Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 56: Fisherman

He Jueyun deliberately picked his most expensive car and took care of his image. Suit and leather shoes, exquisite hairstyle, make sure to be fully armed before going out to pick up people.

Therefore, when an extravagant He Jueyun stepped on bright leather shoes and appeared in the old room of the police station that had not been repaired for many years, the few unkempt people who stayed up all night had the illusion of being blinded.

The turbulent firmament raised his hand and grabbed his own hair. The policeman couldn't help but reached out and wiped his uncleaned corners of his eyes. Everyone looked up and watched him approach step by step.

He Jueyun put one hand on the table, bent down, and looked at her situation less than ten centimeters from the sky.

The faint scent of his body struck over, giving the sky an absolute reason to suspect that this person took a bath specially before going out. After all, the smell of the shower gel had an inexplicable soothing effect for her.

He Jueyun asked: "Are you okay?"

The firmament shook his head.

He Jueyun asked, "Where is the one who beat you?"

The policeman shivered. Xin said that the four big sticks are there, president, can't you see it?

The firmament took the initiative to raise his hand to give instructions.

He Jueyun turned around and looked around, raising his eyebrows, and his handsome face showed an expression of disgust at the time.

All four of them were stained with red paint, and at first glance they looked like they were half-stained with blood. Especially the young man's face was red, and he wiped it a little, but it was not clean. He Jueyun was taken aback by his hideous look.

"Are you sure you did it?" He Jueyun raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "Aren't they touching porcelain?"

The four people on the opposite side could not bear such a great shame and shouted. From the sound, it was still full of breath, and it seemed all right.

They scolded something that He Jueyun didn't understand in their native accent, and the policeman patted the table hard to keep them calm for the time being.

When the few people calmed down again, Qiongcang said, "There is still a little bit of help from the enthusiastic neighbors." It was just a little bit.

He Jueyun said with a smile: "It seems that the quality of the residents in your community is very good and willing to help others."

Police brother: "??" Can you stop fanning the flames? the man.

He Jueyun sat down on the edge of the firmament.

The policeman nodded his chin against the sky and asked, "Your boyfriend?"

The firmament is speechless. How to answer this? She said now that you dare not believe it?

Firmament: "No."

He Jueyun said, "Friends."

The little policeman lowered his head to play with his pen, and said with a long tone: "Oh...the young people don't know what they are thinking now, their feelings are quite entangled."

Two people: "..."

The police nowadays don't know what they are thinking about, and they are obviously quite young.

The little brother pointed with a pen, and motioned Qiyun to discuss a solution with his friend first.

The firmament moved slightly, adjusted its posture, and couldn't help peeping He Jueyun from the corner of the light. She was a little touched by He Jueyun's act of tidying herself up in the middle of the night and coming to the police station to support herself.

But it's not necessary.

It doesn’t matter if the person is there or not.

He Jueyun felt very pleased and even flattered that the firmament would think of asking for help the first time after the accident. If this time period is not suitable to disturb the lawyer, he can bring the backbone of the company's legal department to support him.

He Jueyun was about to give relief to the sky, a cold touch on the back of his hand, a pair of slender hands caught him.

Just listen to the sky: "It's him."

The firmament grabbed his hand and lifted it up, and at the same time turned sideways and said to the wounded: "Look, he is Sanyao's staff. The copy was made by them, and the clues were designed by them. Lord, I called you, don’t come to me in the future."

He Jueyun: "???"

Probably because his condemning eyes were too strong, Qiu Cang explained: "They are Ning Tingting's in-laws. After I cleared the customs, I felt that I had insulted their son's dead soul and came to my door to splash paint in the middle of the night. You said that too? "

He Jueyun said angrily: "Are you not too much?"

The firmament thought for a while, and did not refute: "The two can go hand in hand. If you insist."

He Jueyun withdrew his hand mercilessly.

He doesn't believe in evil ways: "You can also make a joke at this time?"

The firmament shrugged: "They have been joking with me."

He Jueyun: "So you feel that you have lost?"

Firmament: "I just feel bored."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The policeman controlled his expression and persuaded He Jueyun: "Brother, please come over, mainly because I want you to persuade your friend. After negotiation, you can sign and you can leave. If you don’t give in to each other, the nature of the matter will become very troublesome. Everyone’s time is precious. It’s not necessary, right? You think you are all decent people. It’s a shame to waste time on these things."

He Jueyun turned his head and raised his eyebrows, and silently asked what the sky wanted.

Qiu Cang said: "Illegal entry into the room can be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of up to three years based on the severity of the badness.

The young male shouted: "You are still hitting me!"

"I beat you, it doesn't constitute a minor injury. If you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital for a medical examination. I don't violate the criminal law, at most it is administrative detention. The result depends on the attitude of the police." Qiu Cang said, "This matter is clearly yours. If you make a mistake first, you also have a history of using public sympathy to cheat donations to the society. I will beat you, so to speak, enthusiastic people, a reasonable self-defense against illegal and violent elements, you should not accept any administrative punishment, right? ?"

The policeman gave a long sigh and covered his face.

The man pointed to his red and swollen face and roared: "Look at my face, and then at my wife's face! You dare to hit my aunt. Do you know how old my aunt is? Can you guarantee that she doesn't? Three long and two short? That's it? You still want to get out of your body. Comrade police, we don't negotiate, catch her!"

The old lady groaned twice leaning on her husband.

Qiu Cang sighed and said: "The negotiation is that the two parties explain their own views. I have finished talking, and you can say it. You didn't say anything, and the negotiation did not start at all."

The man said: "My demands? My demands are fair! This is not a violent society, how can you do it at will?"

The firmament drank from the teacup. I almost thought it was a hallucination.

He Jueyun let out a "huh" and said, "Do you want compensation?"

The man yelled loudly: "Is it a money issue?"

He Jueyun said quickly: "That's great, I didn't want to use money to solve it."

The man was choked on the spot and couldn't continue.

The policeman said roundly, "Actually, money is the simplest solution."

He Jueyun uttered a tongue, shook his head and said, "But for people with money and leisure, it is not the most satisfactory solution. I am a person who does things more easily. The main thing is, I can't take a breath."

The firmament slowly turned sideways and looked at him. The eyes of the two were communicating in the air, and both nodded in satisfaction.


The policeman was full of regret.

This is a disaster for him!

The four people on the opposite side were extremely excited, yelling for justice.

The policeman slapped the table and yelled with his hoarse voice: "Listen to me first, okay! Don't play these routines anymore, be sincere! Do you really want to solve the problem?"

Of course the firmament does not want to go to court. She hates trouble, she hates complicated procedures, and she hates being asked the same question repeatedly.

The person on the other side is obviously more afraid.

After discussion, the two parties decided to take responsibility for their actions.

People are beaten by the firmament, and the firmament is responsible for medical expenses.

The walls and doors of the firmament residence were soiled by them. The four of them must make sure to clean them up, repair the walls and repaint them.

For the injuries of the four of them, a bottle of safflower tubing is enough. If you want to go to the hospital, you must hurry up, otherwise the doctor will not be able to prescribe the medicine once the injuries are healed. But paint and cement workers are different. There is no output without cost input.

The four of them thought about it carefully and found that they not only lost two buckets of paint and a day's labor, but also suffered a beating for nothing.

A veritable blood loss.

The firmament said generously: "If there is still such a need next time, remember to come to me."

The four people were itchy and jumped for a while, and there was nothing to do with her.

Most people would vote for the mouse, but the two talents in front of them seem to have no such concerns. If a arrogant person meets someone who has no scruples, he can only stop his fire.

Seeing that the matter was finally over, the little policeman urged He Jueyun with a pen as he received a pardon: "Guardian, come and sign, and then quickly take the person away."

He Jueyun was shocked by the title "guardian", tasting inwardly, rolled up his sleeves, and left his chic name under the paper.

He signed the names on several documents as required, and smoothly fished out the sky.

The policeman waved his hand and took out a box of instant noodles from under the table. He didn't want to look at them anymore, and said that they could leave.

He Jueyun felt that the grassroots personnel might be exhausted, so he smiled and said, "I'll go to pick up the car first. You are waiting for me at the door."

The firmament nodded.

When He Jueyun drove out from the parking lot, he parked on the side of the road with his car lights on, and the sky limped out from the side door.

He Jueyun stared through the car window for a long time, and finally realized that something was wrong, his face suddenly gloomy, strode out of the car and asked: "Are you injured?"

The firmament raised his head and faintly replied: "An accident."

"What is an accident? Go back! If you pay them for medical expenses, they don't have to pay you?" He Jueyun was very angry, and his tone was strong. He grasped her arm but maintained his strength, "Why didn't you just now? Say? I thought you were beating unilaterally, but you still have contacts? They dare to break into your house and hurt you. Can this be done so easily? They want to be beautiful!"

The firmament politely stopped and said: "Forget it."

He Jueyun felt the person in front of him swaying, frowning tightly: "What do you mean, forget it? You just swallow this breath? Are you afraid of trouble? I'll deal with it because of Sanyao's copy. That’s why you are hated by them. I am here today, not to make you compromise."

The expression of the firmament is very complicated.

He Jueyun helped her and took out her mobile phone with one hand: "You go to the car and have a rest. I will call the lawyer over now."

Qiuqiang sighed and had to say frankly: "I wanted to kick him in the face, he was too short, his legs were short, his muscles were not stretched, and he slipped a bit, just hitting the paint bucket."

There are always many obstacles on the way to justice.

This is probably the test of fate to physical fitness.

He Jueyun's movements stopped for a while, and the whole person was as if petrified, only his eyes turned, turning from her face to her knees, and finally fell back to her face pretending that nothing happened.

This can...

This is too graphic.

He Jueyun imagined for a moment, with the muffled personality of the sky, in that unexpected scene, whether it was silent or BGM shaking the sky, it seemed particularly funny.

He pursed his lips, trying to hold back. In the end, I couldn't hold it back, and laughed muffledly.

Firmament: "..."

She knew that this person was not kind enough.

Tiancang looked numb, and walked past him towards the vehicle, not forgetting to urge: "Go home, hurry up."

A few people tossed to now, it was nearly five o'clock, the sky above their heads turned into a gray-blue chaotic color, and the street lights were about to go out.

He Jueyun immediately took the driver's seat and confirmed that the sky was fastened with his seat belt.

After the vehicle started, he suddenly remembered and said, "You can't live in your house now, right?"

The address and identity of the firmament have been exposed, even if no one will come to splash paint in the future, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no fanatic fans coming to block people. At some point, fans are more terrifying than enemies. Especially the management of their community is not strict.

The firmament deliberated and said softly, "I will find a new house. Could you please send me back today?"

He Jueyun said: "What if someone comes back? Maybe fans will come to check in during the day. Your photo was exposed last night, and you have gained millions of fans overnight. You are a single girl, with no self-protection ability, and you continue to live. It's not appropriate there."

The firmament was silent for a moment, and said tiredly: "I'll go back to tidy up my things and go to the hotel to rest for a few days."

He Jueyun blurted out without thinking, "Then you might as well live with me."