Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 14: different monsters

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After some searching, Lumian found a number of gold, silver, and copper coins, totaling 197 Filkin 25 Copes.

Among them, there are only five gold louis.

As for the paper bills, he found only what appeared to be wreckage.

Besides money, Lumian also found a little blue book.

This book has a gray-blue cover and is 16 carats in size. It is widely available in Intis villages and towns.

It is based on the calendar and integrates the almanac and the religious teachings of the two major churches. It plays a very positive role in guiding farmers and herdsmen in farming, production and grazing, and enriching their spiritual life.

Of course, even though it has been nearly 200 years since Emperor Roselle advocated compulsory education, there are still a large number of farmers, herdsmen, and workers who do not know a few words and are illiterate. They can only rely on the explanations of some people around them. Get the hints you want from the little blue book.

Lumian randomly flipped through a few pages, and found that this little blue book was no different from the one at home, except that it looked a little older overall.

"There is a little blue book, and there are so many Felkins. This family is definitely a well-off family in the countryside. There are no more than five similar families in Kordu Village..." Lumian threw away the little blue book, and put those Gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins were put into different pockets by category—some were hidden deep in the pockets of the cotton coat inside, some were placed in trouser pockets, and some were randomly stuffed in the pockets of the leather jacket.

Although Lumian knew that the money could not be brought to reality, he still couldn't help but collect it and save it.

These little things, gold or silver or coppery, never took his eyes off him.

In his wandering life in the past, even if it was only a copper coin of one Cope or one Rick, he cherished it very much, and often fought with others for it, and took risks to do certain things.

Looking around, Lumian picked up the ax and dived towards the collapsed building that was closer to the red-brown mountain.

He went deeper and deeper, and every time he passed the blank area in the middle of the ring, he was terrified, afraid that dozens of monsters would suddenly emerge and surround him in an unprotected place.

In the faint gray mist, Lumian arched his back, came to a half-collapsed stone wall, and squatted there to hide his figure.

He poked his head out cautiously, looking forward.

It was a narrow strip between two rows of destroyed buildings, no trees, no weeds, only gravel, cracks and dirt.

Suddenly, a figure jumped into Lumian's eyes.

"He" stood in the opposite building, staring at something.

This figure is wearing a black robe with a hood, and there is nothing weird about the back, just like an ordinary human being.

Lumian's heart tightened, and he became more and more vigilant.

In such dream ruins, the appearance of normal people is much more terrifying than the appearance of monsters!

As if sensing that someone was watching him, the figure slowly turned around.

Lumian glanced at it quickly, then quickly retracted his head, leaning his back against the wall, not daring to move.

With just such a glance, he had the illusion that he was in **** or in the abyss.

That figure is indeed a person, but "he" has three faces and six eyes!

The face on the front has cloudy eyes, sparse eyebrows, and many wrinkles, just like an old man;

The left side has sharp edges and corners, blue eyes with spirit, thick and dark beard, like a strong man;

The skin on the right is smooth and delicate, like a shelled egg, and a pair of blue eyes are obviously innocent and ignorant, and at a glance, it can't be more than five years old.

"What kind of monster is this..." Lumian tried hard to control his breathing, not to let his heart beat wildly.

Even in Aurora's horror stories, such monsters have never appeared before, and they can only be encountered in the deepest, deepest and most absurd nightmares.

Although it's not good to know a "person" by appearance, Lumian intuitively thinks that the three-faced monster is many times more powerful than the previous skinless monster based on his appearance alone!

Moreover, it has a high probability of possessing extraordinary power.

"Eternal Sun, great Father, please protect me from being discovered by it..." At this scene, Lumian, a general believer, couldn't help praying to the "Eternal Sun".

If he hadn't held an ax in one hand, and if the environment hadn't been dangerous, he would have opened his arms and made a gesture of "praising the sun".

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and Lumian thought that he might have hallucinations:

There seemed to be vision through the wall and onto his back.

His back stiffened instantly, feeling a little hot.

In just a second or two, the hallucination disappeared, and the sound of heavy footsteps moved away.

Lumian waited for a while until the sound of footsteps disappeared completely, then slowly straightened his knees, turned around, poked his head out, and looked forward.

The monster was farther away, behind the collapsed building with both sides intact, half of its body was revealed in the faint gray mist.

"He" still turned his back to Lumian, as if he had turned into a statue.

Lumian quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing such a monster, he was not at all sure.

"It's definitely not possible to go directly into the ruins from here... Detour?

"There are no similar monsters in other places?

"The closer you get to that mountain, the stronger the monster that appears?"

Lumian retracted his body, thought for a while, and decided to end the night.

He planned to ask the woman who gave him the Tarot cards after dawn to see if there was a way to deal with the three-faced monster, and if it was impossible, he would consider a detour.

He arched his back, broke away from the wall, and walked towards where he came from.

At this time, he had an idea:

"I fell asleep in this ruin, will I also be able to escape from the dream?"

Considering that there are so many monsters around, he temporarily suppressed the urge to try.

On the way back, he quickly searched every destroyed building he passed by, but he couldn't find any useful written information, and there were only a few coins.

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After retreating for a while, Lumian thought about it and decided to take a short detour and approach the burned house that arrived first from the side, which is where he buried the skinless monster.

He wanted to observe whether the death of that monster would be noticed by its kind, and whether it would induce some changes.

After finding the location and hiding his body, Lumian poked his head out from the side and looked at the target area.

In the next second, he saw the "figure" again.

The figure was half human and half beast, with its legs folded forward, squatting there, examining the body of the skinless monster.

It had dislodged the bricks and blocks of wood that Lumian had piled up.

It was wearing a dark jacket and tighter muddy trousers, its black hair was messy and greasy down its neck, and it carried a shotgun behind its back.


Lumian hastily looked away and retracted his head.

"These monsters are outrageous!

"You know how to use a shotgun..."

At this moment, Lumian had a sense of absurdity, disillusionment, and loss that he was a hunter and went up the mountain with weapons and partners to hunt, only to find that the rabbit on the opposite side was holding a water-cooled machine gun, aiming at himself and others.

Time passed by, and he waited patiently for the monster with the shotgun to leave.

Finally, he heard a slight movement and gradually moved away.

Lumian carefully poked his head out again, looking at the half-human, half-beast monster.

"It" is walking in the posture of a cat, heading towards the rear of the building.

Lumian first dropped his hanging heart, and then opened his eyes wide.

He found that the place where the monster walked was exactly the same as the route he had taken when he went deep into the ruins!

"It's following me!

"It has strong, beyond normal tracking capabilities!"

Lumian made a judgment subconsciously.

He was extremely thankful that when he came back, he had a whim and took a detour, otherwise he would have been caught right, and even be ambushed!

As soon as the monster figure disappeared, Lumian quickly got up and ran towards his house.

The crimson fire reflected in the glass windows on the ground floor of that house was like sunlight that dispelled the darkness.

Lumian ran all the way to the outside of his two-story building, opened the half-covered door, and rushed in.

After locking the door, he looked through the window at the ruins.

In the distance of the gray fog, on the edge of the ruins, there was a vague figure standing, but he did not approach this side.

Huh, Lumian exhaled, ready to turn off the fire, go upstairs to sleep, and leave the dreamland.

He glanced at the still burning fire and murmured in his heart:

"It can still burn for a while...

"You can experiment to see if it continues to burn until it goes out after I leave the dream, or freezes at the moment I leave..."

Lumian had previously confirmed through the rain that the wilderness where the ruins are located is in a state of natural development, and it has nothing to do with whether he is dreaming or not. However, whether the same situation is true in his house, the so-called safe zone, remains to be verified.

He did what he thought, added a few more coals to the fire, fiddled with it, and then went up to the second floor with the ax and steel fork and entered the bedroom.


It was just dawn when Lumian woke up.

He checked his shirt-shaped pajamas, and found that those gold, silver, and copper coins did not follow him to reality.

Turning over to get up and moving his body, Lumian walked to the desk and opened the curtains with his hand.

Amidst the piercing sound, soft and clear light flowed in.

And as the window was opened, fresh and natural air penetrated into Lumian's nose, which made him stretch himself, thinking that sometimes it's nice to get up early.

Of course, this is also thanks to the "Patriotic Sanitation Campaign" vigorously promoted by Emperor Roselle. Even if the impact on the countryside is not too great, it will eventually bring some improvement. At least the feces will become treasures and will not be everywhere. , and thank the later rulers for keeping it, just changing the name.

His eyes moved around, sometimes looking at the distant mountains and forests, sometimes looking at the orange-red clouds in the sky, and sometimes observing the weeds outside the house.

Suddenly, Lumian's gaze froze.

He saw a larger bird parked on an elm tree not far away.

The bird's beak is pointed, its face is like a cat's, its brown feathers are dotted with fine spots, and the whites of its brown eyes are paired with black eyes, which looks very energetic.

This is an owl.

It seemed to be looking at Lumian.