Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 454: Cousin He Yan

"They abused you?"

Seeing her expression, Lu Sheng hurriedly took her hand and asked.

"I'm not talking about abuse."

At least she didn't deduct her food and drink, but she took care of all the work at home.

Because the mother-in-law did not like her, the other wives had a much easier time than her.

Lu Sheng frowned, "Where is my brother-in-law? How can he be willing to treat you so much when he helps them with so many houses?"

If she remembered correctly, He Zhang had taken some money to He Yan in a couple of days.

It stands to reason that with all the money, He Yan wouldn't be so miserable.


He Yan took her to sit on the bench and sighed softly.

"I blame my stomach for not being able to live up to it. It's been a year since I was married, but I haven't moved a bit.

"That's not why they treat you badly."

Lu Sheng said solemnly: "Have you ever suffered such a hardship in the He family? What about your sister and wife? I'll ask him to comment."

He Yan shook her head, "He... didn't come."

She had already received news that He Qin was about to get married half a month ago, and she had mentioned it to Zhao Xian several times, but he was always impatiently perfunctory.

She even mentioned it to him before leaving, but he said that the family had no money and he didn't want to come.

She has been married for one year, and her father gave no less than a few dozen taels, but Zhao Xian gave them all to her mother-in-law Mao.

The Mao family is a person who loves money like life, most of the time, almost always have money in and out.

Unless the family has reached the point where it can't be opened, she can't even buy a copper plate for eggs.

She tried to argue with Mao, but in the end, Mao suppressed her even more severely.

The other concubines couldn't see her well, and when she saw her being suppressed, they even gloated to add to Mao's jealousy, saying that her various things were not good.

Now, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are even squeezing her out to squeeze her out.

She is the one who has done the most and said the least, but has become the "enemy" of the Zhao family.

When she got married, her father tried his best to stop her, but unfortunately she was stunned by Zhao Xian's rhetoric and married regardless.

Today, it is beyond regret.

"Such a person, what are you doing with him? It's straightforward and detached."

With the current conditions of the Ho family, afraid that no one will marry?

He Yan suddenly faced her, looked at her for a while, and suddenly smiled.

"Xiao Sheng, you have changed a lot."

The little girl who blushed when she saw her in the past is now a big girl who is neither humble nor humble.

Lu Sheng smiled faintly, "People always change."

She grabbed a smile and shook He Yan's hand in a low voice: "Sister Yan'er, I'm serious. You are still young. Then Zhao Xian is not a person who has been entrusted to you for life. You have just been married for the past year and treated you like this. I'm afraid it will be more sad in the future."

He Yan hurriedly looked out the door, and saw that everyone was drinking and no one paid attention to them, and she was suddenly relieved.

"It's easy to say, and is it easy to talk about peace?"

She grimly said: "Even if your brother-in-law agrees to resign, my mother-in-law will not agree."

Especially in the recent period, the He family gave the past money several times more than in the past. How could the Mao family give up so easily?

In the past, it used to be five hundred wen per month. Now, there are three or two per month. For the Zhao family, who depends on the sky for food, it is simply a fortune from heaven.

"You are also stupid, how can you give them the money that Uncle Hall gave you?"

He Yan married a village three days away from Anmu Village, so it was inconvenient to go back and forth.

Then Zhao Xian was relieved to let her come back alone, presumably she didn't have her in his heart.

"No way."

He Yan's eyes reddened slightly, "The money won't reach me at all."

Lu Sheng persuaded in a low voice: "If you come back this time, don't go back first. Let's take a look at the situation at Zhao's house."

"But, if I stay for a long time, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion from my father and grandma, Xiao Sheng...this is the path I chose by myself, and I will recognize it no matter how hard it is."

He Yan said, she couldn't help crying.

Lu Sheng felt a headache when she heard it. She really didn't expect He Yan to be quite stubborn.

She rubbed her temples, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Sister Yan'er, that family treats you like this, don't you feel chilly?"

"Chill, how can you not chill?"

He Yan smiled bitterly and said, "However, the Zhao family are not good-for-nothing people. If they are anxious, they will hurt the He family."

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "Sister Yan, you... just arrived today, right?"

He Yan nodded, "Yeah, I just arrived and haven't come back for a long time. I feel happy for him to see Uncle Qin having such a good life, but..."

She looked outside again, and then asked Lu Sheng in a low voice, "Xiao Sheng, isn't Uncle Qin's fiancee Zhang Xiaohua? Why did she marry Sister Duan?"

She has been married for the past year, except for the time she went home, which is equivalent to not having been home for a year.

He Zhang was silent, and rarely talked to her about family matters, let alone these matters.

It was not that she was unwilling to come back, but because she was penniless.

From there, rent a horse-drawn carriage back to Anmu Village. It costs a couple of dollars to say nothing. Where does she have so much money?

When she came back this time, she still kept an eye on her and asked the person who gave her money to He Zhang to leave her a silver or two so that she could come back.

Therefore, she also came back today to find out that He Qin married Duan Xiang, not Zhang Xiaohua.

"The Zhang family despised his uncle, saying that the He family was poor, so he retired."


He Yan was a little puzzled, "Isn't this great at Uncle Qin's house?"

Such a big blue brick house, this yard is still planted with flowers and plants, it is not inferior to the average big family, right?

The situation in the Zhang family is just so-so, why does it have the face to dislike He family?

Lu Sheng whispered: "Uncle hasn't built a new house before retiring."

"That's it!"

He Yan sneered, "I'm afraid that this family will regret heartbroken now?"

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded.

Just when He Yan thought that she had successfully changed the subject, Lu Sheng turned the subject back again.

"Sister Yan'er, I think you need to tell your situation to Uncle Hall. With me here, don't be afraid to hurt your family."

He Yan sighed helplessly and nodded perfunctorily.

"What are you two still doing while sitting inside?"

Lu Sheng was about to persuade again, when the Xu family suddenly walked in.

"The tables are all set up. If you don't eat food, you will be gone. Go out and have a hot meal with everyone."

Xu smiled and watched the two speak.


Lu Sheng got up and greeted with a smile.

Seeing Xu's coming in, He Yan hurriedly cleaned up her mood, reluctantly smiled and said, "Ama, I'm not hungry yet."

After Xu's answer to Lu Sheng, he looked at He Yan and frowned, "Look at you, you have only been away from home for a year, so why are you so thin? Didn't Zhao Xian give you food? "

"How can it be?"

He Yan smiled, "I haven't been hungry."

"Where is Xian Zhao?"

Xu looked around the room and said coldly: "He is not eating outside, go and find him in. I have to say a few words about him today."

Her good granddaughter, who was still fat and white when she was sent to her, became a virtue when she came back. Could the water of the Zhao family be made of charcoal?

"He...he has something to do, but he didn't come."

He Yan replied with a guilty conscience.

"Grandma, it's not that Zhao Xian didn't come because something happened, but that he didn't even think about it. Moreover, Sister Yan'er came back this time, she still came back secretly."

Lu Sheng ignored the winks He Yan gave her and directly told the truth.

He Yan thought that Xu would get angry on the spot after hearing it, but she just exhaled a few deep breaths.

Then, looking at her with a calm expression on her face, she asked, "But what your cousin said is true?"


He Yan opened her mouth, her expression hesitant to speak but stopped.

"I know."

Xu touched her head distressedly and said: "Good boy, go, eat anything before you can say anything."

He Yan narrowed her mouth aggrievedly, tears falling straight down.

She wiped her tears and nodded: "Okay."

Lu Sheng looked at Xu, and sighed in his heart.

If today is not He Qin's happy day, she thinks Xu's family will go crazy on the spot.

"Grandma, I'm going out with Sister Yan'er first."

Xu nodded and smiled, "Go, good boy, I have worked hard for you today!"

Lu Sheng never closed his eyes from last night to today.

Either pulling chicken and duck feathers with the children, or choosing vegetables with the women.

Otherwise, it's just to help young people set up the table, until the guests are busy before finally stopping.

Xu and Zhao repeatedly advised her to rest, but her mouth responded, but her hands were always busy.

When Lu Sheng and He Yan left, the Xu family went out and quietly went to He Hu and told him about the matter.

After He Hu found out, he tried his best to suppress his anger.

He said to the Xu family: "Don't talk to A Zhang and Alai about this matter. Xiaodong can't say anything about it. Everything has to wait until Aqin's major event is over."

"I know."

Xu's whispered: "This Zhao Xian, who had spoken in front of us, said that he would take care of Yan'er, but now..."

She gritted her teeth, "My old lady will never let go of that Zhao Xian!"

"Okay." He Hu reminded in a low voice: "You keep your voice down, don't tell them to listen."

Xu clan snorted and wandered to entertain the guests elsewhere.

He Zhang and He Qin were entertaining Lu Zhou and Chu Sihan and his group.

Those people wanted to have a toast with He Qin, and were afraid of Fu Xianyun's identity, so they could only hesitate in place.

He Qin is also an intelligible person, and after speaking a few words with Chu Sihan, he began to respect the folks in person.

Although the He family now has money, they are still as easy to get along with as they were in the past, and they are as friendly as they were in the past. This makes everyone feel very heartwarming.

This banquet lasted until the evening.

Because Lu Sheng still had business to do at home, he left Anmu Village with Chu Sihan and his party that night.

Before leaving, she even said something specifically to He Yan, not sure if she listened to it in the end.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that now that the Xu family knew about this, he would never allow He Yan to return to Zhaojia Village.


Since getting on the carriage, Lu Sheng has been yawning.

When he came, Lu Sheng rode a carriage with the Lu family, but when he returned, he rode a carriage with Chu Sihan.

After hearing Chu Sihan's question, she nodded, "Yes."

"Then go to sleep, I will call you when I get there."

Chu Sihan put her in his arms, patted her arm and spoke softly.

Lu Sheng answered vaguely, and after a while, he heard her snoring softly.

Chu Sihan smiled faintly and put out the candle in the carriage.

When I returned to Liuyue Village, the second shift had just passed.

A group of people sent the three of Lu's sister and siblings back to the Lu's family and went straight back to the town.

Because Lu Ran had to go to the school tomorrow morning, he went back to town with Lu Zhou and his group.

When Lu Sheng woke up, it was already the next morning.

She hurriedly got up and started to work again after she finished her breakfast.

Pepper seeds, watermelon seeds, potatoes, purple potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes.

After putting out everything from the space bracelet, she started preparing for seedlings.

The nursery site was in the yard. It happened that Aunt Yu and Fang came to talk to her. Two more helpers were added, which greatly improved the efficiency.

"You girl, you got these weird things."

Fang looked at the two baskets of sweet potatoes and purple potatoes with a look of novelty.

"These are sweet potatoes and purple potatoes. Just like potatoes, they can be eaten as staple food, but they are better than potatoes."

At least, Lu Sheng prefers sweet potatoes and purple potatoes to potatoes.

"is it?"

Fang joked: "When it grows up, remember to save some for Auntie."

When Aunt Yu heard it, she smiled and said, "Remember to save some for this aunt."

Lu Sheng chuckled and nodded, "Definitely!"

"How to grow this?"

Fang cocked the sweet potato in his hand and asked questioningly.

"It's very simple, just bury it in the soil."

Lu Sheng put down his **** and directly demonstrated to the two of them.

After seeing them, the two nodded clearly.

When Xiao Atom and Lu Da Lu Xin saw each other, they also rushed to help.

After planting sweet potatoes, several people planted potato pieces.

Lu Sheng grows pepper seeds and tomatoes by himself, so he makes a small piece of land, sprinkles on it, and spreads it with the remaining rice stalks from last year.

By the time it was done, it was already afternoon.

Lu Sheng made tea for the two aunts and made some food.

"Girl Sheng, don't you plant the bag on the table?"

Aunt Yu pointed to the sack of watermelon seeds on the table and asked.

"That's not a hurry."

Lu Sheng smiled and said, "I will be planting later."

"What is it then?" Fang asked.

Lu Sheng shook his head, "I don't know either, I won't know until it is planted."

Watermelon does not exist in this era, so she is too lazy to explain.

After sending away the two of Fang and Aunt Yu, Lu Sheng took the sickle and bamboo basket and prepared to go up the mountain.

Lu Paar and Lu Xin wanted to follow, but they were rejected by Lu Sheng. They were not angry and went straight out to find their companions.

"Girl Sheng, where are you going?"

Lu Sheng had just left home, and happened to run into Li, who had just returned from an unknown house.

"Uncle, I want to go up the mountain."

"What are you doing up the mountain?"

The Lu family has no shortage of food now. Could Lu Sheng miss the taste of those wild vegetables?

"Chop some bamboo."

Lu Sheng suddenly remembered that he had been in this world for a long time, but he had visited the back mountain less than ten times.

"Chopping bamboo?"

Li Zheng laughed and said, "You don't need to cut bamboo on the mountain. There is a large area on the Qingshui River. It belongs to my uncle. You can cut as many as you want. You can dig some if you want to eat bamboo shoots."

"How embarrassed then?"

Lu Sheng thought for a while and smiled: "Uncle, if you ask me a price, I'll feel better."

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