Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 19: Dream (ask for double monthly ticket)

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The pitch-black vines hanging from the roof bloomed blood-colored flowers, completely sealing off the third floor of the castle.

Guillaume. Bennett, Pierre. Berry, Sybil. Berry rushed towards the tower while resisting the attacks of the "midwife" and others.

Along with this scene, there are several images that flashed in Lumian's mind: the invisible Guillaume climbing the tower full of bird-clawed children. Bennett in Pierre the Shepherd. With the help of Berry, he successfully made his right palm touch the shoulder of the "midwife", and the "midwife" exploded, as if someone had planted a bomb in his body;

Sybil. Berry was killed by a maid, but was reborn in the other's body, occupying her body;

Floating in mid-air in sight, Louis. Lund gave birth to a child in the room;

louis. Without any influence, Lund teamed up with the administrator, Beost, and suppressed the "mad" shepherd Pierre. Berry;

In the wilderness leading to the deep mountains, the priest Guillaume. Bene was surrounded by countless undead in sackcloth...

Lumian frowned, showing a painful expression. It seemed that these memories were sharp weapons that pierced his soul. Pulling them out would cause more harm, which made him instinctively resist further recall.

Soon, those scenes fell back, and Lumian gasped.

"How's it going, what's the gain?" Susie's voice was gentle, as if she was asking what's for breakfast today. Lumian thought about it and replied: "I remembered the fight between the priest and Mrs. Pouaris' subordinates. The picture was very messy and broken...

"I, I sometimes seem to be on the sidelines, and sometimes I seem to see the corresponding picture through some means in a far away place..."

This made him extremely confused about his position and role in this matter.

Sometimes he seems to be one of two groups, deeply involved in the battle, and other times he seems to be a pure bystander, having nothing to do with either side.

Susie asked inductively: "Apart from these, what other puzzles do you have about the situation presented in that part of the memory just now?"

"I don't seem to have seen Mrs. Puares... only the fact that the priest was surrounded by a large number of undead in the wilderness has a faint shadow of Mrs. Puares in it." The priest and the others only dealt with Louis. Mrs. Puares's subordinates, such as Lund, Cassie, Beost, and the "midwife", seem to have little spare power. If Mrs. Puares joins, I don't believe they can win the final victory...

"Why did Mrs. Puares give up on her own initiative, leave Cordu, and not stop the curate and the others..."

"I didn't give up voluntarily, but was forcibly sent away." Susie corrected, "The ritual of sending the 'Spring Fairy' away in your dream should reflect the drive away of Puares. The 'Spring Fairy' represents a good harvest. Representing the end of the bleak winter and the germination of vigorous life, it is very close to the characteristics of the abilities displayed by Puaris and his group."

"That's even more wrong..." Lumian's voice gradually became painful, and he clenched his hands tightly, feeling that he couldn't remember anymore.

"Don't think about it if you don't want to think about it. Awakening all the memories is not something that can be done in one psychotherapy. Take your time and don't worry."

Huh... Lumian breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and his body was no longer so tense.

"You can take a nap and see if you can find more answers in the dream."

In Lumian's ears, the voice of the "psychiatrist" was gentle at first, and then became more and more erratic, as if the distance was widened and he entered another world.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally drooped down.

Lumian opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling.

He suddenly turned over and sat up, taking in all the reclining chairs, the wooden table by the window, the small bookshelf on the side, and the wardrobe with its own full-length mirror.

This is his bedroom, this is his home in the village of Kordu.

Lumian stared blankly for a few seconds, then quickly got out of bed, and ran out of the room.

He pushed open the door of Aurora's bedroom, and saw manuscripts, paper, pens, ink bottles and other items on the desk as he remembered, and saw that the chair with the pillow was empty and no one was sitting.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter finally has a solution on the app that can change the source, download it here

Lumian's gaze moved from there to the empty bed, and then slowly retracted it.

He gently closed the door little by little, turned and walked to the next door.

There was also no familiar figure in the study.

Lumian ran up and stomped downstairs.

He ran all the way through the village of Kordu, and arrived at the door of the church of "Eternal Sun".

On the way, he didn't meet a single villager, and every house was dead silent.

Looking up at the onion-shaped vault, Lumian strode into the church.

The altar has been transformed, filled with tulips, lilacs and other flowers, engraved with black thorn symbols that seem to have liquid flowing on the surface.

Still no one here.

Lumián searched the curate's room and went down to the basement again.

The piles of white bones and sheepskins around were exactly the same as in the previous dream, but the altar in the middle was not damaged in any way.

Lumian checked carefully, but there was no burning sensation in his chest.

After he knew that this was a dream, the power representing "past", "present" and "future" seemed to disappear.

Lumian, who had nothing to gain, stood beside the underground altar, thought for a while, then ran up again, went up the stairs, exited the side door, and came to the nearby cemetery.

According to the memory of the previous dream, he quickly found the tomb where the owl flew into, bent down, and pushed away the stone slab that sealed the entrance.

Without any hesitation, Lumian went down one step at a time, passed through the corridor, and saw the black coffin placed in the dark tomb.

There was no owl here, no other Lumian, just the light seeping in from outside the tomb and framing everything.

Lumian withdrew his gaze and walked towards the black coffin in a daze.

The lid of the coffin slipped to the side, allowing the scene inside to be revealed.

Thinking that in the dream Aurora almost lost control because of peeping at the dead wizard's body in the coffin, Lumian hesitated. Two or three seconds later, he took a few steps forward with no expression on his face, moved closer to the black coffin, and cast his gaze directly into it. A corpse was quickly reflected in his eyes.

The corpse's blond hair was scattered on both sides, his eyes were tightly closed, his face was slightly pale, and he was wearing a light blue dress.

This is Aurora!

Aurora is lying in the coffin of the dead wizard!

Lumian's childlike hole instantly enlarged, and his face was distorted to the point of ferocity.

The picture he saw was shattered inch by inch.

Lumian opened his eyes suddenly, staring forward with a complicated expression.

"What did you see?" Susie's voice sounded in his ears.

Lumian replied dreamily: "I saw Aurora lying in the coffin of the dead wizard...

"How can this be…"

"It's more of a symbol.

"She was also on the verge of losing control because she wanted to see the wizard's body in the coffin."

Lumian hardly thought about it: "Two weeks later."

Susie was silent for a few seconds and said, "Finally, I want to remind you that you have a strong tendency to self-destruct now."

"Self-destruct..." Lumian repeated the word in a low voice, without any change in expression.

Susie's voice became warm again, soothing Lumian's heart: "I can understand why you have this situation, and I don't want to force it away, unless you are willing to let me erase all the things that represent the root of the problem. memory, otherwise every treatment will only alleviate rather than eradicate.” I just want to remind you that the Aurora I saw in your memory is a lady who loves life and loves life.

"She still has a lot of wishes unfulfilled, she wants to see you go to university, she wants to visit Trier for a while as an ordinary person, she wants to find clues about her hometown, she wants to perfectly deal with her parents' problems, she wants to enjoy All the good food in Trier, and she wants to hear every concert and see every art exhibition here.

"She is only one step away from complete death. If she is still conscious, I don't think she will give up. She is like a person who has fallen into the abyss and only has one hand left to grab the edge of the cliff. If even you give up, you will die." No one will ever pull her up again."

Lumian's expression gradually changed, but he couldn't show any definite emotions.

He seemed to have forgotten how to laugh and how to cry.

Susie didn't force him to respond immediately, and sighed softly, "Many times, it's not a good thing to completely suppress pain and despair in your heart, human beings need to vent and decompress.

"Okay, that's the end of today, we're here for the second treatment at the same time two weeks later."

Lumian closed his eyes: "Thank you, Ms. Susie."

Susie didn't respond and seemed to have left.

After more than ten seconds, Lumian exhaled slowly and opened his eyes.

He subconsciously glanced outside the door of Mason's Cafe, and saw in the distance a big golden retriever dog carrying a small brown bag disappearing at the corner of the street.

There seemed to be a female figure beside the big dog.

Lumian sat for another ten minutes, drank the remaining ambergris lemonade, walked out of Mason's Cafe, and came to the nearest bus stop.

Soon, a green-painted double-decker stagecoach drove up, waiting for passengers to board.

Lumian spent 30 Copes to find a seat by the window, and looked outside without focusing.

"Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! The latest newspaper, one copy at 11 kope!" The old-fashioned child came to the window and held up the stacks of newspapers in his hand.

Self-destruct... Alive... Self-destruct... Alive... Lumian's mind is full of the words of the "psychiatrist", like a walking dead, and he doesn't want to talk to the newsboy at all.

That's right, today is Sunday... Lumian froze for a moment, took out two 5 kope copper coins and a 1 kope copper coin, opened the window, and handed them to the newspaper seller.

"Obituary: "Confirmed by the editorial department of this newspaper, our forever friend, famous best-selling author, Aurora. Li, passed away in an accident in April..."

Lumian's gaze froze, and his hands gradually trembled.

Suddenly, he lowered his head, lifted the newspaper, and covered his face with it.

In the afternoon sun, a wet mark appeared on the surface of the newspaper.

There are more and more wet marks, and they become one piece.

ps: Ask for a double monthly ticket~