Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 710: baby

  Chapter 710 Doll

The footsteps of spring are approaching day by day, and the snow that has accumulated for a whole winter is slowly melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. No matter which ranch it is, some small streams pop up for no reason at this time. When you are riding a horse, you can hear the gurgling sound of the small water from time to time.

  Jian Heng's pasture mixed pasture has been trial-planted in the newly joined pasture, and achieved good results. Except for Jian Heng's family, other pastures have also been busy planting new pasture day after day. This year's spring in the small town is particularly busy, and I will never see those who brought with them once the spring came in the past. Cowboys are lazy in winter. Except for tourists, every small town person comes and goes in a hurry.

Jian Heng's family was more anxious than anyone else in the town, because the due date of Barley and Wheat had arrived. The two women entered the hospital two days in advance, but the two women did not move at all after the due date passed. The doctor's check is that the children are all healthy.

The three cubs, who are all normal, seem to be stuck in their mother's womb and have no intention of coming out. This makes Jian Heng's family and old Jimmy's family very anxious. Oh, they are no longer One family, but two families. After Jimmy and Kate divorced, now they both have new lovers. Kate met a lawyer in Miami, and Jimmy also met a beautiful waiter in his thirties. Anyway They all have new lovers.

  Jian Heng returned to the room from the doctor and saw that Jimmy and Kate were both there, so he greeted his mother-in-law and the old man. Apart from the two, their new partner also came together.

  Jian Heng is a little unaccustomed to this kind of American behavior. At this time, each of them brought their partners here, and Jian Heng felt embarrassed, and the two of them almost came together this morning.

  Getting rid of these bad things in his mind, Jian Heng sat next to Barley and Wheat.

   "What did the doctor say?" Wheat asked anxiously.

Now she can't stand it anymore, thinking about the two little things in her stomach, but these two little things are like a mother, and there is no movement at all, and the pregnant women who came with them have been discharged from the hospital several times Yes, she didn't respond at all.

   "The doctor said to wait a little longer!"

  At this time, Jian Heng thought of his own child in the space. The good guys Selina and Blakely can conceive a baby for several years. Could it be possible that he brought this gene outside?

  However, when he thought that it would take a few days for Mai Mai to have a full stomach, Jian Heng felt that Mai Mai must kill himself.

  The child is very healthy, and all indicators are normal to the point where they can no longer be normal, so the doctor did not recommend any caesarean section, and waited for a natural delivery.

   "Dad, Mom, you go back first, as long as Gene is here" Da Mai said to Jimmy and Kate.

  Jimmy and Kate nodded, and then left the room after comforting the two daughters.

  Seeing the four of them leave, Jian Heng just wanted to say something when he saw his brother-in-law walk in, and said while holding his chest, "Finally left!"

The current brother-in-law, Matthew, is a lot more reliable in Jian Heng's opinion. Although he has pursued his dream to become a painter, a photographer, etc., and has changed jobs a lot, he is still a little out of tune, but now Jian Heng His impression of him has changed a lot, at least now he is willing to put his heart into things. As for changing jobs indiscriminately, it is not a big deal in Jian Heng's eyes. It is definitely a bad thing for young people to try a lot of industries.

   "You can feel the embarrassment across the aisle!" Jian Heng also let out a long breath.

  Barley smiled and said, "Just look at it with a normal mind!"

Everyone can see that this old couple seems to be a little vindictive. One has a girlfriend who is not much older than Barley, and the other has a man who is also much younger. Yes, but a half-grown pup is about the same.

   "Aren't you worried?" Matthew asked the barley and wheat.

Mai Mai replied: "Why should we worry about our husband's money! It's you who should really worry about it. Waiting for the two of them to remarry and have a few more children, your property may be gone at once." .

Matthew could see it, and said with a smile: "I hope they do this when I get there. Anyway, I don't plan to run any farms. It's not interesting at all. How can I live as happy as I am now? By the way, sister, I am going to travel to Europe next time, starting from Portugal, going all the way through Europe to Asia, and then from Russia to China and then to Japan, I plan to spend half a year to a year."

   "Yes! This plan is not small." Jian Heng asked with great interest after hearing this: "Do you need sponsorship?"

Matthew raised his eyebrows lightly: "No, I promised to contribute to the magazine, and there will be some cultural scenery along the way. I will write some essays and put them in my column. The income is enough for me. The journey is over."

   "When are you leaving?" Maimai was a little envious of her younger brother, and looked down at her big belly, and couldn't help feeling anxious again.

   At this moment, Damai's face suddenly wrinkled, and then he began to grin and breathe heavily.

   "Barley, barley!"

   Jian Heng saw the appearance of barley and felt that barley was about to give birth. Although he knew it and was conscious in his mind, he suddenly became a little anxious and didn't know what to do next.

  At this time, Matthew was very clever and ran out of the room with Xiao, rushed into the doctor's office and called the doctor.

   Soon the doctor came over, and when he saw the appearance of Barley, he knew that he was about to give birth, so he immediately asked the nurse to push Barley into the delivery room.

   "Do you want to accompany her?" The doctor asked Jian Heng.

  Barley immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't let him in, I'm even more nervous with him by my side!"

Seeing Jian Heng's current appearance, Damai didn't want to enter the delivery room with Jian Heng. To be honest, Jian Heng was also a little scared. It wasn't that Jian Heng was timid, but that Jian Heng was afraid that he would actually go in and make the situation worse. He was even more nervous, and always thought that he would not be chaotic in front of the majesty, and that he could smile at the moment of life and death. Now Jian Heng is completely panicked, and he is inferior to ordinary family members. He is like an ant on a hot pot, or a headless fly. Yes, there are no thoughts in my mind, and the whole brain can't think.

  Followed to the door, watching Barley being pushed into the delivery room, Jian Heng was still walking around the door of the delivery room.

   "Call your parents!"

   After Matthew called Jimmy and Kate, he saw his brother-in-law was still at the door, so he said immediately.

  Jian Heng immediately took out his mobile phone when he heard this, and signaled his brother-in-law to wait here while making a call, and went to make a call by himself while checking on Mai.

Before finishing the phone call, he stood in front of Maimai's bed and saw Maimai happily nibbling on an apple. Suddenly, his expression changed. Jian Heng was smart now, and ran directly to the doctor, and soon The wheat was pushed into the delivery room again.

  If you don’t have a baby, you don’t have a baby. If you want to have a baby, the two sisters suddenly seem to have an appointment. The difference is less than five minutes, and there are signs of giving birth at the same time.

  When the two elders came here, there was another chaos.

  After about half an hour, the shouting of barley suddenly stopped in the delivery room, followed by a loud cry.

  As soon as Sun Xiuying heard the crying, she put her hands together and said to the sky, "God bless you, ancestors bless you!"

  The cry hadn't dissipated, and there was also a loud cry from the ward over there, and Mai's first child was also born.

   Less than three minutes later, another cry sounded.

   "The three little ones cry loudly, and they look like healthy children." Jimmy said happily with the three grandchildren's cries.

  Jian Heng stood on tiptoe and waited for the barley, wheat and children to be pushed out.

   was quickly pushed out of the delivery room by the nurse, and the doctor said to the group of people at the door: "It went well, it went smoothly unexpectedly, the mother's physique is very good, and the child is also very healthy...".

  Jian Heng only heard about health, and couldn't hear anything else. He just looked at the sweating barley cheerfully and didn't know what to say.

  Sun Xiuying pushed her son: "Look at your stupidity, why don't you take care of Barley?"

   "OK, ok!"

  Now Jian Heng only knows that it is agreed.

  The barley was sent back to the room, and the wheat came out after a while.

   When we got to the room, the three children were brought over after a while. Two sons and one daughter, Mai gave birth to twins. As a mother, Barley and Wheat were naturally the first to see it, while Jian Heng, as a father, saw it second.

  Although Jian Heng's first glance at the three little guys reminded him of a newborn little mouse, the ugly kind, but after the second and third glances, the more he looked at his own children, the more beautiful they became.

   "Wow, that's a lot of hair!"

  Old Jimmy's first glance fell on the hair of his grandchildren. All three children had jet-black hair on their foreheads, which was so thick that the scalp could almost be seen.

   Jian Heng saw the child for the first time, so he asked, "Is this hair thick?"

  The little nurse beside him laughed and interjected, "These three children have the most hair in the entire nursery, and it's not easy to make a mistake!"


Just at this oh, the child in her arms was picked up by Sun Xiuying. As for the remaining child, Jian Heng did not catch it. The four elders hugged three of them, and Jian Zhenhua was watching eagerly beside him. Of course Jian Zhenhua, who became a grandfather, couldn't hide the smile on his face at all.

   It may be because there is nothing wrong, Jian Zhenhua said to Jian Heng: "If you have a child, you have to look like an adult in the future, don't be indifferent all day long!"

  Although Jian Heng was in a daze with Zhonger, he couldn't remember where he was out of tune, but at this time his father said that he just listened, so he nodded humbly.

  The child stayed in the room for a while, and then a nurse took him away. Jian Heng stayed with Damai and Wheat for a while, and the two women felt sleepy.

Waiting for Barley and Wheat to fall asleep, Jian Heng and Matthew ran to the glass window of the nursery, and looked in beside the four elders. Only then did Jian Heng understand what it meant that the little nurse could not lose it, because Except for my three treasures, there are a few big bald heads in Yishui, and the one with the most hair is nothing more than some thin fluff sticking to his forehead. It doesn't look like his own three children, one of them is on the top. All the babies here have half of the surplus.

   A litter of little bald boys, only my baby has hair! Jian Heng is very proud!

  (end of this chapter)