Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 468: .End of this testimonial

End of this testimonial

Xiao Shui’s self-feeling is that he reluctantly wrote something with a "complete world view" and a "named protagonist".

First, it is the world view.

This worldview is a bit deformed.

The universe that the protagonist travels to is divided into several stages:

The first stage: the stage before the death culture, including the existence of "Void Worm".

The second stage: Death culture.

The third stage: Kuroshio culture.

Taiyuan and Daji existed at the beginning of Kuroshio culture.

The appearance of the protagonist is already the end of Kuroshio culture.

But at this time, the universe has been completely finalized, and it has almost come to an end.

The particularity of the protagonist brought about a subversion.

And this universe is also a bit deformed in the final stage, that is, the upper-layer power and the lower-layer power are completely disconnected, but the protagonist has to overcome this disconnect, and then step by step to uncover the real mystery.

The structure is quite wonderful, but Xiao Shui stumbled in writing himself. He didn't follow the structure to write what he should have, and then he made improvements.

Second, the character of the protagonist.

This character has also gone through several stages.

The first stage: jealous.

The second stage: promote oneself and others, educate the world, and everyone is like a dragon.

The third stage: Aware that this belief cannot be realized, because the universe does not have such an environment to realize it, so it is enchanted.

The fourth stage: make a great aspiration, may the living be like a dragon, may the dead rest in peace, may this heart be bright.

The fifth stage: to prove this ambition, and from beginning to end, the protagonist has not changed. No matter how many temptations and more seemingly better choices, he will not change until he enters the Tao.

This character process, Xiao Shui himself still feels quite good, especially for a protagonist who has persistence and will not change easily, instead of living just to pretend to be boring, especially good.

However, there is still a problem, because this character is a bit out of touch with the original "Jie Li".

Although it can be said that this is a kind of growth, it is not good.

In the net text, you can grow, but you can't change it. Xiao Shui has changed the protagonist, making this kind of temperament born out of "uncle" more "mature", which is not good for improvement.

Again, it is the plot.

The common problem of Invincible Literature is actually a dilemma.

Go ahead, go ahead, solve the problem, and the story will become boring.

Later, the protagonist will appear incompetent.

It is this kind of invincibility that led to the book’s unique and somewhat deformed worldview, and the key is that Xiao Shui wrote it down.

The structure of the plot is not complicated. There are several turning points. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. It may be quite interesting, or it may feel like pulling the hips.

First, the first appearance of the ancestor of the Su family and his attitude towards Xia Ji.

(Normally, the protagonist should continue to kill, but you will find that in this universe, the most reasonable ending to kill directly is that the protagonist is killed; in addition, the following plot also has a full explanation of this part. Explain that the motives of the ancestors of the Su family are very clear and there are no loopholes)

Second, the appearance of Taishang and the loss of both sides, and then the protagonist and Xiao Su go north

(Normally, the protagonist should kill too high in seconds, and then completely shocked the eight ancestors, but this is extremely unreasonable.)

Third, the protagonist goes to the land of fire disaster and returns again

(Fighting with the ancestors, won’t readers be tired?)

Fourth, slaughter the traversers

(Even if you cross, you need a bottom line, right?)

Fifth, quickly improve the realm, use the spring and autumn brushstrokes for thousands of years, until he Dao, then the protagonist is affected by the Dao war, and returns to the blue star before crossing

(It is still determined by the world structure, otherwise it can only be set suddenly, and there will be a group of people who are better than the ancestors.)

Sixth, after the universe box was closed, it competed with heaven twice.

(It is reasonable, but because it is out of the original big plot, there is a suspicion of dragging and finishing, which is not good)

Seventh, closing.

(You can also write about war. From the last few paragraphs, you can see that there are many things that can be written, such as "observer", "causal line", "Daoyun scout", and the protagonist's digging into the universe. Some special products such as "Void Worm" should be able to collide with interesting things, but it is really far and far away from the original story of this book. This little water may be used as a fan after finishing the book. Add more)

Generally speaking, although this book is still crooked "graffiti", it is really complete.

Whether it is the story, worldview, or characters, the overall structure is complete, there are some loopholes and flaws, but not many, it is Xiaoshui's first time.

These mistakes will be improved in the new book "Bai Yan Tian Zi".

Thank you all for your company.

After finishing the book, I may go out again as a supplement.

Again, thanks.

(End of this chapter)