Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 434: 30. Heaven and earth change, and dream f

Chapter 434 30. Heaven and earth change, and dream for another nine thousand years (two in one)

Su's house, in front of the courtyard,

The autumn breeze swept the fallen leaves, stalked and walked, and the world was dead, even in this small world.

The dialogue between Xia Ji and Su Tian is still going on.

Xia Ji asked: "I remember that every Void Calamity's Law Bodies, magical powers, karma, and urn will face different killings and calamities.

So, what kind of killing and robbery was it in the ancient times? "

Su Tian showed the color of memories, and then slowly said: "That was the first false catastrophe, so Heavenly Dao may still be experimenting.

Except for the Kuroshio, there is no killing in the strict sense.

Even in the early stage, it was not opened once in five hundred years.

Generally speaking, breaking through the Dharma Body in that period relied on pill,

It's just that there is erysipelas in the elixir.

To break through the psychic realm, you need to find the secret realm full of spiritual energy, open up the cave, and practice quietly.

As short as a few years, as long as decades, there should be achievements.

However, the more abundant the aura, the more various spirits and monsters will be born, which will bring danger.

In addition, it will also cause fighting among the monks.

The breakthrough of the karmic realm can be realized by killing the evil spirits to a certain extent.

I suspect that Shagui is a monster from the Sha of Seventy-two.

By the way, there was no difference between good and evil at that time.

As for the receiving urn realm, it is the heavenly phantom urn page, and many monks go to heaven to inscribe their names and compete for places.

In the future, it is similar to this era, except that the Kuroshio is not so powerful.

At that time, many monks and great abilities also regarded this as an opportunity.

It’s just that what makes me strange is that if that era is the first time I have experienced a false calamity, where does the Kuroshio come from?

I think about it, only Heaven can transform the power of the past death into a black catastrophe

The period of transformation should be from that era, otherwise the Kuroshio will not be weak."

Xia Ji said: "The dark tide will not appear anymore, that era should be the top of the fourteenth realm."

Su Tian said, "Yes."

After she said these two words, she seemed completely silent.

But silence is not nothing to say, but just not wanting to say any more.

She held her cheeks and looked at Xia Ji, without saying anything about winning or losing, just whispered: "If you think the situation is wrong, kill the little fox that is close to you in a certain winter, so she won't survive The future."

Xia Ji said gently: "I will take that little fox with me every day, and I will see her tail turn into nine."

Su Tian laughed eagerly, her eyes were full of gentle autumn water.


The fish jumped out of the water with a soft noise.

But he plunged deeper into the autumn water, wandering among the dark and dull water plants.

Unconsciously, the sky is full of moon, it is Mid-Autumn Festival.

In order to help Xia Ji win the second fight,

Pangu also spared no effort to share all his research results directly with Xia Ji.

In fact, Xia Ji knew most of the information, after all, he was at the heavenly realm level.

However, Pangu's puppet method is really powerful, and even Xia Ji has benefited a lot from it.

In addition,

When he was getting along with Pangu, he also discovered something that almost surprised him.

On that day, he noticed that Pangu had a habit of reading, and he read some very strange books. He always turned the book, like his past self, so he casually asked: "You can read Directly comprehend the technique?"

Pangu was shocked when he asked casually.

He nodded, confessed, and sighed: "As expected of the future of heaven."

Then the temperature changed: "What's the matter?"

Then, Xia Ji was shocked and asked him to explain the whole story.

Pangu thought for a while and explained: "I don't know why, and suddenly I have this ability.

As long as you read a book, you can directly gain a practice. I think it’s very interesting, because I’ve been experimenting

It's just that these exercises are very common.

I don't know how to explain this? "

Xia Ji slowly said two words: "Dao Yun."

Then, he explained to Pangu what "Dao Yun" is.

Pangu's research desire was immediately aroused

He left in a hurry, then recruited new assistants, and immediately began experimental research.

Xia Ji stood there, thinking for a moment, and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

To confirm this conjecture,

He directly found Xiao Su.

Xiao Su is busy, after all, she still has the world in her heart. Seeing such creatures become charcoal, she can't bear it, so she is busy.

She used to have no strength and influence, but now she has almost all the support

Xia Taiqian directly passed on her, making her a queen.

Tai Shang was also boring, thinking that it was time to wait for death anyway, so he was busy with Xiao Su.

It's just that Xiao Su is busy, she is quietly busy drinking juice next to her.

at this time


Xiao Su was immersed in the pile of memorials, reading.

Whenever there is a need for on-site investigation, she will fly over and take a look directly.

Wherever it was reported that there were natural disasters and man-made disasters, she also used Longxing Qianli to go to the field to investigate

Such an efficient queen may not be seen in eternity.

Tai Shang sat in a chair, dumbfounded, and made a "grumbling" drinking sound.

In the corner of the Imperial Study Room, there is a small carbon stove, the tea on the stove is about to boil again, and then she can continue to drink more hot water.

When people live at this level, they are left with drinking more hot water.

At this time, the door was gently pushed open.

Xiao Su heard the voice and raised his head from the memorial, and when he saw the person coming, his eyes suddenly became happy, "Brother, why are you here?"

Tai Shang also looked up, saw Xia Ji, and wanted to talk, but he seemed to be choked and didn't say anything.

Xia Ji said directly: "Xiaosu, do you have a feeling of wanting to blend with other things?"

Into one?

Tai Shang:? ? ?

Xiao Su:? ? ?

"What blends into one?"

Xia Ji didn't understand that the two of them were already thinking about being crooked, so he said, "Just seeing mountains, rivers, stars, and everything, do you have the urge to integrate them into your body?"


Tai Shang:? ? ?

Xiao Su was silent, and then said: "Brother, how do you know? I just think it's weird, so I didn't tell anyone."

Tai Shang's eyes widened, and his black and white eyeballs stared at Xiao Su, showing shock.

Xia Ji asked: "When did it start?"

Xiao Su said: "Probably after you took me out of the palace, it didn't take long."

Xia Ji said: "You follow me."

Seeing his brother's expression dignified, Xiao Su got up and followed him out of the door.

A few months later.

Xiao Su found out that he really merged with a mountain

The mountain became her body, or a strange defense formed outside her body.

However, she raised her hands and feet, and she also had the power to move mountains and seas.

And Pan Gu also made new discoveries. He tried to dissect himself, but was stopped by the new assistant.

Even so, he discovered that there was indeed something in his body that was inexplicable and mysterious.

Xia Ji suddenly understood.

He has completed his guess.

The so-called closing of the box universe is a reversal of all the causality of this universe, but not the causation of other universes.


There is a trace of Dao rhyme from other universes in Xiao Su and Pan Gu.

If it is something else that is fragile, it will be destroyed in this reversal.

However, the Tao Yun of the different universe cannot be destroyed.

Dao Yun is always the source of the biggest variables in the world.

Therefore, even if the box universe is closed, Xiao Su and Pan Gu are back to the present, but the Dao Yun in their bodies is still there.

In order to prove this, Xia Ji began to look for his disciples in his previous life.

If the family is well, he will not bother him, if he is on the street, he will take it

But Nianying must take it over.

In this way, the ninety-nine disciples in the previous life just happened to make up seventy-two disciples. The wind and snow were there, Xu Lingling was there, Xie Qiongfeng was there, and Nian Ying was there.

When he saw Nianying, the little girl was being hunted everywhere as a demon.

There was no other reason, just because Nianying was able to manipulate the dead, she herself didn't understand why.

Xia Ji laughed.

This time, he has thoroughly confirmed it.

There were Tao Yun in the previous life, and then there should be only three people alive now: Pan Gu, Xiao Su, and Nian Ying.

Xiao Su's Dao Yun belonged to a "yellow-clothed supreme god" in his previous life. That supreme **** was powerful, capable of turning his body into a desert and using the power of the desert.

Nianying’s Daoyun was the master Qing Ming’s dominance of the dead, and that master Qing Ming was also one of the divine masters who died in the hands of Xia Ji. (See Chapter 66 of Volume II for details)

After Xia Ji received many disciples, he settled in the Su family.

Then, he gave Pangu a task, which was to find a way to extract "Dao Yun" and then install it on him.

And he also told Pangu about the method of extracting Daoyun from the previous life of Bai Zhu.

It’s just that the Tao Yun that people can bear is limited

For the sake of insurance, Xia Ji only prepared to accept one Dao Yun. Otherwise, although he could live for nine thousand years, if he died on the integration of Dao Yun, it would be a tragedy.

The next day.

He is about to fulfill some unfulfilled wishes.

First of all, he told the truth about the matter to Su Yueqing, the princess of Su Family.

Su Yueqing was stunned at the time, because this matter was too exaggerated, and no one could accept it at once.

Xia Ji didn't force it, and the two began to get along normally.

Winter came, and the Queen of Ghosts arrived as promised, but the war was over, so Xia Ji did not use her.

However, Xia Ji still kept his promise and let the ghost queen and the frost giant go to the small world of Jotunheim in the kingdom of ice and snow.

After that, as time passed.

The eldest princess of the Su family still fell in love with Xia Ji.

And after just a few years, she became Xia Ji's wife with Su Tian.

The wedding night in the bridal chamber is worth a lot of money.

In the following time, Xia Ji started investigating "Zulong" again.

As for Ning Xiaoyu, he checked, the blood of heaven and human seems to be able to integrate with everyone, and Ning Xiaoyu is probably the reincarnation of a certain heaven and human in ancient times, but she does not know what went wrong, but she has no consciousness.

But the Zulong completely disappeared, there is no trace.

After that, Xia Ji’s life became simple,

While deducing with Su Tian the situation in ancient times,

On the other hand, he assisted Pangu in the "Dao Yun extraction" experiment.

Sometimes, he was teaching his disciples and taking them back to the original path.

More often, he went out on parade with Su Tian and Su Yueqing.

Famous mountains and Daze, small bridges and flowing water, ancient deserts outside the Great Wall, the kingdom of ice and snow, and the East China Sea left footprints of three people everywhere.

Sweet like this, beautiful dream ecstasy.

The shortcomings of the previous life are fulfilled in this life in the bits and pieces of this day, month and year.

Finally, after about ten years, Pangu found an absolutely safe way to extract Dao Yun.

Xia Ji chose Xiao Su’s Dao Yun,

After all, he doesn’t need "getting exercises through reading" at all.

And Nianying's use of "deceased control" is not great.

The steps are not complicated.

First of all, let Xiao Su use Dao Yun to lock the "fusion target" into a simple stone, and the "fusion part" is the fingernail.

Then she cut off her fingernails.

Then, Pangu looked for a small world that was not big. He put Xiao Su's nails on a stone platform in the small world, and then took out a special group of frozen "flames".

This "flame" is the flame of the sun.

The process after that was very silky.

Pan Gu asked Xia Ji to wait outside, but he released the "flame of the sun" and then came outside.

However, he will still go in from time to time to check the progress.

When it was almost time, Pangu let Xia Ji enter and came out within a stick of incense.

And when Xia Ji came out, he had already integrated Xiao Su's Taoist rhyme, and had acquired the "ability to fuse the world and everything into his own body."

And this "golden finger" will also become his ultimate trump card in the next world.

Time flies

The familiar people left one by one.

The mortal dynasty changed.

Finally, three hundred years later.

On this land, Xia Ji Ruyi is already the offspring of acquaintances.

These descendants no longer know the true identity of "Xia Ji".

They only know that this mysterious and unpredictable is the most powerful existence in the world.

Therefore, Xia Ji was called the ancestor.

In this vast universe, he is the only "ancestor" left.

Xia Ji began to study the golden finger, but soon, he had mastered the golden finger extremely proficiently, and understood that the limit that the body of the ten realms could merge was a mountain range of five miles in radius, or whatever.

At the same time, he also knew that when the fourteenth realm was reached, this golden finger could fuse the stars, after all, Xiaosu had succeeded in the previous life.

In a flash, another six hundred years passed.

Because of the existence of Xia Ji, this era presents an unimaginable prosperity, but whether all this will come true is still up in the air.

At this time, Xia Ji had almost no familiar people.

Everyone is far away from him.

He walked alone in this empty world.

However, he still needs to spend eight thousand one hundred years.

If it is a mortal, just time will torture him to go crazy.

In these 8,100 years, Xia Ji has made various attempts

For example, the development of "technology".

However, perhaps because of the difference in the universe, the alien world does not support the rise of science and technology, but it is unsustainable to develop into a "steam engine".

Xia Ji at this time was not a heavenly Xia Ji after all, so he could only study the world within a limited range, and at the same time be active in it with various identities.

Sometimes he will pretend to be a teacher, sometimes he is a tourist, sometimes he is a general.

In this nearly ten thousand years, he has countless identities.

Time is approaching.

(End of this chapter)