Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 713: Pengxi Township Hospital?

In West China, in the courtyard, the figure wearing white clothes is constantly moving through the green tent.

Busy is the overall atmosphere, like a cloud in the sky, pressed for a long time, pressing everyone to complain, not tired.

If you have that time, it would be better to find a place to lie down and sleep for a while. Nothing is more happy than this.

The director of the emergency department sat on the side of the road in the West China Hospital, holding the printed data in his hand and wondering what.

"Director, the new emergency management system is really good." A small clerk of the medical office stood by and said.

"Well, you don't see who did it." The director looked at the data in his hand and meditated.

"Who did it?" The little clerk was surprised, did the system do the people, the director knows?

"We were here to help us a few days ago. Later, when he handed down a group of people, he went to the front line."

The little clerks are at a loss.

At this time, the front line can be said not to be able to go up.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a hand-eye.

However, what is the relationship with emergency medical management system software?

"The data is wrong." The director of the emergency department pointed to the A4 paper in his hand and said: "What about patients with pelvic fractures in Pengxi Township? Why is it not reflected in the data?"

The little clerk was not a medical doctor. He stumbled and immediately said, "I will check it out."

After that, I ran away.

The old director frowned and thought about what was wrong.

It is said that Pengxi Township is at the forefront, and it is reasonable to transport more critically ill patients. However, the data showed that the wounded of the severe pelvic fracture did not appear from about 2 days ago.

Like the visceral rupture, the wounded with severe pelvic fractures is one of the most traumatic injuries.

This kind of trauma is not the kind that will be killed soon, but it is also very heavy. It will take a long time to be sure.

Usually large forces will drive in and dig out people from the rubble, which will delay at least one day.

Almost all of these are in a state of hemorrhagic shock and must be rescued in an emergency.

Can it be said that there are problems in the rescue work of six severely affected counties and cities in Pengxi Township?

Nor should it be. Other minor and serious wounded people are continuously sent from Pengxi Township, but there are no wounded people with severe pelvic fractures.

Data from recent hours show that the number of injured people with amputations has gradually decreased.

Soon, the small clerk of the medical office ran back, holding a piece of paper in his hand and said: "Director, Pengxi Township has done the surgery. Postoperative patients, did not send it to us, sent directly to the province. Hospital and other lower level hospitals."

“How many are there?”

"197 people, the wounded were sent to the provincial hospital and the lower level hospital, and recovered well. Only 2 people with hemorrhagic shock were not corrected and still in the rescue." The data in the hands of the small clerk explains everything.

Weird, the kind of place in Pengxi Township, can withstand the treatment of such a large number of severe pelvic fractures?

The director of the emergency department was not very convinced, but the cold big data showed him the truth of the matter.

Regardless of the letter or not, the data is there. Not only the amount of surgery, but also the recovery of patients after surgery.

"Right, I received a call from Pengxi Township, saying that it was already starting to do a thrombectomy for an injured limb. The corresponding wounded should be sent to us soon." The little clerk said.

The director of the emergency department is silent.

He still didn't understand, the simple conditions of Pengxi Township, how to do it.

Huaxi, the last dam, intercepted the wounded from the frontline.

Countless people are here to treat, and the numbers are shocking. As the director of the emergency department at the clinic and triage, he is not willing to recall too much.

However, the oldest brother of Southwest Medical, a large-scale top three hospital in China, and all the interventional operating rooms are open at the same time, only to deal with the treatment of a large number of severe pelvic fractures and posterior peritoneal hematoma.

Pengxi Township?

It’s really weird.

Still have to do a thrombectomy? Not to mention the technical strength, is the machine on that side enough?

Just thinking, a 120 ambulance is flying fast.

Now the voice of the ambulance has gradually been accepted. He stood up and handed the A4 paper to the small clerk and strode over.

The 120 ambulance stopped at the position of the triage, and a flat car was pushed forward. The first time was placed at the back door of the ambulance.

The doctor on the ambulance jumped down and said according to the procedure: "The wounded who need amputation from the Pengxi Township Hospital have already undergone a thrombectomy operation. There are silhouettes of the film and medical records. Right, that side says Expedited, or there will be complications."

Said, he handed a few pockets in his hand. There are numbers on the bag, and the corresponding number is on the casualty's wristband to avoid confusion.

The emergency doctors are somewhat puzzled, but whoever manages the front line, they only need to send the wounded to the orthopedics quickly, waiting for the surgery to be enough.

"I took a look at the film." Shen Sheng, the director of the emergency department, said that he immediately took the film bag from the hand of the little doctor.

"You sent the wounded to the orthopedics first. After I finished reading, I sent the film myself." He said, he took the film to his office.

The office was very messy, and there was a military coat on the sofa. 26 hours ago, the emergency department director spent three hours here.

This is all the time he recently slept.

He was puzzled. He took the film out of the bag and glanced at it. It should be a film for interventional imaging.

Did you really do a thrombectomy?

Although he is not very familiar with the thrombectomy, some simple images are still difficult to beat him.

But... after the film was plugged in, he stopped.

This is definitely not an angiographic film in the ordinary sense. The position and angle are very rough. I don't know if the person who cut the film is confused or want to try to use the film to give a message to the people behind.

Can't read... I really don't understand.

He did not hesitate to take out the second film and plug it into the reader.

Still can't understand.

The third one is the same.

A total of three silhouette films, all unconventional. The director of the emergency department looked at the three films inserted in the reader - for a few seconds.

Then he shook his head and smiled. Which big **** is in Pengxi Township?

He knows that experts and professors from all disciplines across the country will come over as long as they can put down their work.

It is said that the front line, casually grab a medical staff, the chin of the resume is shocked.

He shook his head and took a page of A4 paper from the bag.

The paper itself is somewhat familiar, it seems that... He suddenly remembered that the wounded person who was transported by helicopter in Nanchuan Town at the earliest, had a similar medical record in the chest plastic bag and this is a bit like this.

Because the medical records of other wounded people in Pengxi Township were printed, he was very impressed when he saw the handwritten medical records.

In hindsight, the diagnosis and recommendations of these medical records are correct.

He immediately took it seriously, took out the glasses case from his pocket, put on the reading glasses, and began to look carefully.