Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 1176: Typhoon is not good

"Well..." Zheng Ren thought for a moment and nodded.

"Boss, then I have withdrawn." Su Yundao.

"Remove it." Zheng Ren turned to step down, tore off the sterile clothes, and asked: "Are you notified the Iraqi side?"

"It may take a while to disinfect." Su Yundao.

From the patient to the gastrointestinal surgery to the present, the full play is more than 20 minutes, and the disinfection is so fast.

Zheng Ren did not speak, went to brush his hands, re-dressed, and came back to a helping position.

"Director Wei, you come." Zheng Ren habitually reached out and was empty.

"Hemostatic forceps, blunt scissors." Zheng Ren whispered.

The equipment nurse took two things to Zheng Ren's hand, and the strength was a bit big. Zheng Ren took it in his hand and felt that it was not smooth.

Whether it is a device or a device.

However, he did not speak, but used hemostatic forceps to start assisting Director Wei to do blunt separation.

Because the bleeding has stopped, the surgery is not so anxious. The blood was clean and the pelvic cavity was presented in front of Zheng Ren and Wei.

Unfamiliar anatomy, this is what surgeons are most afraid of.

Why does appendicitis sometimes do three or five hours? It is because of the physiological anatomical structure variation that the McPherson point is turned on, and the appendix is ​​not smashed out.

The general operation of textbooks, everyone knows, will. It is also what everyone is most looking forward to.

The abdominal cavity is open, and the anatomy is typically like an anatomical map. It is a wonderful thing to simply complete the surgery according to the prescribed steps.

The patient at the moment is the most special kind of special case. All surgeons can only frown with their eyebrows on their heads.

The anatomy of the lower abdomen and pelvis looked chaotic, and there was no shadow of normal anatomy at all. Even if the surgeon is "fed" with more general teachers, I am afraid that it will also hair.

Where should I do this? Director Wei stunned and immediately calmed down.

At this moment, he was especially grateful to Zheng Ren.

If Zheng Boss first used the intervention method to embolize the bleeding point to stop bleeding, now he can not have so much time to slowly come.

But it’s going to be a big deal... so messy organizational structure, I can’t get up quickly. Together with the blood of a king and a king, floating in the field of surgery, how many fresh blood will emerge from the suction device, the whole process is maddening.

Director Wei has stabilized his mind. He is used to using big scorpions instead of the hemostasis pliers that Zheng Ren used to.

For the surgeon, there is a difference between the scorpion and the pliers, but it is still customary according to each person. Like the dispute between the Sweet Party and the Salty Party, there is no right or wrong, only habit.

The scorpion caught a piece of connective tissue. The scissors in the hand just had to be tested. The other connective tissue was picked up by the hemostasis pliers. The position was just right. If the blunt scissors were not cut, Director Wei felt sorry for himself.

Free, one layer, never ending.

However, Director Wei is more and more happy, and the surgery is really smooth. If you don’t know that Zheng’s boss is super high, he definitely thinks his level is skyrocketing.

Surgery with Zheng Boss is really refreshing. After looking like it, I have to find him often to set up a platform to find the feeling of long-lost.

Director Wei is not happy, although the operation is difficult, but the speed is faster than his imagination.

The left hand tweezers clamped a connective tissue, and the right hand blunt scissors licked a flower, which was contained in the palm of the hand, and then the index finger of the right hand went down.

This is a common method used by gastroenterologists.

Intestinal adhesions, blunt scissors are afraid of tissue damage, and more are directly separated by fingers. In the location where the adhesion is severe, use blunt scissors.

This set, Director Wei is familiar with the road.


The finger just stretched out, and I haven’t touched the connective tissue for a moment...

A slamming sound, Wei Director’s wrist stabbed.

"What are you doing?!" Director Wei said with surprise.

After that, he noticed that Zheng boss was holding a hemostasis pliers and directly hitting his own sacral spur.

Uh... This is too much too much. Do you think it is an interventional surgery?

Although Director Wei was not angry, he was somewhat unhappy.

Professor Feng stood behind and looked dumbfounded. Zheng Boss is so clear that he directly hits a hemostatic forceps and beats on the sacral diameter of Director Wei. The voice seems to be still wandering around and hovering.

What type of situation is this?

Ye Qingqiu also stunned, is the boss typhoon Zheng so bad? But even if the typhoon is not good, you have to stand on the position of the surgeon and then lose your temper.

This Zheng boss is really young and frivolous.

"I'm sorry, Director Wei." Zheng Ren apologized.

Well, is this right? You finally know that you are just an assistant? Director Wei wants to express some generosity, but there is a burst of pain in the right hand bones.

He snorted and did not speak.

"The first two days I used my set of equipment, changed the ordinary equipment, the strength is not mastered, is it a little pain?" Zheng Rendao.

I went to... Professor Feng’s eyeballs who were looking at the surgery were almost scared.

Is this special provocation on the operating table? Zheng Boss usually looks at people who are kind and optimistic. He also helps himself to do the intestinal stent surgery that everyone is willing to do. How to match with Director Wei, the temper is so Su Yun is a bit strange He knows Zheng Ren best. When did you pick up the goods on the operating table?

There must be a problem, otherwise it will not happen.

He glanced at it, there is no special place in the field, what is going on?

"Director Wei, I told you, do it slowly, there is sharp glass below." Zheng Ren explained.

"Glass?" Director Wei asked in confusion.

"Well, just after you finger down, it is estimated that you have been stabbed." Zheng Ren said, using a hemostatic forceps and blunt scissors to start a rapid blunt separation.

Soon, a bright light appeared.

The filthy glass reflects the light of the shadowless lamp, but it is so dazzling that people can't look straight.

Director Wei was scared to sweat.

The body is still wearing lead clothes, twenty or thirty pounds, and it is already too tired. When he saw that it was like Zheng Boss said, the following is the glass, suddenly thought of countless possibilities, the whole person almost collapsed.

Professor Feng stood behind and took a deep breath. It is said that Zheng boss is high in level and has a good temper. Shouldn’t it be so violent?

Su Yun’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Zheng Ren with some puzzles.

"Zheng boss, thank you." Director Wei whispered.

"Nothing, the operation is slower, there are still many unexpected situations." Zheng Ren looked up and saw the figure of the Xiaoyi people appear on the other side of the lead glass. He asked: "The leaf is long, can make my equipment nurse Come up?"



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