Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 68: calm

In the screening room, everyone felt a chill from the narration of the firmament.

Several psychologists turned their attention to Ding Xihua, wanting to deeply analyze this person who is likely to be an anti-social personality and is born lacking in emotion and responsibility. Unfortunately, there were not many shots falling on him, and the firmament avoided interrogation again, and he didn't even say a word.

Xie Qimeng hesitated for a long time, but still asked: "Why does she firmly believe that Ding Xihua is innocent?"

Several technicians raised their heads one after another when they heard this, and they were also confused. They think Ding Xihua has always performed perfectly. Obedient, sensible, and shy, with a little nervousness. If this is just acting, then his acting skills are too great.

Qiu Cang said that there was a problem with Ding Xihua's eyes, but they couldn't see it either.

"Feeling." He Chuanzhou said, "or experience."

Xie Qimeng feels that "feeling" is so mysterious that it shouldn't even be called experience.

He Chuanzhou has been sitting for so long, her posture is still upright, her voice is strong and powerful: "If Shen Sui is really the murderer, when she met Hong Jun, she was planning this murder case. She stole Hong Jun's sleeping pills and investigated. Good job information of the other party, and even crazy, let her son handle the corpse for herself. Then, she should hate Ding Tao extremely."

"Criminals like her are generally stubborn and don't think it's her own mistake. After being exposed, she at least has to defend herself by saying something like'Ding Tao **** it' and'It was the man who forced me to force me.' However, since she admitted to the crime, she has been arguing for Ding Xihua and never said a bad thing about Ding Tao. I can't see her resentment towards Ding Tao or her extreme desire to kill him at all costs."

Everyone was inspired by it and suddenly realized.

Yup. No wonder Shen Sui always gave them a strange feeling, because she didn't have the brutal temperament of a murderer, and they couldn't find a reasonable motive for killing.

"As for what's suspicious about Ding Xihua..." He Chuanzhou stopped talking and asked Fang Qi, "When I first met Ding Xihua, did you comment on him?"

Fang Qi didn't even want to say, "Quiet, well-behaved, obedient, logically clear, and extremely calm."

A technician raised his hand and asked: "Why is it extremely calm?"

Fang Qi explained: "When my father died, he stayed with her mother like a pillar. Although his expression looked sad, he didn't show any gaffe. You know, he is just a student in his twenties. It is normal for him to be in a hurry for this kind of thing. After seeing the sky, he has been very calmly listening to Shen Sui from her, even if the two seem to be in conflict, he did not interrupt or interrupt. He answered the question fairly. His voice was stable and he didn't take the initiative to inquire about the cause of his death and the progress of the investigation. So I said he was extremely calm."

Everyone nodded if understanding.

"Extremely calm is not a derogatory term." Fang Qi said, "It's just that I don't think a person who is extremely calm would make the mistake of throwing a corpse to his father because of the coercion of his mother."

He Chuanzhou asked: "If it were you, your mother forced you to dispose of your father’s body, would you agree? After disposing of the body, you can calmly return to the dormitory, wash your clothes, eliminate evidence, and then wait for the police to come and find someone. And pretend to be sad, do you play this play with your mother?"

Fang Qi added: “To be precise, it was not a corpse. Ding Tao was still alive at the time. I don’t think that with Ding Xihua’s IQ, this matter will not be discovered.”

Not to mention deep thinking, just with this thought, everyone could not help but shudder all over.

If you look at it backwards, Ding Xihua's performance this morning was indeed too "calm".

He Chuanzhou said: "I think Ding Xihua himself is indifferent and superficial. Even if he has lived with his family for decades, he does not understand the so-called family relationship. Based on the knowledge he has learned, he plays the role of a good student and a good son, but in fact, he There is not such a strong fluctuation. Maybe he has a certain attachment to his parents, but the most important thing is to focus on himself. He likes a glamorous and respected life. Once someone touches his restricted area of ​​interest, he will To get rid of it."

Such people are terrible. They looked gentle, honest, approachable, and even like a good gentleman, but no one knew when his madness would show up. Everything he tells you may be just a lie.

A psychological assessor asked: "If Shen Sui insists that he is the mastermind, wouldn't there be other evidence to correct Ding Xihua? Then how did you convict him in the end?"

He Chuanzhou raised his chin and nodded, motioning everyone to continue looking at the copy.


At this time, the firmament had reached C, and the one who sent her over was the young policeman who had a lot of energy and was very energetic in that scene.

He talked with Qiu Cang all the way on the road, causing Qiu Cang to speak with He Jueyun on the phone without listening clearly.

The two stopped on the side of the road and went to the agreed position to meet He Jueyun.

He Jueyun was still calling a colleague to ask for information, and when he saw a figure appear, he raised his hand and waved.

The young police officer rushed back, raised his arms to respond to him, and shouted: "Brother He, meet again! I will be investigating the case with you today!"

He Jueyun stared at him for three seconds, hung up, and passed the necklace packed in the bag and said, "Important evidence, you send it back for inspection."

The young police officer was also ready to dig out his tools to prove his diligence, took the things along the way, and said, "Huh?"

He Jueyun rushed mercilessly: "You can go now."

Young police officer: "..." How could there be such a cruel man in the world?

He Jueyun ignored this NPC's sudden turn of rain, and asked the sky, "How? Where do you want to check first?"

Qiu Tian said without hesitation: "Go to Ding Xihua's previous rental house to find out why he moved out suddenly."

He Jueyun raised his hand and pointed: "I'm inquiring, it's in the residential area opposite the east gate of the living quarter."

As the two said, they left for themselves, leaving only the young policeman with a sad expression on his face.

The house where Ding Xihua lived before was rented. Rental houses near the school are in short supply and have now been rented out.

The two tried to get information from the security guards, but unfortunately because there were too many floating people nearby, the security guards had no impression of Ding Xihua.

He Jueyun led the way and took the sky to the interior of the community. At the same time, he explained: "The counselor and his roommates don’t know why he moved back suddenly. In their eyes, Ding Xihua is a boy with a superior family background, a middle-class appearance, and good grades, and he has a good temper. In short, basically The above are all positive descriptions."

The firmament asked: "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"No." He Jueyun said, "Ding Xihua is often pursued by girls in school, but he does not have a girlfriend. What he said is that he wants to concentrate on his studies at the moment."

Firmament: "Single boys will be more popular."

This sounded quite a conspiracy theory, and He Jueyun couldn't help but doubt: "Could it be that you think too much?"

Qiu Cang said: "Maybe. Check it and you'll know."

While talking, the two had already arrived at the door of the house where Ding Xihua had previously lived.

The firmament stopped to observe for a moment, and knocked on the door of the neighbor next door.

Sanyao provided enough convenience to players at this point, not the main npc, knocking on the door, and someone at home.

The one who came to open the door was a middle-aged man, still wearing home pajamas. He poked his head out of the crack in the door and asked on alert, "Who are you?"

The firmament took out his ID and gave him a glance, and asked, "Have you always lived here?"

Uncle's attitude improved a lot, and he took the initiative to unlock the anti-theft and speak.


"Do you know why the people who originally lived in that house moved out?"

"I don't know." The uncle said, "Is he a student?"

The firmament nodded: "Yes."

"The person is very nice, and he often gives me fruit." The uncle laughed cheerfully and said, "Maybe something is wrong, so he moved out."

His attitude seemed to know something, but he was embarrassed to say.

"Trouble." Qiu Cang said, "this matter is very important."

The middle-aged uncle hesitated for a moment, and then recounted: "Before he moved away, a girl brought her dad over, and several people quarreled very fiercely. At first, they were making noise at the door, and then the boy took the two into the house. "

He hurriedly waved his hand to clarify: "I didn't mean to listen. The soundproofing of the house here is not good. They shout loudly. I don't want to hear it."

He Jueyun asked, "What did they say?"

"Losing money or something." The middle-aged uncle said uncertainly. "It may be that the girl is pregnant or sick. The girl's father wants the boy to pay a few million. The young people are so careless now that you say that safety measures are not Do it well, find a girlfriend without looking at the other’s family background. Isn’t this just blackmail?"

He Jueyun drew out the pen and paper, and asked, "Do you remember what they looked like? The more obvious dressing is okay. The specific date and time."

"Remember, it was just over a month ago. It's the 18th, or the 17th." The middle-aged man recalled, "The girl with long hair wears a blue skirt. Her dad dresses relatively plainly, and looks like a good one. Manually. The three of them went out together and didn’t know where they went."

The two remembered their characteristics and immediately went to the security guard to monitor them. It is a pity that the surveillance video of the community is only kept for one month, and the content they need has been deleted. It was too troublesome to restore the data, and the firmament thought for a while, and went to a nearby bank.

The retention time of bank monitoring is generally one to two months, and the firmament went in to inquire and found that the bank's storage requirement was only two months.

The two searched according to the date, and smoothly saw Ding Xihua and the two following him in the surveillance video.


No, this is not the last copy, there are more

I will have a notice before the end, rest assured