Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 319: These are not important

From the system space, Zheng Ren has a happy heart.

The successful operation of the system operating room gave him a strong sense of satisfaction.

Although not all adenomyosis can be treated, it is sufficient to have a limited type of intervention that can be treated with interventional means.

The phone rings and Zheng Ren picks up.

"Good money, Director."

"Okay, then I am ready for surgery."

"You let the patient's family come to the emergency room, and I have to explain it to my family before surgery."

After that, Zheng Ren hangs up the phone.

Out of the duty room, Zheng Ren saw Su Yun sitting in the chair of the office and was playing with his mobile phone. The thumb of both hands leaped on the screen and seemed to be chatting with five or six people at the same time.

"Su Yun, the patient's family agreed to intervention, you go to prepare." Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun responded with a voice, then put away the phone, with a smile on his lips.

This guy, from ten meters away, can smell the hormonal smell.

Professor Rudolf listened to Chang Yue about the domestic medical routine, listened to the gods, did not notice Zheng Renjin.

Zheng Ren found a computer to sit down and began to have a surgical consent form.

Because it is rare, and the patient has a large number of fractures waiting for surgery, this pre-operative account can not use the template, and Zheng Ren needs to type a word and knock it up.

Zheng Ren carefully considered every possible complication and typing was slow.

After a while, the family members of the patient came to the ward. That young man, Zheng Ren still has an impression.

The day was Su Yun’s communication downstairs, and he went to the rescue. Today, I changed my position.

Zheng Ren asked him to sit down, and a gentle smile made the boy feel a little safe.

The news he heard these days is almost always bad news. The pressure is too high and people are almost collapsed.

Zheng Ren began to explain to him before surgery, but did not follow the printed items one by one, but from adenomyosis.

The most important account, not the complications of surgery, but because the patient's condition is special, it is impossible to do other tests to determine whether it is limited or diffuse adenomyosis.

Therefore, the surgery identified diffuse adenomyosis and abandoned the possibility of subsequent treatment.

Communication is smoother.

Before the young man, because of the problem of adenomyosis, the girl ran a lot of hospitals, including the large hospitals of the Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital.

He has a basic understanding of the disease, and even this time, he has made a decision, if it is not, you can accept the removal of the uterus.

In the choice of the child or the uterus to save his life, he made a choice without hesitation. Only the patient can't put up the child's obsession, insisting on giving birth to the child and then undergoing surgery.

And he also wants to wait for the girl to turn out from the ICU, how to comfort her.

When he heard Zheng Ren said that there was a possibility of cure, he was a little surprised.

Professor Rudolf Wagner turned his head and asked in amazement: "Zheng, am I getting it wrong? Are you discussing adenomyosis?"

"Yes, Professor." Zheng Rendao.

"My God, you are very confident that you can cure the limited adenomyosis!" The professor made an exaggerated gesture to match his expression and statement.

"It's just a limited type. There is no means to cure the diffuse type. It can only be surgically removed." Zheng Rendao.

“I feel that staying here is a very good choice.” Professor Rudolf Wagner said: “Every few days, you can give me a new surprise.”

"Not a surprise, Professor." Zheng Ren calmly replied: "In the past, limited adenomyosis was also treatable."

"But no one can be sure of the treatment. Zheng, I just heard a confidence from your tone, please believe me, this is definitely not an illusion." Professor.

Zheng Ren waved his hand and told the professor not to talk first, and he was communicating with the patient's family.

The young man looked at him. The foreigner, Dr. Zheng called him a professor. Is he an expert in this area?

"Mr. Professor, can you understand Chinese?" The young man turned his head and asked.

"Yes, as long as it is not too fast, don't have a dialect, I can probably understand." Professor Rudolf Wagner said.

“What is your major?” The young man stood up directly and came to the professor, as if the drowning man had caught a floating piece of wood.

Because he has consultations in large hospitals in China, it is because he knows too much, so he has to undergo surgery on Zheng Ren, just holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


“Can I ask you to have surgery for my fiancee?” The young man was a little excited and deeply embarrassed.

Professor Rudolf Wagner stunned. He looked at Zheng Ren inexplicably and looked at the boy again.

The young man saw the professor's expression strange, I don't know if I said something wrong, or something else, half-bowed, and also stunned.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became inexplicable.

"Zheng, is it that I understand the words you just said wrong?" Professor Rudolf Wagner asked in confusion.


"You said that you have a great grasp of the adenomyosis of the limited type."

"No." Zheng Rendao.

"Why did this young man ask me to have an operation? I can only get less than half of it." Professor Rudolf Wagner was particularly confused.

The young man couldn’t understand the situation at all. He glanced at the professor and looked at Zheng Ren. He didn’t know what the relationship was.

Zheng Ren did not blame him, smile.

"Young people, I am from Heidelberg, Germany. The purpose of my visit here is to invite Zheng to Heidelberg and I to set up a research room to do new research. Now this kind of surgery can only be done by Zheng alone." Professor Rudolf Wagner explained.

"..." The young man suddenly stunned. When did Haicheng have such a cow doctor?

They won't be fooling I agree to sign the surgery and the surgery is almost ready. Zheng Ren knocked on the pre-operative signature book and said it.

The young man is still awkward.

"You can rest assured that if I can't do it, isn't there a foreign professor here?" Zheng Ren smiled. He didn't tangled whether he had a high level of surgery or a high level of surgery, but healed the patient's family.

The family members of the patient were grateful, and they were asked by Professor Rudolf Wagner and Zheng Ren, and then wrote their names on paper.

Zheng Ren took the pre-operative signature in his hand, called the professor, and went to the operating room.

"Zheng, do people in your country do not know that you are the man who has the hand of God? This is simply unbelievable." On the way, the professor was impressed.

"Professor Rudolf, what you said is not important. I think that as a doctor, the goal is to always be on the disease, not on other aspects." Zheng Ren smiled.