Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 38: 38. Reach out to touch the top of the Bu

Chapter 38 38. Reach out to touch the top of the Buddha

Xia Ji stood in the ice and snow, panting.

Leiyin Temple has two large Zhenshan Xuanzhen formations. This is the continuation of the temple's hole cards. Such hole cards were never set by one person, but they were broken continuously by one person.

Anyone with such achievements is proud enough to be proud, but Xia Ji does not.

There was a voice in his heart saying, "This is the limit of human beings. The profound formation is not originally set up for individuals. You can defeat the Great Zhendevil Formation and the Arhat Formation from the front. It is already strong enough."

But he quickly threw the sound out of his head, looked at the scattered lights, and sighed again in the snow.

This is not a terrific victory. Maybe outsiders will praise him, fear him, fear him, and raise his reputation in this land. It is different from the previous "repelling the frost giant and defending the emperor." "City", and then connected with those "brutal, killing innocent" things, making him a dark legend.

But what about it?

Is he for a name?

It's not.

Is it for profit?


But in any case, he was still bound to this limit, his eyes wide open, snow was flying, and his fate was suppressed. He did not change much.

Xia Ji's gaze swept around, and most of Leiyin Temple was in ruins.

Ruined walls, **** fires, and landing plaques are everywhere.

There are also many houses and small monasteries outside the double gate, among which there are many monks and Zen masters. These people are crept and ready to escape, but they only walked a few steps towards the mountain gate, and the prince’s voice came in the wind:

"Those who leave without permission, die."

The monks stopped now. They dared not disobey the slightest, so they held their breath, pressed their heartbeat, and silently prayed to their Buddha, praying that the devil would not die, and praying that they would survive tonight.

Only then did Xia Ji sit down cross-legged, recovering two sticks of incense time, and then shake the snow covered her body to stand up.

Almost everything in the double gate of Leiyin Temple has collapsed and the Buddha statues are cracked, but only the three ancient Buddha statues in the main hall are still standing.

He cast his gaze over, and the gilding of the three ancient Buddhas had been shaved off, revealing a black mottled base, and his face was vague, but Xia Ji could vaguely distinguish the three Buddhas of Tathagata, Burning Lantern, and Maitreya. Corresponding to the three-point inheritance of Leiyin Temple from ancient times, and the spirit of these three worlds of Buddhism has penetrated into all the exercises, tools, and profound formations of Leiyin Temple.

Although there were hundreds of Buddha statues before, they suffered catastrophe at this time, and only these three remained.

If Xia Ji felt something, he walked towards the three Buddha statues.

In the empty ruins, apart from the sound of wind and snow, it was the sound of footsteps. Those monks hiding in the distance approached with this footsteps and couldn't help trembling and frightened.

Finally, Xia Ji walked to the three Buddha statues.

A little bit of feeling, a kind of spiritual resonance came to life.

So he complied with his mind and sat in front of the three big Buddha statues, each of the Buddha statues pinched their hands, and he also pinched one, throwing away distracting thoughts, and carefully experiencing the resonance at this time.

With this pinch, he seemed to merge with the three Buddha statues, and gradually entered a mysterious world.

The surrounding scene changes.

No more snow.

No longer in ruins.

It's a small temple at midnight.

Suddenly there was a sound from the temple gate.

The door opened, and an old monk knelt and folded his hands together and respectfully said: "Master, please show me how to teach the Fa. May I ask how certain Jiaben's mind is."

Xia Ji felt that he was being led, and he had not resisted, and then he heard himself whisper: "If there is no way to see, there is no way to see, it is like a cloud covering the sun. I don't know a way to keep the sky and know, it's like lightning."

The old monk stopped the verse, thought a little, and then showed a suddenly open expression, "Teacher Xie."

The picture turned again.

The monastery disappeared at midnight, but a clearing of the temple under a sunny day appeared.

咚咚咚! !

Melodious bells rang throughout the temple.

The curtain was lifted, and a monk came in respect and said sincerely: "The disciples have all been seated and want to listen to Master's instructions."

Xia Ji heard herself say softly: "I will come later."

The monk retired respectfully.

He extinguished the blue light and walked out of the temple. There were ten thousand futons on the open space, one futon and one monk. Every monk opened his eyes and looked over, his eyes full of expectation and desire. This is the desire for Zen.

Xia Ji sat among the monks, sitting still for a moment, two, three minutes until dark, but he never said a word. When it was twilight, there was smoke in the dining hall, and the aroma of fast food was from a distance. Floating to seduce gluttons, he opened his eyes, smiled and said three words: "Go to eat."

The monks were speechless.

Then the monk who invited him hurriedly said, "Master, why didn't you say a word?"

Xia Ji heard herself smile: "I have said everything, haven't you heard?"

The monk thought a little, and said in doubt: "The teacher said that when you are hungry, you should go to dinner and when you are tired, you should go to sleep. But don't most people do this?"

Xia Ji heard herself smile and said, "No, no, no, ordinary people don't want to eat when they eat, and they don't want to sleep when they sleep. They care about everything, so it's naturally different."

Scenes were quickly switched, leading him to experience scenes full of Zen insight.

I don't know how long it took, he opened his eyes.

There were still three mottled black Buddha statues in front of them.

It is still dark and heavy snow.

It turns out that for a long time in the spirit, only a few moments have passed in reality.

And he has also understood that this is not the true biography of Tathagata, Burning Lantern, and Maitreya, but some of the powerful past of the temple is resonated by the Buddha statue, and there is a spirit of scales and claws on it.

But over time, most of these spirits have collapsed, leaving only a few continuations, but it is these continuations that make these three Buddha statues unique.

Now, perhaps it is his appearance in the Tathagata that has caused such resonance, so much so that Leiyin Temple has passed on all this mystery to him, making his spiritual power even higher.

Cross it! !


The three mottled Buddha statues lost their spiritual bearing and began to crack one by one. The Buddha statue on the far left was first broken and turned into black stones, which fell to the ground and piled up into small rocks.

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha statue on the right began to shatter.

In the original position of the Daxiong Hall, only the great merchant prince was still sitting, still, quietly and deeply hidden.

He carefully realized that the gift of this spirit just deepened the red color of the three-time Buddhism a little bit, condensed, and thickened. Obviously, his spiritual power was also stronger.

Coupled with the blessing of the second "Now Tathagata Zen" skill beads, his spiritual power is strong enough to leave his spiritual mark.

This thought was born, as if opening a door.

The world behind this door is attracting him.

So Xia Ji stood up.

Cross it!

Bang Dang!

The mottled Buddha statue on the left also collapsed completely and collapsed to one side, turning into a pool of worthless gravel.

The Tathagata in the middle finally began to break completely.

Dark cracks emerged from the Buddha's head, and soon this Buddha would also follow in the footsteps of other Buddha statues.

With the collapse of this Buddha statue, the last remaining geomorphological symbols of the ancient Leiyin Temple will disappear and cease to exist.

But none of this happened.

Because Xia Ji lightly stepped on the sky and stood on the shoulders of this Buddha statue.

Reach out.


(End of this chapter)