Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 673: Light and dark fireworks in the dark

There is no need to be polite at this time.

Zheng Ren did not hide his tears, and tried to dry it with his sleeves, then slammed the window of the vent and drilled out.

The air outside is much better, the rain has stopped, and there is a fresh breath.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Zheng Ren looked at the horizon of the black hole in the distance, raised his hand slightly and made a punch.

Some people, some things, have never been forgotten and will not be forgotten.

"Zheng total, nothing." Zhao Yunlong appeared on the side and asked.

At this time, his name for Zheng Ren was restored to the beginning of Zheng.

"Nothing." Zheng Ren grinned and smiled. "The injured person succeeded in surgery and sent it to the back. As long as the blood transfusion, you can live. Now try to fill up some liquid, the state will be better."

Said, Zheng Ren suddenly saw Zhao Yunlong's face with a piece of bruise, his mouth was swollen, and asked in confusion: "After the shock was accidentally hit?"

Zhao Yunlong pays attention to Zheng Ren’s eyes, a little angry, and hates the one sentence, saying: “Su Yun’s dog’s madness was beaten by him.”


"On the four reconnaissance companies, he only held him down. This is still a good hand in the army, the average person can not get him." Zhao Yunlong said.

"What about people? Take me to see." Zheng Rendao.

"There is smoking on that side." Zhao Yunlong is obviously somewhat angry. Perhaps it is Su Yun threatening what he said, and he is not willing to face up. He pointed to the place where he was far away and said it.

That side is dark, can't see the figure, only a light is dark.

Zheng Ren immediately strode over.

Su Yun sat on a stone, not far from the two soldiers watching him.

"Are you crazy?" asked Zheng Ren.

"Stupid." Su Yun faint answer, black hair stuck in front of the forehead, weak and powerless.

"Give me one."

Su Yun didn't know who was going to smoke. He shook his hand and took out one of the cigarette boxes and threw it to Zheng Ren.

Against the fire, Zheng Ren took a deep breath and sat next to Su Yun. He didn't talk. He just looked at the dark hole in the distance, and he didn't know what to think.

Silence, the fireworks flicker.

Suddenly for a long time, Su Yun said quietly: "If there is another time, I don't want to listen to what you say, you must go on together."

"No need." Zheng Ren knew that Su Yun couldn't help but replied with a slight smile.

It doesn't matter if you don't talk face to face, Su Yun can't stand it.

"There is the ability to look outside." After that, Su Yun took a sip of smoke and the starlight lit up.

"My level is relatively high. I can play a bigger role when I go in. If you go, it is estimated that the next aftershocks will not be completed." Zheng Ren said the truth.

Such a sharp spit, the sly Su Yun burst into chest tightness. Acupuncture-like pain in the chest area, general myocardial infarction.

Su Yun wants to go back, but what? Do a heart transplant? Su Yun has a hunch that if he wants to do things with his best skills, he may have to be beaten if he is allowed to go back.

MD, it’s awkward.

"Next time, don't be excited, just wait for me outside." Zheng Rendao: "You can play it."

"Zhao Yunlong is like an embroidered pillow. Looking at the burly, I will fall down when I touch it. I can beat him five." Su Yun said with hate.

A cavity was wronged and it was scattered on Zhao Yunlong's body.

"Being practiced is not the same."

"My little boy, I will read it twice."


The topic was told by Zheng Ren that he was silent.

After a long time, Su Yuncai asked: "When dawn is gone? Just a group of patients have to be sent to the back. The helicopter can't transport so many people and carry it back."

"Well, I will follow them together." Zheng Rendao, "In this case, you can use three points in one's ability."

"I have never seen you so narcissistic." Su Yun said slyly.

"To tell the truth." Zheng Rendao: "Extraordinary chest, I am the general band professor level, may the incurable disease be stronger? But interventional surgery, the absolute world's top water, this is not modest. If I am modest Do you still use the doctor as a doctor?"


To be honest, I really don’t listen to it. Isn’t it a bit modest?

It’s just that he is modest, and even his smile is awkward.

Su Yun did not go to see Zheng Ren, but looked at the sky in the east.

"A rest for a while, don't wait here for the dawn." Zheng Rendao.

"Not tired, just thinking, is not busy all over the dog." Su Yun whispered.

"The front line is not good, and the back is not good." Zheng Rendao: "With this range, I estimate that all the operations can't be done 100,000."

Similar to Su Yun’s estimate, if it is done as soon as possible, it is estimated that including the local doctors in Rongcheng, plus the new doctor, everyone has to be vomited.

This battle has only just begun.

Zheng Ren’s heart is ready for the upcoming storm, not from tomorrow. Since embarking on this land, this struggle has not stopped.

After sitting for less than twenty minutes, he sighed and Zheng Ren and Su Yun joined in the rescue.

More and more survivors were dug up in the ruins, and they were filled with squares in the town. Zheng Ren did not hide it, and went all the way to treatment that could be treated; he couldn’t hesitate to heal, and then decided whether to take it by helicopter or go to the front of Pengxi Township.

Zheng Ren is very cautious, and every transplant has a clear understanding of the diagnosis and recommended treatment options.

At this time, he is no longer hiding, not thinking.

Maybe after dawn, set off a mudslide when walking the mountain road, and you have to hang with the big pig hooves.

Well, I am sure that I am hanging up. Big pig hooves may not be.

And it’s a matter of life, it’s meaningless to hide it.

I wrote a diagnosis of a hundred patients in one This is coming to an end.

Zhao Yunlong looked at Zheng Ren in a complicated way. Those diagnosed him all looked at it. His diagnosis was compared with Zheng Ren’s diagnosis. It was simply garbage.

There is a little man in his mind, standing there like Su Yun, yin and yang said: "Zhao Zong, you will see a doctor?"

I really want to ask Zheng Ren how he diagnosed it.

At the beginning, there were still suspicions, but in the past, Zhao Yunlong saw that the diagnosis of the chest was similar to his own judgment, but it was a little deeper and he was directly paralyzed.

If you can go back alive, you must consult with General Zheng, Zhao Yunlong buried a seed in his heart.

It is not empty that people can participate in the jury of the Nobel Prize.

The gap is still there, and efforts are being made to pursue it.

After dawn, several seriously wounded people who were injured enough but were not enough to take the helicopter were put on a stretcher and tied to it. A stretcher was carried by four PLA soldiers. Zheng Ren and Su Yun were responsible for handling the emergency situation and rushed to Pengxi Township.