven out a long time ago, here, look, those fifty horses outside are here!"

  Following the direction of Huang Xiaodong's finger, Jian Heng saw about fifty horses outside the fence of the pasture, constantly stretching their heads and wanting to enter the pasture again.

   "Boss, we need to replace the fence with a stronger one when spring comes," Toby said when he saw the newly repaired fence over there.

  Jian Heng hummed.

  Toby said: "At least a wooden pole with a height of 1.7 meters and a thickness of four or five inches will do!"

  The winter is not over yet, and the fence has been knocked down several times, not to mention the bison, and now even the wild horses can't be stopped, which has caused Toby a headache.

  (end of this chapter)