Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 95: Complaint

Fang Qi cursed secretly at the order of the sky, smiled on his face and said: "Beautiful lady, your necklace is pretty."

Mrs. Tian said politely: "What is your business!"

Fang Qi still smiled hippiely: "You don't have to go to work today? Is there any date for dressing so neatly?"

Mrs. Tian scolded: "Insane!"

She ran out of patience, pulled Tian Rui behind her back, violently pulled her into the house, and then forced to close the door panel. He Jueyun quickly reached out and held it up, making her unable to avoid it.

The shadow cast by his tall figure shone on Mrs. Tian, ​​the middle-aged woman looked up at him, then tried to close the door harder, and even cursed twice.

"Don't be so irritable." Fang Qi showed his white teeth, as if he was not angry at all. "Sanyao has always been well-known in the society. We haven't said what we are going to investigate. You just see us. Why is it so furious?"

Mrs. Tian shouted: "Are you going? I'll call the police if you don't leave again! Somehow come to someone else's house and say something harassing, and want me to give you a face? Get out!"

The two of them are scolded here, but the sky is very leisurely. There was a crisp chewing sound in the headset, probably she was eating an apple.

Fang Qi gritted his teeth and gave a "tsk," and Qiu Cang realized that this was not very interesting. He converged and said vaguely: "A person's face can often reflect a person's character. Because she often displays something. With such an expression, the wrinkles on the face and the direction of the muscles will show a corresponding trend."

The firmament swallowed what was in his mouth.

"From Tian Rui's fearful reaction and her strong negative performance after hearing Sanyao, we can see that this lady is impulsive, quick-tempered, strong and arbitrary, not gentle, and not good at hiding her emotions. If she It is a powerful character who can plan everything calmly and use all the resources around him to achieve his own goals, including his own daughter, and is completely undiscovered by anyone. It should be more calm, smoother, and more comprehensive. Offending large companies that have close communication with public security agencies is not a good thing."

Fang Qi was constantly arguing with Mrs. Tian, ​​listening to the clattering thoughts of the sky finally coming to an end, and he gave another order.

"Fang Qi, stir it up again."

Fang Qi had been scolded for a long time, and his smile began to pervert: "This lady, you should know in your heart why Sanyao pays attention to Tian Zhaohua's case? Mei Shiyong is one of the witnesses in Fan Huai's case, according to the current development. Look, it is very possible that she was forced to perjury and was eventually killed. And the most important man in her life is Tian Zhaohua. We will restore this story reasonably."

Madam Tian pointedly said: "You are not qualified! You are invading the privacy of others!"

Tian Rui pulled her sleeves carefully, and said uneasy: "Mom..."

Mrs. Tian threw her hand away, and she said, "What do you say to the adults and the children? You can go in!"

Fang Qibie smiled deeply and said, "It's your daughter who asked Sanyao to help investigate the truth about his father's death."

Mrs. Tian froze, and for a second she seemed to freeze completely.

Tian Rui narrowed his neck, avoiding the direction of his mother, and missed this scene.

"We used information from various channels to deduce the course of the case, your mother..." Fang Qi raised an eyebrow at Tian Rui and made a tacit expression.

Tian Rui stunned: "What do you want to say?"

Fang Qi smiled and said: "Although Mei Shiyong and Tian Zhaohua are both dead, the information and clues may not disappear like this. Sanyao has always advocated the restoration of the truth, and once he starts to insert the copy, he likes to dig into the roots. There are many things that the law cannot give justice. , But fairness is in the hearts of the people."

Tian Rui: "No, what are you talking about! What do you mean?"

Fang Qi looked at her: "We are saying that your father's death was a traffic accident, but it may not be a simple accident."

Madam Tian stepped forward with one foot and pushed the nearest He Jueyun hard. The beautiful lady's face was full of sullen anger, and her original grace no longer existed.

"Crazy talking crazy, I don't know what you are talking about. Nothing will happen in front of my daughter, I tell you, I must sue you for slander! Also, stop your investigation immediately, you don't have the qualifications at all! Sanyao? A bunch of social crooks, get out!"

She pushed Tian Rui and said, "You get me in!"

The door overlapped in front of the two of them, and even the ground under their feet shook suspiciously.

The firmament pressed the ear microphone and said: "Okay, come back first."

The two turned and left for the first time, got on their respective cars, and left one after another.

He Jueyun and Fang Qi rushed to the hospital again with video materials.

When they were at the door of Tian Rui's house, the two of them maintained themselves well, implementing the stiff smile on their faces that the service industry has always required. But after driving the car all the way, that bit of depression became more and more bumpy with the bumpy road, and finally filled up, ready to go back to the sky to repay.

Fang Qi felt that he had made a great sacrifice for the firmament, and he didn't go back after being scolded for so long. The money was confiscated as a part-time job, which was not in line with his principles of life.

He Jueyun's idea is very realistic. Who is he? He is a super rich second generation who can't think about it all year round and actively delegates to the grassroots to do projects. Obviously you can use money to make people kneel and call Dad, but now he has to bite the bullet and send it to the door to be scolded. What does he do? Isn't it just... a little bit of beauty? Is it possible that she really shows her clever little head?

So when the two of them entered the ward, their faces were not very good, and they looked like a creditor collecting usury.

Firmament: Just... weirdly stingy. It's just a run.

Fang Qi shook her clothes skillfully, shook her hips in front of her, and said: "Sky, don't you tell you to keep me busy for so long, and finally I didn't find evidence to press her down. Then I must follow you. You’re billed by the second, you’re welcome!"

The firmament made a soothing gesture to him.

"Now she knows the progress of Sanyao's investigation. With Sanyao's influence in society, if our guess is true, she will definitely feel scared. It depends on how she will react."

Fang Qi laughed and said: "Does she need to do anything? We don't have any evidence now. It is impossible for the story of the copy made by unreasonable speculation to be approved. Sanyao can only do nothing with her own funds, she is afraid what?"

He touched his chin and squatted, as if he had found something, and asked: "I always feel that you two seem to be fishing law enforcement, waiting for her to make a mistake. Do you have any clues that didn't tell me?"

He Jueyun vaguely said: "Confidential information. Criminal case."

Fang Qi has always been good at things he shouldn't know: "Then I'm not interested."

Qiu Cang: "If you find someone to follow her at this time, or monitor her phone and social software, you might get an unexpected gain."

He Jueyun said lightly: "It's illegal."

The firmament regrets: "I'll just think about it."

He Jueyun put one hand on her forehead: "What are you thinking about dangerous things!"

When he closed his hand, he remembered that his head was a restricted area in the sky, and his hands were in the air, tense, for fear that the sky would stand up and fight him desperately in the next second.

As a result, the firmament only tilted its head, and continued to eat the fruit platter in front of him, without looking angry.

The string in He Jueyun's mind collapsed, and a strange thought emerged in his heart.

... So this is the power of errands.

Pooh! Was his brain out?

The firmament looked up and looked at him puzzled: "Why are you looking like this?"

He Jueyun gave a dry cough and turned around: "It's nothing."

Qiu Cang said, "Tell Captain He and let her see if she wants to get someone to follow. I think there may be something wrong with Madam Tian."

He Jueyun answered, sat across from her, took out his mobile phone and started editing the message.


On the first floor of the Sanyao Building, a lady wearing sunglasses walked up and down. The stilettos on her feet echoed clearly and crisply on the stone slabs in the hall, all the way to the front desk, and she rested her bag on the table.

Half a meter away, two men carrying cameras followed her closely, adjusted their directions, and aimed the camera at the receptionist at the front desk.

The two young ladies who were on duty immediately put down their work and waited with smiles.

"I want to complain to your staff!" Madam Tian took off her sunglasses and patted it on the table. The ring of her finger knocked on the table with her cocked finger, making a muffled noise.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." The front desk smiled and asked, "Which department do you want to complain to?"

"The studio responsible for [the live broadcast of the murder]." Madam Tian was angry, and the skin on her neck was a little red. She raised her chin and said, "My husband has been dead for more than ten years, and my daughter is just 20 years old. Years old. Today, you two adult male staff members came directly to my house and asked us to cooperate. Why? Does your company not insist on privacy? Why do they investigate my private information? Am I allowed! This is the style of your big company?"

The front desk was a little dazed by her aggressive tone, and she still smiled on her face: "This studio is quite special, and the management rules have always been very strict. Generally, employees will get permission and instructions before they act. Excuse me, come to you Who are the two?"

Mrs. Tian pulled out a picture from the mezzanine of the handbag and took it on the table.

The young lady nodded to her, picked up the photo with both hands to view.

The photo was taken from the surveillance video. Due to the angle, only half of the faces of the two were taken from above. But it was enough for her to see the people inside. The companion next to her had their eyes widened after recognizing the protagonist.

"You..." the little sister said hard, "Do you really want to complain to him?"

Mrs. Tian said dangerously: "What? Can't it?"

"No, no." The young lady shook her head, "It's just... it may be a bit difficult in the procedure. We may need our chairman to handle it."

Mrs. Tian immediately said angrily: "You don't bluff me! What kind of trouble do you want to move out of your chairman? Chairman Sanyao is amazing?"

The young lady said in her heart that their chairman seemed to be quite remarkable.


The reason for the name Sanyao is, the abbreviation of 111, Sanyaoha

Why is the company called 111, because it sounds good [serious face]