Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 3: fear

He Jueyun immediately asked the same question as a netizen.

He Jueyun: But you said that when Xu You beat you today, your suicide progress did not change.

Firmament: Yes.

Firmament: It may be that Wang Dongyan finally saw through the love tweak and returned to the embrace of science. After all, the photo was taken before Zhou Nansong committed suicide.

Opposite He Jueyun was shocked again.

Which sneer school did this guy graduate from?

He Jueyun: ...?

Qiu Tian: If she doesn't have any special hobbies, she should not like a boy who maliciously bullies herself, and Xu You's dislike of Wang Dongyan is very real and clear. It shows that Xu You's bullying of her probably only started recently, and the reason for the beginning is directly related to her suicidal tendency. Wang Dongyan's mental pressure is very high, and she has no spare energy to care about what classmates or Xu You think of herself.

Firmament: Of course, other possibilities cannot be completely ruled out. It may also be because the suicide progress cannot show the change in decimal point.

The thinking is very clear, the analysis is also quite objective, there is no pride or arbitrariness based on IQ.

The firmament was a little more reliable than He Jueyun had imagined, which was slightly different from the rumors.

After a while, the firmament reflected on it and sent a message from the heart.

Firmament: Oh, maybe it's just a kind of sentiment that attracts attention between them. I overreacted and caused violence. No wonder Xu You's expression was the same as he had seen a ghost. After all, I don't know much about love among high school students.

He Jueyun:...

It's suffocating.


A group of straight men and women in the live broadcast room saw the content of this text message, and they also reacted with hindsight, and suddenly felt extremely haggard in their hearts.

"I get it. Ordinary girl was beaten: red eyes, grieved Baba. Boy: Okay, okay, I was wrong, I will ask you to eat and apologize, okay? Straight steel girl: I will knock your dog head off! Boy: Fuck! [Perfect] [Smile]"

"The elements of love: civilized, reserved, wronged."

"This is the test site, please remember."

"This discovery sounds so sad."

"This is right for BE. Let's give up. This is hopeless for CP."


He Jueyun continued to wait for a long time, but did not wait for the follow-up. The other party stopped abruptly, without even saying hello.

He Jueyun: Then what?

The firmament seemed to have no interest in chatting, and it took four or five minutes to return.

Firmament: Just a small discovery, what do you want then?

He Jueyun: Prediction and inference based on existing information. Guess boldly and verify carefully.

Firmament: I have verified, but I don't know what kind of guessing can be considered bold.

Qiu Tian's predictive analysis of love issues has always been inaccurate, because the brain of a person in love seems to turn, and she will never know what the other party's next action is and where the turning point is.

Firmament: Brother, are you single?

He Jueyun's chest choked. It feels connoted.

He hesitated strangely and sent this signal to the sky.

Firmament: I understand. Then I won't ask you.

He Jueyun: ...Thank you for your understanding.

Firmament: You are welcome.

He Jueyun had a myocardial infarction again.

This one is really welcome.

He Jueyun put down the phone and continued to work on his business.

He still has evidence collected in the previous two suicide cases, such as surveillance.

He watched various confessions and videos and saw that he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he felt that his tear ducts were almost drained by the screen.

After he was busy for half an hour, the phone flashed again.

Firmament: Let me give you one more clue.

Firmament: I just checked Wang Dongyan's exercises and teaching materials. She should be a serious student. Her early homework has clear handwriting, complete calculation process, and the accuracy rate is above 90%. But starting from March 23, her homework has obviously become scribbled, the process is simple, there is no calculation process, and the error rate of some exercises has also increased significantly. According to my experience, she has done many assignments. Explains what happened to Wang Dongyan on March 23 and suffered a major mental shock.

The sky: Zhou Nansong's suicide was March 25. Therefore, Wang Dongyan's suicidal anxiety began before Zhou Nansong jumped off the building. Whether the two people finally chose to commit suicide for the same reason is waiting for further verification.

The netizens who were still chatting were instantly pulled back to the subject, and their heads seemed to be knocked on their heads.

"Fuck?! Is this a major discovery? Yes, you can actually use homework to sort out the timeline. This is a personal talent!"

"So it's still killing people and killing their mouths. Several people knew what they shouldn't know. Zhou Nansong deliberately pulled her out of the water because she hated Wang Dongyan. The follow-up may develop in the direction of supernatural movies or closer to science. I am really. A genius hahaha!"

"...Why is her problem-solving process and steps different from those of the previous ones? This clue obviously skipped a stage. The last player seemed to be a clue from the class teacher after three days of skipping class. "

"This dungeon has too many deceptive clues, and it falls into the pit if you are not careful. NPC is also very deceptive. So she directly checks the physical evidence, which is the most correct."

"I am ashamed that I dared to question the high-level players with 92 points. I was wrong, but I will dare next time. [doge]"

Not to mention netizens, He Jueyun was also shocked.

He Jueyun: The two time periods are very close, are you sure they are correct?

Firmament: OK. According to the progress of science teaching, and the recitation date of the Chinese text, the English dictated comments are inferred. It is impossible that all three are wrong.

He Jueyun: Isn't this very important information? Why is it just mentioned by the way?

Firmament: Before there is more evidence, no valid conclusion can be inferred. I didn't want to understand the clues, just worthy of the way. Is there a problem?

Firmament: Didn’t I take you through? I know it will do.

He Jueyun was mentally silent.

He Jueyun: No problem. I just want to ask, is there any clue that is unimportant and can be mentioned by the way?

Firmament: Actually, it's all right?

The firmament: I received a pack of orange-flavored fruit hard candy today.

He Jueyun quickly replied. However, his focus is so different.

He Jueyun: Sugar, authentication department?

Firmament: This is not necessary.

He Jueyun: Why?

Firmament: I ate it.

He Jueyun: Jian?


He Jueyun: "..."

"No, do chats now follow a decreasing pattern? Is typing difficult?"

"Can't stand them..."

"How can you lose if you type one more word?"

"I really like watching them talk. There is always someone who switches channels off guard. Why can they complete the cross-dimensional communication so quickly?"


After Qiu Cang and He Jueyun were talking nonsense for a while, noisy conversation happened outside the dormitory, and the students who had finished their evening study came back one after another.

Their dormitory is on the first floor, which is always a noisy place.

Three of Wang Dongyan's roommates appeared shortly afterwards, and several of them opened the door tiredly and walked in.

The firmament sorted the things on the table, then changed into pajamas and sat half on the bed.

If there is no plot related to the case, this period of night will pass quickly.

Several roommates moved the books to the bed, sat and rested for a while, waited for the spirit to relax and become active again. Joking with each other, lining up to wash and prepare for bed.

The relationship between the three of them was very good. They were roommates, but no one came to talk to the sky.

They may not want to be too obvious, but the evasive behavior in the eyes of the sky is deliberately hard to ignore.

In such a small space, they wouldn't even glance at her direction.

However, during the period before Wang Dongyan's suicide, she did behave very abnormally, and it is not surprising that she did not deal well with her friends.

Ordinary players should inquire about news with their roommates at this time, trying to repair their relationship. The firmament has no such plans.

She covered her quilt and lay down.

Before long, the lights in the dormitory went out.

The firmament hadn't slept much in the past two days, but under the influence of the environment, it really began to fall asleep. She closed her eyes, her consciousness was dazed, unable to perceive the passage of time correctly.

I don't know how much it has passed. In the calm night, some special sounds suddenly appeared.

The voice was finely divided, from blurry at first to becoming clearer.

The sleepiness that the firmament had just accumulated was successfully dispelled by the irregular but increasingly loud noise.

She concentrated and heard that the sound came from the position close to the foot of her bed.

It may be under the bed, or it may be at her feet. Or some other nearby place. This discovery stopped her breathing.

It was a sound similar to teeth grinding, and it was impossible to tell which materials were rubbing against each other. Under its cover, all the surrounding details are magnified, conveying into the five senses of the firmament.

Any slight noise made her have a kind of tension that was dangerously drawing closer.

The firmament opened his eyes slowly.

The dormitory is very dim, the lights in the corridor have been turned off, but there is still light through the windows.

It was a light yellow light, which was emitted by some light source, passed through the glass and printed the image on the security door.

From the perspective of the position where the firmament lies, after opening your eyes, you can directly see the dappled light and shadow of the human form.

The firmament was frightened, and he felt the breath that he hadn't exhaled from his chest, and now it hurt.

The **** the bunk by the window suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are you asleep? Who is grinding your teeth?"

One person responded: "I didn't sleep."

"It's not me either."

The firmament is silent.

After a while, someone took the initiative to ask: "Hello? Dong Yan, are you awake?"

Firmament: "Awake."

After she finished speaking, there was an unnatural pause in the voice in the corner, and then the speed of chewing was increased, and there was a little more crunch. It just didn't make it clear that this place is haunted.

The familiar sound was like a fuse, igniting a bomb that had not been detonated for many years. The firmament felt his adrenaline surge instantly. The heartbeat speeds up and blood pressure rises, the erect hair muscles contract, and the cold hairs stand erect. The body fell into a state of intense fear.

The night became too deep in her eyes, covering the surrounding world like a huge mouth in the abyss. There is no gap.

Weird memories popped up from all corners of her brain again, quickly occupying her vision and hearing.

Her most annoying, out-of-control feeling appeared again.

In the darkness, the firmament licked his lips, suppressed his emotions, and waited for the illusion of body stiffness to pass, without showing any abnormality.

"Lie down, what the **** is this sound?" The **** the bed pressed her throat and said, "Dongyan, it's where you are. Climb over and take a look."

"Isn't it a ghost?"

"I think it might be a mouse."

One person laughed in a low voice: "What the **** can we have in our dormitory? It can only be Nan Song. Everyone is a sister, how could she come out to be scary. Right, Dong Yan?"

The conversations of several people made her recover from the abnormal state, and the firmament blinked hard.

"From a scientific point of view," she said coolly, "as long as you don't move it, it won't come to you."

Everyone was stunned: "Huh??"

A girl asked: "What kind of science is this?"

"Pseudoscience." The firmament voice became more and more gentle, "just like someone believes that there are ghosts in this world."

Several people choked on her words and paused for a while.

At this time, the light outside the window suddenly changed color. From the original yellowish light to red light, after flashing several times, it disappeared completely.

After the horrifying change, several girls took a deep breath, trying to scream. But because the firmament on the other side was too quiet and did not respond, their performance could not continue naturally, and in the end only a few insincere syllables abruptly uttered.

An awkward atmosphere filled the air, and with the sound of grinding teeth, it shattered the horror picture just now.

The firmament smiled angrily at several roommates.

She swept away, and finally noticed the suicide progress on the character panel, which had surged from 87% to 92% in a short period of time, with the highest value reaching 95%, and then quickly falling back, and now it is constantly oscillating.

Ok. Now she knew why Wang Dongyan bought that Lao Menzi's Requiem.

The **** the bed was not at ease for a while, and then shouted: "Hey, Dong Yan, Dong Yan! Listen to me!"

The firmament turned sideways.

The other party suddenly turned on the flashlight, shining upward on his disheveled face.

The girl raised her head, her face interlaced with light and shadow. She said: "Otherwise, our palms and backs of hands. Who loses and who goes out to have a look, how about?"

The other two responded quickly.


"But... okay."

"Dongyan, anyway, you say you are not afraid of ghosts, okay?"

The firmament stared at the girl motionlessly.

She did not deliberately create a horrible atmosphere, but at the moment her face was pale, her expression was very haggard, and her lips were almost bloodless. With her gloomy gaze, the other girl was immediately chilled and retreated under her gaze. .

The firmament opened the quilt and sat up. Several people were surprised at her boldness and thought she was really going out.

But Tiantian didn't get up and proceed with the next move. She put her hands on her knees and assumed a sitting posture. Adjust your tone and say calmly: "Should you choose someone? The palm of your hand and the back of your hand are not fair. If you collude in advance, then the probability of picking me out is 100%."

The girl raised the volume: "What do you mean?"

"It means that you don't trust you, can't you hear it? Who are you stupid?" Qiu Cang sneered, "If you really want to choose someone, use a permutation and combination. You will fight each other in pairs, and the game will be the winner. Winning points and losing points are counted as zero. In the end, whoever scores low will go. How about? You can discuss how to cheat, so that I have a greater probability of getting low points. This is the simplicity of the third grade. Knowledge, isn’t it difficult? I can suffer a little, and it’s counted as compensation for your IQ. But if anyone goes out, see if I can let you in tonight."

The firmament's tone couldn't tell that she was already angry, but no one doubted the threat inside.

She is absolutely serious.

No one spoke up. The three of them seemed to be steadily shaken by her burst of aura.

The firmament asked patiently: "I don't want to go, do you?"


The firmament: "If you don't go, then rest a little bit, don't pretend to be a fool for me."

She walked to the end of the bed, fumbled for a while under the mattress, and pulled out a small tape recorder. When she got the machine, the switch was remotely stopped.

The dormitory finally returned to silence, and only a few people were breathing nervously.

There seemed to be a cool breeze blowing in from the cracks in the windows, making everyone's skin feel cold.

Qiuqiang's fingers squeezed the machine, raised his arm, and smashed it directly towards the opposite bed.

The thing hit the wall with a loud noise, and it shattered into multiple pieces due to the force of the impact. It bounced back in all directions, and then scattered on the ground.

The screams rang, panicked at the girl in bed, and quickly realized that the lights were turned off now, and quickly swallowed the rest of the sound. She covered her mouth with the bedding, and gasped briefly in depression.

The firmament wiped the unnecessary dust on her hands: "If anyone dares next time, for whatever reason, I will let her smell the toilet drain at close range. Isn't this more interesting? How?"

The choked voice was a little louder, but no one dared to speak again.

How nice is it to be early? When it's time to go to bed, you should sleep well. What Huangquan Road do you look for in the dark?

The firmament pulled off the quilt and lay down again.


200 red envelopes~

The hostess is called the sky.



Not the sky.