Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 1792: You Zhengtong was arrested 7

  When it was noon and it was about to eat lunch, the noon news also started playing on the TV. I saw a female host say in a sweet voice: "This morning, the Youjia incident that has been so turbulent in the past few days, the Ministry of Public Security has issued a statement announcing the innocence of Mr. You Zhengtong, the so-called The recording is just something that was faked by those with bad intentions to murder Mr. You Zhengtong, and the Ministry of Public Security also stated that Mr. You Zhengtong would be released in the afternoon. However, when the Ministry of Public Security released the results, our TV station received a message Claiming to be a call from another person in the recording and inviting us to interview. After comparing, we can now confirm that this person's voice is exactly the same as the one in the recording, and there is no difference. Moreover, this person will also Some of the things that he conspired with Mr. You Zhengtong are all told in detail. Through the appearance of this person, I believe that the case will take a major turning point, please pay attention to us together. "

Ling Ao couldn't help but said: "Leng Xuan, this is your arrangement? How did you find another person?" Leng Xuan smiled and said, "The old man You Zhengtong sent him to trouble me before, but I taught him a lesson. Later, the old guy You Zhengtong suspected that he had betrayed him, so he was going to send someone to kill him. I happened to save his life, and that's how it happened. It was for this reason that he came forward according to my words. testify."

Ling Ao nodded and said: "If there are witnesses, then it is estimated that the case will not be closed for a while, and it is estimated that it will take a while." Hearing this, Leng Xuan smiled and waved his hands: "Now all the witnesses and physical evidence are available. Yes, is it possible that You Jia can still make a comeback? Besides, with so many people staring at it, it is estimated that the person behind him will not dare to play small tricks casually." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the ringing of his mobile phone. Cheng Guodong called. After answering the phone, I heard Cheng Guodong say from the other end: "Boss, a few police officers came just now, and they said they would take Lei Zhenkai away to assist in the investigation. Shall we release him?"

Leng Xuan said: "People must be taken away by them, but you still have to protect yourself. Even if you enter the game, you must follow closely. You must not leave Lei Zhenkai alone. In short, here Before the case is over, you have to stay with him, you know? If they don't allow you to follow, you can solve it yourself. I believe that with your relationship, this matter should not be difficult for you. "

Cheng Guodong said with a smile: "No problem, if they don't let us follow, then I won't let them take Lei Zhenkai away. If they dare to come here, my *** gun license is not for show." After hanging up the phone, Leng Xuan put away his phone and continued chatting with Ling Ao and the others. Lei Zhenkai had Cheng Guodong and the others there, so he didn't need to worry about anything at all.

   At this moment, in a hotel room in the city center, seven or eight big men were forming a group, listening to one of them speak. I just heard the man say: "You all listen to me. Our mission this time is to kill the person escorted by the police. As long as we are sure that he is dead, we will retreat immediately. Did you hear it?" Seven or eight big men agreed at the same time.