Livestreaming the Hunt

Chapter 650: All beings are equal

Jessini thought that Gilad from the Democratic Republic of Congo would refute a few words.

Unexpectedly, the other party still just answered blankly: "Okay!"

In the next second, he looked at the men beside him, pressed the intercom, and said: "After you stay and break, no matter what method you use, General Sarang will remember your credit!"

All fools know that the only thing left is death.

Of the remaining four black rebel soldiers, three showed fear on their faces, but one, as if taking an oath, put four fingers together and placed in front of his forehead, looking firmly ahead: "For General Salang!"

Such warriors who are not afraid of death are basically child soldiers who have been brainwashed by rebel leaders since childhood.

Hammer and Jessini looked at each other, and began to prepare to retreat. Marcia was in charge of guarding.

The two of them just got up and moved. Wang Kui, who was more than two hundred meters away, immediately saw the weeds that were abnormally shaking from the infrared telescope. Without a word, he pulled the trigger directly.

I don't know where the shot hit the poaching gang.

The other side suddenly started firing wildly.

The bullets of the AK47 were like no money, crazily pouring across the bushes, forcing Wang Kui and the others to have no way of showing up.

After a shuttle bullet.

Wang Kui secretly glanced at the probe. He never expected that he would have seen two dark shadows quickly approaching where he was.

what's the situation?

Why did the opponent suddenly change his tactics?

Brainless attack?

He aimed at the leader who was not afraid of death and fired a shot. The bullet hit the black shadow’s chest, but before the corpse fell completely, the companion next to him immediately raised the muzzle, dad da da, countless He fired a bullet and fired at Wang Kui swiftly, forcing him to roll back.

Good guys.

The firepower was weakened just now, and he looked overwhelmed. Why has he suddenly become so brave now?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Wang Kui always felt something was wrong. At this time, Chenkov, Cancun and others also noticed that the poaching gang was attacking. In order to protect the safety of Lao Kui's position, they also began to counterattack support.

This kind of brainless offensive strategy looks very fierce at first glance.

But as long as it withstands the pouring of firepower, the moment the opponent changes its magazines, it can be solved with one shot.

In this way, the remaining figure only persisted for more than ten seconds before being shot headshot by Cancun.

With the death of this person, the entire bush battlefield became quiet again.

Wang Kui picked up the binoculars and continued to observe, but he watched for half a minute, but did not notice any movement. He was forced to turn on infrared fluoroscopy again, and he found nothing except the corpse.

"Cancun, have you noticed anything?"


In the walkie-talkie, Cancun also had no gain.

"The opponent suddenly attacked abnormally. There must be a problem. It is likely to be covering the retreat of important people. Let's move in and see!"

After Wang Kui talked a few words, he began to squat and move closer with his gun.

Although he didn’t find alive with the fluoroscopy skills of the tooth bone necklace just now, it does not mean that there are no enemies in the bushes. Perspective can only penetrate transparent and translucent objects such as night, water, and fog, and cannot penetrate leaves and tree trunks. Such hard objects.

In other words, if there are no gaps in the cover, then he can see nothing.

Therefore, Wang Kui focused his attention on the larger cover points.

When Lao Kui moved, Chenkov and others behind him, including the South African anti-poaching force, also followed suit.

A full walk of more than a hundred meters.

Wang Kui finally passed by the dead body that was headshot in Cancun and fell on the wild grass. It really made the previous water friends right. The body was indeed wearing a camouflage clothing. With the rebels, exactly the same!

[Really a poaching rebel in the Democratic Republic of Congo! 】

[Good guy, are you here to avenge Lao Kui? 】

[Why did Chen Ang get together with them? 】

[Perhaps that Cui Yian, Chen Ang, they were originally helping the eagle hook nose and the poaching rebels, in other words, they are the forces behind the eagle hook nose! 】

[I remember that Ying Hou Noi gave Lao Kui's business card at the entrance of the Yemen Zoo before. Lao Kui said that the Tanzania Care Foundation is a shell company! 】

[666, it's really an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another! The forces behind it are endless! 】


Suddenly, many good friends, relying on the pictures they saw and the few words that Lao Kui once revealed in the live broadcast, began to incarnate Sherlock Holmes and studied the whole incident.

Don't say it.

Some people really guessed it.

As they continued to approach the location of the poaching gang's vehicles, there was still no movement in the bushes, either people had died, or people had ran away.

But Wang Kui never let go of his vigilance.

There is an old saying about hunting: the closer you are to the prey, the more vigilant you must be!

The dying prey can still counterattack, let alone intelligent humans!

Just as Wang Kui was getting closer to Girard's jeep, suddenly, the big clam, who had been following him, began to grind his teeth.


"Be careful! There are grenade!"

Wang Kui heard the sound of the spring safety bolt popping off, and immediately pounced on the tree trunk next to him.


Da Da Da Da!

The explosion sounded, and while everyone was leaping to avoid the explosion, a black shadow quickly emerged from under the car, stood up, yelled at the grass, and squeezed the trigger indiscriminately, "Ahhhhh!!!"

In the chaos, he really hit an anti-poaching army mercenary.

"Wow! Slightly..."

At this moment, Ba Du who was behind Wang Kui suddenly yelled at Lin Zi.

More than one person! !

After cooperating with hunting partners for so long, Wang Kui knew how they saw the enemy's reaction.

"There are enemies approaching! Be careful to hide!"

He yelled, and quickly rolled to his feet. Suddenly, Ba Du was facing the east of the bush, and there was a dark shadow, also rushing towards this side with a gun.

Da Da Da, the bullets swept the grass, splashing a lot of smoke and dust, obstructing Wang Kui’s sight. In addition, because the distance was too close, the field of view in the sight of the bolted rifle was too small at this time, instead shooting was restricted, and there was no Opportunity for fault tolerance!

Say nothing.

Wang Kui shook his shoulder, and threw a Wetherby 828U double-barreled shotgun from his back, facing the smoke and dust, where the AK muzzle was on fire, and he shot out with one shot.

Within thirty meters, all beings are equal!

This is the shotgun.

The black shadow just hit the scope of the lead bullet scattering, and it was strong, just like when Wang Minhei's legs were broken by a shot in Kaziranga, India, countless lead bullets instantly tore the clothes on the man’s chest. And minced meat, bursting out a mass of plasma, as if a land mine had exploded from his body!

One shot hit.

Wang Kui turned around and immediately turned the muzzle subconsciously, aiming at the figure that had just emerged from the underside of the jeep. At the same time, Chenkov and Oda Yongzhen also pointed their muzzles at the target from behind the tree. The three shots were almost equal. At the same time, countless warheads roared out, and the black shadow didn't even have time to make a scream. He was hit by several bullets and fell to the ground.

In an instant, there were only South African anti-poaching mercenaries left in the audience, still instinctively pulling the trigger.

"Goal solved! Chenkov, Jiang Chen, Oda, investigate the scene, bring hounds, watch out for traps, Cancun, watch out for the distance!"

While giving orders, Wang Kui skillfully pulled off the shotgun’s insurance, withdrew from the shell, and then pinched two shots from the bullet belt of the tactical vest and loaded them on the shotgun. With two clicks, the machine closed, and the shotgun was loaded. , The whole set of actions is very familiar and fluent.

[Fuck! It's so scary, I almost made the enemy stick to his face just now! 】

[Although it is dangerous, I want to say, isn't such an ambush still equal to death? With so many people, Lao Kui still wants to come back? 】

[Didn't you hear what Lao Kui said? They just retreated to cover Chen Ang and Ying Gonoi. They belonged to the death squad! 】

[It's so ridiculous, I saw that the black shadow and the South African anti-poaching guy shot each other, and as a result, he shot one person to death at such close range. He was really a master of body stroke! 】

[It is probably fear, fear instinct is the most difficult to control! 】


Wang Kui first checked the bottom of the vehicle to see if there were time bombs or remote-controlled bombs.

Whether it was Chen Ang or the Congolese rebels, after several rounds of explosions, the bomb posed too much threat to him. After walking around, he was relieved after confirming his safety by sharing the olfactory information of Dazang.

Not to mention the mercenaries of the South African anti-poaching force, he himself, after the adrenaline fades, can't help but feel a little chill in his back. This kind of charge that is not afraid of death and comes up with one life for one life is really a test of reaction ability. This is why suicide terrorist attacks are so difficult to deal with.

"We don’t need to laugh at the South African anti-poaching forces. Humans are natural to avoid attacks. The first lesson for many professional fighters is to exercise to keep their eyes unblinked when attacked. This is true for every fist, let alone a gun, which shoots at close range. Long-distance firefighting is completely different. In addition to technology, it is more about courage and luck."

"Most people, even professional soldiers, when encountering this situation, their first reaction is to shrink back, turn their heads instinctively, and pull the trigger indiscriminately. Naturally, it will be difficult to hit the target. The only way to do this is to perform anti-terrorism and decapitation. Only special troops trained to overcome the fear of bullets can maintain a fast and precise counterattack in the face of such close firefights!"

After listening to Lao Kui’s explanation, the water friends were stunned:

[Good guy, isn't this just talking about yourself? 】

[Damn it, let this guy pretend again! 】

[Lao Kui: This wave, this wave is me complimenting myself! 】


"Master, the surrounding area is safe, and Chen Ang's body was not found..."

Oda Nagama circled around the week and came back and said.

"Wang Kui, here, there are footprints going northwest."

At this time, on the west side of the jeep, Mayor squatted on the ground, beckoning to call Wang Kui.

Wang Kui walked in and saw not only one shoe print heading west, but also two pairs of shoe prints, which also moved in the opposite direction. Under the characteristics of a hunting master, these footprints shone with silver reflections, gradually converging into an invisible one. The traces of air flow all point to the northwest.

"There are also here!"

Near the jeep that he blew up and burned, a stranger screamed.

Wang Kui walked over and finally saw Brent.

After the two shook hands for a brief understanding, they began to analyze the poaching.

"This group of demons, since this group of people were preparing for poaching more than a week ago, they have carried out all-round preparations, and they even got a military-level cross plane bombing. Fortunately, they did not bring heavy machine guns. Otherwise, we I don’t even have a chance to fight back tonight!"

Brent thought that tonight's action would be the same as before, and it would be completed in an hour or two.

But since Sangpo led the team and was attacked by a grenade, up to now, there are only three people left in the two cars he has brought!

"To be honest, Captain Brent, this is not the first time I have met this group of people. As a poaching guide, they have a very complete service system, from legal to illegal, and the whole is perfect. My suggestion is, yes. Check out the hunting license issued by Kruger recently!"

"In addition, the border from west to north of Kruger should be immediately sealed to prevent them from escaping or their accomplices from responding, and internal personnel who provide convenience and information to poachers should be controlled."

When he said the last sentence, Wang Kui took a special look at the burning vehicle beside him. It was obviously the official vehicle of the Don't worry, we have handed the Gris over to the police! The boundary line of the park has also been blocked, and high-voltage power lines have been connected! "

"That's good, as long as the other party has no means of transportation, you can't go far in such a short time! Jiang Chen, you drive in that car and take other people, and we will continue to chase! I must make these gangsters pay the price! ——!"

Wang Kui stared at the west sternly, then blew a long whistle, and the sound of horseshoe hooves gradually sounded in the distance.


Jiang Chen promised and turned around to play around with the jeep abandoned by Girard.

In fact, the hunt is here, their task should be to continue chasing the Birmingham Lion King Ensuku who ran away before.

But since Chen Ang was involved in this matter, it was a thorn in Wang Kui's heart.

Coupled with the explosion just now, it hurt Scar's face. Wang Kui must make the other party pay for this account!

"Count me!"

Mayor didn’t know where he was, but he also found his white-brown two-color horse, turned it up, lit a cigarette, took a sip, and laughed semi-self-deprecatingly: In a week, I have to ask you to get it back!"


Wang Kui knew that Mayor wanted to help himself, so he accepted it. Before leaving, he asked Brent to find someone to send Scarface to the camp hospital for treatment.

After all the worries:


Two horses and one cart, fast galloping between the bushes!

Soon, they ran out of the bushes and came to the open grassland. In the middle of the night, the moon and stars were hanging high above their heads. Without this gunpowder, it would have been a peaceful and wonderful night.


Wang Kui blew a short whistle and let the hounds in front to prevent Chen Ang from setting up bomb traps.

at the same time.
