Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 1454: Killing skills

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Zheng Ren looked up, the color of the waiter's system panel quickly turned red from a touch of green, and a diagnosis appeared in front of Zheng Ren's eyes - tension pneumothorax.

This is a terrible disease.

Tension pneumothorax refers to a large lung bubble rupture or a large and deep lung laceration or bronchial rupture. The rupture communicates with the pleural cavity and forms a one-way valve.

When inhaling, the air enters the pleural cavity from the rupture, and when the breath is closed, the valve is closed, the air in the cavity cannot be discharged, and the pressure in the pleural cavity is continuously increased, and the lung is pressed to gradually collapse.

If the high-pressure air in the pleural cavity is squeezed into the mediastinum, it spreads to the subcutaneous tissue, forming subcutaneous emphysema at the neck, face, chest, etc.

The disease is acute, and if it is delayed for a while, it is extremely fatal.

The waiter is as thin and tall as the bamboo pole.

This young man is the most vulnerable to spontaneous pneumothorax.

Zheng Ren suddenly stood up, released the Xie Yiren's hand, and strode to the waiter's side.

"You are not comfortable?" Zheng Ren asked gently.

From the diners mode to the doctor mode, prepare for emergency rescue without any obstacles.

The waiter is very young and looks like he is less than 20 years old. I was so busy with a sweat and my face was red.

But only for a moment, the blood on his face retreated like a tide, and it was followed by a pale white.

He nodded and wanted to smile and signal that he was fine.

But before the chest came a sharp pain, and now began to chest tightness, he began to breathe quickly.

Zheng Ren knows that this is the natural reaction of the body.

Under hypoxic conditions, it is natural to inhale as much as in the plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters.

But the more you inhale, the more gas is present in the chest, and the faster the lung tissue compresses.

The lung tissue is rapidly squashed, causing increased difficulty in breathing and the patient will continue to work hard to breathe.

This is a process of negative feedback, and why patients with tension pneumothorax are acutely ill and have a high risk of death.

"Don't worry, you sit down." Zheng Ren held the boy's arm, supported the strength of his body, and held him to sit down on a chair next to him.

"Cognac!" The people sitting there were also carrying bottles of wine. It seemed that they were drunk when they were drinking seven or eight. They were not happy and didn't know the situation.

"Trouble you to let it go, he is ill." Zheng Rendao.

"By the way! Laozi is coming to spend." The man widened his eyes and shouted.

Su Yun squatted over the chair, and together with Zheng Ren, helped the waiter to sit down and did not take care of the middle-aged man next to the string.

At this time, there is no point in disputes.

Moreover, people are right. He is coming to eat. He is not a doctor. He does not know what happened.

Even if it is a doctor, no one knows what happened except Zheng Ren.

Holding the waiter to sit down, Zheng Ren teared open his shirt and put his ear on it.

"Spontaneous pneumothorax?" Laohe stood up and asked some doubts.

"Probably, the boss is checking the body." Su Yun then turned back and asked: "Xiao Feng, with a stethoscope?"

Feng Xuhui is dumb.

Although the boxes are large, they are all involved in consumables. Whoever has nothing to go out with a first aid kit?

Besides, the scope of Zheng Boss surgery is not enough for a first aid kit.

Su Yun is also very sorry. He saw Zheng Ren looking up and began to see a doctor.

The left hand is placed on the waiter's chest wall, and the right **** hits the **** joint of the left hand, shocking the patient's chest wall, and the sound of percussion is heard.

The sound is not too big, but Su Yun has heard an abnormality.

The most basic chest surgery examination, if he can't hear it, he can wash and sleep.

Lao He also heard an abnormality, and said in a wrong way: "It is really pneumothorax."

Said, he took out his mobile phone and started dialing 120.

"Old congratulations, called 120 is best to bring a breast bottle." Zheng Ren Shen said.

"Tension pneumothorax?!" Su Yun asked.

Zheng Ren nodded.

The diners around looked at what was happening on this side, and there was a lot of discussion.

"What happened to the waiter?"

"I don't know, hey, the clothes are ripped open. Is that young man still so good? This is harassment. It's in the air, it's insulting."

"Why don't you stop the man, the waiter can't be bullied, it's too much!"

Several diners with a sense of justice stood up and pleaded with Zheng Ren.

The boss also came out from the inside and asked with a puzzled question: "What is this?"

"He suddenly had a pneumothorax... he was very sick and had already called a 120 ambulance." Zheng Rendao, "Is there a syringe?"

"My family's meat never fills the water, where is the syringe!" the boss angered.

As for what pneumothorax, 120 ambulance is so far away from him, far from the water is simple and direct.

Zheng Ren is speechless, this special!

The waiter's face is getting worse and worse, no matter how comforting Zheng Ren is, his breathing is getting more and more urgent.

"Is there a cut-open bag?" Although Lao He knew that he didn't, he still asked subconsciously.

Fortunately, Zheng boss asked 120 ambulances to bring a bottle to the chest, and wait a few minutes for the ambulance to arrive.

Under the closed drainage, go to The patient is fine.

This is a small matter, a small matter, Laohe comforts himself.

But I haven't heard the sound of the 120 ambulances screaming. The young waiter has been weak, sweating, and blue lips, like a fish thrown to the shore, trying to open his mouth and breathe the air.

"You calm down! Don't be so hard, relax, relax." Zheng Ren anxiously comforted the waiter, looking around for pickpockets.

If you can't, you can only buy it from the system space.

But in the eyes of the public, the empty hand has changed things, which is a life.

Zheng Ren bit his teeth, the masseter muscles bulged high and looked serious.

"Zheng Zong, what do you want?" Fan Tianshui came over and wanted to help.

"Syringe, pumping out. Without a syringe, a needle can do it. It will be better to insert it into the air." Su Yun is also looking for something.

But the syringe...

The person with the syringe is afraid to take out Zheng Ren and dare not use it for the waiter.

If you can't, you can only use a clean knife, Zheng Ren thought.

Fan Tianshui thought for a moment and grabbed a straw from the counter and asked: "Zheng Zong, is this the case? Is it okay to insert it?"

"Yeah." Zheng Ren's eyes lit up. "Go find a knife."

"Oh." Su Yun quickly ran to the kitchen.

Fan Tianshui hesitated, picked up a straw, opened the outer packaging, and carefully asked: "Zheng Zong, are you preparing for the incision and stuffing it in?"


"Which location?"

Zheng Ren feels that there are a lot of words in Fan Tianshui today, but it refers to the second intercostal space of the midline of the clavicle on the left chest wall of the patient.

Then he left a trace with his nails there.

When the hand just left, Zheng Ren suddenly saw Fan Tianshui with **** holding the straw, and the dagger was stabbed to the chest wall of the patient.