Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 102: Transfer (ask for a monthly ticket)

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Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Ryan kept retreating, but also blocked the shepherd Pierre. Berry's violent attack.

Pierre, Bailey's eyes were already red; his uncharacteristic gentleness seemed to have completely released the ferocity sealed in his heart.

Taking advantage of the strange black or pale arms stretching out from the shadows, grabbing at Ryan and interfering with his movements, Pierre-Berry once again raised the ax high and slammed it heavily at the enemy's head...

This time, Ryan didn't back off while blocking, and he didn't even raise the "Dawn Sword".

He just turned his body sideways, let the horrified or twisted arms grab his legs, and let the shepherd Pierre. Bailey's ax fell on his shoulder.


Cracks like spider webs instantly appeared on the silver-white shoulder armor, and rays of light continued to peel off and dissipate in midair.

Enduring the pain, Lai En knelt down on one knee and inserted the "Sword of Dawn" into the floor of the second floor.

He believes that he has been separated from his companions for too long, and must find a way to reunite desperately.

The strength of the team is better than each member alone!

In an instant, the two-handed giant sword with condensed light exploded.

It disintegrated into countless light fragments, turned into a hurricane, and moved towards the shepherd Pierre ahead. Berry swept away.

This destructive and terrifying blow shocked Pierre. Bailey showed an expression of panic uncontrollably.

He ignored the strange arms protruding from the shadows, and retracted directly into his own shadow. ’ A sharp storm composed purely of light engulfed the area, cutting all shadows and evils into pieces.

"Storm of Light" is an area-based attack ability. Although Lion tried his best to control it to target the enemies in front, it still inevitably affected the left and right sides, the rear, the sky, and the feet.

Silently, the walls of Lumian's bedroom and Aurora's bedroom collapsed at the same time, turning into tiny pieces in the terrifying storm.

In the area near the balcony, the black vines hanging from the roof instantly turned into flying weeds, even the priest Guillaume floating in the air. Bene also had to dodge in a hurry.

He flew out of Aurora's house, **** scratches appeared one after another on his body surface.


Half of the roof was lifted off, the floor of the second floor became potholed, and the stove below could be seen directly in many places.

Liya was also swallowed by the storm of light, but her figure quickly became thinner and shorter, and was cut into powder in the form of a paper figurine.

When the terrifying storm subsided, she appeared in the study, which was only half intact.

Ryan knew that she had a "paper doll substitute", so he dared to face the shepherd Pierre ahead in this narrow environment. Berry launched such a violent and terrifying attack.

As for the siblings Aurora and Lumian in the side room, and Valentine on the balcony at the back, the former two had the wall to take most of the damage, while the latter was farther away. Forcibly controlling the direction of the storm, even if it is not very successful, has a certain effect.

It was after weighing the current situation that he made a decisive decision and used this blow to break the game.

The crimson moonlight and faint starlight shone in from the broken roof, and Lai En quickly looked around, but he didn't find the figures of Aurora and Lumian, only saw Liya running towards him with a bluish face , Valentine was unconscious in the balcony area, with multiple wounds from the "storm of light" on his body, but none of them were fatal.

Seeing that the conditions of his companions were getting worse one by one, Laien didn't care about finding someone, so he reached out and grabbed Liya's shoulders, leading her to jump to the balcony area.

The warrior picked up Valentine with one hand and jumped directly from Lumian's house.

Relying on the silver-white "Dawn Armor" that was not completely broken, he forcibly withstood some attacks from the dark, and rushed to the outside of Kordu Village, fleeing to the nearest alpine pasture.

This was the plan they had made before: if they couldn't keep Auror and Lumian's home, they would retreat to the pasture.

When you get there, advance can use the terrain to defend, retreat can jump off the cliff, and trigger the cycle by leaving this area.

Curé Guillaume. Bene floated in mid-air, unable to catch up with the "Dawn Knight" who had maximized his speed.

At his feet, in the shadows on the edge of the house, Pierre the shepherd. Bailey came out.

His dark long coat was already tattered, and the hood on his back was nowhere to be found. His face, chest, and legs were covered with dense sword marks, and blood was constantly oozing out, which was extremely frightening.

If he hadn't exchanged his shadow with that of a villager outside at a critical moment, he would have died just now!

And the villager who served as his subordinate undoubtedly turned into a pile of fragmented flesh and blood.

Because the Abyss Demon Flower was quickly destroyed by Lai En's "Storm of Light", Valentine was not deeply paralyzed, so he woke up before leaving Kordu Village.

"The situation, how is it?" He asked as the wind filled his mouth.

Lai En, who was running wildly, couldn't tell in detail, but could only respond briefly: "Help Liya first! Valentine immediately looked at Liya, who was held by Lai En's other arm, and found that her face was pale and blue, and her expression was quite wrong.

Without hesitation, Valentine stretched out a palm with difficulty and pressed it to Liya's shoulder.


he shouted in ancient Hermes.

Drops of translucent golden liquid emerged out of thin air and fell on Liya.

Liya's expression suddenly twisted, and bursts of blue smoke came out of her body.

In just a second or two, Sybil's transparent figure separated, with undisguised surprise and fear on her face.

She couldn't believe that she was expelled from Liya's body.

Immediately afterwards, illusory golden flames jumped out of the void, burning this strange spirit like a candle into drops of liquid.

Sybil screamed and cursed, but couldn't get rid of the fate of being purified.

This time, she failed to "rebirth" in Valentine's body.

"Evil!" Valentine cursed in a low voice.

"Want to chase?" asked the shepherd Pierre. Bailey raised his head and asked about the curate Guillaume floating in the air. Bene.

Although his condition is quite poor, he still refuses to give up.

Guillaume. Bene pondered for a few seconds and said, "No need, things here are more important.

"It's impossible for them to take any action in a short period of time. They just wait and see and confirm the situation. For us, this is enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, his brows frowned suddenly, and then he said in a low voice, "Sybil is dead."

"Can't she be 'reborn'?" Pierre. Bailey was surprised.

He was not very sad about his sister's death.

Guillaume. Bene couldn't help scolding: "I kept telling her not to play 'Rebirth' in front of the three official Extraordinary people. This level of 'Rebirth' is naturally restrained by the power of the 'Sun' way. As a result, she didn't listen at all. .

"Trash! A waste of the Lord's gift!"

Lumian opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the thin gray fog and the familiar ceiling.

After he was unconscious, he woke up in the ruins of the dream.

After groping to sit down, Lumian panted heavily.

The moment he was attacked by Aurora, he was really disheartened, and he had the idea of ​​giving up.

The good life she gave, the five years of life she gave, if she wants to take it back, she can just take it back.

Huh... Lumian let out a breath, and two clear thoughts flashed in his mind: "The one just now was not Aurora, she was controlled by a monster!

"If I give up now, it will be like giving her to a monster and killing her last hope!"

Lumian stood up, and his will became firm again.

After a while, he turned his eyes to the window, and saw a bottle of spirits, a honeysuckle flower, some grape vines and water fern powder placed there.

The lady brought the materials in? Did she just witness us being attacked? Why doesn't she. Lumian shook his head and threw out the follow-up thoughts.

Now in this situation, the only ones you can rely on are yourself and your companions. No matter how powerful others are, they can't play much role!

Lumian didn't waste any more time, took out the tools used to prepare the "Hunter" potion, and poured 50ml of spirits into the beer glass.

Honeysuckle flowers, vine powder, and water fern powder poured in one after another, and finally the "stone" that exudes a stench and seems to have a dark black liquid flowing on its surface.

In the sizzling voice, the Extraordinary characteristic of "Provocateur" dissolved, and the honeysuckle flower completely disappeared.

In the beer glass, the originally colorless spirit was dyed a jet black color and became quite viscous. Just seeing the potion, Lumian had the urge to throw it away and trample it to pieces.

He settled down, calmed down and adjusted his state by means of shallow meditation and then quickly stopped.

After a few seconds, Lumian picked up the beer glass without hesitation, and Gulu drank the disgusting and pungent "Provocateur" potion.

As soon as he put down the cup, he immediately had the feeling that his internal organs became heavy and were constantly falling.

The experienced Lumian sat cross-legged on the floor, closed his eyes and waited for the next change.

His breathing quickly became scorching hot, and his mood quickly lost his stability, sometimes furious, sometimes sad, sometimes depressed, sometimes excited.

At the same time, the voice that seemed to come from infinite distance but was close to his ears appeared, like an iron fiber directly inserted into his temple.

Familiar and severe pain filled Lumian's mind, but there were always some thoughts that could not be dispelled: "I want to succeed!"

"I want to unlock the secret of the dream!"

"I want to rescue Auror!"

"I'm going to undo the loop in Kordu Village!"

The burning sensation, the tearing sensation, and the hallucinations of being on the verge of losing control came in turn. Lumian tried his best to bear it, without opening his eyes, and did not change his posture of sitting cross-legged.

He only felt that he was like a boat in a storm, tossed by waves and hurricanes, unable to control himself, but not sunk.

I don't know how long it took, the pain began to subside quickly, and the bloodthirsty and crazy thoughts also left Lumian's mind.

Then he opened his eyes, knowing that he had become the "provocateur" of Sequence 8.