Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 331: Turning your face faster than flipping a

Mr. Ge was very upset, his face pulled down at once, and although his smile was still on his face, he had a hint of haze.

"It's your phone." The female assistant seemed to feel the gloomy face that Ge lawyer had uploaded, accompanied by a smile, and cautiously said.

"For official business hours, do not pick up private calls." Ge lawyer said.

"It’s Lin’s phone call.” The female assistant reminded me.

Mr. Ge’s hand was stiff and he smiled and said, “You, sorry, I will pick up the phone.”

As soon as he raised his hand, the female assistant put the phone in his hand respectfully.

"Is always Lin?"

"Yes, I am going through the formalities here, and the driver is suspected of intentionally wounding."

Ge said that he was going to pick up the phone, but he didn't even move his ass, sitting in the chair, no one said.

He was deliberately saying that he was suspected of hurting people, in order to increase pressure on Zheng Ren.

Those who play the law, the heart is very dirty, these small means are more skilled than anyone else.

But then, his hand froze.

The smile just on the face suddenly stiffened, and it was even worse than crying.

He was silent and silent silence.

After half a minute, Ge lawyer began to speak.


He just said that the roaring voice in the phone spurted out, and Zheng Ren, who sat on the side, could feel the anger on that side.

"Okay, okay, I will handle it."

"Yes, you are right. We must maintain zero tolerance for this kind of thing."

After that, Ge lawyer hangs up.

In the whole office, quiet, everyone’s eyes gathered on Ge’s lawyer.

Listening to the wind, things seem to have a turn? Or will things go to an unpredictable future?

"Dr. Zheng, my employer asked me to be your legal counsel and take care of all the matters." Ge lawyer is jealous, sitting, serious, serious.

The dog's face is changed, and there is no hesitation at all.

Turning your face is faster than flipping a book. It is this.

Everyone is ashamed.

Zheng Ren was slightly puzzled, but he contacted Director Kong’s phone and immediately said, “Are you a sister of Lin’s lawyer?”


Mr. Ge rarely heard that someone would say Lin Jiaojiao in such a light tone.

His pupils seem to be illuminated by strong light and narrowed into needles.

Unsmiling smile, Ge lawyer quickly sorted out the mood.

Legend has it that the case of lawsuits has existed since ancient times.

In the Ming Dynasty, Huizhou merchants were rich in the world. On weekdays, eating and drinking obey the ancestral training, it is very simple. The bulk of the spending is on the three things of Labuan, Yi, and litigation.

It can be seen that the master who can raise a big lawsuit is also the master who can make a lot of money on the Qinhuai River.

Every good lawyer is not simple. Especially the person who can be called a lawsuit, turning his face and not recognizing people, is the most basic.

Mr. Ge, the business is very good. Turning your face, it must be excellent.

Otherwise, it will not be hired by Lin Jiaojiao as a lawyer of the group.

Otherwise, it will not kill Haicheng directly if something goes wrong.

Otherwise, I will not smile and talk to Zheng Ren at this moment.

He smiled slightly, and the haze that had just disappeared was like a cloud.

"Dr. Zheng, Lin Dong is the chairman of the board. I am the executive of the Law Department. I usually don't see Lin Dong, saying that the employer is also right." Ge lawyer said: "You are Lin Dong..."

"I don't know her either." Zheng Ren said calmly.

Director Pan is helpless. Zheng Ren’s child is so good that he is too straight.

In this case, it is enough morality, reason, and a lawsuit. Isn't it a good thing to have less trouble?

"It was a while ago, in the emperor gave her an emergency operation." Zheng Ren smiled. "That person, who is Lin Jie?"

Mr. Ge is only responsible for the legal affairs. The relevant circumstances of this incident are all learned on the plane.

Even so, he still knows the whole incident.

“Zhou Bai is just a partner of Lin Dong’s national franchise chain.” Ge lawyer said: “The family is a little bit of money. This time Lin Dong decided to establish a branch directly under Haicheng, and he rushed on.”

Zheng Ren listened, but it was boring. At this moment, he really wants to go back to the emergency room, even if he does not have surgery, sitting at his desk and reading a book is also good.

But in the eyes of this matter, it is always going to be solved.

"It’s just a small role that I want to enter the Lin family. Since Lin Dong speaks, I am solely responsible for this. A disruption of public order can’t always run.”

Lawyer Ge did not know the details of Zheng Ren, and he tried it step by step.

Zheng Ren is in a daze, the lawyer in front of him is really boring. It is sure to be a matter of disturbing public order.

Still want to go back to reading.

Seeing Zheng Ren’s expressionless expression, Ge’s lawyer can’t figure out that Zheng Ren’s technical dog is as plain as water. With his own experience, he bites his teeth and forgets the money that Zhou’s call for himself.

"If you think Dr. Zheng is not enough, it is harmful to social public safety, how about it?

Judging three slow one? What does it mean?

Zheng Ren felt a little sleepy. What Ge lawyer said, he didn't take his mind.

After the emergency rescue, the whole body's energy was exhausted, and it was really a little bit of the faint mint flavor of the potion.

Lawyer Ge has stopped.

This little doctor seems to be kind and eager.

It is a great crime to endanger public safety. After all, it has risen to the height of criminal cases. It is also a relatively heavy punishment to sentence the three to one.

He is not satisfied?

Attorney Ge feels that there is something chilling. This kind of rumor must be reported to the Lord, the most difficult to deal with.

His previous threat to Zheng Ren, like a dagger, accompanied by him, seems to be not careful, he will be poked out countless holes.

"That's the matter, I will try my best!" Ge lawyer does not know Zheng Ren's bottom line for the time being, and there is no need to fully ask him to prepare for it, then prepare to blur it, then look at the situation.

At this point, the mobile police team captain's cell phone sitting next to the director of Pan Pan sounded He took it, took a look, and then went out.

"I have learned all the things going through." Ge said that Zheng Renzhen is very difficult to deal with. "Everything is done according to Lin Dong's statement. If there is a need for Dr. Zheng to cooperate with you, I will visit the door."

"That is all right here?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Well, it’s okay for the time being." Ge lawyer said: "Zhou Bai is expected to have a barrister in succession, but there is no problem, I am a professional."

Attorney Ge tried desperately to improve his importance. At this time, the captain of the team pushed in.

"Work overtime tonight." The captain said.

The object of the conversation is the traffic police under his command.

The traffic police who are doing the transcript have stunned. Is there anything big? How do you still need to work overtime?

"This case, the provincial department down to supervise." The captain said.