Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 1179: The experts invited by the Kong family

After searching, Leng Xuan quickly found a neutral space and temporarily concealed his tracks. Then, when the patrolling bodyguard turned around, he came to the villa as quickly as a ghost, kicked his legs, and his body It shot into the sky like an arrow and landed on the balcony on the second floor. I looked around carefully and saw that no one found me, so I listened to my ears and saw that there was no sound in the room adjacent to the balcony. Only then did he confidently push open the glass window of the balcony, opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains, and walked in.

   After entering the room, Leng Xuan glanced around and found that this room should be Kong Lin's kid's bedroom, because there were several photos of him on a desk. Leng Xuan was not interested in Kong Lin's bedroom. He walked lightly to the door, only to hear footsteps passing by occasionally outside. After the sound disappeared, he carefully opened a gap, and then cast his eyes out.

  I saw a corridor outside the door, and one side of the corridor was surrounded by wooden handrails. At the bottom of the corridor was a huge living room. Through the gap between the wooden handrails, Leng Xuan could just see the living room clearly. In the living room, there are two large L-shaped leather sofas. At this moment, two middle-aged men and Kong Lin were sitting on the sofa.

   The two middle-aged men, Leng Xuan, knew one, Kong Lin's uncle, Kong Fanqiu, while the other had never met. But the man's appearance was similar to Kong Lin's, so he should be Kong Lin's father. At this time, the three of them were sitting and chatting together. Although they were separated by some distance, Leng Xuan could barely hear their conversation clearly.

At this time, I heard Kong Lin say impatiently, "Dad, why haven't they come yet? It's been more than ten minutes, and those people are too unpunctual." Hearing this, Kong Lin His father frowned and said in a displeased tone: "Xiao Lin, you are not allowed to say that, people are not simple people, it is already a blessing for our Lin family to come forward to help us this time, so you will be here later. The attitude must be respectful, and must not annoy the other party, do you hear?"

  Kong Lin nodded angrily and said, "I understand, Dad." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the roar of a car coming from outside the villa. Kong Lin's father suddenly looked happy, got up and said, "They are here, let's go, you two go out with me to meet them." After speaking, he should walk out the door first, while Kong Lin and Kong Fanqiu followed closely. Behind.

   After they went out, Leng Xuan frowned slightly. Who the **** was he that made the Kong family so nervous? It didn't take long for him to see an old man entering the gate, followed by two young men, followed by the three Kong family members. After greeting the old man to sit down, Kong Fanqiu immediately made a cup of tea for the three of them. Then he stood beside the three of them together with Kong Lin and his son, bowing slightly, with a very respectful attitude.

The old man took a sip of the tea, frowned and said, "Although this tea is bitter and fragrant, it is of high quality, but the spiritual energy contained in it has already been lost, which is a pity." After that, he raised his eyes to the three Kong family members. He said with a smile: "Okay, don't stand still, you are the masters here, all sit down." Hearing this, Kong Fanqiu and the others took their seats on the sofa opposite.