Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 948: attacked 3

  The sound of gunfire lasted for half a minute and then stopped. Leng Xuan was about to take a breath when he saw several oval objects thrown in from the outside, and one of them just rolled in front of his eyes. Leng Xuan's expression changed suddenly, because in front of him was a grenade that had been pulled out. He didn't dare to stay any longer, otherwise he would have to be smashed to pieces. He got up quickly and ran to the back door of the shop. In the process of running, he picked up the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall of the shop.

   When he reached the back door, he kicked the door open with one foot, then quickly ducked behind the wall to hide. Because he knew in his heart that someone must be guarding the front and rear doors. If he rushed out, he would definitely be shot through by bullets. Sure enough, the moment the back door broke open, the gunshots rang out immediately, without a moment's pause. Leng Xuan threw the fire extinguisher in his hand while counting the time when the grenade detonated in his heart.

  Those mercenaries will not let anything come out of the door. When the fire extinguisher is thrown out before it hits the ground, they will habitually aim the muzzle and fire continuously. Suddenly, only a loud bang was heard, the fire extinguisher quickly burst, and the white gas blocked the sight of the mercenaries for a while. But Leng Xuan took advantage of this opportunity, the cat body got out of the back door and quickly moved to the safety zone.

  When Leng Xuan took two steps, he heard a huge explosion, and the previous shop was annihilated in the fire. The shock wave of the airflow also knocked Leng Xuan, who was not far away, to the ground. He ignored the pain in his body, rolled over and climbed up from the ground, and then quickly evacuated. There were already mercenaries behind him chasing after him. From time to time, it fell on the road beside him, splashing the slightest sparks.

  Leng Xuan moved his body quickly to avoid bullets, and at the same time swept his eyes around, ready to find a good position to avoid the opponent's bullets. But in front of him, apart from a wide road, there was no place to hide on both sides of the street. At this moment, he looked back and saw that there were two mercenaries chasing him at a distance of about twenty meters, and the rest were a little further away. Moreover, he also found that many mercenaries had already marched from his sides, preparing to outflank him.

   He gritted his teeth, not daring to relax for a moment. At this time, he suddenly heard the gunshots behind him and suddenly stopped. He couldn't help but look back. It turned out that the two people behind had run out of ammunition and were changing their magazines. He stopped in his footsteps suddenly, turned around and rushed towards the two mercenaries. With the explosive power of his powerful body, it only took him three or four seconds to approach the opponent from a distance of 20 meters, and at this moment, the two mercenaries just changed their magazines. However, Leng Xuan didn't give them a chance to shoot at all. He slammed close to him, punched his fists, and launched an attack with all his strength. In terms of close combat, the two mercenaries were not his opponents at all, and with just a few moves, he knocked them down to the ground.

But at this moment, the mercenaries behind had already caught up at this time. Leng Xuan did not dare to delay. He quickly picked up the assault guns and the armed belts full of magazines in the hands of the two mercenaries. 's retreat. With the gun in his body, he suddenly gained a lot of confidence. The opponent also began to be careful, no longer pressing so tightly, and began to use tactics to attack.