Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 19: insidious

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Gardner Martin opened the car door, stepped out, faced Lumian and gave him a warm and warm hug.

Oh, the attitude changed in an instant, Lumian started to slander while hugging back.

After embracing for two seconds, Gardner Martin released his arms and said with a smile: "From now on, we are real brothers."

"The real brother? You're dead, can I inherit the inheritance?" Lumian, who had greatly improved his mental state and successfully passed the difficult test, held back his ridicule and dared not speak out at this time.

"You are still my boss." He habitually expressed his loyalty. In his opinion, although this kind of performance is indeed a bit exaggerated and makes people not feel too much sincerity, it can't be done without it.

Gardner Martin laughed: "In the future, when no one else is around, you can call me sir."

"Sir" Lumian felt that this title was a bit strange.

The Jagged Cross is a secret organization, not an army.

Gardner Martin did not explain, and smiled slightly: "At eight o'clock tonight, come to No. 11, Spring Street, and we will hold your initiation ceremony."

After finishing speaking, he patted Lumian on the shoulder: "Rest now."

Lumian hummed, bid farewell to the leader of the Savoyard Party, went all the way back to the Golden Rooster Hotel, and closed the curtains of Room 207.

It was already past six o'clock in the morning, and he didn't need to catch up on sleep at all. He sat down at the wooden table and began to write a letter to Madam Magician.

He told the whole story of last night's encounter and Themiporos' performance, and finally asked how to report this matter to Mr. K.

One by one, relying purely on Lumian himself, there is obviously no way to avoid it, the strange and abnormal erosion in the abandoned building.

He had to find a suitable reason to explain to Mr. K, so that he could believe it without revealing that he had Mister Fool's seal and an angel from the realm of fate.

After neatly folding the letter paper, Lumian set up a ceremony and summoned the doll messenger wearing a pale gold water skirt.

The messenger lowered his head, saw the letter in the form of a block, and nodded in satisfaction.

While letting the letter float, she said to Lumian, "Someone is still monitoring you."

ah? I didn't notice it at all. The level of tracking, hiding and observation is very high. As a hunter, Lumian has a strong anti-tracking ability and is also very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment. He didn't even notice that those monitors were still there. .

Mr. K's men? No, Miss Messenger can remind me specifically that she should not be a member of the Aurora Society.

The monitor sent by Gardner Martin has not left yet, even though I have passed the test and suffered from that abnormal erosion, I have indeed experienced what happened last night, after receiving the membership notice from Gardner Martin, now It is the stage when I am the least vigilant, the easiest to let down my guard, and expose problems.

It was insidious, Lumian realized now, that he was too young to be prudent compared to Gardner Martin, if he hadn't been playing a man who had been up all night, suffered a cruel torture, and needed rest.

Closing the curtains to sleep is an inevitable development, and now it has aroused the suspicion of the monitors. Similarly, he is also thankful that the messenger of Ms. Magician seems to be very strong and will not be discovered by the monitors.

Sending away the doll messenger, lying on the bed, and waiting for a while, Lumian received a reply: "As a secret organization with a history of two or three hundred years, the Jagged Cross must not be so simple, let people join, But taking the initiative to let the new members accept the pollution test is not consistent with what I originally learned.”

"It seems that the Jagged Cross has indeed undergone some unoptimistic changes over the years. You don't need to rush to figure out why this is happening. Take it step by step, in a short period of time, and keep yourself as the most important thing."

Themiporos took the initiative to provide help and give warnings. On the one hand, he did not want you to be polluted or die directly, which would affect him. On the other hand, he should also be trying to change and gain your trust. It is only at this moment that the true purpose is revealed.

"You need to always keep in mind that the angel of the evil **** is a lunatic in the true sense, and will definitely bring disaster to you and the people around you. You must always be vigilant, using him and guarding against him."

"It's easy for Mr. K. Just say that you recited that honorable name at the critical moment, and it is miraculously uncontaminated."

"Don't worry that he will ask that existence to confirm the authenticity. This is something devout believers will not do. Moreover, even the existence itself may not be sure whether he has responded to your prayer."

This... Lumian felt a little lost when he saw the end. The **** himself didn't know whether he had responded to a certain believer. This is too absurd.

In a blink of an eye, Lumian remembered something Ms. Magician once said: If you pray to Mister Fool with a description other than the three-segment name, she will not guarantee to respond, it must be that great existence , that would be very dangerous.

In a situation like this, knowledge involving gods is really incomprehensible, and if you make a mistake, you may fall into a situation worse than death.

Will Aurora do the same? Lumian thought more and more.

In the past few days, he has been carefully sorting out Aurora's witchcraft notes, and has copied all the contents of the two time periods circled by Ms. Justice. He is doing more detailed research, and plans to give Ms. Hela, the vice president of the Curly Baboon Research Society, has a look.

Franka has already read the corresponding content, and found no doubtful details. Those are not very routine mystic knowledge, but ordinary spells, and they must be cast by wizards or Extraordinary in the corresponding field, and the two cannot practice them.

The only thing she and Lumian think is problematic is that since the beginning of this year, Aurora's witchcraft notes have added a lot of ritual knowledge related to sacrifices and secret deeds, which are all obtained from the Curly-haired Baboon Research Association , but it does not point to any evil **** or hidden existence, which belongs to the basic type of application.

A mass of crimson flames rose up and burned the letter in Lumian's hand. He lay down, pretending to sleep, but actually let his thoughts spread, thinking about the witchcraft notes and the next thing to do.

For him, the most important thing is that the one-month deadline given by the prophecy is approaching.

The curate priest Guillaume Benet will appear somewhere in the Red Princess District, the Hill District, at the gate of the Deep Valley Monastery, dressed as a typical bounty hunter, and even put two beards on himself, pretending to be a male Frankie After pressing down, the half-height silk top hat on his head sighed to Jianna beside him: "There is really no clue at all."

Jenna was wearing a white shirt, a brown waistcoat, and dark trousers, a pair of black ankle boots that reached her calf, and a brown knitted beret on her head. There was no mole on her face, and she hadn't melted the smoke Just a little modification of the eyes, nose and mouth to make himself look more ordinary.

Looking at the iron-black building with a unique shape and extensive use of steel components and the giant chimneys shaped like spires, she always felt that she did not come to the monastery of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, but a special factory.

At this time, those chimneys were spewing out white smoke, accompanied by a huge mechanical roar.

"It's mainly those monks who are unwilling to contact outsiders."

Jenna responded rather dismayed.

In the past few days, like other bounty hunters and private detectives, they were only allowed to enter the courtyard on the first floor, and they could only question the new gatekeeper and a few other servants.

The ascetic monks only provided a list of the confessions of the corresponding personnel.

Franka withdrew her gaze, clicked her mouth and said, "This must not be easy, otherwise the official Extraordinary would have investigated the truth long ago. Since there are no clues in the monastery, let's take a look around. "

"Okay." Jenna lacked experience in how to investigate similar things, and was still in the stage of imitating and learning from Franka.

The two walked around the monastery in the valley, occasionally meeting some investigators who were attracted by the high bounty.

After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour, they saw signs of collapse and new trees growing on the mountain wall.

There is a cave on the side of the mountain wall. The cave is closed by a heavy wooden door. A man in his forties is sitting in a place that can protect him from wind and rain.

He flipped through the old newspapers with funny cartoons, making joyful noises from time to time, and a bunch of brass-colored keys hung from his waist.

"What is this place?" Franka walked over and asked in a hoarse voice on purpose.

The plainly dressed, even slightly tattered middle-aged man raised his head, looked at Franka's face, and frowned slightly.

His eyes quickly moved to Jenna, and his expression expanded: "This is the entrance to the deep valley quarry, and I am the gatekeeper."

"Why is there a door and it's locked?" Jenna had seen the real quarry south of the market area.

"This place has been abandoned, and the inside may collapse at any time. Those who are brave enough to pull the tiger's tail cannot be allowed in." The janitor of the deep valley quarry explained with a smile.

"Isn't this connected to the underground Trier?" Franka asked.

The quarry janitor shook his head: "It's almost completely collapsed, why not? I'm about to lose my job."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jianna and smiled flatteringly, "Would you like to take over the business? I'll give you the money, and I'll do it once."

You people from Trier, Franka shook her head, while Jenna rejected the other party with catchphrases.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, at No. 11 Spring Street, Lumian was led by Gardner Martin's butler, Faustino, across the lawn and the hall, and came to a windowless room.

There is a dining table here, but the surrounding layout is not like the dining room of this kind of villa. It is very simple, and it can even be called empty.

Lumian simply scanned around and found that there were three rows of things on the dining table. The first row was all kinds of tableware, the second row was cups and bottles, and the third row was prepared dishes and unlit candles.

They are all strictly symmetrical, forming three parallel straight lines.