Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 80: accident

All the way back, the firmament was full of thoughts, she tilted her head to look at the shadow of the tree outside the window, without saying a word.

He Jueyun knew that she was finishing her thoughts, so he didn't bother.

He originally wanted to take Qiancang to Sanyao's company for dinner, but when he was about to arrive in the nearby street, Qiancang suddenly put his shoulders on his shoulders.

"Mr. He."

He Jueyun: "Huh?"

The firmament said: "I'll treat you to dinner."

He Jueyun said speechlessly: "...How many times do you want to play the same routine?"

"It's true." Qiu Cang said, "I will cook braised pork, braised carp, braised all the normal things. Of course you can also trust my learning ability and order freely."

He Jueyun doubted: "Are you cooking?"

"Yes," Qiu Cang said solemnly, "I haven't thanked you for taking care of me."


The world is going to change.

The opportunity is not to be missed, He Jueyun quickly turned around and said bluntly: "Then let's go to the supermarket first."


He Jueyun probably had been oppressed by the firmament for so long that he had an unrealistic idea. He bought a large car of raw vegetables, carefully selected them and brought them back to the car, which was packed full.

Qiu Cang believes that the ultimate destination of this batch of goods was taken by He Jueyun to the company for distribution as a welfare, otherwise they would pitifully rot in the refrigerator. But He Jueyun didn't care, and happily moved them into the house.

Qiu Cang said that she needs someone to do the homework, because she doesn't like being pointed and pointed when she is working. This will not only limit her creativity, but also affect her performance.

He Jueyun expressed his understanding. After preparing everything she needed, he walked leisurely to the living room to watch TV.

The firmament sorted the things on the lower cutting board, picked up the kitchen knife and started to deal with the hen in front of him.

The knife in He Jueyun's house is very sharp. The blade slides directly into the meat, and even chicken bones can be shredded. She held the handle of the knife and cut along its frame.

She actually doesn't like cooking, this unskilled operation always consumes too much time, and the taste of fast food is too weak, she often makes a compromise between money and takeaway.

After getting to know Jiang Ling, Jiang Ling would cook for her. Even if he didn't have time to come, he would cook it beforehand and seal it in the refrigerator, which also caused a cupboard of lunch boxes to accumulate in her home.

However, the process of cooking slowed her pace of life and inspired her many ideas. Just like the toilet is the place of inspiration for many people, she would come to the kitchen when she was confused.

Who is that person?

He has done so many things and contacted so many people, he will definitely reveal the clues. In this era, it is impossible for people to completely eliminate the traces of their activities.

However, the clues he left behind were like mirror flowers, seeming to be able to catch them, and they turned into phantoms with the touch of their tentacles.

He is not only familiar with Ding Xihua, Dong Ruyao and others, but also with the firmament. When she was completely unaware, she was observing her behavior and listed it as a goal.

He might have thought about getting close to the sky, but because of her withdrawn personality, she could not find an effective way. So he retreated and asked other people to pull the sky into the game.

Before Jiang Ling came to find her. When she went to teach at University A. Or earlier.

This recognition made the sky horrified, as if a pair of eyes was peeking at her every move in the dark corner. It was a gloomy feeling that sent a chill on her back.

He uses social software to communicate with Ding Xihua, and he has a meticulous grasp of the character's psychology. He followed Ding Xihua's temptation and mixed his ideas into various neutral viewpoints. He is good at education and often needs meetings and experiments...

The pupils of the firmament trembled, and his eyes fell on the faucet in front of him.


He Jueyun raised his ears, confirming the progress of the sky from time to time. At first there was a normal sound of cutting vegetables, but at the back, no movement was heard.

He Jueyun understands her personality that likes to think, but she can't help but feel a little worried after the delay. He turned on the big TV, took an empty glass, and quietly shook it to check.

He Jueyun walked to the outside of the restaurant and looked inward naturally with a pretended expression. As soon as his gaze turned, he found the firmament standing in front of the chopping board, pressing the tiger's mouth with his left hand with his right hand, motionless like a stone statue.

The kitchen knife was thrown aside by her, and the dark red blood was flowing from between her fingers. It had already dripped red on the cutting board, but she didn't know how to deal with it.

"The firmament!"

He Jueyun was so frightened that he rushed over with a yell, took her hand, drew a clean towel from the hanging shelf, and held down the wound.

"What are you doing!" He Jueyun angrily said, "Are you stupid! Don't you hurt?"

He felt that the person's hands were shaking unnaturally, and the temperature of his fingertips was cold. From the palm of the hand to the forearm, there were blood stains from the reverse flow, and she still looked completely unaware.

The firmament opened its mouth and whispered similarly: "I know, I know why I feel that strange, because it's so familiar..."

She spoke faster and faster, with almost no pause in the back.

"Have sufficient knowledge reserves and a respectable social status. Even if it is instilling values, it is easy to accept and will not be suspicious. In the career process, you can meet all kinds of observation goals with completely different family conditions, and there is no need to pay. You can contact them for a long time with justified reasons, even the person involved may not be aware of the control they are under..."

She took a deep breath and suddenly realized.

"It's a teacher, he should be a professor." Qiu Cang said, "With the social observation experiment as a reason, you can legitimately contact different people of all ages and observe their behavior patterns to your heart's content; you have enough social authority to be an expert Assist the police in handling cases and participate in internal investigations; know many friends within the system and have the opportunity to ask a lot of information from them that has not been publicly announced; be familiar with people in the education sector and know where to find problem students '."

He Jueyun pressed her wound with a towel, carefully washing away the blood stains on her arm with water.

Qiu Cang said: "A senior psychology professor who has been teaching for many years, his students can be spread all over the world. He can also get samples from students. So he can find whatever goals he wants. He doesn't have to go anywhere. Everyone is his eyes and ears."

She got excited and pulled her hand.

He Jueyun tightened his five fingers, grabbed her wrist, and said angrily: "Sky!"

The firmament breathed for a while, looked at He Jueyun, and then slowly moved down to look at his own hand. Know your situation afterwards.

Seeing her innocent expression, He Jueyun was helpless and unable to vent. Finally, he sighed and said, "Be careful."

Qiu Cang said: "...thank you."

He Jueyun said restrainedly: "Come with me to clean up the wound."

The firmament did not resist this time, and let him drag it to the living room.

He Jueyun pulled out his medical kit from the cabinet and gave her a brief treatment.

The wound was a bit deep, from the tiger's mouth to the palm of the hand, it was cut, and the sky did not notice how it was injured. However, the wound area is small, and the knife is sharp, so it doesn't look ferocious.

I don't know if He Jueyun's palm is too hot, or the wound is tingling, Qiu Cang's left hand is hot, and the touch is more acute than before. When He Jueyun finished wrapping her bandage, her hand was almost numb.

He Jueyun packed up his things and said solemnly: "I will call a doctor to come and see if I need to suture the wound. If you feel pain, you can go and drink some alcohol."

As long as the firmament still has a little vision, he can't say the word pain. So she shook her head.

He Jueyun covered the box and endured it, but she couldn't help but read her sentence: "Why are you so careless? You can't ignore your safety when you think about things."

The firmament said regretfully: "Yes, I just found out."

He Jueyun: "..."

Qiu Cang apologized: "Next time I invite you to dinner, it is not allowed in reality."

"Farewell to you!" He Jueyun was still afraid and immediately refused. So many times, he suspected that the firmament was deliberate. This woman is really cruel to deal with herself.

"Every time you say "inviting", it's nothing good. Let's forget it in the future. I still prefer Sanyao's cafeteria."

He Jueyun completely stopped thinking. Letting the sky to eat is simply a change of fate, and there is a price to pay.

Qiu Cang felt that this was related to his own integrity, and insisted: "Next time!"

He Jueyun shook his head: "No more, no more."

The sky said, "Don't be too polite."

He Jueyun's patience is always trampled on by her: "You go and show me the kitchen now!"

The firmament shut up.

He Jueyun sighed and recovered his gentleman appearance again, saying: "You take a rest, and the doctor will come later. If you are hungry, eat some fruit first. I'll order a takeaway."

The firmament thought that He Jueyun's happiness was so gone, and once again sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry."

He Jueyun: "It's okay."

He methodically called the doctor, ordered takeaway, and then rolled up his sleeves to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

The chicken stained with blood from the sky was still lying on the chopping board, and its bones were split aside. The whole scene was **** and funny. He Jueyun couldn't laugh or cry.

He wiped all the cutting boards with a towel, and when he returned to the living room, he found that the sky was already asleep.

She lay down on the sofa, her brows furrowed, and her body curled up, looking uncomfortable in her posture. There was a faint blue-purple right now, and he couldn't even rest well.

He Jueyun squatted in front of her and watched for a while, confirmed that she was really asleep, took a blanket to cover her, and pulled her hand out so as not to be pressed, then turned off the TV, and walked tiptoe to the study. .


There was only one hand that could only be moved in the sky, which was not enough for her to pretend, which seriously affected her mood. After sitting on the sofa for a while, she felt exhausted. She wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while, but she didn't expect her consciousness to soon sink.

Probably under the influence of Ding Xihua, her dreams became bizarre and she began to look back on her past life.

Those fragmented fragments were put together into a complete picture and reappeared in her mind.

In fact, there is nothing to look back on in her past, at least it is not something to be happy about, and there are very few places that can be used to say, she can't find a funny thing to talk and laugh through her memory.

Leave the family, change your name and surname, start over. These three words can completely summarize her childhood.

Judging from the current position, the original days seem to be no big deal. The difficulties are not difficult, life is not embarrassing, no one bullies her, and she has never experienced the dark society described in CCTV news. There are still many people who want to extend a helping hand to her, but they are all rejected by her.

The country solved most of her problems, allowing her to grow up smoothly and enter work, becoming a person who can take responsibility for herself.

However, for her then young, growing up was accompanied by an unbearable pain. She wakes up every day, faces the unknown day in her waking state, and uses time to force herself to accept reality.

She is too young, too young, even the way she acts is so naive.

Changing her name is her stubbornness, wanting to use this as a punishment to her mother and forever to separate her from her.

Qi Kexu.

She hadn't thought of the name for a long time. It's like she didn't expect that she could still clearly remember the old house where she once lived.

Her room is always dim in her memory, and the rain has been floating outside the window, which constitutes most of the time living with Qi Kexu.

Qi Kexu is not a good mother, or rather irresponsible. After the death of her husband, she forgot how to take care of the children and often left the firmament at home.

She was afraid of running around the sky, so she locked the doors and windows. Fear that others would see it, tighten the curtains. Fearing that the firmament would ask her unanswerable questions, she used cold violence.

She is mentally unstable. When angry, he would yell at her hysterically. When I was sad, I would hold her hard and cry. When she was happy, she promised her that she would be a good mother, but she was shattered in less than a day.

There are countless ills on her body, these are the accusations against her that the sky can only think of.

The firmament stared at the wooden floor in front of him. Under her gaze, dark red blood gradually oozes from that floor. She watched her frail herself lying in the darkness and panting, calling the man in a vague consciousness.

If it is said that all the above faults can be forgiven, what she will never forgive is that Qi Kexu disappeared completely after beating her.

Death is the most irresponsible thing.

At that time, the firmament still remembered a story about Aladdin's magic lamp that had been half-heard. She was half-conscious and half-conscious, thinking in her heart that if Qi Kexu could return, she would make a big sacrifice and let her all faults be forgotten.

But no.

She listened to the sound of footsteps ringing in the corridor and going away, none of them led to her house.

The sky darkened, the furniture in the room had double images, and the excessive blood loss caused her to have multiple hallucinations. It was not until the next morning when Qi Kexu's body was found that someone came to her home to find her.

However, she still expected the beautiful woman to appear suddenly and take her home. Or after she escaped home, she opened the door and saw the familiar figure.

Every day, she would squat by the door, waiting for her to come back.

Even so, Qi Kexu still did not appear.

So she is called the firmament.

The sky is so high, it doesn't need anyone's company.


The firmament felt like a cocoon, his body sinking terribly, his hands and feet bound by silk, unable to move.

She struggled, in exchange for a more serious countermeasure.

After that, He Jueyun's unique voice pulled her away from the endless dream.

"She has cramps!"

The consciousness of the firmament came back instantly.

Another strange male voice said: "You let her go, she is hot!"

He Jueyun responded angrily: "Oh."

He released his hand, and the sky gave up the struggle and opened his eyes.

"Woke up."

He Jueyun bent down, his slightly surprised face magnified before her eyes, and he covered her forehead with the back of his hand to test her body temperature.

"How? Where else do you feel uncomfortable?"

Qunqian's throat was dry, and he swallowed hard, feeling the residual liquid in his eye sockets slipping down.

He Jueyun lowered his eyes, squatted to be level with her sight, with a nervous look on his handsome face, gently wiped away her tears with his fingers, and comforted: "It's all right."

With a needle in his hand, the doctor bent down and wanted to say hello to the sky, saying that he was about to do it, and opened his mouth, and found that the address was a problem.

"Brother and sister..."

He Jueyun kicked him reflexively.

The doctor was unstable and almost fell. He quickly put the needle in his hand up, holding the back of the chair to stabilize his figure. He Jueyun looked at him frightened and stared at him with his eyes wide open.

The doctor reprimanded: "What are you doing! If this hurts the face, did you kill me or I committed suicide?!"

He Jueyun: "...Why do you have so many scenes? Who made you talk nonsense?"

The doctor snorted, "I think your heart is beautiful."

He Jueyun exclaimed, "I said you almost got it!"

Qiao Cang Xin said, how can it be so noisy?

The doctor unceremoniously pushed He Jueyun away, took his place, and said to the firmament: "One shot, the fever is a bit bad. But it doesn't matter, just get a good night's sleep later. Don't worry."

He Jueyun said, "Can she understand you telling her so much? I've been confused."

The sky hoarsely said: "I didn't burn my brain."

The doctor smiled and said, "It's wiser than him if his brain burns out, it's fine."

He Jueyun's feet were about to move beside him, and he wanted to kick the opponent's ass. The doctor raised the needle and warned that he could only endure it with gritted teeth.

The firmament only remembered the scene before going to bed. She looked out the window and asked, "What time is it?"

He Jueyun: "It's eight o'clock."

The firmament asked in surprise: "The sky is not dark yet?"

"...It's eight o'clock in the morning!" He Jueyun said silently, "You don't know how long you have been tossing."

Qiu Cang said in a daze, "I slept for a long time."

The doctor interrupted and said, "It's not that I slept for a long time. It's been a long time since I didn't see Lao He wanted to kneel down and sing for you to conquer. What a pity."

He Jueyun was said to be dull. He glanced at the sky and denied: "Who are you talking about? What are you kidding?"

Doctor: "Tsk tsk, I don't know how to chase girls even if the opportunity is in front of you, no wonder you are single."

Push the needle slowly in.

After the injection, the doctor stood up and said, "Go and eat something first, and take more rest recently."

The firmament said, "Thank you."

He carried his bag on his back and said, "Okay, I'll go now, and you two will continue to cry."

He Jueyun said indifferently: "Goodbye."

The doctor laughed and took the door to leave.

Two people were left in the house again, and it became too quiet.

Tiancang propped up his elbow, and He Jueyun helped her up and sat down beside her.

The firmament's mind is stunned, and it's still not very refreshing.

She turned her head to look at He Jueyun and asked, "Did I cry when I fell asleep?"

He Jueyun hesitated and said, "No."

"Really crying?" Qiu Cang asked again, "How long did you cry?"

He Jueyun: "A little while."

Qiu Cang smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, I trouble you again."

"It's nothing." He Jueyun blood and tears, "in the future, don't go near the kitchen again!"

Firmament: "That was just an accident."

He Jueyun: "Don't care if it is an accident, don't go anyway anyway!"

The firmament reflected on itself and responded: "Oh."

He Jueyun settled down and asked, "What do you have for breakfast?"

Qiu Cang felt that his mouth was dull and tasteless, and he had no appetite if he was too hungry, so he said, "I want something heavy. Spicy crayfish or braised beef noodles."

He Jueyun turned on his phone, his face remained unchanged and said: "Porridge and mustard with soy milk buns?"

The firmament yielded: "White porridge."

"I think so much." He Jueyun muttered, "and spicy crayfish."

Firmament: "..." Why is this?


The official cannot be the villain-. -#

This chapter is fat, fat and sweet, isn't it?