Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 14: Convener (ask for double monthly ticket)

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Lumian originally planned to go to Mason's Cafe before noon to familiarize himself with the environment there, so that he would not even know where to escape after receiving medical treatment tomorrow, but he was delayed by the matter of Baron Brinel. For a long time, I had to go to Aosta first. Trier, go to the botanical garden in the afternoon.

Aosta was still in the same place, next to the edge of the underground cemetery, leaning against a stone pillar, and raised a bonfire.

Hearing the sound of footsteps moving from far to near, he, wearing a black robe with a hood, raised his head and looked at the visitor.

His expression, who thought he would have some income, froze in an instant.

"You should have deceived many people, and you always appear in the same place, aren't you afraid they will find you?"

Aosta smiled and said, "Most of the time, it's actually not cheating. As a 'secret prayer', an extraordinary person in the true sense, using my own spirituality to divination them is not cheating at all." My divination results are much more accurate than most of the people in the Mystery Club!

"Other times, it must be that different people use different methods. If you are really going to be exposed, you can still use words to make up for it."

"How to make it up?" Lumian smiled.

Aosta coughed: Lumian smiled thoughtfully, "On the matter of the Samaritan Woman's Spring, you promised too easily and clearly."

Aosta's expression suddenly collapsed: "Yeah, I was too eager to be forced by Baron Brinel, and I wish I could get the money on the spot." But I believe this can't deceive you either, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen The cautious Lumian smiled and shook his head: "You really chose the wrong path."

Aosta didn't dare to take up this topic, and instead asked: Lumian smiled lowly: "My intuition tells me so."

At the same time, he couldn't help slandering Aosta's eyes towards Lumian became more and more fearful.

It became increasingly difficult for him to guess the sequence number of which path this dangerous guy belonged to. The opponent seemed not only able to fight, but also not weak spiritually, with an intuition almost like a premonition.

Feeling the warmth brought by the bonfire, Lumian chatted, "How did you join that occult gathering?"

Aosta showed an expression of reminiscence: "Everyone came to Trier with hope. Those painters dreamed that their works would be selected by the exhibition of works of living artists, but most of them failed. Or, every year, people can’t bear this kind of blow and go crazy or commit suicide.” More than ten years ago, I came to Trier from the province of Sitilis, with the desire to get rich, and I slept in the kind of people who would die when it rained. leaky attic, climbed over scaffolding, entered factories, smuggled underground books, worked as a soda peddler, although I was lucky and saved some money, but I know every year that I will never be able to become It is impossible for rich people to own their own houses, and it is impossible to read newspapers and have breakfast at home leisurely, and then go out to work when the time is almost up.

"Later, I came into contact with occult magazines such as "Spiritualism" and "Profound Truth". Hehe, maybe I still had fantasies. I felt that I could obtain powerful extraordinary power overnight and completely change my destiny. I began to participate frequently. Gatherings among like-minded people, well, those magazines will publish corresponding information.

"At the beginning of this year, a friend I met in the club suddenly approached me and asked me if I would like to participate in a party involving truly extraordinary power. I couldn't refuse, and you know what happened after that."

Lumian listened very quietly without interrupting Aosta's narration.

When the other party stopped, he asked, "That friend of yours is the convener of the party?"

"No." Aosta shook his head. "The convener calls himself 'Mr. K' and wears a big hood every time, covering almost his entire face."

"Mr. K..." Lumian memorized the code name, and thought about it, what abilities has he demonstrated? "Osta shook his head again: "I haven't seen it.

"However, after I became a "Secret Prayer", when I met him again, I would have a feeling of facing the shadows and the darkness deep underground. I think he should be very strong. "It sounds very strong. I don't know who is stronger than the curate and Mrs. Pouaris...

Lumian murmured silently in his heart, and asked curiously, "Do you have any special feelings when facing me?"

"No, but you have a dangerous air about you that scares me more than Baron Brinel."


Aosta was a little stunned, not understanding what the other party wanted to express.

Lumian didn't continue this topic, but instead asked, it felt a bit real... Lumian didn't ask any more questions, stood up, and said to Aosta, "I'll come to you tomorrow night or the morning after tomorrow."

"Okay." Although Aosta didn't think that the other party would be bad for him now, he couldn't help being relieved to be able to send this dangerous guy away.

It is impossible for normal humans to get used to staying with tigers!

On the way back to the ground, Lumian passed the entrance of the catacombs with a calcium carbide lamp, and saw the arch carved with various bones, sunflowers, and steam symbols again.

Glancing at the words "Stop! Ahead is the Empire of Death!", Lumian tentatively walked towards the natural gate separating the inside and the outside.

At this moment, a figure turned out from behind the huge stone arch, and shouted in a deep voice: "Stop!"

The figure was wearing a blue vest and yellow trousers. He was an old man with gray hair and many wrinkles.

His pale yellow eyes were slightly cloudy, and his gaze was firmly locked on Lumian.

"Can't you go in?" Lumian looked ignorant and simple as a stranger.

The old man looked him up and down: "You have to buy a ticket at the top first, and then bring a white candle over here."

"I have a friend buried there, do I still need to buy a ticket to pay homage to him?" Lumian made up a friend on the spot.

"Aren't you a college student in the memorial hall?" Those **** always make up all kinds of lies to sneak into the tomb, sing, dance, and hold banquets in the ossuary!

"Go in, remember to bring a lighted white candle like those guys, this is my only request!"

Lumian used to worry that if he could be admitted to university, his acting style would be too different from his classmates, but now it seems that this is completely unnecessary worry.

Those students are crazier than him!

"Okay." Lumian showed a disappointed expression, "I'll come back next time with a white candle."

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

Lumian turned around and walked along the repaired road to the stairs leading to the ground.

After more than a hundred meters, he suddenly caught sight of a black shadow out of the corner of his eye.

The black figure arched its back slightly and walked slowly behind the row of stone pillars on the left.

Lumian looked at it at a glance, and felt that it was not real, almost illusory.

Subconsciously, Lumian raised the calcium carbide lamp and let the blue-yellow light cast over it.

The shadow was gone, as if it had never been there before.

Lumian quickly looked around, but found nothing.

His childish hole enlarged accordingly, and his expression became extremely dignified.

A few seconds later, Lumian laughed, almost couldn't straighten his waist, and almost shed tears: "Haha, come on, just come! I want to see how you let all my immediate family members die, how do you let me die?" I also died mysteriously!"

PS: Ask for a double monthly ticket~