Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 304: Massive reward

There is no communication between Zheng Ren and Su Yun, even if it is a non-conventional operation of the stent.

Su Yun has gradually become accustomed to Zheng Ren's mode of operation. As long as there are various surgical procedures, it may appear in the operation.

As a flawless assistant, this kind of thing still needs to be asked?


After the portal and hepatic veins are established, the relief of portal hypertension is immediate. The patient's fundal venous hemorrhage was immediately relieved.

The movement was much lighter and the difficulty of surgery fell immediately.

The second stent-graft was much smoother than the first one, with the jugular vein, the upper chamber of the heart, and the hepatic vein, along the guide ribbon stent to the position of the previous stent.

At this moment, Zheng Ren's movements became lighter and slower. Although it is impossible to determine with images because of the overlapping images, Zheng Ren estimates the position by experience.

When the bracket stopped, Zheng Ren fine-tuned the position and opened the bracket.

The second bracket is recyclable. The operation is slightly different from the first bracket, but in Zheng Ren's view, the difference is not big.

At this time, in addition to Zheng Ren, even the assistant and professor Su Yun could not determine the position of the bracket is not suitable.

Once again, the contrast agent rushes through the stent between the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The image of the stent was initially revealed, and the overlap was excellent, and there was basically no excessive abduction.

This means that the friction between the stents is maximized and it is difficult to see the stent being carried away by the bloodstream.

Successful operation!

Zheng Ren just turned off the device and pulled out the guide wire.

[handsome! Really handsome! 】

[Accounting for the time the patient was agitated, it took 1 hour and 54 minutes. This is the shortest TIPS surgery I have ever seen! 】

[The people who don’t know about TIPS surgery drifted through and silently. I just think that the surgeon is doing very well and is strong. 】

The doctors in the Xinglin Garden began to float the barrage. Although there was no video in the live broadcast room, it did not prevent everyone from using it as a chat room to exchange post-operative experience.

When the guide wire was taken out, when Zheng Ren was ready to step down, the sound of the task was clear and sweet.

[Mainline mission: The first stage of the Pearl of the Crown is completed.

Task content: Complete a TIPS operation.

Mission reward: Because the first TIPS operation is completed, for the emergency surgery, the difficulty coefficient is increased to 2. The operation time is 1 hour and 54 minutes, and the operation training time is 149 × 2 × 2 = 596 hours.

Another lucky value + 2 rewards and two gold treasure chests, the experience value is 200000 points.

Mission time: 6 hours, complete the operation time 1 hour 54 minutes, balance 4 hours and 6 minutes. 】

The main task, the first stage of the crown of the Pearl, is completed, the system gives a huge amount of experience and rewards.

Especially the training time, as long as 600 hours!

Equivalent to 25 days.

This is the greatest wealth that Zheng Ren has accumulated!

Zheng Ren is very happy, which means that he can squander once or twice?

Tear off the sterile surgical gown, go to the locker room, convert the radiation energy into the lead space into the system space, and Zheng Ren smiles back to the operation room.

Professor Rudolf Wagner was meditating. When he saw Zheng Ren returning, he shook his head and said: "Zheng, your surgery is like a perfect piece of art."

"Professor, won the prize." Zheng Ren smiled and replied.

The professor sighed softly and did not argue with Zheng Ren about this matter.

Director Xia is not a person involved in the intervention. In fact, she did not understand the operation. Seeing Zheng Ren and Professor Rudolf Wagner talking, it seems that the operation was successful, and the work was particularly beautiful, he asked: "Dr. Zheng, successful surgery?"

"That's right." Zheng Rendao: "After surgery, healed with complications such as hepatic encephalopathy. In addition, I have left two stents. If the hepatic encephalopathy is not heavy, consider taking out the second stent and expanding the hepatic vein and the door. The outflow between the veins."

Director Xia was silent and nodded.

"Was the patient back to you, or to the ICU?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The treatment of postoperative complications, or returning to us, is quite big." Director Xia still took the pride and self-confidence of the director, giving Zheng Ren an answer.

Zheng Ren does not care, the surgery is very beautiful, and the two stents are left, the outflow channel is smaller than 8mm, and the possibility of hepatic encephalopathy is much smaller than that of the single stent.

It is also possible to go to the Department of Gastroenterology. After all, he is the most professional in dealing with hepatic encephalopathy.

In the operating room, Su Yun has already bandaged the patient, and Chu Ruran and others took the patient to the flat car and handed it to the doctor of the Department of Gastroenterology.

Director Xia followed the flat car. Before he left, she hesitated, but still asked: "Dr. Zheng, there is a patient with cirrhosis decompensation and refractory ascites."

"If the patient's family recognizes this risky surgical procedure, it can be treated surgically." Zheng Ren smiled.

"Good." Director Xia is also very simple, and the wind is gone.

Zheng Ren estimates that if this patient is stable after surgery, patients who need TIPS surgery in the Department of Gastroenterology will continue to be incessant.

From an epidemiological point of view, the 1960s was the era of massive outbreaks of hepatitis B.

Beginning in the late 1980s, hepatitis B was basically controlled. Although it is not destroyed like polio, it does not have the rapid infection momentum of the past.

In other words, the patient who has received hepatitis B is now about 60 years old.

If there is no regular oral entecavir to control the activity of hepatitis B virus, there should be symptoms like the patient said by Director Xia.

Being able to perform TIPS surgery to improve the symptoms of portal hypertension in patients will greatly prolong the survival and quality of life of patients.

No wonder the system has to give yourself so many rewards.

Zheng Ren felt that he seemed to have touched some of the behavioral rules of the big pig's hoof.

"What about smirking? I also think that the surgery is beautiful?" Thinking about the system, Su Yun’s voice appeared in his ear.

"Oh ~ ~ surgery is good." Zheng Ren casually perfunctory.

"There are new people reporting tomorrow, and there is still this big emergency surgery today. You are invincible in this fortune." Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren really can't think of what it would be like to be on duty tomorrow and to do TIPS surgery tonight, but he is too lazy to bicker with Su Yun, just smiled.

Professor Rudolf Wagner walked out a little, and his eyes were slightly scattered.

"Yeah, I forgot the professor." Su Yun whispered: "I knew that your surgery was so beautiful, you wouldn't pull the professor over."

Zheng Ren is speechless and thinks, how do I know if I can learn?

"Professor shouldn't think about it, just pull me over, just to see the surgery? Is it really a visit to study? If the professor is a little bit of a chicken belly, this is a slap in the face, and in the academic world, no matter what you propose. The point of view, the professor will be the first to stand up against it."

Su Yun, the logic of the god... Zheng Ren thought about it, it seems to be a bit reasonable.