Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 1205: Almost impossible Nobel Prize

Switzerland, Paul Scherrer Institute, Life Science Research Office.

François looked gloomy, like a blizzard on the Alps, striding into the lab he shared with Mario.

The project they studied was the impact of biological immune tissue on tumors and breakthroughs have been made. There is evidence that the relationship between the two.

In other words, François and Mario's research did not go the wrong way.

This must be a project to win the Nobel Prize in biology and medicine, and they won the Nobel Prize nomination this year.

Francois, with the support of the gold-backed consortium, lobbied for the Nobel Prize review and pulled in the feelings. Mario continued his research work in the laboratory and tried to push the research forward.

Although there are at least 30 years from the first phase of clinical practice, according to the past rules, the possibility of getting the Nobel Prize exists, and it is not small.

"Dear Francois, are you unhappy because you can't eat Appenzel in Sweden?" Mario asked.

"The **** old stubborn!" François roared. The employees in the lab were stunned. No one knew what had happened. They didn't dare to speak out loudly, and carefully headed down to do the work at hand.

“Jenny’s biofilm channel project? I think that’s a bunch of trash and there’s no way to compete with our projects.”

"Oh, is it Stanford's nuclear conditioning project? There is no future for that project. There is nothing at all. God will not allow humans to try to modify his great masterpieces."

"Don't be angry, Cavendish's lab's expertise is not in biological research, and their biosensing projects are not qualified to compete with us."

"Enough!" François violently kicked the chair around him, the chair fell to the ground, making a loud noise, and the scared employees were careful to stay away from the violent Dr. François.

"Your situation makes me feel very worried." Mario shrugged his shoulders. "Why are you so angry?"

"The old savage, bastard, the sheep's dung egg in the Alps!" François screamed countless swear words, and the growl echoed in the lab.

After a long time, he calmed down and said: "The group of bastards, even the default of this year's Nobel Prize is a clinical operation!"

"Calm down, my dear Mr. Francois." Mario heard him say this and laughed. "Clinical surgery is simply impossible to win the Nobel Prize. It is a law for decades. Like trying to break The people of this law have not yet been born, I really don't know what you are worried about."

"That bastards!"

"Okay, I know they are a bunch of bastards. There is cheese, do you want to take a bite, calm down?" Mario comforted Francois.

François grabbed an empty flask and slammed it on the wall.

A loud bang, glass fragments splashed around.

Mario shook his head and sat by the floor-to-ceiling window, waiting for Francois' explanation. It seems that this time the lobbying review is not going well, and it is not generally unsatisfactory. It is estimated that it is difficult to get the Nobel Prize this year.

Mario calmly recalled a variety of biological studies, and no one has made a breakthrough in addition to his own project with François.

The opportunity this year is simply too good, it is God who gave himself and Francois. As for the clinical procedure that François said, he is too nervous, it is impossible.

How many years haven't new clinical procedures won the Nobel Prize?

Well, this should be before the acquisition of a very important thing, the behavior caused by nervousness, anxiety, and restlessness is out of control. Mario looked at François and thought of it.

After a long time, François was like a Spanish bullfight, panting, sitting in front of Mario.

"My old man, talk about what you have encountered." Mario looked deep and asked.

"Dr. Mehar, has already set off for China."

"Oh, the doctor went to China? Can his body support the flight so far?" Mario asked: "I can have another Christmas, I think it is a miracle. I originally wanted to convince people in my plan. his."

"Before Dr. Rosen said that Dr. Mehar had done a circular intervention and had gained health. I thought it was a good blessing, but... we care about it, Mario!" Francois muttered.

"main idea?"

"Dr. Mehar, has fully recovered health, at least for an 80-year-old old man, is healthy." François was a bit frustrated, especially when talking about this matter.

It seems that the Nobel Prize has been moved away and flew to the other side of the sky.

"What is the surgery? I think about it." Mario's memory is obviously superior. He doesn't look for information at all, but his eyes are slightly closed. The computer usually searches in the database. He quickly said: "No new. The heart interventional surgery report is no exception."

"My dear François, are you mistaken?"

"It's not a cardiac interventional surgery, but a new procedure for TIPS surgery!" François yelled. "The **** portal pressure is just an ordinary common disease. Why can you win the Nobel Prize!"

"You calm down, let me ask a few questions first." Mario calmly asked: "First, is the developer of TIPS surgery related to the surgery of Dr. Mehar?"

His doubts are correct.

Cardiac interventional surgery and liver interventional surgery are definitely farther away than the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

"Yes, your question is right, I think so. But Jason told me that it was the same person! That person appeared in Sweden at the crucial moment when Dr. Mayhar’s life came to an end, then in the lady’s Coronary grinding is allowed."

"Oh my God, it's incredible."

"Then Dr. Mehar gave the recommendation, TIPS surgery, damn! It's just basic surgery, it's definitely not groundbreaking. This is the shady nomination for the Nobel Prize review! I want to appeal!" François roared.

"Please calm down, I am not mistaken for what you mean. You mean, the person who gave Dr. Mehar for coronary artery augmentation is the same person who studied TIPS surgery?" Mario asked.

"Yes!" Francois.

"It's incredible." Mario spread his hand and said: "Your statement is hard to convince me."

"But he is the reality."

"What does Jason say?" Mario asked.

"He said that Dr. Mehar went to China and had to do a second operation. If the operation is successful, he will let us prepare for next year's declaration."

"My God! Are they crazy?" Mario was really surprised: "A clinical procedure only, can you really get the Nobel Prize? They are not afraid of scandals? The stereotyped, old, old-fashioned jury Really not afraid?"

"Because they are more afraid of death." François said with a sigh of relief: "The average age of the jury of biology and medicine awards is 81.3 years old, and Dr. Mehar's escape from the death of God gave them hope. ”

"..." Mario stunned.

"I asked Jason, the regularity of the clinical procedure." François had calmed down at this time, and he had a cry in his tone. "He used the example of Dr. Murray's kidney transplant program."

“The last fact proved that the kidney transplant did not win the Nobel Prize, but because he researched...”

"No, Mario." François said frustratedly: "Jason told me that the truth is not like this."

He paused, picked up the coffee around Mario and drank it in one go, which was better.

“Jason told me that in 85 years, because of the Nobel Prize reviewing Dr. Lawrence’s kidney failure, a kidney transplant was needed, and Dr. Murray personally completed the operation. Later, Dr. Murray, with the help of Dr. Lawrence, received Dr. Murray. Nobel Prize."

"Dear Francois, these two things..."

"No, Mario, the rotten old stubborn body, wandering with the smell of a shroud. They fear death, and even use the Nobel Prize to please someone who can continue their lives." François’s mood has Out of control, his eyes were red and he looked at the small river outside the window.

"Impossible!" Mario exclaimed, "..."

Without waiting for him to finish, François continued: "In the biology and medical review, 70% of people have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and they are using drugs to maintain themselves. This data is given to me by Jason. He said that Dr. Mehar’s business has given everyone hope, and now everyone’s eyes are on China.”

"If, if Dr. Mehar's surgery is successful, the Chinese youth and Rudolf of Heidelberg... Damn, Rudolph is a moldy cheese!"

"If the operation is successful, all the Nobel Prize reviewers don't mind establishing friendship with the little doctor in China. When their lives reach the end, let's see if they can be miraculous like Dr. Mahal. Regaining health." François finished, and he was sitting down in his chair.

"Oh my God." Mario made such a feeling for the third time.

"They said that the doctor in China, his hands were kissed by God." François finally said.

The hands that were kissed by the gods, expelled the **** of death, what it means, both of them know. If there is a chance, some people will want to get his friendship instead of trying to fight him.

After a long time, Mario said: "Luo Lun, I think you know what I need."

The assistants around me said a little, "Mr. As you wish, I will collect all the information of the doctor as soon as possible."

François and Mario look at each other. If this is the case, it is almost impossible to win the Nobel Prize this year.



At this moment, Zheng Ren is ignorant, waiting for Dr. Mehar and his party at the Imperial Capital International Airport.

He is standing next to Vice President Yuan, and some are not used to this behavioral model. With Zheng Ren’s own thoughts, this product does not want to come, so that Su Yun or Feng Xuhui can pick it up.

"Zheng Ren, a few days ago, because of the rescue of Miao director, the commendation meeting did not participate. The medal of the first prize was just handed over to Director Kong, and he was handed over to you." Vice President Yuan looked ahead and said: "Don't be proud in the future, keep up the good work."

"Thank you." Zheng Rendao.

"It is what you deserve." Vice-President Yuan said: "Is Dr. Mehar's surgery, are you sure?"

"It's just a second-stage operation. It's not very difficult. Dr. Mehar's coagulation mechanism is problematic. At the time of surgery in Sweden, the guide wire was pulled out and the tail had nearly condensed into a blood clot." Zheng Rendao: "So His heart stent should be changed in about 3 months, or else it will be completely blocked soon, and the situation will happen again."

"Oh?" Vice-President Yuan listened to Zheng Ren and said that he was interested.

Not a one-time operation? That means Dr. Mehar has to come to China many times, or Zheng Ren has time to run Sweden.

If this is the case... for a moment, there are countless ideas in his mind. These ideas are the simplest, as long as some people in the city can think of it.

"Mr. Mehar nominated for the surgery, do you expect to get the Nobel Prize in a few years?" Yuan Vice President asked.

"It should be impossible." Zheng Ren replied: "At the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Charles told me that if you want to get the Nobel Prize, you still have to pass the basic research model. Clinical surgery, it is impossible to get the Nobel Prize."

"Don't be discouraged, things are man-made." Vice-President Yuan is indeed interested in the Nobel Prize, but there is not much confidence in the young man standing next to him who can get the Nobel Prize.

The identity of a Nobel Prize winner is enough to show up. He did not hope that Zheng Ren can really win the prize.

In the history of the Nobel Prize, in addition to the unreliable Peace Prize, the youngest winner was Lawrence Prague. In 1915, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics when he was only 25 years old.

But he was the award with his father, and there was still moisture in the middle.

When Einstein got the Nobel Prize, he was 42 years old. It was still young. After all, I just started to enter the academic world. Einstein's five papers are considered to be subversive and subversive.

Even Einstein’s unspeakable genius was born out of a way of giving up on me, but it’s also a lot of years to get the Nobel Prize.

The oldest Nobel Prize winner is Leonid Hevich. When the old man got the Nobel Prize, it was already 90 years old. He is also an honorary professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He once came to China to give lectures.

These people and things, Vice President Yuan have memories. He is well aware that winning the Nobel Prize nomination and getting the Nobel Prize are two different things.

It is a routine routine to perform surgery on Dr. Mehar, get the friendship of the elderly, and get recommendations. When Mo Yan was nominated for the Nobel Prize, it was also the way to the East Asian literary world.

It’s just that Zheng Ren is still young. It’s impossible to win the Nobel Prize this year.

"Clinical work should be down-to-earth, what needs to be mentioned in the hospital." Vice-President Yuan and Zheng Ren said this sentence.

Zheng Ren smiled and nodded.

"If the situation permits, you will discuss with Dr. Mehar, recovery after surgery, can you give a lecture in the hospital." Yuan Vice President.

He said very politely, but there was a tone of rejection in the words.

This matter was originally the work of Vice President Guo, who was in charge of science and education. However, the relationship between Director Mao and Zheng Ren was somewhat unsatisfactory, so Vice President Guo just fell behind, let Vice President Yuan and Zheng Ren say this. thing.

The overall situation is something to have. After all, this is a good thing for 912, so Vice President Yuan is happy to sell personal feelings.

"Okay." Zheng Ren does not care. It is estimated that the recovery will be very fast after surgery. It depends on how long Dr. Mehar is going to stay in China.

There was a chatter without a sentence, and the flight had arrived. Dr. Mehar did not take the charter of Zou Jiahua, but an ordinary flight.

The team is obviously more than the number of people expected by Zheng Ren, and there are more than 20 people. Professor Rudolf Wagner first came out and saw that Zheng Ren was a bear hug.

Before that, he went to the airport to pick up Zheng Ren. This time, Zheng Ren greeted him... He greeted Dr. Mehar and greeted him by the way.

"Boss, I can die of you." The professor patted Zheng Ren's back and said loudly.

It hurts, Zheng Ren has a little helplessness. However, I have not seen the professor for a few days, and I miss some.

Vice-President Yuan stood on one side and was more helpless than Zheng Ren. Professor Rudolf Wagner is like not seeing himself, or there is no one in his eyes.

He also knows that if there is no Zheng Ren, these people will certainly not come to 912.

Zheng boss is good, Yuan Vice President thought of it.

"The boss, Dr. Mehar is behind." Professor Rudolf Wagner and Zheng Ren said hello, they immediately said.

His attitude towards Dr. Mehar is somewhat subtle. Getting the Nobel Prize has always been the wish of Professor Rudolf Wagner, and the weight of Dr. Mehar, who has a heavy weight of scrutiny, is in the heart of the It is conceivable.

At this point, the front of the saddle is waiting for the horse, just for the hope that the line may not exist at all.

"Dr., I met again." Zheng Ren smiled and reached out to meet Dr. Mehar.

The doctor looked very healthy, and the system panel was only slightly red. It was the same as the one that Zheng Ren saw when he first went to Sweden. He was completely different from the dead old man who used the model lung and the ventilator to assist breathing.

Dr. Mehar was a little surprised. Although he recovered his health, he was 80 years old and walked very slowly.

Reaching out and shaking with Zheng Ren, Dr. Mehar said: "Zheng, I didn't expect your Swedish to say so well."

Dr. Mehar is a Gotland native, and his accent is not heavy, but the accent used by Zheng Ren to speak is his native accent.

Even if it is a Swede, it is difficult to tell the accent of Gotland. The doctor Zheng is so careful, it seems that he is very fond of the Nobel Prize.

Just after getting off the plane, Dr. Mehar made a wrong judgment on the situation.

"Learned." Zheng Ren smiled slyly. "Your body is still recovering."

“Very good.” Dr. Mehar said: “The risk of cardiopulmonary dysfunction after surgery, the lung function slowly recovered, I have been able to walk on the path that has been going for decades.”

"That's good." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

Later, Zheng Ren introduced Dr. Meihar to Vice President Yuan and Vice President Guo. When they said that they were satisfied, Zheng Ren felt bored.

"Boss, the patient has another sudden cardiac arrest!" Su Yun suddenly came over and whispered.

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