Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 114: arrogant

"Zhu Yanhe has been taking drugs for many years."

The policeman who led the way looked back and confirmed that Qiu Cang and He Jueyun had followed him, and then continued his unhurried voice, explaining to her: "He was a reporter before, during a visit and investigation. , Accidentally came into contact with drugs. According to his own statement, he took a sip because of professional pressure and a bit of curiosity. Hehe, drugs, he didn’t try it after taking a sip, he was not surprised I'm addicted."

A helpless and mocking expression appeared on the young police officer's face. They gambled on their life-struggling career, but in the eyes of ignorant people, they were just "making some fun." Obviously they have heard a lot of this reason, but every time they hear it, they still find it very absurd.

"Zhu Yanhe doesn't know much about the drug trading market and has been arrested several times by us. He has tried persuasion, warnings, and community detoxification, but once you get involved with drugs, you say quit, basically not. It is possible. Especially methamphetamine and some new types of drugs, they will be over. Zhu Yanhe has been inhaling for so many years, but he actually understands this, but he still can't help it. The contacts he actually relies on, really got this kind of thing , We successfully put ourselves on the road of no return, we couldn't stop them." The policeman nodded his forehead with a finger, and said with a grudge, "People who take too much drugs, it's really abnormal here! He went to jail, but saved him."

The firmament touched his neck involuntarily. The pain at the time is no longer there, but the bruise still remains faintly. It is estimated that this trace will not disappear in a short time. She asked: "Does Zhu Yanhe behave honestly?"

He looked back at the sky again, nodded and said, "Honestly."

The police officer was obviously very familiar with Zhu Yanhe, he was an "old friend", and he understood Zhu Yanhe's daily life and past occupations clearly.

"Among the few addicts we observed, he is considered to be more obedient, confined to his own smoking. He does not sell, share, or gather crowds, and he has never seen a situation where he ran out to hurt people after smoking too much. He had some savings. The two old houses his parents left for him were all demolished. In addition, he himself would write some manuscripts to make money, so the life was pretty good. However, many of the manuscripts he wrote were nonsense, earning traffic. Lower limit. Alas, he used to be a good social news reporter, but now he has become a gossip paparazzi reporter, and he still has no professional ethics. No one will sue him, otherwise he would have lost everything..."

"Here, here it is."

The police stopped, opened the door in front of him, stepped aside, and made an inviting gesture.

The firmament nodded at him and walked in first.

There were already a few young people with strange faces standing inside. Seeing the sky appeared, they turned their heads and turned back quickly without making a sound.

Two people are sitting in front of the screen, staring at the figure inside. There was another person quietly sitting in the corner and eating cookies. The rest are quietly waiting for the progress of the interrogation.

The firmament stood against the wall, his eyes swept toward the screen.

In the airtight room, Zhu Yanhe was confined to a chair, and he wore a good prison uniform crumpled.

His spine was leaning deeply, like an arrow bow that couldn’t be straightened. His muddy eyes kept turning around, unable to concentrate. His right hand kept scratching his face or neck, on the skin. Leave a red mark on it.

No matter how you look at it, his spirit is not normal and he is in a state of mild anxiety.

The anti-narcotics policeman who explained to the sky earlier was more enthusiastic, stopped by her, continued to talk to her, pointed to the screen and said: "Can you believe it? He is less than forty years old."

Zhu Yanhe really does not have the appearance that a man in his thirties should have. He has loose eyes, loose and dark yellow skin, and many pimples on his hands and feet. You said he is forty or fifty, and many people believe him.

Opposite him, sitting He Chuanzhou and another detective. Behind the long table is a camera that has been set up, and the lens is directed at Zhu Yanhe.

He Chuanzhou was not in a hurry to interrogate, she stared at the opposite side with heavy eyes, spinning the pen in her hand back and forth. The pen body made a knock on the desktop. If it weren't for the slight noise, Skyspace wondered if the video was muted.

Both of them pretended to be calm, trying to kill each other's patience.

Finally, He Chuanzhou opened the file in front of him and asked: "November 18, eleven years ago, do you remember?"

Zhu Yanhe folded his hands, covered half of his face, and kept blowing into the palms of his hands. With eyes wide open, he looked at He Chuanzhou, but made no sound.

He Chuanzhou slowly continued: "This evening, there was heavy rain in City A. You followed and killed your colleague Kong Mou, and then conspired with others to blame Fan Huai for the crime. This is a planned crime that will let you Impunity for more than ten years."

Zhu Yanhe laughed muffled, his shoulders shaking. The laughter was like a strange tone squeezed out of the throat. He put down his hands and said with an exaggerated expression: "Uncle, comrade policeman, can't he? You said I took drugs and disrupted public order, even if I was murdered so many years ago, I would be detained unclearly. On the head?"

He Chuanzhou lifted his chin, glanced at him disdainfully, and sneered: "You know in your heart, it's not clear whether it is not."

Zhu Yanhe grinned with a cold smile and whispered: "I didn't kill. You have no evidence."

He Chuanzhou closed the file and threw it to the side, staring at him tightly: "You took drugs because you killed someone and couldn't bear the pressure of your heart. You could have a good future, but you pay for it because of this. After the whole youth, do you think it is worth it? Now you still dare not tell the truth, are you going to be so muddled to death for a lifetime?"

Zhu Yanhe licked his posterior molars hard, his eyes drifted away, only repeating: "I didn't kill, I didn't!"

He Chuanzhou: "You didn't kill, so how could you kill the sky? You are obviously afraid of being exposed, so you have a guilty conscience."

"I don't know her!" Zhu Yanhe straightened his face and said word by word, "I have taken too much drugs and am delirious, do you understand? I don't know who she is. I beat people and detain at most For a few days, don’t you guys want to accuse me of smashing people!"

He Chuanzhou slowed down his tone and persuaded: "I know that someone encouraged you to do this. That person is using you. Look at your current desolate ghost, and then think about the other's glorious life, don't you think Not reconciled?"

Zhu Yanhe looked at the ceiling with an empty expression, completely pretending to be inaudible.

Several people who were watching pressed their noses and sighed tiredly.

Zhu Yanhe just said a few words back and forth, not cooperating or admitting. When asked about sensitive places, he shut up, for fear that he might show some of his feet. When the situation is not good, he pretends to be a drug addict and a lunatic and asks for treatment. There is absolutely no way for everyone to take him.

Seeing the scene entered a familiar dead end again, the middle-aged man beside him sighed regretfully: "It seems that Team He from the Criminal Investigation Detachment has nothing to do."

Dim light flashed in the eyes of the black hole in the sky, and the corners of his lips curled up to make a silent sneer. She stretched out her hand to unfasten the first button on the top of her shirt, feeling a lot easier to breathe, and said lowly: "I'll go in and take a look."

He Jueyun grabbed her by the arm, his expression was not very agreeable, after all, he had the impression of absolutely disgusting Zhu Yanhe.

"Should I go in with you?"

The firmament raised his hand and refused: "No, everyone is here, there is no danger. Wait for me here."

She was brought by He Chuanzhou at the request. Although the police did not hold any hope, they did not stop her.

Investigating Fan Huai's case was originally the task of their criminal investigation detachment, and some of their anti-narcotics officers just came here to watch.

The police officer at the door opened the door for her, and the slight movement of the door panel opening and closing attracted the eyes of the three people inside.

The firmament stepped forward in no hurry, and the moment it appeared, the atmosphere inside had a subtle change.

She deliberately stepped heavily on the floor. The leisurely attitude and relaxed posture were not at all like coming to the interrogation room to meet a prisoner who had intended to kill him, but a proud victor came to inspect his territory.

He Chuanzhou chuckled and cast a look at the police officer on the side. The young policeman consciously packed his things and got up, leaving the chair to the sky.

The firmament did not go to take a seat, she slowly circled Zhu Yanhe.

Zhu Yanhe, who was surrounded by footsteps, became obviously anxious. He kept licking his lips, tearing the dead skin with his hands and teeth, and at the same time lowered his head and stared at the light-colored table in front of him.

Suddenly, patted Zhu Yanhe's shoulder with both hands, shaking Zhu Yanhe into a shiver.

The deep and cold voice of the firmament rang in his ears, with a faint smile.

"Since you dare to come to me, you should know who I am." She bent down and said to his ear, "There are some people who can run without you, are you regretting it now? So why? Do you want to take drugs? If you didn't jump out on your own, I don't know where to find you. I trouble you, and I will save time."

Zhu Yanhe Muran rolled his eyes, shaking his shoulders and avoided her hand.

The firmament didn't care, and continued to walk around in the small room: "What do you think we can't take you without evidence? You are wrong. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean I can't ask.

She just walked to the empty seat, lifted it with one hand, and moved it to the opposite side of Zhu Yanhe, no more than one meter apart. Then, in the evasive gaze of the other party, he sat down suddenly.

"Zhu Yanhe, be careful. I don't expect you to tell the truth, even if you say it, I don't believe it. But as long as you lie, I can tell. You'd better make sure that you don't show any clues. Control it. His own expression..." With that unbelievable smile on Qiu Cang's face, he stretched out a finger to point at him, and said every word: "For example, the pupils tremble, the nose flutters..."

Zhu Yanhe turned his head too far.

"Finger twitches, posture changes."

Zhu Yanhe immediately withdrew his hand from the table and placed it on his leg in a hand grip.

"...The apple is trembling and the muscles are tight."

Zhu Yanhe leaned back a little, moved his shoulders, and snorted from his nose.

The firmament laughed loudly, tilted one leg up, and sat completely without shape.

"The most invisible thing for human beings is the subconscious action. Don't you just want to challenge me? So interested, just let you see it."

She turned her head and said to the camera, "Thank you for a light."

Soon someone came in with three small table lamps, placed them beside Zhu Yanhe, adjusted the angle, and illuminated his face brightly.

Zhu Yan exclaimed angrily: "Get away! What are you doing!"

Regardless of his resistance, the police set up the equipment and left quickly.

He Chuanzhou picked up the camera and moved it to Zhu Yanhe's side, holding the tripod in his three hands, standing still on the edge, watching him struggle with a smile.

Zhu Yanhe quickly scanned between the two, never thinking that he would be pressured by the aura of the two women so hard to breathe.

They were standing one by one, the other sitting, and the high and low eyes were full of inquiry and contempt. The attitude of looking at a scum scum made him start to fluctuate again, which was not calm. The drug addiction that had subsided before seemed to be counterattack, following the blood, densely climbing on top of his head, intending to control his sanity.

Zhu Yanhe twisted his neck, looked to the other side, bit his lip, forcing himself to calm down.

"November 18, late autumn, night, heavy rain. The weather is very cold this day, you put on the sweater prepared in advance, and follow behind your colleague Kong. You know, she will go to meet someone, a student today, Fan Huai."

The firmament's voice is low and calm, like a student who is out of business.

"You decided to kill, not because of someone's support, but you want to kill her. You are colleagues, you were born in an ordinary family, you are inferior, smooth, and very poor before the demolition of your hometown. However, Kong Something is different. She is beautiful, generous, has no money troubles, and pays attention to the spirit of media people... Oh, yes. How can you sacrifice yourself for someone with your personality? You can only do it for yourself. To cover up your own. Point... shameless desire."

Zhu Yanhe's face trembled. Only oneself is illuminated by strong light, giving him the illusion of being invisible.

The firmament smiled while holding the ticket, causing Zhu Yanhe to stare at her again.

"You are so afraid of my appearance, isn't it because you know that what you did at the beginning was not so seamless?"

"You watched Sanyao launching one copy after another about Fan Huai. You were scared and thought that the police would eventually find you. After all, you did not design the framing of Fan Huai. You treat those five witnesses You are neither familiar nor confident. Your nature is timid, timid, and selfish. Otherwise, you will not need to rely on drugs to relieve your stress after the incident."

The muscles on Zhu Yanhe's face began to twitch uncontrollably, and he snapped his teeth at the sky.

The firmament seemed unheard of.

"You watched the five witnesses being killed one after another, and you are sure that there are still people who know the truth of the year and are carrying out crazy killings. You don't know if you will be the next one, and you don't know what the murderer's purpose is. It is revenge. It's still to silence the mouth."

Zhu Yanhe raised his shackled hands and touched his neck.

"You are extremely anxious and tortured. Because of this case, you were completely destroyed by drugs. When you murdered, you never thought that your future would be like this. You can't allow it. For many years, in the end it was still nothing. Even if you know it is wrong, even if you have taken so many wrong steps, you hope it can go wrong forever. Because you can’t face it, regret this emotion... No if, you I can't imagine if."

The firmament spoke slowly, breathing as close as it seemed to him.

"You think it's because of the chasing between me and the police that you are in today's situation, so you want to kill me. You are a reporter, even if you are not so formal, you know some people who teach and teach. You let them Pay attention to my whereabouts, say that I want to interview me, and then follow me behind, looking for a time to do it."

Zhu Yanhe opened his mouth without making a sound. Some fine sweat crawled out of his forehead, which clearly reflected fluorescence under the strong light. I don't know if it is caused by drug addiction or nervousness.

The firmament did not wait for him to speak, and said, "Yes. Your expression told me."

Zhu Yanhe thumped off the table and cried out: "You nonsense! I didn't!"

The more he wanted to defend, the calmer the sky became.

There was incomparable confidence in her eyes, as if she had peeped through everything and nailed him deeply in place.

"You are so scared because you are not sure whether you have any evidence left."


The firmament looked at his expression and said firmly: "Lost on the scene."

Zhu Yanhe's sweat dripped down with his violent movements. Under the light of the desk lamp, the blue veins on his forehead protruded, and his facial features became extremely hideous. It almost roared: "I said no! You can take it out if you have it! You don't have any!"

The firmament said clearly: "... left at the scene, but the police did not find it during a later search. It means it was taken away."

Zhu Yanhe's voice seemed to be cut off by a knife. He realized that he was being exposed, and he controlled it forcibly, not letting himself continue to make a sound.

The root of his tongue was bitter, and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

At this moment, he couldn't take into account his performance, just thinking hard about what should be done. However, the drug addiction that came up gradually made him almost lose the ability to think. He wandered between the words "rebuttal" and "useless" in his head, unable to pick a useful suggestion.

The firmament let out a deep breath.

"Five witnesses. One told the truth and the other was induced. They have not been to the scene. The other three were arranged for you. According to their testimony, Ding Tao was drunk on the day of the crime. He was drunk and unconscious, so it could not be him. In Wu Ming's testimony, he had been standing on the side of the road and was not close to the scene of the crime. So the only possibility is Mei Shiyong."

Zhu Yan closed his eyes, his mouth made a sound of grinding his teeth.

The firmament got up, walked to him, looked at him condescendingly.

"Mei Shiyong was instigated by others. She wanted to get to the position through pregnancy. Not only was she unsuccessful, she also forced her lover to death. Maybe she was coerced by others to stand up and perjury for you. But she must have something in her heart. Complained."

The firmament's voice is like a devil's whisper: "You said, will she still keep the evidence, waiting for the army against the general?"

Zhu Yanhe opened his eyes again. His eyes were scarlet, his breathing was heavy, the top of his head was cold and sweaty, and the muscles all over his body twitched and twitched from time to time. There are not many normal people on his body.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is convinced that he was stabbed in the pain by the sky.

"You have a drug addiction. Zhu Yanhe, your lie is over, wait." Qiu Cang said indifferently, and said to the camera affirmatively, "Mei Shiyong, do another search. She must have evidence there."

Zhu Yanhe barked and wanted to rush towards the sky. He Chuanzhou had been observing him. Seeing him in trouble, he stretched out his hand for the first time, grabbed his hair and knocked on the table.

With a loud "bang", Zhu Yanhe didn't give up and wanted to struggle.

The police outside the door rushed in quickly and pressed his face to the table, making him unable to move.

Qiu Cang quietly watched his seizures, and stepped out of the interrogation room.

People from the Criminal Investigation Squad had already heard the news, almost all blocking the door. They looked eager and saw the sky coming out, but they took the initiative to give way.

Xie Qimeng followed her pace and said quickly: "Did Mei Shiyong really leave any evidence? We have searched the carpet three or four times, but we have not found anything. Now the family members are very uncooperative. Good job. What are we looking for?"

The firmament said simply: "If you can't find it, then keep looking."

He Chuanzhou came from behind, and several people shouted: "Team He!"

He Chuanzhou straightened his shirt sleeves and walked through the crowd to the sky.

A police officer asked: "Even if Mei Shiyong took away important exhibits, did she really still keep it? That evidence can prove that Zhu Yanhe murdered and she did perjury, right? Can't confirm her? Will it be reserved."

This is what everyone fears most.

Xie Qimeng tentatively said: "Why don't you ask again, what is missing?"

The sky faintly glanced at him: "Do you think I can really read my mind?"

"Huh?" A rookie police officer said with a silly look, "Isn't this the same?" He looked alike. Being able to see through whether a person is lying is not the same as mind reading?

He Chuanzhou hurriedly called to his head and pushed him away.

Many of the reactions that people make when they lie can also appear in situations of tension and fear. When being interrogated, these two emotions were quite normal. No matter how clearly the eyes of the firmament can see, even if it can see through every muscle change in the opponent's body, it cannot be deduced as evidence of lying.

It was just using the difference in intelligence between the two parties and Zhu Yanhe's natural fear of the sky to use vague information to ask inductive questions.

They didn't see if Zhu Yanhe was lying, but when he started to collapse.

The firmament rubbed his fingers, and said after deep thought: "You can't find it, maybe it's not because you didn't search carefully enough."

Xie Qimeng was stunned.

Qiancang whispered: "The lesson from the past, right in front of you. What other family members Mei Shiyong has close to?"

Xie Qimeng really woke up like a dream, he subconsciously wanted to get the information, and then found that he didn't have it with him.

"Yes! Mei Shiyong also has a son who is in elementary school! After her accident, the child was taken away by her uncle. We have only met once."

The firmament asked: "Tian Zhaohua's son?"

"In terms of should be." Xie Qimeng said in a daze, "Is he hiding? But why?"

He Chuanzhou didn't allow him to think too much, patted his hands, and shouted, "Everyone who should be busy is getting busy. Where is Mr. He? Please come with me to Mei Shiyong's house."

Everyone turned their heads and started looking for the missing man. Finally, several glances fell out of the crowd, a man who was playing with a mobile phone.

He Jueyun looked at them innocently.

Xie Qimeng raised his hand: "I—"

"You look too scary, you can't do it." He Chuanzhou lit He Jueyun, "Come here, big brother, do me a favor."

He Jueyun: "..."

"Big brother." Qiu Cang walked out briskly, "Take me too."


500 red envelopes~

Here comes it~ This is yesterday’s update, I fell asleep when I coded [Khan]