Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 336: Cook

When I was in the general department, I was called to surgery in the middle of the night. I got off the taxi and went back to the rental house. I occasionally cooked a bowl of instant noodles and slept.

Zheng Ren recalled the loneliness and desertion at that time. Now someone is thinking about himself, and there is a smile on his lips.

"Ome noodles." The words in my heart were accidentally revealed.

After that, Zheng Ren regretted it.

The story Su Yun told, hovering in the mind like a crow.

The Xie Yi stunned and immediately smiled: "Okay, I am telling you, cooking instant noodles, I am very good at it."

Ok? Zheng Ren is awkward.

Is this OK?

The Shei people started and shifted gears, and the car slowly drove out of the underground garage of the city.

It took less than three minutes to come to the villa area.

The Shei people drove the car directly into the garage, and the two got out of the car and entered the house from the inner door of the garage.

Before this, Zheng Ren did not know that there was a door in the villa's garage that could enter the house directly.

“What kind of taste do you eat?” The Xie Yi hangs up his coat and asks with a smile. He has already set a tempting posture and is ready to go straight to the kitchen.

Zheng Ren is a bit awkward, instant noodles, he only eats one taste, or only has one taste - braised beef noodles.

There are other flavors, Zheng Ren never went to the mall before, buying instant noodles will only let the small supermarket downstairs delivery.

Instant noodles have other flavors, he knows. But if he really asked him what the taste was, Zheng Ren couldn’t say it.

Seeing that Zheng Ren did not speak, his face was ignorant, and the Xie Yi people took the brisk song and went straight to the kitchen.

"You sit casually, the water is in the refrigerator, come and get it yourself." Xie Yi said: "What is the taboo?"

"No, anything can be." Zheng Ren looked at the back of the Xie Yi people and spoke up.

"Okay, then I just got it." The Shei people tied an apron, instantly changed the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and began to look for ingredients.

Soon, a lot of things were taken out by the Shea people and put aside.

Seaweed, eggs, red sausage, as well as a variety of small ingredients plus a few exquisite small pickles.

Zheng Renzhen did not know that there are so many things to cook instant noodles, and the noodles of the granules sometimes even forget to put the sauce.

On the edge of the sofa, there is a small fridge.

Zheng Ren opened, took a bottle of pure water inside, opened a drink.

Seven or eight hours did not eat, did not drink water, this time to relax, began to feel hungry.

After drinking half a bottle of water, Zheng Rencai felt better.

Looking at the Xie Yi people busy inside, Zheng Ren wants to help. The result was the same as that in the operating room, and the Shea people pushed it out with a smile.

When the uncle feels... not good, it is very embarrassing.

Ten minutes later, the fragrance came out of the kitchen. The taste was very light, but it succeeded in calling Zheng Ren’s stomach.

Really fragrant!

So hungry.

After a few more minutes, the Xie Yi people held a big bowl and greeted Zheng Ren to eat.

On the dining table, the white porcelain bowl is full of noodles. I can't see the original instant noodles, and I have a variety of dishes on top.

"This is the red sausage of Harbin. I don't like to eat children's intestines. I don't have fat, I have a little taste." Xie Yi said.

"Don't you eat?"

"I have eaten it. I am afraid that you are hungry and ask if you want to have a meal."

"What do you eat?" Zheng Ren asked, holding a chopsticks and putting it in his mouth.

The taste is bursting.

"And Xiaoran, who is going to eat with my sister. We have opened a new one here. I tasted it today. The taste is still authentic, but the food is a bit general. But it is very good to eat Xiaolongkan at the door." Yi Rendao.

I want to come, it should be the time when I went to the police team.

"Right, I was looking for you at the time. Chang Yue said that you went to the traffic police team. My sister called a few calls and said that you may have trouble on the other side. She asked for help at home." Xie Yi looked at Zheng Ren to eat. Happy, the face is filled with a satisfied smile, said.

Oh? Is Chu Suran looking for someone?

Zheng Ren thought about it, and he didn't understand this kind of thing, but he still put it aside. Tomorrow, meet and ask her more directly than I have nothing to think about.

"Slowly eat, hot." Seeing Zheng Ren snoring and eating, Xie Yiren constantly let Zheng Ren slow down.

Very ordinary, even a simple meal, Zheng Ren has tasted the taste of some strange home.

After eating, without waiting for Zheng Ren to clean up, Xie Yi people diligently smashed the dishes and began to pack up.

I didn't expect that eating instant noodles would be so troublesome... Zheng Ren was a little embarrassed.

"Zheng Ren, go back to sleep when you are full, Minger will go to work." The voice of the Xie Yi came out of the kitchen.

Zheng Ren is awkward.

If you have enough to eat and drink, wipe your mouth and leave, is it like a scum man?

But now the Xie Yi people are busy squatting, if they go to the manual foot, it seems more like a scum man.

What do you want to say now?

Zheng Ren was anxious, and his forehead and horns were faintly sweating.

Really... so hard.

Seeing that Zheng Ren did not respond, the Xie Yi people leaned back and the body drawn a beautiful arc.

"Hey, why? You won't fall asleep."

"No... I was thinking, don't help... help you do something." Zheng Ren stuttered.

There are not many tableware, and the Xie Yi people have already finished brushing.

She took off the pink gloves, smiled and walked out, came to Zheng Ren, her knees bent slightly, her face and Zheng Renping.

So close, so nervous, Zheng Ren’s mind is blank.

"Hey, hurry back to rest." The Xie people were a little shy. I don't know if I was close, or what she was thinking. "A busy day, go back to take a bath and sleep."

After that, the face of the Xie Yiren was red, and he quickly ran away and took Zheng Ren’s coat.

Zheng Ren is also embarrassed to stay, took over his coat, and walked back to the entrance in three steps.

After changing shoes, Zheng Ren still didn't want to go.

Warm jade is in the arms, how good is it, why should I go back?

"Hey." The voice of the Xie Yi was passed behind Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren’s heart suddenly shook, just turned back, not waiting to turn around, a delicate figure rushed up.

"I was so hugged yesterday, I am going to take it back today." The Xie Yi buried his head in the back of Zheng Ren, shyly said.

Feeling... really good.

Unfortunately, This is all too short.

Zheng Ren’s brain suddenly took the opportunity, and I didn’t know how long it was. He was pushed out by the Shei people.

Just feeling, seems to be able to remember for a lifetime.

Zheng Ren’s feelings returned to the villa, and his mind was still blank. It is completely different from the calmness and skill of the operation. This sweet tension is very strange to Zheng Ren.

[Sleep early in the evening, remember to take a bath. 】 Shei people's WeChat sent over.

【it is good. You also take a break early, I go to the bath. Smiley

Zheng Ren is still immersed in the short gentleness before, and it is difficult to extricate himself.



(4:40, upload a new chapter, now it is 5:17, still can't see in the text. This question does not know when it can be solved. Here, explain.)