Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 655: End of the road

Zheng Ren is annoyed.

Almost all of the medical supplies that can be collected have been consumed.

The helicopter, due to the weather, was unable to land. According to Zhao Yunlong’s news, after receiving the news, the two helicopters of the Military Region’s Army Air Group took off for rescue.

However, after entering the mountain valley, the dense fog obstructed the line of sight and nothing could be seen.

Climb up 2000 meters, still the same. Forcibly explored more than 10 kilometers, the thunder and lightning, but no choice to return.

In the disaster area, after experiencing a huge earthquake, Tiangong still did not make beauty, which increased the difficulty of the rescue of the subsequent troops.

Helicopter rescue, in the use of the area, has been greatly limited.

Not only can't find a location that needs to be rescued, but even when it is finally unable to return, it is impossible to drop the carried materials.

Zhao Yunlong spent a lot of effort, finishing the corner of the town center square, and became a temporary apron, and did not play any role at all.

The materials were exhausted and hundreds of seriously wounded people were waiting for the rescue.

There is no plasma, no medicine, and even the cut-out bag is used up.

Zheng Ren was staring at the wounded who was seriously injured and killed. He could not use it.

He bought an incision package in the system store, but there was no drug for sale in the system space.

Hesitantly and repeatedly, Zheng Ren still did not have the courage to directly attack the wounded who are still suffering. Only local anesthesia, patients who want to open the knife, but the organ rupture, and the appendicitis, cesarean section is essentially different.

Under heavy rain, visibility is extremely poor. Even if you want to raise a bonfire, it is very difficult to do.

This **** weather! Zheng Ren’s heart swears awkwardly.

"Boss, do you know that there was no anesthesia when there was surgery at the earliest?" Su Yun didn't know what he was thinking, murmured.

The sound was erratic in the pouring rain.

Although it is still in the afternoon, Tianyin seems to have arrived late at night.

Su Yun’s voice was like a ghost, and Zheng Ren frowned and wiped the rain from his face. But it didn't work, the rain was so difficult to breathe, wiped a hand, and then more rain attached to the face.

Not anesthesia... This seems a bit difficult.

The members of the rescue team searched for supplies and sheltered the wounded from the wind and rain as much as possible. But no matter how you do it, everything is so simple.

Zheng Ren was staring at him, but what he thought was another thing.

Local anesthetics also have their own appendicitis with local anesthesia, then the wounded liver rupture, spleen rupture ...

Give it a try?

They have entered the state of hemorrhagic shock, and the pain is not sharp, maybe.

When there is surgery, there is no anesthesia, and the surgery is fast!

Zheng Ren knows this.

But most of the time at that time was amputation surgery, and the removal of the internal organs, the earliest surgical methods can not do this.

The thought of trying it out is like a wildfire burning up and gradually becoming a prairie.

Have surgery time, do a few to see if you can.

As for the surgical instruments, Zheng Ren is not worried about the large pig hooves that are backed by the time and the time is not reliable.

The incision bag purchased by the system mall can be disinfected with water and automatically sterilized.

It’s just that the unreasonable big pig's hoof does not provide medicine, which makes Zheng Ren feel a little disappointed.

He perfunctory Su Yun sentence, then came to the system space, clicked on the purchase of surgery training time.

The experimental body simulates a wounded ruptured spleen, and Zheng Ren enters the system operating room. Without hesitation, without hesitation, he began to use local anesthetic drugs for anesthesia and then opened the skin.

The blood pressure is very low, Zheng Ren estimates that the high pressure of the injured person is also 60 mm Hg.

After the incision, the experimental body has little bleeding, and the local anesthetic effect is still possible.

Bluntly separates skin and muscle tissue. At this point, everything is still in control. However, the cut edge of the spleen and the cut tail are not the same, and the amount of hemp required is also multiplied.

When Zheng Ren opened the peritoneum and touched the ruptured spleen, the experimental body violently twitched, the dark red blood spewed out, and the respiratory heartbeat stopped.

What is this special stimulus?

Zheng Ren lived.

What have you done yourself? How does the experiment body have such a big reaction?

After a few minutes in the operating room of the system, Zheng Ren shook his head and resumed surgery.

He tried to recall the surgical procedure of the local appendicitis, thinking about how the nerves are reflected in the spleen and how to block it.

The operation progressed very slowly, and the experimental body changed one after another.

If there is not a lot of surgery time on hand, Zheng Ren is afraid of having this heart and no such power.

Look at the death of the experimental body... If this is done outside, I am afraid that I have been killed by Zhao Yunlong.

With the experience of the experimental body, Zheng Ren gradually learned more about the various reactions caused by pulling the internal organs.

In general, splenectomy can be performed by continuous epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia. The various reactions are completely ignored and rarely occur under anesthesia.

Special events, special places, special circumstances, forced Zheng Ren to this road.

The failure of hundreds of operations has accumulated countless experiences. Pulling the internal organs caused various reactions, and Zheng Ren was also aware of the chest.

In which position to use local anesthesia, the effect is best, and gradually explored.

At this moment, Zheng Renfa feels from the heart that he can stand in the operating room for surgery, there are anesthesia and equipment nurses, don't worry about these things, as long as surgery can be, how happy it is.

The spleen ruptured and the liver ruptured. After all the exercises, Zheng Ren made nearly 2,000 operations.

Most of them are failures.

When leaving the system space, Zheng Ren felt a little tired for the first time.

Really tired, local anesthesia for splenectomy and liver rupture repair, and what I learned before, is basically two very different operations.

The problems considered are not the same, and the difficulty of surgery has a geometric progression.

Fortunately, it’s all gone.

Zheng Ren feels that his skill tree seems to have changed, but the time is tight and there is no time to look at it. After holding a set of automatically sterilized cutting equipment purchased, Zheng Ren left the system space.

Out of the system space ~ ~ 哗哗 rain is a little annoying.

"I think I can give it a try." Zheng Rendao, put the cut bag into his own soldier first aid kit, "Let's get ready."

“Hey?” Su Yun felt that the rain was too loud. He had misunderstood the meaning of Zheng Ren, and he looked at him with a look of disappointment.

"Local anaesthesia, you can try it." Zheng Rendao, "I am in Haicheng, I have had local appendicitis."

"Boss, Iris and liver, spleen, can it be the same?" Su Yun stared at Zheng Ren, like watching a fool.

"Beyond waiting for death." Zheng Ren covered his eyes with his hands and looked obliquely upwards.

The sky is overcast, the rainstorms are pouring, and there is no sign of stopping.

This kind of day, the helicopter could not take off and land at all. Even if it is cut and hemostasis, it is very difficult for the wounded to survive.

But still have to do something.

Zheng Ren squinted his eyes and looked for Zhao Yunlong through the rain curtain.