Live Broadcast: I Am a Lord In Another World

Chapter 106

   After all, apart from him, even Earl Ike can only spend the night in the carriage, and there is no place to take a bath.

   After finishing washing, Richard took out a rechargeable lamp, then lay on the soft bed and read a book.

   This book was obtained from Earl Ike, and it is the geography of the world.

   Of course, the scope of this geography is not much, and many places are not covered.

   The northeastern region where Richard Territory is located is naturally inside. The northeast region is also the northeastern province of the kingdom. To the north is the kingdom of orcs, and a distance to the east is close to a mountain range full of monsters.

   There are few people there, and further east it is said that there is still a country, but no one has ever passed by.

   After Richard watched like this for a while, Dorothy, the fox ear lady, took a bath and walked out wearing a long nightdress that Richard bought for her from a certain treasure.

   In her nightdress, she has a sense of beauty under the not bright light.

   Richard was taken aback.

   "Master, you can rest assured to sleep, Charlotte and the others stay around, and I will protect you too."

   While talking, Dorothy took out the short sword, ready to insert it on the strap tied to his leg, so that he could take it out to fight at any time.

   Richard looked at him again.

   Just then, Dorothy glanced at Richard.

  Four eyes face each other.

   Suddenly, the temperature in the tent seemed to start to rise.

   Dorothy's face was red again.

   She noticed that Richard's eyes seemed to have changed in some way.

   After following Richard for so many days, Dorothy's heart can be said to belong to Richard for a long time.

   Especially one day a few months ago, Mi Wei ran over and said a bunch of weird things to Dorothy.

   Dorothy was moved by Mi Wei, and on an impulse that night, she actually wanted to dedicate herself to Richard.

   However, after all, she is just an 18-year-old fox ear girl, how can she take the initiative to speak.

   hadn't spoken yet, I ran into the half-elf Lacie that night, so the matter didn't stop.

  Today...she and Richard are alone in the same room, it seems...


   Inside the tent, the lights went out.

   Moon stars are rare.

   Richard got up early the next day.


   Fox Ear Lady Dorothy seemed to have not slept all night, she didn't dare to see Richard.

   This morning, Richard asked Charlotte to call hot water, washed her face, and then helped her get dressed.

   Finally, Richard took Dorothy to the carriage.

   Dorothy fell asleep as soon as she got into the carriage.

   However, after tossing for most of the night, Richard was quite refreshed.

   His 3.5 times physical fitness is not covered.

  The army continued to march.

   Richard opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at the surrounding terrain.

  He was thinking about the development of the Northeast region and the further construction of the territory.

   The first step must be to build roads, and then to reclaim wasteland and grow large areas of high-yield crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn.

   Food is the root of everything.

  If you can solve it by yourself, you can save a lot of money.

   Don't look at Richard's income through the live broadcast room now.

   However, once Richard builds his territory on a large scale, it will soon become insufficient.

  A simple example, if Richard plans to build a large hydropower station, the steel, cement, and generators needed will not be enough for several hundred million.

   In addition, if Richard wants to upgrade the industrial level of his territory, he will spend a lot of money.

   is not only money from another world, but also a lot of gold coins.

   Of course, Richard will do it step by step.

   Slowly he will solve the things that can be solved through his own territory, and solve it through his own territory, and then earn gold coins continuously through the things on a certain treasure that are not available in this world, and build his own territory.

   Dorothy slept until the afternoon.

   After she came to sleep, her face was still red, and she didn't dare to look at Richard.

   She has become Richard's woman.

   As a fox ear lady, Dorothy never thought that one day she would voluntarily dedicate herself to a human being.

   But, she doesn't regret it at all.

   On the contrary, she feels very happy.

   Just, shyness is for sure.

   The army marched more than 60 kilometers the next day.

   At night, Richard still had a tent set up and moved in with Dorothy.

   However, this night, Richard only made one bed.

   Although only one bed was made, Richard thought about Dorothy's body, but Richard didn't do anything to Dorothy this evening.

   But Dorothy was quite moved.

   On the third day, the army continued to approach, getting closer and closer to Shibao City.

   At this time in the city of Stone Fort, there is still no news of General Rigg’s death and the defeat of the insurgents.

   After all, it was four days away, and General Rigg did not bring more food.

   Of course, he prepared some food for himself.

   In the absence of a little food, even if the insurgents fled, it would not be easy to return to Shibao City.

   What's more, when all the insurgents were beaten, General Rigg was killed, and Richard's magical deterrence, no insurgents escaped.

   On the road, I also encountered a small group of insurgents looting troops, and they were directly overtaken by the troops and wiped out.

   This evening, Richard still didn't move Dorothy.

   The day after tomorrow may face battle, it is necessary for Dorothy to maintain sufficient physical strength.

   This day passed, and on the fourth day, Richard's army continued to march.

   and the centaur soldiers have rushed to the front of the army, sweeping the rebel spies everywhere.

   The spies of the rebel army are not professional.

   After seeing the horses, some spies were scared away.

   Dorothy was also dispatched this day, and then sat on Charlotte's back. With her sense of smell, she found out and killed all the spies on the way forward.

  In addition, after General Rigg left, the two defenders who were in charge of the defense were worried about the orcs coming. The forty thousand insurgents stationed in Shibao City had been guarding the city and did not leave the city.

   Therefore, after the spies were eliminated, even if Richard's army had approached Shibao City, the rebels in Shibao City had not discovered it.

   "Resting on the spot for two hours, replenishing food, after dark, we will attack!"

   At a place ten kilometers away from Shibao City, Richard gave the order.

   Immediately afterwards, Richard took out a large amount of food and let people distribute it.

   All the soldiers ate silently.

   After eating the food, all the soldiers either sat or lay directly on the ground to rest.

   And the people and horses are still constantly sweeping the spies in front of them.

   Since the centaur appeared a while ago, even if one or two spies who saw the centaur ran back to the city in fright, they would not notice the abnormality.

   The sky gradually dimmed.

   Finally, it's getting dark.

"Set off!"

   Richard gave the order.

   Immediately afterwards, the whole army was dispatched, taking advantage of the night, silently drove towards Shibao City.

   "Come on, drink!"

   At this time, in Stone Castle City, in the original manor of Earl Ike, two staff guards were still drinking with the woman in their arms.

   General Lige was not there. The two guys were fine on the first day. On the second day, they finally couldn't grasp it. They also completely released themselves, drinking and having fun every day.

   Since the horses and horses have not appeared in the past few days, they thought that the horses and horses might have grabbed enough food and would not come again, so they relaxed their vigilance.

   As soon as they relaxed their vigilance, they went up and down, and in the entire Shibao city, the insurgents didn't have much vigilance.

   is not a regular army after all, how much capacity and awareness can you expect from them?

   However, there are still thousands of insurgents guarding the walls of Shibao City at any time.

   At night, the city gate will be closed. Behind the main city gate, there are thousands of insurgents guarding at any time, and there is also an insurgent of tens of thousands of people stationed not far away.

   As for the other rebels, they live in various places in the city, and there are also a few rebels guarding other smaller gates.

   After all, a city cannot be a city gate.

   As the night darkened, the rebel army stationed on the city wall began to doze off.

   The rebel army behind the gate also fell asleep.

   A few spies outside the city were all cleaned up by Dorothy.

  Night, it's Dorothy's home court.

   Mia's night combat ability is actually better than Dorothy, but Dorothy is enough to deal with these rebels, it is not too easy.

   After the spies were cleaned up, Dorothy sneaked into the city single-handedly.

   The way she enters the city is very simple.

   The stone wall could not stop her at all.

   Either she or Mia can climb up without any tools.

   Mia dived onto the city wall and began to quietly clean up the defenders on the city wall.

   These defenders are not together, but one or two at a distance. Mia is quite proficient in assassinations, with a short sword that is fatal, and the opponent will not even make a call.

  Below the city, ten tauren holding a big wooden stake, behind thousands of original horse thieves, sneaked towards the city gate.

   The defenders on the wall near the gate were almost killed by Mia, and no defenders found them.

   Soon, the tauren came to the city gate.

   The gates of Shibao City were reinforced by the rebel army, and there are three gates.


   Tauren Tieling yelled softly.

   Then, ten tauren holding the thick wooden stakes slammed into it.

   All of a sudden, I saw that the outermost gate of Shibao City was directly smashed!

   However, the loud sound also alarmed the insurgents behind the city gate.

   "Enemy attack!"

   Behind the city gate, the insurgents shouted and moved quickly.

   Immediately afterwards, the drums rang, and all the insurgents were alarmed.