Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2507: Not 1

In the operating room, the song of good luck came gently.

Several directors who watched the scene at the scene looked a little embarrassed, and the operation could even do this! Boss Zheng always feels confused and weak when switching between interventional surgery and surgical operation seamlessly.

Although none of the directors had performed thousands of operations, none of them had been so closely coordinated with surgery and interventional surgery.

This was done during the operation. Boss Zheng still insisted on sewing the skin, which was a point they didn't understand.

"Boss, you can go to the beauty hospital." Su Yun cut the continuous suture in his boss's skin and said with a smile.

Zheng Ren looked at the operation completion rate given on the system panel, 99% + 10%. He is very satisfied with this.

[Scholar] The 10% operation completion degree brought by the title is extremely critical.

A perfect operation that could not have been done can be almost perfect, this is a leap. The original perfect operation becomes impeccable, like the operation of the small stone in front of you, this is a bigger leap.

Normally, after undergoing such a major surgical trauma, the patient has to lie in the ICU for at least 3-7 days. However, the female patient who had undergone the second valve replacement had a functional recovery on the third day after the operation. Zheng Ren had realized the benefits of surpassing 100% of the operation completion.

Therefore, he insisted on sewing the skin by himself to improve the degree of completion of the operation as much as possible, so that the small stones recovered faster after surgery.

"Talking to you, why is the operation so good and arrogant?" Su Yun said disdainfully.

"Don't speak in an interpreter." Zheng Ren made a gesture, and Hu Yanhui immediately cut off the live broadcast signal and took off the live broadcast glasses.

"Boss, the surgery has been done like this. How many days does ICU live?"

"Be safe, 2-3 days, and return to the special needs ward." Zheng Ren said, "Please contact the German side, tell rich children not to rush back."

"Speak to rich children."

"Well, I don't think Fuguier is in a hurry, let him wait in Germany." Zheng Rendao.

"He didn't want to come back at all, he just loved it. It is said that there is a banquet every day, and he has to teach, is it a success? By the way, Lanke has hired the wealthy children as independent directors."

"Did you ask me to go?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I looked at the company's articles of association. Although there are no restrictions on independent directors, I have to give lectures several times a year." Su Yundao said: "It doesn't make sense. If it really conflicts with Xiao Feng's products, isn't it to beat yourself? Yes Come on, Xiao Feng. "

Feng Xuhui was wearing a lead suit, standing in the corner like a tin man, hehe smiled.

Director Wei shook his head and said, "Boss Zheng, why don't you go."

It's really different, Director Wei thought. Independent directors, these four words are as far apart from the doctors as heaven and earth, not to mention the independent directors of Lanke.

Boss Zheng was less than a year after he came to 912 and accomplished something that others would never do in a lifetime. It is really envious.

"No time." Zheng Ren said: "There is still surgery on the home side, and I use Changfeng supplies, and conflict with Lanke. They did not mention, but I have to count."

Director Wei glanced at the Tin Man standing in the corner and sighed. This thigh is really amazing!

Lanke's independent directors are inappropriate when they say that they are inappropriate, and Boss Zheng is justified.

The airtight lead door opened, Zheng Ren tore off the sterile surgical gown, took off his gloves, and said, "Su Yun, let's send it together ..."

As soon as he was halfway through, Zheng Ren saw an Erlang leg up at the door.

"Lin? Why are you sitting there?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Oh, the operation is done, Boss Zheng." Linge immediately stood up and said with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching the door," Linger laughed. "Many directors who came to see the operation were taken to Sheshi's classroom."

"..." Zheng Ren felt helpless, this was really too strong to execute, and he was very uncomfortable.

Director Wei and Mao Chi followed, and when they saw Lin Gezhen, he was honestly watching the door outside, and his heart was like a river.

Boss Zheng is so awesome that he has to find the director of the medical office and the science and education department to watch the door. They don't know what independent directors are, but Ringer's janitoring is a real shock, which is enough to break the three views.

"Thanks," Zheng Ren said embarrassed.

"Okay, okay," Ringer asked.

"Very smooth, simulated many times, the final completion is basically the best situation." Zheng Ren said "cautiously".

"That's good, that's good." Linge pushed back the small bench and put it in the corner. "Boss Zheng, are you going down?"

"Su Yun and I sent the patient to the ICU." Zheng Rendao, "Be careful, the operation is OK, don't make mistakes in other aspects."

"Boss, leave." Su Yun shouted in the operating room.

"Okay." Zheng Ren turned his head and saw that the small stone had been lifted onto the flat car. Lao He held the ball in his hand and stared at the monitor.

"Lin, let's go to the ICU first." Zheng Ren smiled, then walked out of the operation room.

All the directors watched the flat car push away, and they all felt a sense of anger.

"Director Lin, you really look at the door." Director Wei asked the oldest with a smile.

"What to do if you don't watch the door, you don't know how many people I have blocked. Do not watch the live broadcast of the surgery, you have to come to the operating room to eat the line ~ ~ It's nothing." Linger Road .

"Isn't this to get a close look at Boss Zheng's aura?" Mao Zhi said: "Looking at the live broadcast of the surgery, I can't see the kind of ... the kind of ...

"The texture of metal," Director Wei added.

"Yes, yes! In the future, the robots full of houses will only need to be hidden by the surgeon. It is estimated that even the surgeon will not use it anymore and will operate intelligently directly."

"Don't talk nonsense, learn the operation with Boss Zheng," Linge said.



Zheng Ren, Su Yun, and Lao He sent the small stones all the way to icu and explained some postoperative precautions. Zheng Ren said a little bit verbally, and spoke for 5 minutes.

After observing for a while, I saw that the vital signs of the small stone were stable and the person was awake. Strangely, he was extremely tolerant of ventilator intubation and did not continue to give sedatives.

Zheng Ren saw that he was fine, so he left icu.

"Boss, isn't it bad that you don't have such details?" Su Yundao, "Our 912's icu level is very high."

"I know, this is not a good operation, I'm afraid which part is wrong." Zheng Rendao.

"When the two of us did the simulation surgery, I didn't see you at such a high level. Why did you feel different when you came on stage?" Su Yun asked in amazement.

Zheng Ren thought that last night, he had done more than 400 hours of surgical training and used a top-level skill book. Is that the same? Besides, there is still an aura and a lucky bonus.

But I can't say that.

The two walked out of icu and saw Wen Xiaonuan standing with a sullen expression at the door of the operating room.