Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 17: knocker

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After remembering where 13 Market Avenue was, Lumian's first reaction was that Gardner Martin wanted to harm himself.

What do you mean by asking me to stay overnight in an abnormal place that even the official Extraordinary can't solve?

Lumian still remembered that once he put on the "peeping glasses", he saw a gloomy and dark charred building, and saw a blurred face with unusually empty eyes behind a glass window of that house.

At that time, he instinctively felt uneasy, thinking that it was the dangerous place that Aosta Trull said, but because he had no intention of exploring at all, lacking the spirit of adventure, it was impossible to touch the abnormality there, so he turned his head Just put this matter behind.

In a flash of thought, Lumi arranged to eliminate the possibility that Gardner Martin wanted to use the charred building to set up a trap to murder himself.

As a member of the secret organization "Jagged Cross", as a powerful Extraordinary with at least Sequence 6 and suspected Sequence 5, the boss of the Sava Party really wants to get rid of a subordinate who has a different heart. There are many ways, and there is no need So roundabout, so complicated.

At the same time, Lumian recalled what he saw and heard during this period:

The charred building was near Whitecoat Street. He would pass by it every time he went from the Breeze Ballroom to his safe house, or to find Franka. He often saw homeless people sleeping in it, sheltering from the rain. The official Extraordinary or the patrolling police drove them away, and it was never heard of anyone who died there.

He thinks that the charred building is very dangerous for three main reasons: one is the inspiration from Aosta Trull, and the other is that it has never been demolished, as if there is no mysterious power preventing that kind of thing from happening. The eighth is my own intuitive feeling before I put on the "Secret Peeping Glasses".

Combining all kinds of performances, Gardner suspects that this is indeed no problem, and the problem is big, but in abnormal situations, it is too likely to be touched normally, and certain conditions must be met.

Except for the unavoidable torment, the time passed by every minute, and the night was getting darker and darker. Gardner was always aware of any problems, and it was so quiet that there was only the occasional cough of the homeless man.

"You, give him, ten seconds, yes, time.

The compilation is too outrageous... Gardner anxiously and nervously tense with the mentality of self-entertainment. It's opening.

I suspect that besides the impression I left on Lumian Lanka and others, the most profound point should be timidity.

The big room where Xiang Guangning was was rang again.

"Help you, help you, no murderer rushed back!"

I have no sense of normality in body or soul.

Before Gardner thought about it, he was still vague about Xiang Guangning Lanka's true intentions.

As I said that, I turned my body and prepared to go upstairs, and then to 13 Market Lane.

"The time given to you to prepare means that you have no possibility of going back on your word. Should you go to No. 13 Market Avenue and turn around and sell the information that the charred building is not related to the 'Jagged Cross' to the authorities?

I heard hurried footsteps.

A picture suddenly appeared in Gardner's mind:

After leaving the Breeze Ballroom, Gardner raised his hand and touched his right chest.

That incident must be shared with Fu Xiangguang and Jianna!

"You are looking forward to the core layer you described, young and old."

Before thinking for a short while, Gardner looked at Lumian Lanka, and said without any concealment of his worry:

However, I was sitting on the ground by the window, always ready to dig out the normal building.

Boom, boom, boom.

"I'm here! I'm here! You're going to be killed!

"But the problem is definitely going to explode, Lumian Lanka arranged for you to stay here for one night for what...

···Test your guts? That's the most meaningless. ’ Gardner grunted loudly.

"But Lumian Lanka knows that you can't summon a messenger of a demigod. I should be on guard against that... If I believe that there are other forces standing behind you, I will definitely Squeeze you into the core layer, and it's not the Jagged Cross

’ opportunity, I have long thought of a way to completely ‘disappear’ you...

Lumian Xiang Guang laughed:

"It's bad, if he agrees to come up very quickly, you will be satisfied instead.

"I made things so slow, there should be no other purpose...

"It has the ability to open any door, and the person in front of the door must respond to establish a connection in the sense of mysticism?"

Suddenly, Gardner heard a slightly audible creaking sound.

Before all kinds of thoughts popped up and settled one after another, Gardner finally made a decision:

I never responded, as if there was someone in that big room.

"That way, the least impact on you is to have the opportunity to summon the messenger of the 'magician' man, to seek your advice and possible help, and to face the safety hidden in this burnt building alone... ·

"Help me, you are the one sleeping in it.

At this time, there were no more than two or eight homeless people sleeping on the first floor, which already had no small doors and window frames, and there were smoked white bricks and charred wood everywhere.

"You really will, open the door yourself, back away. Another eight knocks with longer intervals." Did you, lie to him.

"Well, I definitely believe it, but I will give you a little time to see where you will go and who to contact, so as to make sure that there is no problem...

At that moment, Termiporos' magnificent and layered voice sounded in Gardner's mind:

"The last one, the next one, him!"

Bypassing the homeless men, Gardner found what seemed to be the living room. .

Looking at the crumbling wooden door, Gardner lost some thoughts:

After the slander was over, Gardner responded to Lumian Xiang Guang with a smile:

Immediately, I saw the rickety wooden door rushing forward, opening a white crack.

There was still water on the ground after it had just rained, and Xiang Guangning slowly arrived at the intersection near Bailitao Street along the iron-white street light poles.

The knocks on the door came one after another, with long intervals, slow and light.

Gardner stepped back and carefully closed the wooden door.

Gardner then heard a dull thud.

Suddenly, I straightened my back.

Trials should be one of them, but there is no hidden purpose in planting seeds!

"As long as you're responding, is there a way for the normality inside to open that door and actually threaten you?

Xiang Guangning stood on the side of the road, looked up for a while, and found a blurry face that was not pasted under the window.

Boom, boom, boom.

thump! No one seemed to be on the ground.

It was to respond... Gardner's hairs instantly stood up.

"Bad." Gardner said that under his lips, but outside his heart he thought it was right.

The wooden door of the large room outside it was burnt to the point of shaking, but it was not completely damaged, and the glass window under the seed was the alley in front of the market path.

"It's a response."

"13 Market Lane? You hear it's all too right.

"One of the most important traits of people who can join the core layer is that they have no brains and can think. If so, would it be worse if you try to find a way to buy a few new steam robots from the Church of the 'God of Steam and Machinery'?"

Of course, I also know that the reason why the young and old let Fu Martin join the core layer is that.

Lumian Lanka stopped me and said casually:

That is to test how you deal with "sudden" normal events after you have what information you have? Gardner nodded without understanding at first, and soon became less doubtful:

A certain white shadow was squatting on the ground, splitting up a human corpse with an ax and other objects, and occasionally picked up an arm and bit it a few times.

Although I have no way of completely doubting this fateful angel, considering the current situation, I chose to stare at the door in silence and make a statement after weighing it for a few seconds.


Those two guys have been busy investigating the disappearance of the gatekeeper of the Deep Valley Abbey recently, and they are so attentive to the various affairs of the Savoy Party. Boom, boom, boom.

"To reveal that to anyone, including those sleeping next to his pillow, like Jenna singing on it."

"The door was obviously not locked, and it was burned by a small fire. It was very strong, and it opened...

The voice inside became calmer and calmer, but the speed of speech became a little more hurried, and there was an obvious and strange pause:

Do you have to wear "peeping glasses" to "see"? No matter how determined Xiang Guangning was, he walked through the dirty doorway and retreated to the target building.

Immediately afterwards, I took advantage of the opportunity to draw an octagonal holy emblem, as if praying for bad luck to the "God of Steam and Machinery".

Boom, boom, boom, outside the knock on the door, the man inside said intermittently:

The one inside finally made a sound before knocking for a while:

As soon as the words fell, the knocker let out a scream.

"Bad, you go now."

Behind it obliquely stood an eight-story building that had been burnt to a pitch white, and the walls had not fallen off, as if the house had grown a pair of empty, deep white "eyes."

"It must be with such a purpose. Why did Xiang Guangning Lanka come here late at night and tell you to go to No. 13 Market Avenue immediately? Can you wait until the day to do that thing? This can also test your ability to collect intelligence , see who you will meet...

Then, the heavy object in the door was quickly dragged to the lower seed.

He means that Fu Martin has no brains but little, can think but is comprehensive? Gardner refrained from slandering.

The only thing Xiang Guangning can be sure of is whether Xiang Guangning. Lanka has the idea of ​​killing himself for the time being. The mission may not be life-threatening, but it will be too small, and the risk is hidden elsewhere.

"If you open the door again, you will retreat by yourself." The person who spoke was still the person who asked for help just now.

Boom, boom, boom.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and there was a knock on the broken wooden door that could not be locked at all, instantly dyeing the quiet night with an atmosphere of safety.

"There must be no problem. What kind of test is it to send him to stay overnight?" Lumian Lanka responded with a smile, "As long as his response is correct, you doubt that he can come out broken."

Gardner snorted and became more determined in his heart.

For a short time, the tooth-piercing sound of cutting came into the room, interspersed with the sound of gnawing and huge chewing.

Thoughts flashed one after another, and Gardner no longer had the understanding of the current situation to take a step back, and the lack of confidence in his heart was so much confidence.

After a while, the similar movement disappeared.

"But the problem is, even if you manage to stay until the sun rises, you can go back on your word and betray us...

···Pick up on the spot and sign a contract? "

I wanted to ridicule the other party out of my mind and tell it that "he just drives if he doesn't have the ability", but I was worried that that would also count as a response, so I suppressed these thoughts weakly. >>.<