Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 76

When Cheng Qian returned to Fuyao Mountain Villa, he saw that the tenants in the mountain house were not working, and looked around with a peep of water.

The gate of the villa was overcrowded, and the traffic was full of horses. Two rows of officers and soldiers stood side by side. The stone pillars stood silently at the door. A car was parked there. However, Cheng Qian saw at a glance that they were two good-looking Pegasus.

In front of the Pegasus, there were also two monks who also had good appearances, all of which were above Yuanshen, and one of them was even a young man's face.

Turned out to be a sword repair.

There are countless people coming and going in the village these days, and they are handled by Li Yan. These people could not have attracted Cheng Qian to stop. He lifted the frost blade, and there was only one reason for the person to fall slowly—the carriage was followed by a black water. A masked man like a crow, a flag of Tian Yan Chu was hung on the car.

An older monk was calling at the door, and he spoke very eloquently. After finishing the facts and reasoning, he said that the world is alive. The gate of the villa is about a puddle. .

The puddle will change constantly, no matter how others say it is a big day, she only has one sentence: "Please go back."

Had Cheng Qian not heard her voice, she might have thought that there was an automatic answer.

The older monk looked a little helpless, and the young sword repair next to him held the sword in front of his chest and said politely: "Brother, what nonsense with them, these people hide their heads in the mortal world, what sword repair is inside? The door did n’t have much ability to come. I think the people in this villa have not yet repaired the Yuanshen, but they just broke open. Who can stop it? "

"Shut up." The older man frowned and stopped his voice, and just turned to try to reprimand two words. Suddenly, his gaze was frozen, and his hand was involuntarily pressed on his own long knife.

Young Jianxiu turned his gaze and saw a person standing on the top of a large tree not far away.

The man's toes lightly rested on the treetops, his robe sleeves moved with the wind, and his hunting flew up, like a gray hoe.

None of them knew when he came.

This person is Cheng Qian.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looking indifferent to the living. Young Jianxiu's eyes fell on the sword almost covered by the fluttering robe sleeve in his hands, and his pupils shrank involuntarily: "Who are you?"

His voice faded, Cheng Qian suddenly raised his eyes.

However, in an instant, Cheng Qian had floated down from the treetops, and then came to the front of the Jian Xiu, and then a chill of snow and ice filled the air. He raised his hands and killed, all killed, and a monk involuntarily retreated. Stride.

Cheng Qian sneered without raising his eyelids: "You blocked my door and asked who I am?"

The older monk heard the words and was busy taking a step forward and said, "It's Wu Yantian, the Secretary of the Tianyan Department, who came here to see the head of your noble. I don't know what the Taoist call you?"

Cheng Qian was ready to sing the black face for thousands of years, and immediately said, "What is the Tianyan Department? See you!"

The voice faded, and his sleeve had been thrown out. Rao was Wu Changtian hiding fast, and his chest was still swept away by a lonely, cold, real Yuan. He suddenly felt half of his body frozen, and took several steps back, fiercely. The ground hit the carriage wagon.

Cheng Qian glanced at him coldly: "Who is your friend?"

"You!" The young sword Xiu was furious, and immediately pulled his sword forward.

The frost blade of Cheng Qian's hand groaned and turned upside down: "Want to get started? Then someone in Cheng Cheng would be willing to accompany me."

The word "Cheng somebody" seemed to intentionally or unintentionally, Wu Changtian already knew who he was, and quickly drank his companion: "You beam, back down."

Cheng Qian's ridiculous glance glanced at the group of black crow-like people in front of him, suddenly exposing an extremely mean smile, and said, "You are here for the Dragon Dragon Han Yuan?"

Wu Changtian pushed the reluctant You Liang behind him and said with a grin: "Exactly, there is already a trend of ten thousand monsters in this person. All the demon heads that hide and show their tails are for him to drive. I am afraid there will be a calamity in the world, then ... "

As soon as Wu Changtian raised his eyes, he saw Cheng Qian's eyes full of wry eyes.

"Magic Dragon Han Yuan." Cheng Qian repeated his words lowly, and smiled, "Master Wu, do you know why this person is in the magic?"

Wu Changtian froze.

"Because when he was in his teens, he won a painting soul of your predecessor, Zhou Hanzheng, do you know what is karma?" Cheng Qian's voice was very low, as if facing this group of people, he even spoke. I did n’t want to spend too much energy. "What did the Lord just say? Are you good?"

His voice suddenly turned cold, Frostblade slammed out of the sheath, a tide-like sword air volleyed across the ground, and a few centimeters of long arc was drawn on the ground. The monks at the Tianyan Office all gave He swept this sword out, and for a while the man turned his back on his horse and did not become embarrassed.

Cheng Qian's gaze was three points colder than Jian Guang's: "Take your dog to roll, those who dare to step into this line, wait for the next life to cast a good tire."

At that moment, the door of the villa opened with a squeak, and the puddle came out, pretending to look like a boudoir, and rushing to the crowd outside: "Three brothers, the head brother asked you not to make fun Come in here, everyone, our head is closed recently, but I do n’t see any foreign guests. Please forgive me, please. ”

I heard that the puddle was not used to talking like this. She was a wild girl with wings and wings flying across the mountains, and told her to learn the tricks of the snakes. It was a bit reluctant. Cheng Qian turned his mind slightly, and couldn't help but secretly Sigh.

Martial arts withered, but always on the tip of the wind.

He winked at the puddle, leaving an arrogant back, raised his hand to seal the door of Fuyao Shanzhuang, and strode in.

The puddle sighed with relief, chasing after it with a trot, and chattering: "Little brother, how come you come back so fast? Have you found a way to wake up the big brother? I tell you, his heart between his eyebrows I do n’t know why it was suddenly shorter a few days ago. Do you say this is a good sign? ”

Cheng Qian nodded briefly and said, "Well, I'm going to retreat for about a hundred days. It's better not to let those people bother."

"Okay, I'll go and tell Brother No. 2 anyway, he has a lot of ghost ideas," the puddle nodded again and again, suddenly, as if thinking of something, "Yes, little brother, you don't know, the big brother seems to be able to hear Let's talk to him! "

Cheng Qian's footsteps paused.

The puddle went on and on and said, "Would you say I would go to him and chat more ... Well, little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Qian could not help remembering the unscrupulous conversation between him and Tang Yan in front of Yan Zhengming's bed. He was inexplicably guilty. He avoided the puddle's eyes, reached out to cover his mouth, and coughed loudly: "Nothing."

At the same time, Cheng Qian silently recalled for a moment. His brother and sister had never learned anything at all since he was a child. When the master read the scriptures, it was said that he would be sleepy when he saw the word. ...... Shouldn't think more?

In the puddle's astonished eyes, this person who was still holding Frostblade to kill the Quartet suddenly appeared embarrassed, and ran away in a hurry.

The next day, Fuyao Mountain Villa seemed to be irritated by the Tianyan Department that was entangled in the previous day. The entire mountain house changed its defensive formation. The original defensive formation seemed to have some kind of fierce thing added to the formation. On another day, a vicious circle of aggressive murderousness was looming around, spreading out recklessly, clearly wanting to resist people thousands of miles away.

In the villa, the little sister-in-law in the outer courtyard has been cleared out, and the frost blades in the courtyard are hanging high, which is the array of eyes.

Li Yan could not help but wipe his sweat, Tang Tang who arched his hands to the side said: "Thanks to Brother Tang for pointing me, thank you very much."

"Li Daoyou doesn't have to be polite, I'm just moving my tongue," Tang Yan said, his eyes glanced over Frost Blade's sharp sword, and he said with emotion, "The sword of" You must not die, "about Only people like Shishi can send such an inhuman weapon. "

Li Yan sighed with a negative hand: "I always worry that he is too paranoid and tough, too easy to fold."

Tang Yan laughed: "Li Daoyou also thinks too much, monks are fighting with heaven, most of the non-attached people don't go for a long time, and he is not a good person if he is not willing to give up until the last minute?"

Li Yumei was even more worried, saying: "What is spiritual practice is second, but I am worried ... in case something goes against my wish, what will happen to my brother, will Xiao Qian ..."

Tang Yan heard this, raising his brows slightly.

What will happen

However, Li Yan swallowed back the following text.

It seemed that Li Xun realized that the people around him were Tang Xun, and he seemed to be holding on to his fist in a hurry: "Yeah, there's so much to say, it's a trivial matter in our martial arts, so I won't disturb Brother Tang. "

Tang Yan said: "That's okay, but Cheng Xiaodaoyou suddenly retreats without a word, and he doesn't know what to do-hey, Li Daoyou, you said that he would never want to make a sword by himself? He was unsuccessful. I am afraid that Yan ’s body will not last long. What will Li Daoyou plan to do then? ”

Li Yan heard the words, and there seemed to be nothing in his heart. In front of Tang Yan, there was a real misfortune. His face was filled with the real six gods, and he smiled bitterly: "I really don't know ... Don't hide it from Brother Tang Brother Brother is our backbone. Now that the backbone has fallen, we will ... Well, it really made Brother Tang laugh. "

Tang Yan stared at his face for a moment, but felt that among the Fuyao people, if he really started working, this Li Zhi is the softest persimmon. This person's eyes are as honeycomb, cunning and suspicious. You two came to me and talked for a long time. No one tried to find out the truth of the other.

At this time, Cheng Qian, who was back in the middle of the bamboo forest Xiaoqing An, was holding an ordinary wooden sword in his hand, but it was three feet long, terribly light, and the wood texture was smooth and beautiful.

Cheng Qian stood on the bedside of Yan Zhengming, thinking of the "he can hear" sentence in the puddle, he felt that he should say something to him, but there were too many words, he screened it by himself, and felt that most of them might say it Not very suitable.

Seeing a strand of hair on his face, Cheng Qian subconsciously wanted to reach out his hands, but did not know if he would also have tactile sensations, his hands stopped improperly in the air for a long time, and finally he did not dare to fall.

In the end, Cheng Qian's official office spoke normally. One didn't pay attention, and the tone seemed stiffer than usual: "Brother, the puddle says you can hear it, so I'll make a long story short, and in a few days I may know It may be uncomfortable to penetrate into your sword energy and inner government. When that time comes, you should try not to stop me, and make your way quickly. The coldness is a little bit colder, but your life is important. Did you hear it? "

After speaking in one breath, Cheng Qian seemed to have completed any major task. He quickly settled down, put the wooden sword on his knees, and sat down.

There are so many people in Fuyao Mountain Villa. Yan Zhengming can already judge who is coming through the door sound and footsteps.

Cheng Qian disappeared for several days before coming back, Yan Zhengming scratched his head and wanted to know where he went. Who knew that he had waited for a while in the government, and waited for such a cold admonition. The appearance of a hundred kinds of Cheng Qian was split by the screaming Yuanshen.

Yuan Shen, who was asked to "get out of the way by that time, don't get in the way" thought angrily: "What a jerk!"

However, at this moment, Yan Zhengming keenly felt that his whole body was surrounded by a sword, which was so familiar that he could recognize what it was with his eyes closed.

Rotating wooden sword?

What is Xiao Qian going to do?

Cheng Qian's speed of concentrating was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, all the talents had been set aside, and his consciousness had sunk into his own house.

The wooden sword on his knee seemed to be inspired by something, slowly rising to mid-air, hanging above Cheng Qian's head, and there was suddenly a faint stream of light on the wooden sword.

Cheng Qian's Yuanshen held a transfigured sword in his inner government. Like the wooden Tsunami real sword, he walked the first type of "Peng Cheng Wanli" very slowly. The wooden sword was as usual. , And gradually gave birth to the sword meaning in line with the state of mind.

Cheng Qian rehearsed the first form over and over, through all kinds of memories, looking for the state of mind when he first practiced the sword that year.

He just got started, and was inadvertently brought into the clouds of Houshan by a puddle that could not understand people. He stood high and saw thousands of relics in the mountains. He heard the ancestors 'ancestors' eternal voice, and his heart was widened. The word "fuyao" stepped into the door from now on, only to feel that the mountains and water here are long and the weather is huge, and he is curious as a child, with the innocent longing for gluttony and chewing, he makes a lot of discoveries ...

After a few days, the Yuanshen practicing Peng Cheng Wanli in the inner government moved faster and faster. The Yuanshen who moved with Cheng Qian's heart suddenly became his youth.

This type of sword is intended!

But the sword is alive, and the sword is invisible. How can these two be injected into the wooden sword?

On the way back, Qian Qian thought about this problem carefully, and finally the singleton came up with a very brutal solution--

Just as his Yuanshen sword in the inner palace walked astonished, Peng Cheng's swordsmanship had been realized to the extreme. For a moment, Cheng Qian's inner palace raised a violent true Yuan, and rolled straight towards himself. Yuanshen, cleanly and slashed that Yuanshen together with his sword.

At that moment, the sword's meaning was still in the Yuanshen. Cheng Qian and a part of his own Yuanshen were split off, raised his hand and sent it into the wooden sword above his head, and about one fifth of the tail of the wooden sword began to stun. Bright, as if something was given life.

However, it is easy to split the element gods, even if it is only a small piece.

Cheng Qian only felt that his inner government and Shi Hai stirred up in pain for a while, he swallowed back a muffled sound, the **** smell in his mouth straight up from his throat, and was forced down.

Cheng Qian didn't stop. The Yuanshen in the inner government changed his shape, transformed a sword again, and turned to "up and down".

Then came "things contrary to wish", "prosperity and decline"-five years of humiliation on Qinglong Island, buried deep in the copper coins, and the demon dragon looked at him across the sky from high altitude, Gu Yan disappeared dead Snow, Tong Ru, who died with the plants ...

In 1981, the last form of returning to life came to an end. Cheng Qian still involuntarily chose the trick of "Withered Trees in Spring", and Jian Yi flew out of his inner government directly through the sea of ​​air, stunned into it. In the wooden sword that has become dazzling.

A handful of spring whartons are like new cuts, everything seems to be awake again, and the next year has been endless since the snow-capped mountains ...

Unfortunately, this glorious scene just passed by. In the next moment, Cheng Qian's unrelenting act of cutting Yuanshen's death-seeking behavior was finally revenge. The wooden sword above his head suddenly lost its support and fell down. At the same time, he stuck in his throat His blood coughed out, and the wooden sword was immediately stained with blood stains.

All the flowers, vines, and plants used in the arteries of Qing'an Curie in the bamboo forest were all zeroed and withered for a moment.

The vitality is cut off, Jiancheng. 2k novel reading network