Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 790: Live surgery

"It is the eo of the Xinglinyuan website." Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun has completely rested, and he has no sorrow, no surgery, no hat, and his forehead is fluttering and handsome.

“Hmm?” Su Yun frowned, saying: “He is looking for you?”

"Who knows, the phone call by the director Qi is not good to receive." Zheng Ren does not care, change clothes, smashed the squashed hair, and said: "Go and see."

"I am going with you." Su Yundao.

"Well," Zheng Ren only understood the literal meaning, and definitely did not go deep into it.

"Boss, this is a business, the mind can be more, don't be sold." Su Yun said.

"Whoever sells me, I will only do surgery." Zheng Ren casually said.

"It will be very good to do surgery..." Suddenly said, Su Yundun lived, he seemed to think of something.

Immediately, Su Yun, who has always been awkward, is silent.

Zheng Ren seems to be able to feel that Su Yun's brain is running at high speed. The black hair before the forehead is moving without wind, like cooling.

However, Zheng Ren is too lazy to think about Peng Jia, what he means, he is just a doctor. If you want to sell yourself, you have to see if he has the ability.

The so-called no desire is just right, Zheng Ren is such a person.

Soon, the two went out of the locker room and came to the front of the operating room.

"Peng manager, let's go." Zheng Ren greeted Peng Jia.

Peng Jia nodded and asked: "Zheng boss, find a quiet place to talk."

"Oh, ah." Zheng Ren said casually: "Su Yun, you let Fugui children look after the postoperative patients."

"Go to the afternoon tea, how?" Peng Jia asked.

"All right, as long as you can be quiet. Don't go too far, finish it, I will return to see the postoperative patients." Zheng Rendao.

“Do you like cloud cool or red wall small courtyard?”

Cloud cool, in the International Trade Building, a bird's eye view of the capital, is very sense. The Red Wall Small Courtyard is in the Shijia Hutong, the old emperor's quadrangle, full of force.

Zheng Ren recently went to the Red Wall Small House with the Xie Yi people, but it is still a bit far from thinking about it.

"It’s too far, just be near." Zheng Ren refused without hesitation.

Although the manager of Peng doesn't look annoyed, he still has to look after the patients and buy food to go home.

Zheng Ren can now use his family life to describe his or her life with Shei people because of work delays in family life.

Although I haven't lived together yet, I think I feel so much warmer.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of grades around the cafe. Peng Jia’s secretary quickly found a room and booked a private room.

All the way, came to the coffee shop, entered the private room, and sat down.

Zheng Ren randomly ordered a cup of freshly squeezed mango juice and asked: "Peng Manager, what are you looking for?"

Although it is a bit rude to say this, Zheng Ren has a lot of things, and he can only ask in a straightforward way.

Otherwise, just for twenty or thirty minutes, Zheng Ren feels wasted time. At this time, Zheng Ren would rather go to the system library to read the book.

Besides, now that Peng Jia is asking for himself, there is nothing directly.

"Cough..." Peng Jia was stunned by Zheng Ren's frankness. This kind of gas field is really the kind of gas field unique to the husband.

"This is the case." Peng Jia put his hands on the table and put on a candid posture, looking at Zheng Ren's eyes, said one by one.

He talked about the operation of the Xinglinyuan surgery live broadcast room, but did not say that the traffic flow of the Xinglinyuan was soaring and violent.

Just talking about the ideal, but did not explain the situation of listing and traffic.

Zheng Ren listened carefully and remained silent.

"Peng manager, you should not go to my boss to do a live broadcast." Su Yun originally had a guess, listening to Peng Jia's description, he understood what he meant.

There is something to say, everyone is very busy, Su Yun asked directly.

"Yes." Peng Jia's heart suddenly jumped, but the expression on his face was a bit milder.

"What conditions? Let's listen." Su Yun is not a trader, the kind of thing that tries to cross the bottom line, he knows, but he is too lazy to work with Peng Jia.

This matter, Su Yun is not optimistic.

Live surgery, if you are successful, say it. But once it fails, the aura of the Nobel Prize candidate is still missing?

Although Zheng Ren's surgery is very stable, there has not been any leaks until now. But who can guarantee this kind of thing?

"Conditions to listen to Zheng boss, we..."

"Boss, Peng manager is not sincere, let's go." Su Yun is not at all polite, once Peng Jia began to talk around the circle, directly turned his face.

Turning the face faster than flipping the book, it really scared Peng Jia.

Zheng Ren did not move, but smiled and said: "Peng manager, if it is a live broadcast..."

Peng Jia’s heart suddenly jumped into the eyes of the blind man.

If Zheng Boss directly refuses, and does not leave a little seam, what can I do?

He began to regret a little.

If you use money directly, would it be better? However, this is only an idea. Peng Jiake does not believe that a Nobel Prize candidate will be stumped by his own money.

"I still have some interest, but for the specific operation, we have to discuss it in detail."

Zheng Ren’s words stopped Peng Jia’s heart from beating.

Did he agree?

Su Yun looks like a fool and looks at Zheng Ren. Is this a special business talk? Not bargaining at all? Come up and say that you are interested?

Stretching your neck and waiting to be slaughtered, this is.

Zheng Ren saw Su Yun’s dissatisfaction, but he just smiled and continued: “First of all, the patient’s face should agree to the live broadcast. The cost of this job should be handled by Peng’s manager. Secondly, the website should give vigorous publicity, just Advertising inside the website is not enough. Third..."

Without thinking, Zheng Ren 2, 2,345, listed five opinions.

This is not a monstrous, it is well thought out! Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren with amazement. Does this product have predictive ability? Or is it that he has been thinking about the live broadcast of surgery?

Peng Jia also stunned.

These conditions are specific workflows, and none of them involve personal interests.

He is also very confused and looks at Zheng Ren.

“How does Peng Manager think?” Zheng Ren said, calmly looking at Peng Jia and asked.

"Zheng boss, an operation, how much does your live broadcast fee need?" Peng Jia glanced at Su Yun and asked carefully.

"Do you still have money on your website?" Zheng Ren is also very surprised. "I have been going very often recently. There are a lot of posters for new cases. I am afraid that the traffic is running out."

Zheng boss ~ ~ Can you not be so direct... Peng Jia burst into tears.

"First talk about business, the specific cost problem, there is time for you to talk with Su Yun. I think your profit model is not good, not optimistic about the prospects. But this has nothing to do with the live broadcast, we are talking about two things. ""

After Zheng Ren finished, Peng Jia was stupid.



Never go to the question, the name of the live broadcast room is not for the moment.

Yesterday, the editor revised the cover, which is said to be due to copyright issues.

In the past few days, I took a photo of the operating room and took a photo of the operating room to make a cover. The cover is too dark now and doesn't match the theme.

Report on content and work here. At the end of the month, at the end of the sixth month, and at the beginning of the seventh month of May, we will reserve the monthly guarantee ticket for the next month.
