Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 136: "Speech" (Ask for a monthly ticket at th

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All eyes were on Yu Ge. Artois, the elegant and elegant member of Congress with a big nose and gray temples, had already recovered his composure and said with a smile: "There is nothing to worry about.

"If the attacker has the ability to break through the two layers of defense and deal with me directly, there is no need to assassinate Tybalt. This is more like a blackmail, a threat on paper."

The four members of the campaign team present nodded at the same time, thinking that there was no problem with Mr. Congressman's speculation.

Hugh. Artois then looked at the red-haired lady: "Cassandra, I have limited knowledge of the world of occultism, I just heard that some extraordinary people can learn the real situation from the soul of a corpse through "psychic communication". Will Tybalt's spirit betray us? "

The red-haired Cassandra shook her head slowly: "Under normal circumstances, we need to be worried and have to take the risk of 'cleaning up', but in the attack just now, the assassins obviously took a long time to destroy Tybalt. The spirit of God, in order to cover up their own information, which is equivalent to doing us a favor. "

Hugh. Artois nodded lightly, glanced at each of the two secretaries who were still a little uneasy, and said with a smile: "Ronne, Marguerite, don't worry, time is with us, and the future is in our hands. A little bit of setbacks won't hurt you." will affect the final result.

"You must always believe that our actions represent justice."

Rhone, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and Margaret, who was delicate and gentle, looked at a loss when they heard this. They couldn't believe that they and others could still be associated with the word "justice".

Not only them, but the red-haired Cassandra and the middle-aged and muscular Bodowa also looked at Yuge with puzzled eyes. Artois, I feel like I heard wrong.

Hugh. Artois looked out the door cautiously, and used this gesture to ask if there was any listener.

After the red-haired Cassandra nodded, he gave an impromptu speech: "Ladies and gentlemen, although I am unable to forward the letter due to the contract, I pray for a gift, but I have enough for this world. Understood." You should know better than me that the starry sky above our heads represents the vast universe. There are countless planets in the universe. Each planet is equivalent to a world, and many of them have their own civilizations. The world we live in is just one of countless planets, as small as dust.

"The Seven Gods imprisoned us in this world and prevented us from contacting the civilizations in the universe. They wanted to blindfold our eyes and plug our ears, and let us be their slaves from generation to generation." They said. Those great beings are regarded as evil gods, and the purpose of weaving lies to tell us how dangerous it is to believe in evil gods is to prevent us from contacting higher civilizations.

"If belief in evil gods is really dangerous, why can there be so many civilizations in the universe, civilizations belonging to different races?" They are afraid that great beings have really come to this world, and they are the only ones who will be destroyed, and only those who follow them The saints, angels and some fanatics, for the vast majority of people, will just change their beliefs at that time, and there will be no danger.

"Belief in one of the seven gods is faith. Isn't belief in the great existence?" We cannot be kidnapped by the seven gods. We want to explore the future of mankind and the direction of civilization. Judging from the gifts you can get, the great beings are stronger than the seven gods , and will also provide shelter, willing to give strength, God's grace is like a sea.

"When in the future, we are able to navigate the universe, and then look back at what happened in these years, you will understand that our cause is righteous." In the process, there will inevitably be some deaths, but They all deserved to die, either too old, or in poor health, or bad luck, or fate, and most of the blame is not on us.

"And, after all, it's just a few people. We can't stop the majority from fleeing to a higher civilization and a better future for the sake of the few." Ladies and gentlemen, there are sacrifices in any cause, as long as we firmly believe in what we do What we do is just, keep going, and the future will surely belong to us!

"Ten years later, human beings will get the ticket to enter the civilization circle of the universe, and they will no longer be barbarians shrinking in the corner of ignorance!"

The red-haired Cassandra, secretary Rhone and others were all stunned.

Who are the believers of the evil god?

They believed in different evil gods for different reasons, and they knew deep down that what they were doing was wrong, but they had already embarked on this path and had to keep going, so they either used their beliefs as a fig leaf to change their minds little by little. Cognition, or simply degenerate completely, looking for the motivation to drive oneself forward.

And Hugh. Artois is obviously not a believer of any one, has not received gifts, and has not been assimilated enough, but he can say such shocking and infectious words from the heart.

The four campaign team members present all felt Huge. Artois made a very reasonable point, allowing himself to re-examine the meaning of his previous actions.

After several seconds, the red-haired Cassandra breathed out slowly and looked at Yuge. Artois, sincerely praised: "Excellent speech, Mr. Congressman, when you choose your belief in the future, I can give you what you should remove" and "recommend one."

"Huh?" Hugh asked. Artois asked in a nasal voice.

Cassandra explained with a smile: "There is something called "speaker" in that gifted power. "

Hugh. Artois nodded, and smiled at the four members of the team in a relaxed state: "Don't be intimidated by Tybalt's death, we will follow the original plan."

Cassandra, Rhone, Margaret and Bodois replied in unison: "Yes, Mr. Congressman."

Underground Trier.

Lumian detoured back to the previous quarry hole, quickly took off his clothes and shoes, and took off his wig and beard.

When he changed into his original homeless attire and put on his dark blue peaked cap, half-illusory crimson fire crows condensed around him.

The fire crows whizzed out and landed on the surfaces of things such as canes, shirts, bow ties, wigs, etc., and ignited them with a slight explosion.

Lumian had already turned around and walked towards the exit of Trier underground. Behind him, red flames rose up, burning all the items related to the previous attack, and illuminating the dark underground cavity.

Near midnight, in the "Eternal Sun" Inquisition located under the St. Roberts Church.

Look at Angoulême in the investigation records. Germany. Francois heard Dongdongdong's knock on the door.

His brown overcoat with two rows of gold buttons was hanging on the coat rack near the door, and he was only wearing a pale gold shirt with a sun holy emblem and dark brown trousers.

"Please come in." Angoulême said calmly.

In came Valentine with powdered hair and make-up.

He has always been worried about the matter of Cordu Village. After knowing that some survivors appeared in the Trier region, he voluntarily submitted an application and was transferred here. His wife and children have long been yearning for the prosperous Trier. , and moved here without his further persuasion.

He and a few teammates were in charge of the night watch tonight, just in time for the assistant secretary of the congressman to be killed.

Valentine, wearing a blue tweed coat and a gold brooch, sat across from Angoulême and said bluntly, "Deacon, why don't you investigate Hugh Artois?" Although most of the "Aurora Society" They are lunatics, but they seem to have an unusual ability to sense the believers of evil gods. It cannot be said that 100% of the people killed by them believe in evil gods, but at least 70% are.

"Combined with the information we have obtained, it can already be determined that Tybalt died tonight. Jacques is a believer of evil gods and possesses the power of "decay", and he is Hugh. Artois' assistant secretary.

"We can't allow a person who is very suspicious to continue to serve as a member of Congress. The investigation of him is responsible for all the people in the market area, and it is also responsible for G. Artois. If the investigation reveals that he is indeed fine, it will just help him clean up the surrounding area. followers of evil gods."

Angoulême did not expect that the newly transferred team leader was more devout and fanatical than himself, so he couldn't help raising his hand and kneading his brows.

He smiled bitterly: "You probably don't know that every member of Congress has signed a contract with the two major churches, a contract notarized by God." In the contract, they promise their beliefs, demonstrate their abilities and corresponding sources , and the two churches promised that there is not enough and strong evidence not to restrict the personal freedom of any member of Congress and the main staff around him

, don't need extraordinary abilities to affect them.

"This is the protection of the power of Congress." Judging from the contract, Hugh. Artois believed in the great "Eternal Blazing Sun", not Extraordinary.

"So, you can ask him and the main staff around him, but only."

Valentine couldn't hide his disappointment: "Why is there such a contract?"

"This is a by-product of the coup d'etat at the beginning, and it is also a change that conforms to the trend of the times." Angoulêm simply explained.

Valentine exhaled, stood up, and opened his arms: "Praise the sun!"

"Praise the sun!" Angoulême got up and returned the salute, watching this subordinate walk out of his office.

Knoll District, Holy Palace Hospital.

Jenna sat on a low stool, lying on her mother's bedside, Elodie, in a light sleep.

After sending Franka away, she let her brother Julian go home, because he had to go to the factory at dawn, and the old pigeon cage theater had not resumed actor training—the police headquarters originally planned to auction the old pigeon cage and the golden rooster in these two days Hotel, but encountered the explosion of the Goodwell chemical plant, so it could only be postponed for a while.

Suddenly, Elodie made a movement, and Jenna woke up suddenly, and saw her mother slowly opened her eyes.

After seeing her daughter's face in her eyes, Elodie smiled and said, "I thought I was going to see your father."

Before Jenna could respond, she asked weakly, "How is my injury?" Jenna, who was delighted that her mother woke up from the coma, smiled sincerely, "It's not too serious, you see, no surgery is needed."

Elodie breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slowly.

She had just gotten out of a coma, and her physical and mental state was not very good. After a brief chat, she fell asleep again.

Jian Na held her mother's palm, and with the light from the window, she happily looked at the face with many wrinkles and some white hair as if she had found it.

After watching for a while, she raised her head and found that the sky was gradually lit up with a ray of dawn.