Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 100: Wandering (ask for a monthly ticket)

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Tick, tick, tick, the sound of the second hand of the wall clock beating can be clearly heard in the dark room.

After an unknown amount of time, Lumian seemed to finally break free from a nightmare.

He hurriedly leaned forward, grabbed Auror's shoulders on both sides, and shook vigorously: "Wake up! Wake up!"

He suppressed his voice, not daring to let the three official investigators on duty at night hear him.

Aurora's eyes were tightly closed and her mouth was slightly open. No matter how much Lumian shook, she didn't respond, just like a living dead who had lost his soul.

Lumian's swaying movement became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

He looked at Aurora who was "sleeping" and didn't move for a long time.

He didn't understand why this happened, and he didn't know when the problem arose, and he was as frightened as he was the night he saw his grandpa die.

After that day, he started wandering.

Lumian's hands clenched tighter and tighter, and his body trembled slightly.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked out the window.

The "lizard" of the transparent mold lake returned to the room.

Lumian stepped off the bed with one step, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the monster creature who was a little stunned because he woke up.

In the next second, he stuffed the "lizard" into his mouth, and growled with a distorted expression: "Don't you really like drilling other people's mouths?

"Come on! I'll give you this chance!"

While stuffing the "lizard", he bit it frantically, his eyes were bloodshot.

The "lizard" seemed to be frightened, but did not resist.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Lumian: "What are you doing?"

That was Aurora's voice.

Lumian froze for a moment, turned around slowly, and looked at the bed.

Aurora woke up at some point, sitting up with her blond hair hanging loose, her light blue eyes filled with bewilderment and doubt.

Lumian lowered his head subconsciously, and found that the "lizard" he caught had long since disappeared.

For a moment, he didn't know whether what he saw and what happened just now was a nightmare or a real thing.

"What's wrong with you?" Aurora frowned.

Lumian forced a smile: "You just had a nightmare and kicked me out of bed."

"Really?" Aurora looked suspiciously at his brother, feeling like he was playing a prank.

She thought about it for a while and said: "I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was caught by a huge monster and stuffed into its mouth. I was so scared that I struggled desperately and finally woke up."

As Lumian listened, his body began to feel cold, as if he had been sunk into a mountain ice lake that hadn't completely melted.

"Maybe, probably, I really kicked you..." Aurora felt a little embarrassed.

Lumian closed his eyes and smiled: "Just kidding, I woke up because of another thing."

He then suppressed his voice and said: "That mysterious lady appeared in the ruins of the dream, helped me separate the extraordinary characteristics of the 'provocateur', and gave me the correct potion formula."

"So, you woke up with joy and wanted to ask me if I have any corresponding auxiliary materials?" Auror suddenly realized.

Lumian said with a smile on his face: "Yes.

"Well, do you have honeysuckle water, grapevine powder, and water fern powder?"

He smiled much more naturally than before, but there seemed to be a little sparkle in his eyes.

Aurora thought for a while and said, "I have both the grape vine and the water fern, one is a ritual material, and the other is a magic medium."

Honeysuckle, I always have it at home, I use it to make water to drink, don't you know? "She said as she rummaged through the pockets of her daily dress.

"Is that honeysuckle?"

Lumian looked at his busy sister and deliberately smiled, "Why don't you ask me if I'm helping you for free this time?"

Aurora took out a short piece of vine and said with a smile, "You grind it into powder yourself!"

She didn't seem to hear Lumian's question just now.


Lumian also pretended he hadn't asked.

He immediately said to his sister: The 'Provocateur' potion still needs distilled alcohol, I will go to the cellar to get it now, and strive to be promoted to Sequence 8 tonight. ""It will take some time to make hydrosol from honeysuckle. "

Aurora frowned slightly and said, "However, the auxiliary material requirements for low-sequence potions are not so strict. You can use a whole honeysuckle flower instead. As long as the extraordinary properties can be dissolved in the end, you can take it."

She immediately glanced at the open door and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid that they will suspect you if you go to get distilled wine in the middle of the night?"

Seeing her sister's reaction, Lumian managed to keep her smile from becoming stiff: as a regular customer of an old tavern, waking up in the middle of the night and suddenly wanting to drink is a very normal thing.

"Although alcohol has many, many disadvantages, at least it can relax my spirit to a certain extent."

What he meant by that was the excuse of "the end of the Lent celebrations, too much mental stress, waking up in the middle of the night a little bit sleepy, and needing to relax on spirits."


Aurora said there was no problem.

Lumian turned and walked towards the door, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

His hands were clasped tightly the whole time.

Going out of the door and into the corridor, Lumian saw Ryan, wearing a brown tweed jacket and light yellow trousers, standing diagonally opposite, and Liya and Valentine were at the two ends of the corridor.

"Don't sleep anymore?" Lai En, who was holding a kerosene lamp, looked at Lumian.

Lumian smiled and said, "Go to the cellar to get a bottle of spirits. How about it? Would you like to take a sip and relax?"

"I don't need it." Ryan nodded. "You haven't experienced anything similar. You're tense and stressed. It's predictable. Alcohol can indeed play a role."

As he said, he walked towards the stairs with a flickering kerosene lamp: "I'll accompany you down, you can't act alone at this time."


Lumian didn't object.

As the two entered the stairs, Liya took the initiative to move closer to Aurora's bedroom and stood guard at the door.

One step, two steps... Lumian and Ryan went down to the dark first floor in silence.

With the dim light of the fire illuminating half of the stove, Lai En asked casually, "Something happened in the room just now? There was some movement."

Lumian opened his mouth and said with great difficulty, "Auror, something is wrong with Auror..."

The purpose of his proposal to get wine from the cellar was not to promote tonight in the ruins of the dream. The two-story building also has a cellar and distilled wine. He mainly wanted to avoid Aurora and communicate with Ryan and others about what happened just now. .

But when the words came to his mouth, he almost couldn't say them, he only felt that those few words were more choking than the strongest spirits.

Lai En's expression suddenly became serious: "What's wrong?"

Lumian took a few breaths before saying: "Aurora, like the priest of the dungeon hall, came out of his mouth, that kind of 'lizard' that looks like an elf."

Saying this sentence completely, he seemed to be drained of all his strength.

After a delay of seven or eight seconds, he told the whole story, but described waking up on his own initiative as just waking up and seeing it.

Ryan has been listening quietly, without urging him. After he finished speaking, he said in a gentle tone: "You handled it very well. Now you can't let her know that she has abnormalities. I'm worried that it will make the situation worse."

You continue to pretend that nothing happened, and when it dawns, I will excuse that 'Kordu Village has been polluted, we need to do a purification every day to prevent it from being affected', let Valentine try to get rid of that' lizard'. ""good. "

Lumian replied weakly.

He felt that the "lizard" had been deeply integrated with his sister's soul, so it was not so easy to get rid of and purify.

Lai En glanced at him; patted him on the shoulder lightly: "I can understand your mood, if my relatives had a similar abnormality, I would not be able to calm down." no problem.

"I know that Valentine's purification may not be effective, but you have to try it to be sure. Well, the extremely high probability of that abnormality is related to the cycle of Kordu Village. As long as we can finally remove the Cycle, your sister should be able to recover directly."

Yeah...it's also equivalent to a kind of pollution, as long as I can recycle all the pollution when I decycle, Aurol will be fine...

Lumian's eyes gradually lit up, and he regained his motivation.

Ryan was quite satisfied with his reaction, and said gently: "What I need to remind you is that in the next few days, you have to adapt to your sister's changes."

She is likely to be like the priest of the church, gradually leaving only instinct, acting according to memory and the strongest emotions, and has no reaction to other things. "Lumian was silent for a while and said: "I will adapt...

"His voice became lower and lower until he disappeared.

After going to the cellar to get the distilled wine, the two returned to the second floor as if nothing had happened.

After entering the bedroom, Lumian smiled again.

He shook the bottle in his hand to Aurora and said in a low voice, "It worked."

Aurora smiled back and pointed to the desk: "Honeysuckle, vines and water fern are all there."

Lumian nodded, and put the wine bottle in his hand on the desk.

Then, he lay back on the bed and closed his eyes under the pretext of "falling asleep as soon as possible to dream about promotion".

He couldn't sleep at all.

He couldn't figure out when his sister was polluted and the "lizard" entered her body. The two of them were together every minute. Even if Auror went to the bathroom, Liya was with her, and vice versa. However, why did something go wrong?

If it was while I was sleeping, why didn't I have any problems?

Lumian tried to think back, hoping to find the source, and that would help resolve the anomaly.

Suddenly, he remembered one thing.

In the last cycle, Curé Guillaume. Bene said that the church wanted to kill all the adults here and harvest a ruin, saying that even if Aurora really wanted to deal with them, he had other ways.

And at that time, he was still an ordinary person.

Lumian originally thought that his support was the shepherd Pierre. Bailey, but combined with the current situation, he had a guess, a wild guess: Maybe from the very beginning, most people in the village were parasitized by that weird "lizard" creature, including Aurora!

As time gets closer to the twelfth night, the corresponding abnormality will become more and more obvious, and some people will show something wrong earlier.

He himself was spared because of the blue-black symbol on his body.

Thinking of the second half of the last cycle, when Aurora was in a state of talking but not doing many things, Lumian felt that his guess might be right.

He gritted his teeth involuntarily.

At this time, Ryan was patrolling the corridor back and forth with a kerosene lamp.

On the wall beside him, the shadow suddenly elongated.

Almost at the same time, the small silver bells on Liya's veil and boots rang. She felt her shoulders become extremely cold.