Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 30: Murder live broadcast rebirth

The audience in the live broadcast room jumped from the bed excitedly at the moment they saw the change of the Sanyao panel. The late night environment made them dare not pretend, so they could only choose to let out a howl in the comment area. Reward and like icons swiped the entire comment area.

"I thought she was dead, but turned out to be caught off guard."

"It's equivalent to logging in again, starting from scratch? They probably won't be able to keep up with the progress of the notebook next door, sorry."

"No, to be precise, this should be a resurrection. [Seriously]"

"Huh? I didn't watch it for a while, why has the world changed?"

"The boss pressed all the three suspects, two were sent to the bureau, and one was personally monitored in the hospital. As a result, the murder plot could not go on and the data was forcibly corrected by the Sanyao system. The game directly jumped to the second stage. , It started again."

"Boss: Can't you afford it? I'm just a rookie."

"Sorry, I was wrong, but from the perspective of Brother Q, what kind of plot is this? "You can't escape my palm after all, even if I die."


The firmament figure stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and his eyes fell for an instant in the exquisitely repaired garden. The dazzling sunlight entered her eyes, bringing a slight astringency. When the cool wind passed through the gap in the glass window and hit her face, she moved her arm slightly.

The technician behind her saw her standing in a daze, and came over and asked, "Boss, what's the matter with you?"

The firmament raised his hand to press on both sides of the temple, feeling the meridians of the head aching. She closed her eyes, exhaled, and said, "I'm tired. I just started the game, but I feel like I've stayed up all night."

"You stayed up again yesterday, right? Let us go back and have a good rest. You don't care about it yourself." The young man squeezed the evidence bag in his hand and said regretfully, "This is another big case today. I guess I can't rest recently. ."

The firmament turned around and looked at the male corpse lying directly on the ground not far away.

The man was wearing a white shirt, and the clothes had been cut open, revealing the dense wounds inside. With such a hideous knife wound, only a small amount of dark black blood was left on the ground, and a lot of minced meat was sprayed around.

His corpse has been processed by mosaics, and only a white doll and a string of text descriptions can be seen in the firmament, which is not so strong visual impact. It is impossible for the Sanyao system to allow players to face the excessively **** scene. In the live broadcast room, the audience can't even see the white puppets, there is only a dull stickman.

The system uses auxiliary lines to mark the stab wounds and width of the corpse in various places of the doll. A line of small characters floated beside and disappeared quickly.

[Deceased: Wu Ming. Time of death: 1 am to 2 am. 】

Qiu Cang walked towards Wu Ming's body and squatted beside the forensic doctor. The middle-aged man tilted his head slightly and gave up a bit of space to explain to her.

"The specific cause of death can only be confirmed by an autopsy. However, these wounds are all left after the death of the deceased. I have not counted how many of them are." The forensic doctor pointed to several parts, motioned to her and said, "On the deceased Most of the knife wounds were scattered on the abdomen and arms. The cutting edge was not flat and the blade was not sharp. Looking at the position of the elbow, judging from the cross section of the wound, the murderer repeatedly chopped at similar angles, and then saw it hard. , So a very deep wound was left."

The police officer who was recording groaned and said, "How much hate is this? It's like frustrating the bones. It won't be it?"

The forensic doctor changed his squatting posture to relax his muscles and said: "The murderer may have a strong hatred for the deceased, so he left so many cruel wounds to vent his anger. But it is also possible..."

The firmament accepted his words and said: "It is also possible that the murderer originally wanted to dismember the corpse and divert his attention, but as a result, he miscalculated the difficulty of dissecting the corpse and didn't know enough about the joints of the human body, which caused such a situation."

The forensic doctor nodded.

"Huh?" said the young police officer, "that sounds like a passionate crime without adequate preparation. However, the murderer left a directional note by Wu Ming's side, and this behavior felt like A premeditated revenge. Or, is it slander?"

The policeman turned back the photo in the camera and said: "When the murderer was destroying the body, the deceased should not have been stiff, and the corpse was put in a specific posture. At that time, the deceased was holding a Western-style kitchen knife in his right hand. The kitchen knife was the murder weapon that caused various wounds on his body. He pointed the kitchen knife at his abdomen and left a note half a meter away. These details are very similar to the previous cases. In addition, we just confirmed that the deceased Wu Ming was also one of the witnesses against Ning Dongdong."

Ning Dongdong is Fan Huai's pseudonym in this copy.

The firmament was silent, without making a sound.

"Oh, this is already the fourth person. I don't know when it will end. If we don't catch the murderer, I feel that the media will have to light up us to sacrifice to the sky." The policeman said with regret, "However, we were yesterday. Two brothers have been guarding Ning Dongdong's downstairs, confirming that he has never left his residence from beginning to end, so this time it is really impossible for him to commit the crime. Is it an imitation?"

Another on-site investigator walked over and said: “The murderer obviously deliberately set up the scene like this, trying to disguise it as a murder related to the previous three cases. However, the feelings of the two are very different. One is fine, the other is. Rough. It's not like a murderer at all."

He tilted his head and looked at the corpses on the ground, and said, "But, if you say that they are all imitated, there is a little taste in it that cannot be imitated. We haven’t announced some details, but it is strangely correct. Go on. This is something ordinary impersonators can do, right?"

"There is also something wrong." The young brother said, "We have not disclosed the content of the note. The note held by the first three deceased people read the word'lie', and Wu Ming's It was a sentence on the note."

The firmament said: "Let me see."

Young brother: "Okay, I'll go to Brother Liu to get it."

"It should be different from the previous three cases. Although it looks a little similar, the level of crime is completely different. The scene of the first three cases was cleaned very cleanly. This time, it left a lot of clues."

Everyone followed the prestige and walked over with the box carrying the box: "This time the murderer was not cautious or not professional enough. He stepped in from the garden behind, stepped on the dirt on the sole of his shoes, and did not take off his shoes after entering the house. A large shoe print was left. He should have noticed it later. He tried to wipe it, but because he was impatient, it was not wiped clean. We extracted a complete footprint at the scene. We compared all the shoes in the deceased’s house and confirmed that there was no The matching size should belong to the murderer."

The young police officer returned with a proof bag containing a note, and excitedly guessed: "Will it be Ning Dongdong who knew that he was under surveillance and could not get out of his body, so he bought a murderer and let the other party fake a similar Murder case, to divert our attention?"

The firmament took the evidence bag he handed over and pinched the thin paper inside through the plastic.

In the bag was a piece of paper written with a red pen, with a little blood on the top, and Wu Ming's handprint was printed on the position of the signature.

The words on the paper read: "I pointed the tip of the knife at someone else and pierced it deeply."

After the firmament looked at it carefully, he returned the thing to the police officer. The younger brother asked, "Boss, what do you mean by this sentence? Literally? His first-person name, ‘I’, refers to the murderer or the dead?"

The firmament lifted his eyelids and dangled his face, before dropping his eyes again.

The younger brother couldn't get a response, so he kept talking: "Boss, why are you not talking today? Don't you talk a lot?"

The firmament asked: "Where are the families of the deceased?"

The young brother raised his hand and pointed: "Li Yujia? She was in the yard and was frightened. Sister Wang was recording a detailed statement to her."

Qiu Cang looked in the direction, just saw the camera installed in the corner, and asked: "Has the surveillance video been called out? What was captured?"

The young brother said: "I've called it out, I'll show it to you."

He was about to turn around and leave, and the firmament spoke again: "I will give you a task."

He immediately folded back: "You said you said!"

"Since the murderer wanted to blame Ning Dongdong for the case, the note he left behind and the clues given on the scene were probably not written casually." Qiyun explained more effortlessly and said, " Go and check it for me. Ten years ago, Ning Dongdong’s murder was near the scene of the murder. Did the bureau receive any police records related to knife injuries.”

The young brother nodded: "Okay."


Tiancang got into the car with a tablet in his hand. She adjusted her posture, clamped the tablet to the back of the chair, and watched the video above with her arms around her chest.

The last video stored in several cameras installed in Wu Ming’s villa is being played on the screen.

At around 10 pm on the 28th, Wu Ming came back from outside. Seeing his flushed face and staggered footsteps at the time, he should have been drinking a lot at night.

The movement of Wu Ming entering the door affected another person in the room. Soon, Li Yujia walked out of the bedroom on the second floor.

Li Yujia shrieked when he saw him. She scolded: "Wu Ming, do you still have any conscience!"

Wu Ming glanced at her, did not respond, and walked upstairs drunk.

Li Yujia continued to curse, but the curse voice was mixed with husky crying in addition to anger.

She scolded Wu Ming for being ungrateful and mentioned his mother and the hospital. In the end, he even said to call the police.

Wu Ming ignored her the whole time. After going up the stairs, he walked past her and entered the bedroom.

Li Yujia followed in, and slammed the door firmly before closing it.

The sound insulation of the wooden door is very good.

The firmament maximized the background sound, but because there was no camera installed near the bedroom, the sound was not clearly received, and it was impossible to detect what was arguing between the two of them.

About fifteen minutes later, Li Yujia opened the door and rushed out in a hurry. She picked up the handbag on the sofa, didn't even put on her shoes, and went straight out.

The villa was quiet.

The firmament fast-forwards the surveillance video.

About twenty minutes later, Wu Ming covered his head and walked out of the bedroom.

The firmament sat upright.

Hey? She thought this friend was dead.

Wu Ming's situation was very bad, and he couldn't wake him up in half an hour. He almost fell while walking in the stairwell, but fortunately he squatted down in time to stabilize his figure.

Wu Ming just squatted on the stairs for a long time, and then took heavy steps to the kitchen.

The firmament switched the screen of the surveillance camera.

After Wu Ming entered the kitchen... took out a bottle of red wine from the refrigerator and continued to drink at the table.

Wu Ming began to cry when he was silly. He hugged his head in his hands, and he let out a meaningless moan, which seemed to be painful.

Then he picked up the phone, as if to search for something on it. Probably because he couldn't see clearly, he angrily smashed the phone to the ground.

When the monitoring time jumped to 12:30, Wu Ming got up. With tears on his face, he took the initiative to cut off the power of the surveillance camera.

The most critical picture is gone.

Firmament: "..."

What use does she want this monitoring?


"If I remember correctly, the boss once gave high hope to surveillance... She vowed to say that she would be able to leave evidence."

"Let me go, from the perspective of the killer, is this case so confusing?"

"I really thought Li Yujia was the murderer, but was denied at the beginning of the detection phase? With 80% of the clue exploration, there shouldn't be such a big discrepancy."

"If you look at it this way, the murderer was not clever in imitating. The media said at the time that they were exactly the same. They also said that Fan Huai followed the deceased before his death, but the police did not act. As a result, it was not Fan Huai who followed Wu Ming at all.

"Curious. With the help of modern technology, it will take a few days for the boss to retrieve the previous clues? How do you feel that this angle is more difficult?"

"Hmm! Is the boss going to interrogate Brother Q?"


As the audience speculated wildly, the sky had already got off the police car and walked to a pavilion near the villa.

This place is very quiet, and there is a landscape lake on the edge. The policewoman is sitting on a bench with Li Yujia, talking quietly.

The firmament stepped onto the stone steps, facing the same face as in the surveillance video, alienated and politely said: "Ms. Li, hello."


Some people say that I don’t understand it because I don’t like to describe the setting= in detail. =#Explain carefully here.

Although He Jueyun is a monitor, he mainly monitors whether the newcomer violates the rules in the game, and examines the opponent's mental state in the game. But he was also assigned a specific identity script, so he had to play his role well.

For example, in the first game, he was assigned the identity of [the murderer], so he had to help investigate the case. In this round, he analyzed his identity based on clues that he might be the [murderer], so he had to hide the evidence, wait for [Murder Night] to open, and then proceed with the murder according to the next script.

This copy is that the firmament has held down all the suspects, causing them to be unable to follow the script.

The murder scene cannot be restored, and the game cannot continue. Therefore, the system forcibly revises the data to restore the murder scene and enters the second stage. It is equivalent to restarting the game directly from the investigation link.