Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 1057: The mouse met the cat

Zou Zhi is very upset.

Zou Jiahua has a special medical card at the Mayo Clinic. Every time he comes here, there will be a very professional doctor to follow, until Zou Jiahua leaves.

Upon receiving a call from Su Yun, Zou Jiahua let Zou Zhi go to Heidelberg to prepare for the flight.

But everything is ready, but that side lets you wait.

It’s just too much! Zou Zhi thought of it.

What is the status of the lord? It is already a corporal of Li Xian, who can achieve this level. But the doctor, Zheng Ren, was so unconstrained that the lord waited for him!

Only others, such as the lord, how can there be a master and so on? !

Accompanied by Dr. Mayo has shown very impatient emotions, constantly looking at the watch, watching time, yin and yang in his mouth, saying that he does not obey the time.

Although there is no need to explain anything to him, Zou Jiahua is also very calm, just saying that Zheng boss is coming out. However, Zou Zhi is still very depressed, very annoying, especially when he thinks of Su Yun's face, this feeling will become more and more intense.

After an agreed time of one hour and fifty-two minutes, Professor Zheng Ren, Su Yun, and Rudolf Wagner walked out of the door of the Mayo Clinic in a group of doctors dressed in white clothes.

"Damn, I don't have to delay the time here." The accompanying doctor complained. As time passed, his face became more and more ugly, like a dense rain cloud.

Zou Zhi is also very helpless, can only smile awkwardly.

Although it is a paid service, it is a cool appointment. Moreover, here is the Mayo Clinic.

"Zou, this kind of person who does not obey the time has no future." The doctor could speak simple Chinese, so he was sent to accompany Zou Jiahua.

His yin and yang sarcasm. Although it is useless to say that, Zou Jiahua is ironic to wait.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Leddy." Zou Zhi suppressed his inner anger and whispered: "This thing, I will..."

"The doctor who came to the small place is estimated to have lost his way in Meori." Dr. Lady Lady said: "It’s just a visit. Is it going to take so long?"

Zou Zhi is speechless.

Although he listened to Su Yun, he was invited to perform surgery on this side, but how to think afterwards is impossible.

Dr. Leddy is right, Zou Zhi thinks so too. The big probability is just a public exchange of "communication", study and visit.

As for what exchanges, it is just a good statement.

What is the good communication between Mayo and Huaxia doctors? If you study, people are too lazy to teach.

It’s a shame, Zou Zhi’s heart is once again.

Visiting Mayo, I will get lost. But he saw the group of doctors dressed in white clothes, Zheng Ren's figure became more and more clear, as if they came together, Zou Zhi is also somewhat confused.

How is this going? Why are there so many doctors coming out together? Could it be that Su Yun has gotten into trouble?

There were countless guesses in his mind, but every guess did not match his knowledge of the Mayo Clinic and was ruled out.

But apart from these, there really is no possibility.

Soon, the doctors surrounded Zheng Ren and went to the door. Zheng Ren saw Zou Jiahua's car and saw Zou Zhi and another doctor standing next to the car. Some embarrassed recruited beckoning.

Zou Zhi is confused.

"Dr. Charles, if I have a decision, I will seek your help." Zheng Ren turned around, and Dr. Charles Moore said seriously.

Dr. Charles smiled and patted Zheng Ren’s shoulder.

Shaking hands, bid farewell, Zheng Ren went to Zou Jiahua's car.

"How come so late?" Although Zou Zhi felt that something was wrong, he still complained.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled. He did not speak.

"Sorry, Dr. Charles wants to see me doing surgery, so I temporarily added one." Zheng Ren explained.

"Oh." Zou Zhi snorted in the nose and expressed his dissatisfaction. "Dr. Lady, the people we have to wait for have arrived, please come back."

Waiting for Zou Zhi is infinite silence.

Zou Zhi had thought that he would finally hear Dr. Leddy’s complaints and even bring some uncommon dirty words.

But I never thought that I was always impatient, and Dr. Lady Lady complained that she would be silent.

He looked back strangely. The doctor named Leddy looked scared. The waist had already bent down unconsciously. The humbleness was like the people who saw the monarch, and almost went to the dust.

And what he saw was not an ordinary monarch, it was a particularly cruel one.

Dr. Leddy even tried to breathe as little as possible, for fear of annoying this.

"Doctor Zheng, looking forward to the next reunion." Dr. Charles said.

Zheng Ren turned around and was deeply embarrassed, then smiled and walked into the car.

Zou Zhi was confused, but he did not speak.

"Dr. Charles, you... hello." Dr. Lady's voice trembled, shuddering, and said in a gentle, humble tone.

"Get out." The assistant around Dr. Charles said indifferently: "The doctor doesn't want to see you."

Dr. Ladydy is like a well-behaved pet, and disappears immediately.

Zou Zhi looked stunned.

What is the doctor and the old man who sent Zheng Ren out? It is said that even the most powerful doctors in the Mayo Clinic will not let other people fear this puzzling.

Feng Xuhui and Hu Yanhui took the car behind them and three cars left the Mayo Clinic.

The group of doctors in white clothes disappeared into the field of vision and stood in front of the door of the Mayo Clinic. The bronze statues of the Mayo brothers were shining.

Zou Jiahua and Zheng Ren chatted two times and started working. Zou Zhi thought for a long time and wanted to understand the truth.

He whispered: "Doctor Zheng, who sent you out just now? How can I see Dr. Ladydy be so afraid of him?"

"It is Dr. Charles Moore, the winner of the Nobel Prize." Zheng Ren holds a silver box in his hand, and the surgical instruments inside have been cleaned and simply disinfected. He took a handle and couldn't put it down, and told Zou Zhi casually.

"The winner of the Nobel Prize? But even if it is the Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Leddy will not be so afraid of him." Zou Zhi was surprised, but it still could not explain the expression of Dr. Ladi as a mouse to see the cat. .

"Dr. Charles had a coronary heart disease in the past. I guess it was a surgery in Mayo. There was a serious complication after the operation." Zheng Ren had light in his eyes and looked at the handle, as if it were a Xie, "coronal Arterial dilatation, so the doctors in the cardiology department, including the doctors in the intervention department, seem to be afraid of him."

"..." Zou Zhi is speechless.

"Boss, how do you know?" Su Yun glanced at Zheng Ren and asked.

"Many years of rich clinical experience." Zheng Ren holding the handle in his hand, feeling the hardness and weight, a light stroke, leaving a silvery white, sharp light in the air, cut off the time, cut off the years.

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