Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2777: Ritual is important

"Yiren!" Zheng Renxing waved his hands gratefully to the Yiren.

Heizi Zahuan ran to Zheng Ren, but was led by the Xie people, and he did not use too much effort.

"Yiren, what did you say to Kuroko?" Zheng Ren threw all the unhappiness behind his head, and only the Yiren smiled in front of him.

"The couple on the first floor quarreled, and Kuroko started screaming when he heard it. I was telling her not to mess around." Xie Yiren led him to Zheng Ren and said.

"Isn't it a normal quarrel?" Su Yun and Kuroko said, "What's so good, look at you like you don't know it."

The sunspot sobbed two times in his throat, as if he knew, and as if he was arguing.

"It seems that they are two people living together, and they are breaking up." The Xie Yi people handed the traction rope to Zheng Ren and took his hand.

Zheng Ren occasionally saw two young people living on the first floor. Young men sometimes smoked outside. He rarely saw him and greeted him when he took the sunspots to bend.

So the young man's mosaic in Zheng Ren's eyes is not heavy, but the girl Zheng Ren hasn't seen it, or has not seen it.

The outdoor temperature has dropped to about zero degrees, and Yiren's hand is a bit cold. Zheng Ren put her hand to her mouth and took a breath.

"It's not cold." Yiren felt itchy, and put his hands and Zheng Ren's hand into Zheng Ren's coat pocket with a smile. "How is the barbecue owner's mother?"

"The diagnosis was a foreign body in the trachea. Oral Byxin Tong took it into the trachea." Zheng Ren's voice became gentle and soft. "The skeleton of the drug has been taken out with a bronchoscope, don't worry. I estimate to observe it for a day or two , You can transfer out of icu. "

"Surely you won't worry about it, you can't figure it out without you." Xie Yi leaned on Zheng Ren's arm.

"Hey, Yiren is right!" Zheng Ren said with a smile.

"Boss, do you want such a dog leg!" Su Yun took the sunrope's traction rope and touched her dog's head. "Go, go home and drink."

Heizi understood the words of Su Yun, and suddenly he stood up, resting on Su Yun's shoulders, struggling to pinch Su Yun's face.

"Hahaha." Su Yun was particularly happy and whistled home with a whistle.

In the whistle, there was a faint sound of the two people arguing on the first floor. There was also a sharp sound of something breaking in the middle.

仁 Zheng Ren frowned. This quarrel was so fierce.

"A lot of people like quarrels, it's normal." Yiren snuggled up beside Zheng Ren, walking slowly, ignoring the cold wind, and not noticing that Su Yun had entered the unit door, said gently: "Tell you a secret . "

"Uh-huh." Zheng Ren nodded again and again.

"Are you guessing sister Yue is angry?" Xie Yi made a face.

"I must be angry." Zheng Ren recalled Chang Yue's expression at that time, and said with some worry.

"No." Shey said, "Sister Yue said, she was a little angry at first. But she got used to it later, but she felt that she still had to be born. The sense of ritual was very important, just like declaring that she was her own. The territory is the same. "

"..." Zheng Ren didn't know what it was like, but there was a feeling of empathy.

It seems that this feeling is the biggest difference between himself and Ning, and they all want to declare that this is their own cabbage.

When I was in Nanyang, once threatened by someone from Chu Anang Sect, Zheng Ren tore off all the masks, showing his most embarrassing side. But this side can never be exposed in front of Ning Shu, that is Laozhangren!

Xie Yiren didn't know that Zheng Ren's thoughts had drifted to Xie Ning, she said with a smile: "Don't worry, many people like quarrels. This is a way to communicate feelings, otherwise it will be boring."

"Uh ... isn't it?" Zheng Ren did not agree with this view, but did not dare to refute it.

"Yeah, I don't know." Xie Yiren laughed. "We can try it. After many years, what a seven-year itch? At that time, you are already a world-renowned expert. Bring a few young people. Doctoral students. Teacher-student relationship is very powerful ... "

仁 Zheng Ren suddenly felt that the cold wind on winter night was much colder.

He scratched his head subconsciously, he smiled, "Don't make trouble, I might as well have two operations at that time."

"I think it's good to walk and watch together. At that time, we will open a clinic for incurable diseases. I sit in the clinic every day, and you help me write medical records. We need to come on stage when surgery is needed, isn't it good?

Xie Yiren crooked his head and looked at Zheng Ren seriously.

"As long as there is a common language, many people come together because of a game, some people come together because of a book. These are limited in content, and our common hobby is complex medicine, and there are many unsolved Field, there will be no such moment. "

仁 Zheng Ren was desperately searching for a reason. What happened to Yiren today? It must have broken Chang Yue.

What kind of quarrel can enhance relationships, is it impossible? Zheng Ren is too lazy to think about it. Can a good life be better?

But when I think of this sentence, it seems that Su Yun is indeed such a person, and he won't say it well. The bitter and mean tone of it is hard to accept ~ ~ as long as they like it Ren thought.

"How's the little stone?" The Xie Yiren reached out and touched Zheng Ren's pale hair, and his brows were not very smooth.

"It's okay." Zheng Rendao, "Re-examination in the past two days, tumor markers continued to decline, there are no new lesions for the time being, the original lesions have been stable. The diet is much better, and 162 grams of fat in 3 days."

"I knew you could do it!" Xie Yiren said with a smile.

"It's still early. The problem now is that Botta's urgently developed drug has not been tested on animals, let alone Phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials, and double-blind tests have not been performed. Preliminary results are still good, but there are lung tissue fibers I hope that the rate of pulmonary fibrosis will not be too fast, and it can stop at a certain stage. "

"Again ..."

When Zheng talked about the condition of the small stone, Zheng Ren had more words. He gently stated his judgment on the disease and the future treatment in his mind.

Many ideas gradually become concrete and clear from one idea.

Xie Yiren listened quietly, no matter what Zheng Ren was talking about, she could make her feel a little happy.

It's sunny today, Alpha Star Canis Major, Nanhe III, and Sansu IV are faintly radiating. Some people are sitting at home watching TV, some are returning from the night and the night is dusty; some are sitting leisurely at the window playing games, some are quarreling at home.

Occasionally a few dogs and cats barked, DìDū's night was a little quiet, Zheng Ren's heart was a little warm.