Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 482: Gastroenterology consultation

"..." Zheng Ren smiled.

Gao Shaojie is somewhat cramped and somewhat embarrassed.

In his forties, he was afraid that he would be beaten with a hemostatic forceps.

This kind of thing has never happened to Gao Shaojie.

When Gao Shaojie went to school, he only saw that his classmates were beaten by teachers. He has always been good at learning and doing his best. He has never had such a similar experience.

After all, Gao Shaojie is learning to do.

However, if you are a tyrant, you have to be awkward.

Professor Rudolf Wagner was beaten into a dog in the operating room...

Although Gao Shaojie was modest and conscientious, he thought of returning to the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University. In front of his students and colleagues, he was beaten by a small doctor with a hemostatic forceps to beat the sacral spurs, and Gao Shaojie suddenly shuddered.

"That is what Fugui children demanded." Zheng Ren said with a smile: "As long as you do not have such special requirements, I will not use hemostasis."

Gao Shaojie seriously observed Zheng Ren’s expression and saw that he was not like lying, this time he was relieved.

"And the surgery between the tips and the prostate is not the same. The former is a new, subversive way of diagnosis and surgery. It tests the ability to combine preoperative and intraoperative contrast.

And prostate interventional embolization, more tests are the surgical operation. ”

Speaking of this, Gao Shaojie suddenly remembered one thing.

He hesitated a little, but then he was firm and said: "Mr. Zheng, do you know that the professor should declare the new diagnosis and surgical method of tips surgery?"

"I don't know." Zheng Ren smiled.

"..." Gao Shaojie really can't see Zheng Ren.

Such a big thing, he does not know is also normal. But after listening to what I said, the expression has not changed at all, which is too bizarre.

"I know that Fuguier wants to do something, but it doesn't have much to do with me. The diagnosis and operation of the tips surgery, he has to go to declare the Nobel Prize, go to squat." Zheng Ren smiled.

" don't worry?" Gao Shaojie does not think that there are such noble people in the world, and regards the Nobel Prize for nothing.

"Do you mean that I will take my name? The joint research results of the two?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Yes." Gao Shaojie is honest.

"This is the case, I think so." Zheng Rendao: "Fuguier does not take the declaration, Su Yun has to slowly ponder this matter. The paper has been mailed out, I should be the first author, this matter Children should be considered solid.

The academic community does have a tyrant, and the results will be robbed. And it is normal to declare the Nobel Prize, and wait for a dozen or twenty years. The new surgery style seems to have won no prizes for decades.

Therefore, the rich and the like like, he is also a human vein, just go and swear. This kind of thing is the most energy-intensive, I am too lazy to get it. ”

There are not many words, and it is simple to sort out the whole thing clearly.

Gao Shaojie lamented, from publishing the paper, sitting on the first author's things, to teaching the rich people to learn prostate surgery, and then to go to the prize. This series of things is natural.

Young people, the mind is really deep.

"What I care about is not the Nobel Prize. There are 200 million hepatitis B patients in the world, and more than half of them are in China." Zheng Ren ignored the feelings of Gao Shaojie and continued: "Hepatitis B cirrhosis is more common than cancer. If I have to do my best, get the Nobel Prize, and then promote it in the country, at least a small decade, how many people will die."

Gao Shaojie is one of them.

"Fuguier is going to do it. That is the best. I also thought about it when I heard Su Yun said these days." Zheng Ren smiled. "High teacher, you have to cheer on your face."

Gao Shaojie nodded quickly.

He knew that this was a great opportunity.

It’s not the Nobel Prize, the kind of award, Gao Shaojie has no thoughts at all, too far away.

I only say that the technical status of the Provincial Medical University Affiliated Hospital and the status of the country's rivers and lakes, can lead others to take a step, the benefits are great, as long as you think about Gao Shaojie can not stop excited.

"Mr. Zheng, you can rest assured." Gao Shaojie nodded and said, "I will rush back to the provincial capital, and then comb the patient again. If you have problems, you must not be in a hurry."

Zheng Ren felt that talking to Gao Shaojie was very worry-free.

"If there is no problem on that side, please ask for a trip." Gao Shaojie was a little embarrassed.

This kind of thing...

Without expert consultation fees, Zheng Ren also teaches his own award-winning surgical skills.

Gao Shaojie felt that he couldn’t say it.

Grateful to zero.

Talking, Zheng Ren’s phone rang.

"Hey, hello, Director Xia."

"Oh, okay, I will pass."

In simple two sentences, Zheng Ren hangs up the phone.

"High teacher, I still have something to do here, I will not talk to you more. Your face is ready, give me a call, if I have nothing big here, I will be able to pass." Zheng Ren said, Leave a phone call with Gao Shaojie and leave the locker room.

I just received a phone call from the director of the Department of Gastroenterology, saying that I had to go to the emergency department for consultation.

This matter is a bit strange, digestive medicine to the emergency department will have a wool diagnosis! It is not a patient with tips surgery.

Director Xia’s language is unknown, saying that it is a meeting.

Zheng Ren pondered what might happen while he quickly walked to the Department of Gastroenterology.

Just entering the gate, I heard a man's voice coming out of the office.

"I asked the experts in the province, this disease is going to the pancreatic clinic outpatient treatment! Digestive medicine, is to treat the stomach, do not cure this pancreatic disease! Do not bully I do not understand medicine."

Zheng Ren is another headache.

This family of patients is the most difficult to deal with.

In general, there are two situations in which the family members of a patient can say such a thing.

The first type is that the patient's family is too worried about the patient's condition. Before and after the hospital, the patient hurriedly went to the provincial capital and even the emperor and the devil to find someone to inquire about the seriousness of the disease. How to treat it.

However, because most of the family members of the patients do not understand medicine, even if they find out that they understand, they will say that they are also talking about it.

When Zheng Ren was a child in an orphanage, he heard the story of the embarrassment.

The second is the opposite. The family members do not want to spend money. Especially the disease of pancreatitis, although now because of the upgrade of somatostatin, surgery has basically no need to do surgery for acute pancreatitis.

However, in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis, fasting water is needed, high intravenous nutrition is required, and somatostatin needs to be pumped every day.

Expensive treatment costs are daunting.

Especially for family members of families with general family conditions, it is even more difficult to bear the cost of this treatment.

If the middle-grade malignant tumor is a large pit and will never be filled, then the pit of acute pancreatitis may be larger than the malignant tumor.

After all, it is necessary to take out at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in a short period of time. In the northeast, many families cannot afford it.

Zheng Ren walked through the doctor's office and saw a small doctor in the Department of Gastroenterology communicating with the patient's family.

Just listening to a few words, Zheng Ren’s heart is probably a bit counted.

It is the family members of the patients who are unwilling to pay the money and find out various reasons to stop the congestion.

Pancreatology specialist outpatient treatment, big brother, are you ready to live in the collection office?

Zheng Ren continued to move forward and went directly to Director Xia’s office and knocked on the door.

Director Xia is also nonsense, savvy and competent to talk about the patient's condition.

The patient was hospitalized for acute pancreatitis last night, because when he came, he said that the family conditions were normal, so the department of gastroenterology did not give any expensive drugs.

There is no doubt that somatostatin is a must.

As for other intravenous high-nutrition drugs, they are also recommended to use cheaper.

One night spent 3,500 yuan, the patient is now in arrears, and even the somatostatin can not be obtained.

Because the patient's family today questioned that the Department of Gastroenterology is not a specialty in the treatment of pancreatitis, look for pancreatic disease for treatment.

The little doctor of the Department of Gastroenterology said that it would give you general surgery.

Ever since, the family has gotten up.

I am looking for a pancreatic department. Are you looking for general surgery for me, bullying me?

No matter how it is explained, the patient's family is justified.

Later, Director Xia took a chance to move. She remembered that Zheng Ren had done emergency surgery for a patient with a pancreatic pseudocyst. He told the patient's family that I would like to find the doctor in the emergency ward. All emergency departments are under their control.

The family members were somewhat unhappy, but they still reluctantly agreed.

This is the passing of things.