Live Surgical Broadcast

v1 Chapter 991: Still go to the Mayo Clinic

Zou Jiahua clearly has some knowledge of the ion channel disease diagnosed by Zheng Ren, and can even be said to be research.

This is also normal. After all, it is a matter of life and death. For Zou Jiahua, whether he can avoid another sudden cardiac arrest is his most important thing.

And the most maddening thing about this "disease" is that there is no definitive diagnosis.

In detail, I asked Zheng Ren various solutions, and Zheng Ren answered them one by one. Zou Jiahua then silenced and seemed to be calculating the pros and cons of it, and did not make a direct decision.

Black extended Lincoln to return to the 912 hospitalization department very smoothly, Zou Jiahua said to think again. Zheng Ren did not say much, just plainly, and Su Yun got off the bus.

Looking at the black car and leaving like a ghost, Zheng Ren felt that the experience was quite bad.

"Boss, do you want to treat him or not?" Su Yun asked.

"I want to give it a try, but after all, the diagnosis is not clear, and there is hesitation in my heart." Zheng Ren tells the truth, and does not hide the deep inner entanglement.

"Is the initiative right to give him?" Su Yun is quite dissatisfied with Zheng Ren's answer.

"He is a patient, doing or not doing surgery, depends on his own judgment." Zheng Rendao: "Don't want to, go back."

Su Yun sees Zheng Ren’s interest rate is very high, whispered: "Go to the urology to take a look?"

Zheng Ren thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

On the other side of Miao, it is estimated that it will be more difficult. Take a look, if there is anything you can help, it is good to help.

The two came to the floor of the urology department. Just after getting off the elevator, they saw more people here than usual.

It is estimated that it is a lively person, and Zheng Ren’s heart has raised an ominous premonition.

If the patient's family is really as described by Lao He, and he has accepted his life, the body should have been taken away.

There are so many people who watch the fun, there must be a lot of trouble.

Zheng Ren had no time to change the white suit, wear casual clothes to see what happened, just go straight through the crowd and walk in.

The more people leave, the more they are crowded, and they talk to each other.

The repressed crying faintly came out and was captured by Zheng Ren in a noisy voice.

No roar, no trouble, just crying.

Zheng Ren gave a little snack, stood at the door of the ward, looked up and looked inside.

A 50-year-old man was kneeling at the door of Miao’s office, with something covered with white sheets in front of him. He doesn't talk, just crying.

There were a lot of middlemen, and Zheng Ren only saw a certain frame of pictures, and then the figure was blocked by the family members of the busy patients.

There are still a few doctors who seem to persuade him on the other side, but it should be useless to look at this situation.

"I really should kill the doctor." A young man stood by Zheng Ren and said nothing.

Other people around the young people saw Zheng Ren wearing a white suit and didn't talk.

Zheng Ren knows that he must have said it on purpose.

This kind of thing is simply too common, and it has long been strange. Real life is better, and the network sees more than this.

There was some frustration in my heart, but I didn’t say anything to the young man. I turned and left.

Su Yun also wants to squeeze forward to see what happened, but see Zheng Ren go back and go a little, hesitating, and also came out.

"Boss, don't you go see it?" Su Yun asked.

"It doesn't make sense." Zheng Ren's mood is low, and the young man's provocative words have been lingering around his ears, like a sword, piercing himself at any time.

This is the norm, Zheng Ren told himself. Now that the doctor-patient relationship has sharpened to a certain threshold, what else can you do?

"You are a literary artist?" Su Yun saw Zheng Ren's mood is not high, then he said: "Sentimental, look at your mother."

"No." Zheng Ren shook his head and squeezed a smile. "Is there a reply from Mayo?"

“Returned.” Su Yun glanced at the phone and said: “They said that if they allowed the situation, they would fly directly. But they said that if you can go, it is better to go to Mayo.”

Zheng Ren nodded.

"Boss, I think this disease, if you are sure that we are going to Mayo to do surgery is better." Su Yundao, "What do you say?"

Zheng Ren knows what Su Yun means.

The patient is an Indian. For the Mayo Clinic, there is a slight difference between the experiment and the body in the system space, but the difference is not big.

In Mayo's operation, there are related legal documents, and the failure of the operation will fail. The problem is not big and there is no worries.

But if you come to the country for surgery, there will be more trouble. First of all, is this surgery a urology or a general surgery, or a neurology?

Assuming there is a foreign affairs dispute after the failure of the operation? If there is, then it will be a headache.

These things, though not big events, are things that need to be considered.

As for the patient

Why are the drugstores of the world's major pharmaceutical companies open to India, and it is not strongly forbidden to develop generic drugs in India, but rather open the database to them?

Nothing else, just because India provides experimental populations from Phase I to Phase III clinical human experiments.

Big pharmaceutical companies like Roche and Pfizer don't know how much money they have invested in research and development. There is a project at hand. If you catch up with bad luck and all fail, then even this giant will face the risk of bankruptcy.

Projects such as radiofrequency ablation of the kidneys for hypertension are facing failure. It’s just that this project is relatively small and can’t be hurt. Note 1

Zheng Ren thought about it and said: "That should contact Mayo. If the law is ok, this is not busy, you can fly over to do the surgery. Right, is it necessary to allow the medical office in the hospital? You can help me. a bit."

"The hospital must know that the medical office knows However, it is estimated that the problem is not big. I have to do the surgery for the surgery," Su Yun's face showed a ghostly smile.

Zheng Ren waved his hand and said no.

So many experience values ​​have been spent, even if you give yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is completely irreparable. This is an exchange that is not equivalent. If you can complete the system task, if you can't, you will lose money completely.

Su Yun took the mobile phone, his fingers fluttered, and the smashing eyes with the afterimage, an email was sent in less than a minute.

On Black Lincoln, Zou Jiahua was tired and leaned on the back chair, and there were countless thoughts in his mind.

This decision is more difficult than the cost-billion-a-year acquisition.

Even if investment and acquisition fail, there will be a possibility of a comeback. However, if the operation fails and you die directly, what should you do?

If you have a normal operation, you will do it. With a small probability, you can reduce this possibility by better equipment, better doctors, better technical means, and better medicine. Excluding.

But his illness can't even give a diagnosis to the Mayo Clinic.

That is the number one hospital in the world of cardiology!

Zou Jiahua feels tired, tired, and very tired.

He wants to sleep for a while, and An An heartily sleeps for a while, even if it costs 10,000 US dollars a minute.

Unfortunately, this is just a luxury.

"Is there news on Nanyang?" Zou Jiahua asked.

Note 1: In the extraordinary period, I am also not sure if there is any taboo in this piece, and I have repeatedly deleted it many times.

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