Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 670: Buried

“Take the plug?” The sterilized orthopedic surgeon squinted and looked at the patient's ankle near the ankle, and there was a necrotic indentation on the skin.

Surprisingly, although the swelling of the patient's wound is more obvious, it is much lighter than expected, and there is no black necrotic tissue spreading.

Only the first half of the foot is completely necrotic, and other places seem to be preserved.

The same patient, the best one is the amputation below the knee.

Which big **** character is on the front line? The orthopedic surgeon thought for a long time. I heard that on the day of the earthquake, everyone in Huaxi’s hospital was taken directly to the front line to participate in the rescue.

It is really possible to be a great god.

Director Jing stood up and came to the stage to start observing the patient's condition.

He thought about it for a long time and said: "Keep the ankle and prepare for internal fixation."

This is undoubtedly the best choice. Although the complexity of the operation has doubled, it involves a wounded person who recovers after surgery. Who is not willing to do this?

Although I have been standing for 24 hours,

Although everyone is almost exhausted,

Although there are countless patients behind.

"Tell others that if you encounter a wounded person with such a plastic bag, you should look at the medical record." Director Wei said softly.

The patrolling nurse immediately ran out to inform other people in the surgery and called the person in charge of the triage to explain this.

Unfortunately, there is only one such patient, because his condition is relatively light, so he was sent to the second hospital. All the heavy patients piled up in Huaxi and the provincial hospital, which is more busy than here.

Director Jing’s surgery was very meticulous and played the most high standard since his medical career.

The doctor on the front line did not know what kind of bad situation was there and did the emergency treatment. If you have a problem with yourself, sorry for the patient, I am sorry for the doctor on the front line.

"Doctor, do you need an amputation?" The patient was lying on the bed and asked.

Because of continuous epidural anesthesia, he could hear the conversation between the doctor and nurse in the operating room. He could see the change of the director's expression.

It was not until half an hour after the start of the operation that he had the courage to ask.

"You need an amputation, but it is enough to cut off half a foot." Director Jing tells the truth, at this moment, there is no need to conceal anything from the patient.

"Half-footed, nothing." A help from the opposite patient: "If you want to install a prosthetic, it is very simple. If you don't want to, just walk slowly and get used to it. Maybe after a year, you can even Run and jump."

When I heard the doctor explain this to myself, the patient finally got peace of mind.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"Who are you? Who gave you the surgery?" Director Jing asked.

"Nanchuan Town is the operation that the two PLAs have done for me." The patient grinned and wanted to laugh, but the whole face was crying. "The surgery seems to be done in the ruins. There is a ruin in our town hospital. The machine is still very easy to use."

"..." Director Jing’s hand paused, but then surgery began.

"At the time I had finished the operation, I had an aftershock just after being sent out." The patient said: "The person who carried me did not stand firm and fell."

"What about the ruins?"

"Buried..." The patient said: "I was later sent to a tent where only the seriously wounded could lie down, and fell asleep. After that, I was already on the helicopter when I woke up."


Director Jing’s head went down, his eyes widened, and he performed surgery more carefully.

I heard that the frontline rescuers suffered heavy casualties and did not expect to have reached this level.

The frontline soldiers risked their lives and did a surgery. There is absolutely no reason for them to deal with the surgery.

Director Jing abandoned all the distracting thoughts and stopped thinking about the doctor who insisted on surgery in the ruins in the rainy night.

No longer want to think about long-distance attacks, the wind and the rain, the night, the soldiers who are not afraid to sacrifice.

I have to do my job well,

for sure!

have to!

"Khan the sweat." Director Jing side, whispered.

A piece of sterile gauze was rubbed on his forehead, and he squinted at the corner of his eye and continued the operation.



All the hospital operating rooms in Rongcheng were lit with lights all night, and all the scenes flashed with people.

I can't sleep, I don't even have time to eat and drink. The patients who came off the front line got professional treatment in the first time.

As the large forces entered the mountain, a batch of light and serious wounded were sent from the front line, and all the hospitals in Rongcheng were full.

In the Huaxi Orthopedic Ward, a father who had just completed a double hip replacement was angry with his family.

The old man who is over 80 years old has even thin silver hair, his body is not very good, and his heart and lung dysfunction has been afflicting him.

Originally, the Chinese orthopedic surgeon specially left him a quiet ward, but after hearing and seeing the outside situation, the old man said that he would not live here.

Usually at home, where there are children who dare to disturb him to sleep, it is a skunk, even with a cane is commonplace.

However, in the messy hospital, he refused the persuasion of the children, refused the nurse's dissuasion, insisted on living in the corridor extra bed, and gave his bed to the people who had just sent the surgery from the front.

The elderly are so stubborn, no matter who they are, they don’t listen, they are mad.

Finally, after the nurse from Huaxi asked the bed doctor of the operating table, the old man was removed from the ward and stayed in the extra bed in the corridor.

In the face of a large number of patients, the major hospitals in Huaxi and Rongcheng have been overwhelmed, and the extra beds in the corridor are all hospitalized patients. The seriously wounded from the front lived in the standard bed of the ward, and volunteers served as patients.

All problems, do not need to be solved, naturally solved.

Many of the difficulties that the Medical Service envisioned did not happen at all.

There is no need to explain, there is no need to explain, and even people who want to explain can't find it. Usually, it will be noisy for the chickens and The people who complained to the medical office are quiet and do their part to help these survivors who have lost their homes and are seriously injured.

A row of small restaurants in the northeast corner of Huaxi Hospital has a small fast food restaurant.

It is not beautiful here, and it is not cheap.

The boss is a disabled person. He is a cook and cooks. Usually, even meat stars are rare in the food.

At this time, he took the burden, one side of the meal, one side of the dish, walking in a ward.

Full of meals, no money, put on the bedside table in the ward. The scent of the dishes is the standard of the first-class chef. The meat in the dish is not full of ordinary appearance.

He insisted on three meals a day, including a small patient from a ward.

Someone else came to deliver the meal, and met it on the head. He almost didn't fight for it.


Such things happen every day, every hour, every place.