Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 93: motivation

An hour later, Fang Qi still practiced Zhenxiang's theory and walked his noble steps into the ward of the sky.

He opened and closed the door extremely loudly, unreasonably venting his anger on the innocent door. After entering the door, I glanced up with my eyes, perfectly performing what is called "eyes above the top".

"Sky, you are really too much, do you mean you are deliberately ruining my kindness!" He questioned, threw his coat over and smashed it on the side chair.

The firmament tasted it carefully, always feeling that these words were a little familiar.

How do people now put young men in front of her and ruin her? How would she know?

The firmament calmed his friend and said, "I invite you to dinner. Eighteen dishes and one soup."

The firmament said he would wait for Fang Qi, and asked the chef to make it later before sending it over. At this time, the things on the table are still hot. The lid was lifted and I just took two bites.

Fang Qi swept across her desk, saying that it was really luxurious.

A portion of white porridge, plus 18 small side dishes, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup with a light soup base. The so-called luxury is probably that a portion of mustard can be divided into ten plates according to the skill and taste.

Fang Qi lifted his mouth, wishing to express his contempt with all his facial features: "That's it??"

When He Jueyun saw him deflated, his joy was all over his eyebrows, and he almost jumped up and clapped his hands in applause.

The two people don't know when they started to invest in different revolutions, and their combat effectiveness was exchanged for IQ.

Fang Qi closed his face suddenly, lifted his right hand, Yin Yang smiled strangely, "Fortunately, I brought luxurious eel rice on the way here."

He Jueyun was amazed, his eyes widened, watching Fang Qi return to his usual expression, and finally knowing where he had been wrong.

How could he beg the firmament to invite him to dinner? This is fundamentally an incorrect idea. Just like Fang Qi, taking a visit and bringing himself dinner is the in-depth understanding of the firmament.

That's it!

He Jueyun nodded thoughtfully.


Qiu Cang looked at He Jueyun's fickle expression, and felt deeply that his wind critics had been persecuted.

WTF? Fang Qi will bring her own dinner. I'm afraid I was frustrated. When I saw something delicious on the road, I bought it. What does it have to do with her?

Fang Qi tidied the table, mixed all the mustard greens in several small plates, pushed it to the sky, and solemnly put down the lunch box he had packed.

So Fang Qi ate his monotonous luxurious eel rice, He Jueyun ate his mediocre lobster seafood noodles, and eighteen side dishes in the sky, and finished the dinner.

Compared with the simplicity of his companions, the sky couldn't help but want to shed tears of happiness.

It was getting dark quickly, but within ten minutes, the gloomy sky outside had completely fallen into darkness.

The firmament drank the remaining half bowl of porridge, and gradually got used to the faint taste. She hung her chopsticks on the bowl and said, "The death of Tian Zhaohua, I still feel something is wrong."

Fang Qi listened to her voice, pondered it, and commented: "There are five hundred ducks."

Firmament: "..."

When I am happy, I call them Xiao Tiantian, and when they are abused, I call them 500 ducks. Is this Fang Qi's anger?

But when Fang Qi was angry, although he did not look like five hundred ducks, he looked like five hundred woodpeckers. "Tuk Tuk Tuk" was completely unrecognizable like a machine gun. With Qiu Cang's current physical condition, he cannot be cured.

The sky was expressionless and pulled the paper towel aside, and wiped his mouth slowly, as if he hadn't heard it.

Fang Qi felt better after dinner. He took out a handful of things from his pocket and said, "It's not that I didn't bring condolences. These will be given to you."

He Jueyun only glanced at it and said, "She had better not eat sugar because her throat would be very dry. And why did you buy the sugar in bulk? Have you eaten it yourself?"

He quickly reached out and took it, saw the familiar packaging, and remembered the evidence that was stolen by the firmament last time: "Orange flavor...I know, two cents of this kind of candy, just a dollar, you can It's so generous."

Fang Qi leaned back, using the toothpick he sent in the luxurious meal, picking his white teeth: "I grabbed it from someone else's office. Don't eat it if you don't like it, there are so many desserts after meals."

"Is this kind of candy famous?" He Jueyun tore one apart and said suspiciously, "How do I feel that I have seen it many times?"

The firmament put down the bowl: "Where did you get it from?"

Fang Qi glanced at her: "Teacher's office."

Firmament: "You really went to school?"

Fang Qi put down his toothpick, drank his saliva, and said, "I went there anyway when I was close to the school. He was quite worried about you. You really wouldn't meet him? Hey, I used to be your agency if I didn't talk about this Fear, why can you and He Jueyun be so comfortable, just don't want to see the teacher?"

"Heh." He Jueyun sneered, probably to show his pride and disdain. After all, he represents the RMB that everyone will like, so of course he is also liked.

He Jueyun didn't want to pay attention to Fang Qi anymore, raised his chin toward the sky and asked: "You just said, what's wrong with Tian Zhaohua's case?"

The firmament sorted out his thoughts and said: "Many women, even if they are sexually assaulted, do not choose to report to the police. Because the social environment is too bad, they are likely to be injured a second time. Generally, they report that they have been raped. They all have strong demands. Either they hope that the prisoners can be sanctioned enough, or they hope they can get enough compensation. Or, the persistence of the people around them, their own special purpose."

He Jueyun also felt that Mei Shiyong’s behavior was not quite right, frowned, his expression became serious, and said: "Amniocentesis is usually done after the second trimester. In other words, Mei Shiyong was sexually assaulted by Tian Zhaohua and became pregnant. After the baby was raised quietly for four months, the DNA of the fetus was tested before they went to the police to call the police. The police took Tian Zhaohua away for investigation, and released him two days later due to insufficient evidence. No further progress has been made since then. During this period, Mei Shi Yong has been quiet. There is no disturbance or publicity. It seems that she doesn't care at all, whether the society will give her justice. Even if she has strong evidence, it is the baby in her womb."

The old **** Fang Qi inserted a sentence on the side: "Our country does not prohibit abortion. It is rare that we will be willing to give birth to a child after rape. Did that child later be born by Mei Shiyong? Yue Yue? A big abortion is more dangerous."

Qiu Cang said: "Furthermore, the DNA test report has come out. This is an ironclad proof. Why did the police release Tian Zhaohua?"

"In the judgment of sexual assault, women actually have a slight advantage over men. After all, its standard is based on women's wishes." He Jueyun said, "Why did Mei Shiyong delay her visit for four months? Call the police?"

The firmament slowly stirred the porridge in his own ocean bowl: "Looking at Mei Shiyong’s behavior, I don’t think it was a **** crime, and I even doubted whether it was Mei Shiyong’s own report because I couldn’t find it. The motivation for her behavior."

Fang Qi made two hums, and the hum was finally transformed into an impromptu song.

He Jueyun didn't like what he thought of him.

The sky said: "Fang Qi heard it today. He is an expert in sentiment analysis. Let him explain it to you."

Fang Qi took off his shoes, lay down on the sofa, and squinted comfortably. The old man said like: "Look for me? I want to collect tickets."

He Jueyun didn't report any hope to him, but hoped that he could leave his hospital as soon as possible.

Fang Qi opened his eyes, and there was a light in his eyes that was completely different from the lazy temperament of the whole body. He shook his leg and said, "Isn't Tian Zhaohua's wife the strangest thing in this matter? No matter what the truth of Mei Shiyong is, there are only two in the end. The husband cheated, or the husband committed crimes. There is no woman, no calmness. Women, you can accept this fact."

He Jueyun said: "That's not necessarily true. If it's a character like the sky, she can calmly kill the opponent."

The firmament felt offended: "Why do you think there will be a second smart person like me in the world? That person would still be so stupidly in favor of a man who is not useful."

He Jueyun: "...I'm talking about character, not IQ."

"It makes sense, I agree with you." Fang Qi said, "A couple without feelings might really calmly press each other to death. I mean social death."

The firmament restrained and issued a notice: "Guess boldly and carefully verify."

Seeing her eager expression, He Jueyun's heart beat suddenly: " do you want to be bold?"

The firmament wiped his mouth elegantly, and said in an academic manner: "Combined with the current information, based on my years of research on human ethics, I am not responsible for making the following guesses."

He Jueyun couldn't help sitting upright.

Qiu Cang: "After Mei Shiyong met Tian Zhaohua in the hospital, she fell in love with him and took the initiative to pursue him fiercely. Tian Zhaohua couldn't resist the temptation, and had a harmonious relationship with her and stabilized. Then Mei Shiyong Unexpected pregnancy, I want to borrow a son to take the lead. After Mrs. Tian knew about it, she was deeply disappointed, so she called the police that Tian Zhaohua raped. Even if the fact of the **** is not established, the fact of his derailment will become well known. Destroy his reputation in the hospital. The evaluation and promotion in the hospital still have a certain consideration for the doctor's personal style."

Fang Qi and her cherish each other: "The heroes see the same thing."

He Jueyun was startled by these two people's unreliable nature: "Are you serious? Do you mean that it is not Mei Shiyong who reported the crime, but Tian Zhaohua's wife?"

The sky shrugged: "I think if this is the case, many details can be explained."

He Jueyun said that you are really floating, but after thinking about it, he can't help but feel that it makes sense.


The speed of life and death... There are always a few days a month