Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 7: Context

After seeing Xiang Qingxi's poverty allowance, Qiu Cang felt that the situation in the dormitory was a little strange.

Xiang Qingxi had such a high monetary subsidy, but he had a very simple life. The average little girl, when economic conditions permit, can hardly resist not buying some beautiful things unless she has a very strong sense of crisis or financial management.

The firmament was going to borrow some money from Xiang Qingxi to try it out, but the reason for borrowing money from poor students was difficult to find. He was still thinking about the wording, and He Jueyun came to the end.

He Jueyun: Yes.

He Jueyun: Have you eaten your meal? I suggest you eat first.

Firmament: Not hungry.

He Jueyun: Then I said it.

He Jueyun: Among the poor students recommended to prestigious schools this year, there is a person named Xu Manyan. Her past grades have been good. Xiang Qingxi's words were a bit close, and he didn't get the spot. But from Xiang Qingxi's monthly test scores, it is not difficult for her to get into a school by herself.

He Jueyun: The other party gave me a list of poor students, which is interesting. 【Picture·Screenshot】

He Jueyun: There is a huge gap in the ratio of male to female for the poor students specially recruited by No. 1 Middle School. In the third year of senior high school this year, the ratio of men to women was 1:5, which fluctuated between 1:6 and 1:7 in previous years.

He Jueyun: According to the school of No. 1 Middle School, it is said that among the poor students, women are in a much more difficult situation than men, and in compulsory education, girls generally perform better than boys. So this happened.

Firmament: It makes sense.

The firmament did not feel that the above content could affect her appetite, so the latter is the most critical content.

He Jueyun: Because the school is involved, I just checked the police record in our bureau. In August of the previous year, the police station received an alarm call from a graduate of No. 1 Middle School. The other party claimed that he had been threatened and sexually assaulted by school leaders and had suffered from improper relationships for many years. It was also reported that the school’s transportation machine was faked and school leaders were suspected of exchanging interests.

He Jueyun: The caller did not leave her name. The police found her in person by following the phone number, but her behavior was flustered. She revised her confession several times and then went back and said that she would withdraw the case. Finally, I said that because I didn't get the recommended places for colleges and universities, I maliciously framed the school leaders and didn't want them to live well.

Firmament: Didn't the police proceed to check?

He Jueyun: The police asked several other poor students, and they all said that they did not encounter similar situations. They also asked the other teachers and students in the school about their confessions, and they all said they did not believe the accusations. And because there was really no evidence, there was no further.

Firmament: Oh.

He Jueyun: In addition to government funding, the sources of subsidies for poor students in the First Middle School include donations from social enthusiasts and the school's own subsidies. If someone appoints a donation to a certain student, it is not surprising that Xiang Qingxi received this amount of money.

He Jueyun took a sip of the cold coffee on the table.

When things went from campus violence among students to poor students at the bottom of society, and finally connected with the school itself, his keen intuition and rich experience made him subconsciously resist.

The deeper I think, the more nauseous I feel. It seemed to pick up a pool of bubbling black mud. As long as you step in, you can't help but feel sick.

There are class differences and cross-latitude blows. It is the humbleness of minors and the cunning of social people.

He Jueyun himself does not smoke, but out of human needs, he always carries a pack of cigarettes on his body. At this time, he looked at the red cigarette case on the corner of the table, and he also had the urge to light one.

He needs to do something to distract his emotions and keep himself calm.

He Jueyun: Boldly assume. If the content of the report is true, and Tian Yun committed suicide because of this—or maybe not—then this year’s recommended student Xu Manyan might be related to the case. Zhou Nansong has a very good relationship with Tian Yun. Perhaps she knew something from Tian Yun's mouth, and was stimulated by Tian Yun's death and suffered from depression, so she chose to commit suicide in the same place. In order to cover up, the school deliberately shifted the focus and responsibility to Wang Dongyan.

He Jueyun: Xiang Qingxi is very beautiful, and Zhou Nansong and Tian Yun had contact with her before they died. I guess she should know the details. I just don't know what her position is.

Firmament: logically feasible.

He Jueyun: What do you think?

The firmament's text message was sent out after a while.

Firmament: Don't think too much. The longer the forecast, the higher the possibility of error. In the case of an incomplete chain of evidence, it is not necessary to forcibly infer all causes and effects, let alone try to deliberate on the details.

He Jueyun saw the words in the sky, and the other side's calm face automatically appeared in his mind, as if there was a special power that eased his fierce heartbeat.

Anger will only affect a person's judgment, and he needs to be more sober.

No matter how heavy the curtain is, a pothole has been burned by the blood of Tian Yun and Zhou Nansong. What they have to do is to peek into the truth from the gap and move the absurd performance behind the scenes to the front of the stage, so that all the "actors" whose hands are stained with crime face the judgment of reality.

He Jueyun: Where do you think the analysis should start?

Firmament: Wang Dongyan's suicide. Issues that have not been resolved since the last one was raised.

Qiu Cang: Why do students generally think that it was her trickery that killed Zhou Nansong.

Firmament: The authority of the school is indeed very easy to guide students' thinking to follow the trend. Why is Wang Dongyan accused of being the culprit of school violence leading to death? Who is leading the public opinion? Only the person who is in charge can make the next progress.

He Jueyun: There must be traces of public opinion guidance. If it is really done by the school, it should be easy to find traces.

It is easy for the school to guide the school atmosphere.

After Zhou Nansong committed suicide, they would definitely ask Zhou Nansong's roommate the first time.

If a roommate who usually has a good relationship suddenly commits suicide by jumping off the building one day, anyone will be deeply touched.

The families of the deceased, the police, the school, and countless people stared at them, trying to get answers from them. In that mood, people's thinking can easily fall into chaos.

After many inquiries from the outside world, they revealed the relationship between Wang Dongyan and Zhou Nansong.

Even if they didn't think Wang Dongyan's tricks were such a serious school bullying at first, in other words, they didn't realize it. However, because of the trust in the school and the sympathy of their family members, they would subconsciously want to find an object that can put that kind of helpless emotions on, and have been at odds with Zhou Nansong, and they have been violent against Zhou, and just lost their souls. Wang Dongyan, who seemed to have a guilty conscience, became an inevitable choice.

The environmental impact is very powerful. Under constant hints from many sources, several roommates expanded what Wang Dongyan had done, and believed in this. At the same time, they didn't know how serious Zhou Nansong's depression was, and subconsciously believed that Wang Dongyan's seemingly innocuous actions would have a great impact on Zhou Nansong.

"Look, she has a guilty conscience, which means she did it.", "Look, leaders and teachers think so too.", "Wang Dongyan dared to be tricky in front of everyone, and he must have done something secretly. Excessive things.", "Zhou Nansong is depressed and very weak in spirit. She is too pitiful and can't stand the stimulation. In fact, it was Wang Dongyan who killed her."...

And so on.

Tiancang used his mobile phone to open the official website of No. 1 Middle School, and clicked more under the activity column.

The firmament: First of all, publicize the matter and publicly criticize the students without naming them. Although there is no name, everyone in the school will know who the school is talking about.

The firmament: Ideological education with related content is repeatedly mentioned on campus as a counterexample.

Firmament: When a student retaliated against Wang Dongyan, he handled it favorably, making the students subconsciously believe that the school was acquiescing to the justice of their behavior.

The firmament: remembering the dead, mourning for her, making people remember, and constantly positiveizing the image of the dead.

The firmament intercepted the picture and sent it over.

Sphere: [Picture·Activity] Tian Yun died in February this year. The school suppressed the relevant information and handled it in a low-key manner. There were only a few announcements of activities in the same period.

Tiancang: But when Zhou Nansong died, according to the activity records on the official website, they organized two remembrance operations. Psychological experts from the hospital were invited to the school to give lectures. In response to the call of the Education Bureau to pay attention to the mental health of high school students, a major parent seminar was held in the school.

Firmament: You can look up the number of relevant news reports, which can be used as reference evidence.

According to what she said, He Jueyun conducted a precise search.

There were still recent paper newspapers in the bureau, but he felt that there was no need to read it.

He Jueyun's fingertips turned white while pressing the mouse, and after reading the search results that popped up under the webpage, he sent a weak reply.

He Jueyun: You are right.

Firmament: Yeah.

Firmament: Sometimes it is quite simple to force a person to death.


"...Fuck! Things suddenly unfolded in a disgusting direction."

"So angry!"

"Guess blindly. If a beautiful person like Xiang Qingxi really wants to choose, there is no need to sell herself for one or two thousand yuan a month. Moreover, she has good grades and can rely on herself without getting the final She is recommended, and her life is relatively independent. But her good friends may not be innocent, and she is restricted because of this. She is very good to Wang Dongyan, because she knows that Wang Dongyan is just a man with a pot. Therefore, she is the most critical NPC of this dungeon. The only breakthrough."

“Although it was the help of God’s perspective, the school must have an unshirkable responsibility for the death of five people in a row. It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be so great.

"Really... Everything the wicked has done will leave a trace."


He Jueyun sorted out his emotions and sent a text message to Skyspace again.

He Jueyun: So far, the real breakthrough is Xiang Qingxi and Xu Manyan. Xu Manyan has clear interests and may not be informed. Xiang Qingxi's position is more doubtful. Why can she get such a high poverty allowance?

Qiu Cang: Xu Manyan helped her receive her poverty subsidy, and it may be the welfare Xu Manyan got for her. Maybe it's a seal, maybe it's a pure relationship. Not necessarily. Xiang Qingxi's personality is not strong, I guess he has both.

Qiu Cang: Besides, Xiang Qingxi didn't use the money much, her daily life was extremely simple. I can't see any irrelevant life items on her desk.

Firmament: I guessed she was saving money before, maybe she just didn't want to use it. I don't know where she used the money. Can you find out where her funds are flowing?

He Jueyun: So you maintain a positive view of Xiang Qingxi?

Firmament: Not sure. I try to be neutral.

He Jueyun was at a loss.

What does it mean to be as neutral as possible?

Can't it be positive?

…Oh, yes, because you have to be cautious about the world if you remain suspicious.

He Jueyun got up and went to make another cup of coffee, then sat in front of the screen and stared at the monitor he got from the commissary today.

After waiting for an hour, he picked up the phone again and found that Tiancang had replied an inexplicable text message to him.

The firmament: Orange hard candies are delicious.

"Orange hard candy?" He Jueyun thought for a while, whispered, "Where can orange-flavored candy taste like pineapple?"


It was posted ahead of time, and it's gone at 8pm-. -#

The two chapters have to be read together to understand. I couldn't find the break point, so I found it difficult to break in the middle. My fault. -#

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