Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 103: "actor"

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Frankam calculated the time and asked in detail:

"What danger is hidden in the altar? How far has Susannah and Matisse recovered today?"

As soon as Lumian heard Franka's question, he probably guessed what she was thinking:

If it is feasible, why not take this opportunity to destroy the altar, so that Suzanne Matisse, who is still in a weak state, will completely dissipate!

Before coming out of the Breeze Ballroom and tracking down the fake Eve, Lumian had considered similar issues—because Rentas took Charlie to the underground, so he believed that the other party's destination was to go to the hiding place of Suzanne Mathis, So when getting the calcium carbide lamp, I took a few bundles of detonators out of the safe, hoping to use the special environment to blow up those guys to death.

Rentasi's blurred and pale face seemed a little more sacred:

"An altar is an altar, only the light of my Lord, without any danger.

When you say that, I feel even more dangerous... Lumian muttered as he stood beside the "Spiritual Wall".

Rentas continued:

"I don't know the specific situation of Suzanne. I only know that she couldn't let us see her last week, she could make a sound occasionally, and she was able to communicate with us normally last week, and when we turned on the 'Spiritual Vision', we could see her. Today she is the same as before, but looks weaker."

Susanna was originally a "Fallen Dryad" equivalent to Sequence 5, but now she has recovered to a strength close to Sequence 6? Lumian made a preliminary guess based on Rentas' description.

If it weren't for the altar that Suzanne hid in the "Mother Tree of Desire", Lumian felt that it was worth the risk.

Franka thought for a while and said:

"Do you usually pray and receive gifts at the altar?"

"Yes." Rentas said in a reminiscent tone, "Susanna is our priest, so that we can feel the Lord's love for the world, feel the most real desires of everyone, and truly recognize ourselves."

Hearing this, Franka sensibly gave up further inquiries, and turned to seek the truth from the minutiae:

"Is the altar protected by anyone?"

"Susanna is always here." Rentas's blurred and pale face shook gently on the mirror.

Franka looked at the makeup mirror in her hand and said:

"Was the altar protected during the two weeks that Suzanne was badly injured?"

The spirit of Rentas truthfully replied: "No."

Franka couldn't help turning her head, glanced at Lumian, and found that he also had a look of disappointment and regret.

From Rentas's answer just now, they all clearly recognized a fact:

That altar has a hidden protection mechanism, and it's very strong!

Otherwise, no matter how hard it is to find and hide underground, you have to consider how to guard against those bounty hunters and cave adventurers who like to search for treasures in underground Trier. University students wandering around.

Franca breathed a sigh of relief and felt that it would be better for the officials to worry about the altar and Suzanne Matisse.

The evil spirit will recover in two days, and she and Lumian have already found out the location of the altar, enough time!

Franka asked about something else:

"How many members of the Blessed Society are there in the old dovecote?"

"Not many." The dark green pupils on Rentas's blurred face flashed, "but I only know a few. Me, Eve, and Hedsey are all under the orders of Maipu Meyer, who is the theater manager. It is also the person who represented Susanna to participate in the core affairs of the Blessed Society after she became an evil spirit.”

"Why did you choose a man? Don't women only love women? It's easier to find a woman to communicate with other core members of the Blessed Society." Franka raised an objection.

Are you sure there's no hidden meaning to the communication you're talking about? Lumian felt that Ms. Hidden Blade was quite excited about this matter.

Rentas replied in an erratic voice:

"Maip Meyer used to be Suzanne's lover."

Franka sighed with emotion:

"The high priest took the lead in violating the principles of the organization, both men and women

like. "

While speaking, she glanced at Charlie who was dazed and terrified.

Rentas did not hide for Maipu Meyer:

"Before Suzanne joined the Blessed Church, they were lovers, and they were the only lovers who could make Susannah feel at ease and relaxed. She received divine inspiration, believed in the Lord, and after reforming the Blessed Church, she also developed Maipu Meyer into the club. Don't sleep with him anymore, until she becomes a ghost, she no longer only loves women and Mai Pu Maier has resumed that relationship, and at the same time, she is still looking for other targets, entering their dreams, absorbing them energy, love them and kill them."

The more Charlie listened, the paler his face became, as if he had fallen into a nightmare from which he could never escape until he died.

"This is a bit perverted." Franke, who had seriously considered letting her lover Gardner have a child for her, commented.

She immediately laughed and said:

"Does Maipu Meyer like to wear green hats?"

"No, he only wears a black top hat now, and he also waxes the tip of his beard." Rentas denied Franka's guess.

Lumian remembered the death of a woman in Ernette town that was mentioned at Mr. K's party:

"If Maipu Meyer gets the gift and becomes a male "Fallen Dryad", will he be able to enter the female dream?

Here, create **** dreams, absorb their energy, and make them gradually weaken until they die?

"The Blessed Society takes women as its core members, emphasizing that women only love women, and it is impossible for male members to gain such high-level power... Those are not people from the Blessed Society, but they also believe in the "Mother Tree of Desire"? Or, Women "love' women?"

Franka continued to ask:

"Why don't you even know how many members of the Blessed Society are in the old pigeon cage? Among the Blessed Society members you know, there is no woman except Susanna?"

Rentasi's pale and blurred face seemed to be slightly distorted:

"Only Maipu Meyer has access to those female members.

"I don't know if there are any female members in the old loft now, but I can guess which ones used to be.

"How did you guess it?" Franka asked curiously.

Rentas replied:

"Joining our old pigeon cage, starting from a supporting actress, her acting skills are getting better and better, and those who finally left as leading actresses should be the core members of the Blessed Society.

"The establishment of the old pigeon cage itself is to give them a safe and reliable place to perform, to help them satisfy their inner desires until they can initially control them."

"Why do you have to perform?" Lumian thought of the various performances of Rentas.

Rentas struggled a bit and said:

"The gift we obtained is equivalent to Sequence 7, called 'Actor'.

"It gives us the ability to make the target eager to pay attention and express, and also stimulates our latent desire to express and perform. This cannot be restrained before we truly control the power of the gift. We must have a formal stage for performance. Satisfy your desires without arousing suspicion.

"Every applause from the audience is an affirmation to us."

Strange sequence... just now I didn't attack Rentasi at the first time, but chose to confront him, and I didn't use the ritual silver dagger to suppress the bursting desire in time, because I was unknowingly aroused and wanted to express desire

····· Lumian suddenly realized.

Franka patted her palms lightly and said, "So that's the case.

"I just said why I love acting so much today! She smiled and asked:

"Your ability to pretend to be Eve and Ciel also comes from 'actor'?"

Rentas's face nodded slightly:

"We can change the state of muscles, skin and bones to a certain extent, and have all the abilities needed for camouflage, including makeup technology, prop production, etc. At the same time, "actors" also have the ability to "imitate", so we can act like What, if you play an ordinary person, even the astral body will become ordinary, and if you play a soldier, you will be good at fighting and shooting."

"What about playing a woman?"

"How about playing a Extraordinary?"

Franka and Lumian each ask their own questions.

The two of them finally understood why the fake Eve was able to hide the truth from the official Extraordinary, and why those theater performers at the Old Pigeon Cage Theater had such good acting skills.

Playing with real "actors" every day, isn't your acting skills bad?

The spirit of Rentas said in a slightly dazed way:

"Playing a woman requires making props in advance, fake breasts, fake long hair, blah, blah.

"When playing other Extraordinary, under the circumstances I have already observed, I can perform his corresponding ability, but there will be no real effect, it is closer to illusion. If, that Extraordinary let me observe carefully in units of months and learning, then I can perform something very similar but much less powerful."

It sounds a bit powerful... Lumian said with emotion, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who did you play when you showed your aura?"

"Connected with the breath of the altar, Suzanne when presiding over the gift ceremony." Rentas faintly revealed a little piety and awe.

Franka and Lumian looked at each other again, thankful that they had given up the idea of ​​going to the altar to clean up the troubles.

Judging from Rentas's answer, when Susanna and the altar are combined into one, they will show a demigod personality!

"Does 'actor' have any other abilities?" Franka asked.

Rentas shook his head: "No.

"But Maipu Meyer once told me, 'Don't get caught up in the part you're playing'."

Lumian finally had a chance to ask:

"What is the name of the other sequence corresponding to 'actor'?"

Rentas's voice has a distinct sense of gloom:

"Sequence 9 'Miser', Sequence 8 'Sex Addict', Sequence 6 'Honored One', Sequence 5 'Little Cupid', and further up, I don't know."

It's very appropriate...Lumian, who knows the abilities of "stingers" and "sex addicts" quite well, asked:

"What does honoree mean?"

"Longing for success, eager to be recognized by the upper class or the public." Rentas explained.

Franka asked quite curiously:

"You seem to be unable to control the corresponding desires in each sequence. When you reach Sequence 5, don't you want to explode when you see everything?"

"Actually, at the end of each sequence, the corresponding desire can be controlled. "Actor's most important thing is the desire to perform. The desire for property and the opposite **** is only stronger than normal, so it will not appear pathological and completely uncontrollable." Lun Tas answered Franka's question by using himself as an example.

Lumian suddenly had doubts:

"Then why are you so mean when you play Mr. Eve?"

Choose to pick up coins of unknown origin. Rentas replied naturally:

"Because the real Eve is like that, you have to act like that.